Guest guest Posted November 28, 2004 Report Share Posted November 28, 2004 Basic Foot Care 28 Nov 2004 Follow these simple steps to keep your feet happy. -- Examine your feet daily for dryness, breaks in the skin, calluses, etc. Do this in a good light and, if your eyesight is poor, have someone do it for you. -- Use a lanolin moisturizing cream for dry and cracked skin. If your feet perspire, dust lightly with talcum powder. Remove excess cream or powder from between your toes to avoid skin breakdown. -- Wear shoes and socks that fit your feet and are comfortable and change your socks daily. -- Exercise daily. -- Wash your feet every day. Always test the water temperature with your wrist or elbow to avoid burning your feet, particularly if your circulation is poor. Pat - don't rub - your feet dry and be sure to dry between and under the toes. -- Soaking your feet is soothing and beneficial, but never soak for more than ten minutes to avoid dry skin. -- Cut or file your nails straight across and never shorter than the end of your toe. Use nail clippers, scissors, a rounded, diamond-chip nail file or an emery board. See your doctor right away if you notice any of the following: -- an injury that doesn't heal or becomes infected; -- any part of your foot or leg that turns blue or black; -- pain when walking that is relieved by rest; -- reduced sensation to pain or extreme temperatures; -- any unusual coldness, cramping, numbness, tingling or discomfort in your feet. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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