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I put any cardio machine I'm using in manual so I can adjust the

speed, incline or resistance myself every 60 seconds. It's usually

just a matter of watching the time readout and tapping an up or down

arrow. I don't like the preset programs because they usually don't

make dramatic enough jumps in intensity or coincide with my timetable.

On 3/7/06, cherishtheday06@... <cherishtheday06@...> wrote:

> How do you do HIIT on the treadmill? I've been using the ''climbing'' workout,

with varying inclines at around 3.8-4.0-mph.


> deb

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I adjust the speed, not the incline. I used to adjust the incline, but

it was giving me shin splints.

I am no very speedy. My 6 is 3.0, my 10 is 5.0 MPH


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I do the same as - I manually adjust with the speed as the minutes

go by.

Sometimes I have hi-incline, and my speed is lower

Sometimes I have low-incline, and my speed is faster

Hmm. next I guess I could try moderate speed, and adjust the incline as

the minutes to by.

Lots of variables to keep it different

And it's impt to remember to challenge yourself - ie, I'll be amazed that I

can do a certain speed, and then a week later I'll increase it - and I can

do that one too!


At 11:32 PM 3/7/2006, you wrote:

>I put any cardio machine I'm using in manual so I can adjust the

>speed, incline or resistance myself every 60 seconds. It's usually

>just a matter of watching the time readout and tapping an up or down

>arrow. I don't like the preset programs because they usually don't

>make dramatic enough jumps in intensity or coincide with my timetable.




>On 3/7/06, cherishtheday06@... <cherishtheday06@...> wrote:

> > How do you do HIIT on the treadmill? I've been using the ''climbing''

> workout, with varying inclines at around 3.8-4.0-mph.

> >

> > deb

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  • 7 months later...

In a message dated 10/16/2006 3:02:11 P.M. US Eastern Standard Time, bwbb@... writes:

does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use it? If so, did it take a while to get use to it?

I use to have a treadmill, but sold it because it bored me to death. It seemed like 30 minutes was 2 hours. I done the same thing, read, watched TV, played music, nothing worked. I even did intervals where I walked 2 minutes and ran 2 minutes, thinking that would help with the boredom, but it didn't. I am much happier using my video's and DVD's.

I wish I could say something positive about them, especially since you bought one, but maybe you will get use to it. Maybe someone can give you more positive feedback on them.

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Hi, !

Okay, I actually like using a treadmill.

As you said, it's more quantitative.

I think it's the walking to Nowhere part that has you bored to bits.

I read that the key to an effective & less boring treadmill workout

is to change up every 2 minutes, with the pace (mph) or the incline


Here's an example of my workout, I hope this helps -

30 minute Treadmill Workout

2 min warm up

2 min comfortable walk grade 0

2 min comfortable walk grade 1

2 min fast walk grade 1

2 min fast walk grade 2

2 min fast walk grade 3

2 min comfortable walk grade 2

2 min comfortable walk grade 1

2 min jogging grade 0

2 min jogging grade 1

2 min jogging grade 0

2 min jogging grade 1

2 min fast walk grade 1

2 min comfortable walk grade 0

2 min cool down

* as to what is comfortable/fast/jogging is up to you.

* my warm up & cool down were at 3.0 mph, comfortable at 4.2 mph,

fast at 5.8 mph, jogging at 6.2 to 7.0 mph

At first I couldn't jog. I'm 26 years old & couldn't jog. I didn't

have the breath nor the muscle. By the end of the month, I could jog

at 7.0!

You just keep it up!



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does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use it? If so, did it take a while to get use to it? I don't have a treadmill at home, but I do have a glider. I suspect the boredom factor is the same, though. I got some videos from Collage that are virtual hikes through various neat places (Grand Canyon, Hawaii, etc.) that work for me. They're by Destination Fitness. Anne

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does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use it? If so, did it take a while to get use to it?

I don't have a treadmill at home, but I do have a glider. I suspect the boredom factor is the same, though. I got some videos from Collage that are virtual hikes through various neat places (Grand Canyon, Hawaii, etc.) that work for me. They're by Destination Fitness.


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I use a treadmill, bike, and an elliptical at the gym MWF. Today I did

Sansone 1 mile walk at home. I had gone to the gym to increase my

effort and weight loss, I hope. Worked up a nice sweat and jogged on my

rebounder when I got home.

One of the ladies at the gym has lost 142 lbs. She would work on the

elliptical for 40 to 70 minutes. I saw her burn off her thighs remarkably.

Now she puts most of her effort on a treadmill every day except when

children and school interfere. She walks frontwards, and slowly backwards,

sideways, does lunges and inclines and dips and all kinds of stuff on the

treadmill, no tv.

When I do my machines, there are two TV's which certainly help with the

boredom. I also do spurts at 3-minute intervals. That helps with the burn

and the boredom.


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jm.0511 wrote:

> By the end of the month, I could jog

> at 7.0!

> You just keep it up!

wow, thats awesome jienmei ! congratulations on your achievements so

far !

you keep up the good work too!


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That is SO cool about the treadmill workout! I have never heard of it...hmm.. I may have to incorporate some w/ my training.DarcyOn 10/17/06, tbarlowt

<tbarlowt@...> wrote:I use a treadmill, bike, and an elliptical at the gym MWF. Today I did

Sansone 1 mile walk at home. I had gone to the gym to increase myeffort and weight loss, I hope. Worked up a nice sweat and jogged on myrebounder when I got home.One of the ladies at the gym has lost 142 lbs. She would work on the

elliptical for 40 to 70 minutes. I saw her burn off her thighs remarkably.Now she puts most of her effort on a treadmill every day except whenchildren and school interfere. She walks frontwards, and slowly backwards,

sideways, does lunges and inclines and dips and all kinds of stuff on thetreadmill, no tv.When I do my machines, there are two TV's which certainly help with theboredom. I also do spurts at 3-minute intervals. That helps with the burn

and the boredom.vans

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Anne Langston wrote:

> I don't have a treadmill at home, but I do have a glider. I suspect the

> boredom factor is the same, though. I got some videos from Collage that

> are virtual hikes through various neat places (Grand Canyon, Hawaii,

> etc.) that work for me. They're by Destination Fitness.

oooo, that sounds interesting anne ! i have a nordic trak skiier and

it gets boring too. i wonder if these videos would work for the skiier ?


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They have a couple tapes just for ski machines. In fact I think that may have been their first tapes. If I remember correctly, one's in the Swiss Alps. The only thing is that they don't offer DVDs, only tapes. I've got a combo VCR/DVD so that's no problem for me.


Carolyn wrote:

oooo, that sounds interesting anne ! i have a nordic trak skiier and it gets boring too. i wonder if these videos would work for the skiier ?:*carolyn.

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They have a couple tapes just for ski machines. In fact I think that may have been their first tapes. If I remember correctly, one's in the Swiss Alps. The only thing is that they don't offer DVDs, only tapes. I've got a combo VCR/DVD so that's no problem for me. Anne Carolyn wrote: oooo, that sounds interesting anne ! i have a nordic trak skiier and it gets boring too. i wonder if these videos would work for the skiier ?:*carolyn.

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I've been reading the treadmill posts with interest. I've got a treadmill and I do like it. For a while there I was doing the Couch potato to 5K running program from Cool Running, I was doing good and was almost up to 15 minutes of jogging all at once (no incline, and at low speed [5]). I was also using Danny Dryer's Chi Running method of running, using the looseners and stretches. I really noticed my hamstrings become more flexible. I didn't notice any kind of boredom while doing this kind of workout, but am hesitant to start it up again now that my right knee is giving me trouble. The videos sound interesting as does Jienmei's 30 minute treadmill workout. Congratulations on the results Jienmei!


Anne wrote:

does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use it? If so, did it take a while to get use to it?

I don't have a treadmill at home, but I do have a glider. I suspect the boredom factor is the same, though. I got some videos from Collage that are virtual hikes through various neat places (Grand Canyon, Hawaii, etc.) that work for me. They're by Destination Fitness.


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Hi ,

I don't think your logic was faulty. Especially since you wanted to

continue walking during the nasty weather. My chiropractor told me

that walking is the best exercise for the spine, so I should get on my

treadmill more often. It is also motivating to see how far you've


Did you get the type of treadmill where you power the belt? They are

harder to work, DH and I bought the type that has the powered belt, we

tried both and liked the feel of the one we bought the best, which is

a Vision Fitness model. Can you return it if you aren't happy with

it? Do you notice your legs hurting during or after use? You are

smart to work your way up to 45 minutes. I hope you have found some

answers to your questions. Let us know what you decide to do.



|I bought a treadmill.

| I don't know if I made a mistake...


| Here was my reasoning - I've been trying to walk 45 minutes every

| day - but now it is getting cold and rainy and yucky weather.

| Originally I was going to walk 45 and do exercise cardio video every

| other day and do strenght training - exercise ball - every other day

| (that is not a cardio video day).


| anyway - I've only had the treadmill a week - but it seems that the

| walking part ?? belt - is hard. I wonder if I am hurting my legs

| doing it. anyway - i didn't get and elliptical because I have a bad

| knee and it is easier to walk - painful to do the elliptical or

| bicycle -


| anyway - i have only been walking on it about 20 - 30 minutes a day.

| and I need to get back to 45 minutes. but it is soooo boring. I

| play music. I can't read - I have to concentrate on walking because

| I think I'm nervous or something - like i am going to hurt myself by

| falling or something.


| does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use it? If so, did

| it take a while to get use to it?


| any words of wisdom?

| It would have been cheaper to just stick with video's but I feel

| like it is hard to track how I am doing (I don't like doing the

| whole 'take your pulse' thing). with a treadmill i could at least

| track distance and speed??? you know.

| was my logic faulty?

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I have a treadmill, I have used it recently but I

don't have any problem walking on it and it doesn't

feel hard to me. I guess in a week or 2 you should be

used to it.

I don't get bored on it because I have 3 treadmill

videos that I can use or I can listen to music or

catch up on my soaps. I also vary what I do on the

treadmill - with incline, without incline, fast/slow

or both incline and faster walking. You can also do

some circuit training - walk, get off do weight work,

get on walk more etc...

Hope that helps,


--- bwbbsarah <bwbb@...> wrote:

> I bought a treadmill.

> I don't know if I made a mistake...


> Here was my reasoning - I've been trying to walk 45

> minutes every

> day - but now it is getting cold and rainy and yucky

> weather.

> Originally I was going to walk 45 and do exercise

> cardio video every

> other day and do strenght training - exercise ball -

> every other day

> (that is not a cardio video day).


> anyway - I've only had the treadmill a week - but it

> seems that the

> walking part ?? belt - is hard. I wonder if I am

> hurting my legs

> doing it. anyway - i didn't get and elliptical

> because I have a bad

> knee and it is easier to walk - painful to do the

> elliptical or

> bicycle -


> anyway - i have only been walking on it about 20 -

> 30 minutes a day.

> and I need to get back to 45 minutes. but it is

> soooo boring. I

> play music. I can't read - I have to concentrate on

> walking because

> I think I'm nervous or something - like i am going

> to hurt myself by

> falling or something.


> does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use

> it? If so, did

> it take a while to get use to it?


> any words of wisdom?

> It would have been cheaper to just stick with

> video's but I feel

> like it is hard to track how I am doing (I don't

> like doing the

> whole 'take your pulse' thing). with a treadmill i

> could at least

> track distance and speed??? you know.

> was my logic faulty?





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There are some many different things I can do on

my treadmill.

Here is my treadmill plan:

1. Increase/decrease incline

2. Increase/decrease speed

3. Increase/decrease incline & speed alternating

4. 10 mins of walking, get off treadmill do 10 reps of

an exercise using wgts, 10 mins of walking ---


5. 10 mins walking then 10 mins on stationary bike


6. Walking with 2 lb or more dumbbells doing various


7. Endurance walk - walking as fast and as long as I


8. Kathy 's Powerbelt video

9. Debbie Dee's Powerbelt video

10. Results treadmill workout video.

I'm looking for other combinations/programs to do on

my treadmill but I have 10 so for...I won't get bored

doing those.


--- Kerry Kramer <kerrykramer@...> wrote:

> Hi ,

> I don't think your logic was faulty. Especially

> since you wanted to

> continue walking during the nasty weather. My

> chiropractor told me

> that walking is the best exercise for the spine, so

> I should get on my

> treadmill more often. It is also motivating to see

> how far you've

> walked/jogged.


> Did you get the type of treadmill where you power

> the belt? They are

> harder to work, DH and I bought the type that has

> the powered belt, we

> tried both and liked the feel of the one we bought

> the best, which is

> a Vision Fitness model. Can you return it if you

> aren't happy with

> it? Do you notice your legs hurting during or

> after use? You are

> smart to work your way up to 45 minutes. I hope you

> have found some

> answers to your questions. Let us know what you

> decide to do.

> Kerry


> wrote:

> |I bought a treadmill.

> | I don't know if I made a mistake...

> |

> | Here was my reasoning - I've been trying to walk

> 45 minutes every

> | day - but now it is getting cold and rainy and

> yucky weather.

> | Originally I was going to walk 45 and do exercise

> cardio video every

> | other day and do strenght training - exercise ball

> - every other day

> | (that is not a cardio video day).

> |

> | anyway - I've only had the treadmill a week - but

> it seems that the

> | walking part ?? belt - is hard. I wonder if I am

> hurting my legs

> | doing it. anyway - i didn't get and elliptical

> because I have a bad

> | knee and it is easier to walk - painful to do the

> elliptical or

> | bicycle -

> |

> | anyway - i have only been walking on it about 20 -

> 30 minutes a day.

> | and I need to get back to 45 minutes. but it is

> soooo boring. I

> | play music. I can't read - I have to concentrate

> on walking because

> | I think I'm nervous or something - like i am going

> to hurt myself by

> | falling or something.

> |

> | does anyone out there have a treadmill? do you use

> it? If so, did

> | it take a while to get use to it?

> |

> | any words of wisdom?

> | It would have been cheaper to just stick with

> video's but I feel

> | like it is hard to track how I am doing (I don't

> like doing the

> | whole 'take your pulse' thing). with a treadmill

> i could at least

> | track distance and speed??? you know.

> | was my logic faulty?




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Some of these I've tried, others I've never even thought of, like 10

minutes walking then weights. What a great idea! It's great to be on

this list you learn so much. I've never heard of a Powerbelt video

what is it like?



Jen wrote:

| There are some many different things I can do on

| my treadmill.


| Here is my treadmill plan:


| 1. Increase/decrease incline

| 2. Increase/decrease speed

| 3. Increase/decrease incline & speed alternating

| 4. 10 mins of walking, get off treadmill do 10 reps of

| an exercise using wgts, 10 mins of walking ---

| alternating.

| 5. 10 mins walking then 10 mins on stationary bike

| alternating.

| 6. Walking with 2 lb or more dumbbells doing various

| exercises.

| 7. Endurance walk - walking as fast and as long as I

| can.

| 8. Kathy 's Powerbelt video

| 9. Debbie Dee's Powerbelt video

| 10. Results treadmill workout video.


| I'm looking for other combinations/programs to do on

| my treadmill but I have 10 so for...I won't get bored

| doing those.


| Jen

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from Michigan wrote:

> I'm looking for other combinations/programs to do on

> my treadmill but I have 10 so for...I won't get bored

> doing those.

excellent ideas jen !!!

here are a few more thoughts...

- try to walk and/or run for a predetermined distance

- walk/run to burn a certain number of calories (use HRM)

- maintain steady state (long period of time, lighter steady pace)

- walk/run to achieve a predetermined maximum heart rate


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  • 10 months later...

ladies! two words... CARDIO COACH!!

I even made something (at least I think) was similar to cardio coach. I made a program on my tape that was like a walk/run program. I even fixed it to where I would have a warm up and a cool down. I STILL got bored lol

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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fitgrl222@... wrote:

> DH isn't using

> it much and it was a big expense that is just sitting

> there gathering dust. GRRR!!!



> I know what you mean. I've went through 2 treadmills and sold them

> both. I couldn't get past the boredom. I tried every workout imaginable

> along with watching TV, nothing worked.

ummmm... ladies! two words... CARDIO COACH!!


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fitgrl222@... wrote:

> I even made something (at least I think) was similar to cardio coach.

> I made a program on my tape that was like a walk/run program. I even

> fixed it to where I would have a warm up and a cool down. I STILL got

> bored lol

did it have interesting music and that sexy sean o'malley voice in

your ears? i think that im in luv with that guy, although i doubt

that im the only woman who feels that way...LOL


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone.

I've started walking on a treadmill again. Running irritates my CP knee, so to

get my heart rate up a little I tried walking on a slight incline -- 2.0.

Does anyone know whether this might irritate the knee? I had some discomfort,

but not any more than after any exercise, after my walk. Put some ice on it and

feels better today. A physiotherapist told me that some pain after exercise is

normal, but that pain lasting longer than 24 hours after the activity, means

that I did too much, or did it incorrectly. I don't have any more pain today but

I'm wondering whether walking on an incline might be wearing out cartilage (or

whatever other bits wear out) without causing any pain. This might sound

paranoid but when it comes to my knee I never know what to expect!

What do you guys do for cardio? The bicycle in my gym is all wrong, but there

is a treadmill, a rowing machine and an elliptical trainer.




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Right now I'm swimming with a pull buoy. I also sometimes do " cross

country ski " in the water with my jog belt, but I've laid off because

my knees seem to be do better without it. I also do different forms of

leg lifts for my quads, abductors and adductors.

I know it's hard balancing too little and too much. Keep trying and

pull back if you feel pain. I would try the ellipitical, since the

knees don't bend as much. Swimming arms only gives me a good cardio

workout and I've gotten into a good routine over the past 3 months,

but it does nothing for leg strength. Good luck!


> Hi everyone.


> I've started walking on a treadmill again. Running irritates my CP

knee, so to get my heart rate up a little I tried walking on a slight

incline -- 2.0.


> Does anyone know whether this might irritate the knee? I had some

discomfort, but not any more than after any exercise, after my walk.

Put some ice on it and feels better today. A physiotherapist told me

that some pain after exercise is normal, but that pain lasting longer

than 24 hours after the activity, means that I did too much, or did it

incorrectly. I don't have any more pain today but I'm wondering

whether walking on an incline might be wearing out cartilage (or

whatever other bits wear out) without causing any pain. This might

sound paranoid but when it comes to my knee I never know what to expect!


> What do you guys do for cardio? The bicycle in my gym is all

wrong, but there is a treadmill, a rowing machine and an elliptical



> Thanks.


> Kimi










> ---------------------------------

> for Good helps you make a difference



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