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Hi ;

>Hunter was 6lbs 7 ozs and I also did the all

>natural thing! I never got to experence true labor with the boys so I


>to see what it was like( I was nuts, I know!)

I had a c-section with my first two. I said that I was going to try a

all natural labor but wasn't bound by it....I was yelling for a epidural

near the end. What made me panic is when the nurse kept telling me " this is

only the beginning, you probably won't have her until tomorrow " ...meanwhile

I gave birth minutes later. When I go, I go fast.

>makeing her debut!! I was in labor though for over 18 hours!!!

YIKES...you probably don't want to hear how long both my labors

were....2 hours.

Hope its ok to send pictures to the list.

Here are my three, Nicala (the blond), (in the middle) and (10

months, with the big smile)...Nicala and are 32 months.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Amber,

Those are some very cute kids there! Thank you for the suggestion on demand

feeding. We have tried that in a way. He sits with us at the table and he'll

eat but only a few bites, enough to take away the hunger. I am determined

very much now to get him off so we are going to get a little tougher on

feeding times. Thank you

Kim - Abigail and ds - 23 mos and Mikayla - 4

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Margaret! They are gorgeous aren't they!!! The black and whites are

professional and I took the one of Emma on the couch. I'm afraid I take so many

photos and never put any into albums! I have a washing basket full! I'll post

some more when a good one comes along!!


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Boy, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with stacks

of pictures hanging around not in albums!


--- tonycarolyn <tonycarolyn@...> wrote:



Transitional//EN " >


<META content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1


<META content= " MSHTML 5.00.2314.1000 " name=GENERATOR>



<BODY bgColor=#f0e8d8>

<DIV><FONT size=2>Thank you Margaret! They are

gorgeous aren't they!!! & nbsp; The

black and whites are professional and I took the one

of Emma on the couch. & nbsp;

I'm afraid I take so many photos and never put any

into albums! & nbsp; I have a

washing basket full! & nbsp; I'll post some more when a

good one comes


<DIV> & nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV><FONT size=2>Carolyn</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>








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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Everyone says that Cory looks like his father Jeff. Although, when I look at

baby pictures of myself I do see some similarities. I have our baby pictures

and current pictures out on our family web site if you would like to take a

look and judge for yourself

(http://www.asapnet.net/mr_mach/albumpersonal.htm). I always like to hear

other peoples opinions.

Unfortunately, all my family say that's it's hard to see who a takes

after due to her having DS. She has her father's hair line and my reddish

brunet hair and determination.

I'll have to send a family photo once we get them for Christmas. We have an

appointment in about a week to get them done at Sears.

As far as them both liking the play pen. Well, they only like it for about

15 to 20 minutes. Then it gets old and they need to be taken out. Although,

as you can see from the last photo in the playpen. They both love to have

their picture taken.

- mom to a(DS) and Cory - 15 months



Cory and a are so adorable!!! Who do they look like, mom or dad?

Your lucky, I could never get mine to be happy in a play pen.

Tavrick is a handsome fellow, and his twin is too (BTW, my daughter Nicala

always makes weird faces as well).....my son ,ds LOVES yogurt too.

, mom to Nicala & ,ds (almost 3) and (12 months)

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Thanks ,

I enjoy having the web site out there for family and friends to view and

keep up to date with pictures and stories of what's up with us. It's

convenient since we have friends and family all over the US and Germany.

- mom to a (DS) and Cory - 15 months


Re: pictures

From: TJFONZ@...


You're web site is really AWESOME!! I really enjoyed your pictures and


~,moma to (DS) & Sloan {18 months}


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Skylar is actually only 1/2 an inch shorter than Mason

Its hard to tell because she leans back farther......

He definitly weighs more though....lol

There head sizes are about 4 inches difference....

Amber : )

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The size difference is pretty normal as the twins get older. My twins seem

to be the oldest pair in the group and Rudy is a full head and shoulder

shorter than (who is petite for her age). The were pretty much the

same size until about 1 1/2 then started " outgrowing " Rudy. At 3 he

still looked about 1 1/2 yr old. Now this is not true with all the kids.

Rudy's best bud in ECI was extremely tall even for his age. He is now a tall

lanky boy while Rudy is our own personal budda!! lol Its hard for me to

believe he will be 13 is just 2 weeks but its a fact. He is probably about 3

1/2 feet tall now while is about 4 1/2 ft. Anyway, they are all

different and will grow, some just a bit slower than others.

P.s. Unfortunately, we aren't all drop dead georgeous, I'm just an almost 40

frump but I have personality!!! lol :)

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I think we all sort get " frumpy " after

having so many children.....lol

I dont expect Skylar to be as big as Mason

because #1 he's a boy & #2 My 5 yr old daughter

only weighs 33pds & is 38 inches tall....now thats petite...lol

My girl will be danty I think,as for my son,he will be a


Amber : )

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I know what you mean . My dad is 6'5 " , my bro 6'6 " , even my other son,

at 16, is almost 6' and he hasnt even really reached that final growth spurt.

But thats ok cus that just means I get to cuddle that much longer with my

baby! Besides if / when he gets much bigger, he'll probably be able to pack

a real whollop when wrestling around!! I dont think big brothers pride could

take it!!


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Hi Amber!

Its always good to have a football player in the family!! Unfortunately, my

one & only daughter is petite but farrrr from dainty!! lol She is the

epitomy of a tomboy!!! That includes the bugs, rodents, trees, etc. Now as

she has approached her 13th b-day she is now wearing jewlery and taking a

little extra time in the a.m. to get ready, so I'm hopeful!! lol

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I wasnt upset by you saying that Skylar looks little..

Thats ok, hope you didnt think I was upset

As long as they both keep growing...thats all that

matters!! Thank You for saying Mason & Skylar are

adorable, I think so toooo but Im there Mom!!

Amber : )

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-->The size difference is pretty normal as the twins get older. My twins


>to be the oldest pair in the group and Rudy is a full head and shoulder

>shorter than (who is petite for her age). The were pretty much


>same size until about 1 1/2 then started " outgrowing " Rudy. At 3


>still looked about 1 1/2 yr old. Now this is not true with all the kids.

>Rudy's best bud in ECI was extremely tall even for his age. He is now a


>lanky boy while Rudy is our own personal budda!! lol Its hard for me to

>believe he will be 13 is just 2 weeks but its a fact. He is probably about


>1/2 feet tall now while is about 4 1/2 ft. Anyway, they are all

>different and will grow, some just a bit slower than others.


Great way of saying things....perfect explanation. was bigger

then Nicala at birth...but not by much. stayed bigger then Nicala

for a long time because he was tube feed and didn't waste any of his energy

on eating. Nicala ate on her own so she used energy for that. Nicala was

about 4-5 pounds (at three months of age) when was 11 pounds. They

stayed the same height until about 1.5-2 years. Rudy is 3.5 feet,

hey!....that IS tiny. Nicala is almost three years old and she is 3 feet 3

inches tall. I assume that will be short because of the ds but I

guess that I thought he wouldn't be THIS short because our family is full of

fairly tall people. My husband is 6 feet 3 inches.....he is the short one

in his family. barely even hits the ds growth charts let alone the

" normal " growth charts. Oh well, that's life.

, mom to Nicala & ,ds (almost 3) and (a screaming 12

months old)

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>Skylar is actually only 1/2 an inch shorter than Mason

>Its hard to tell because she leans back farther......

>He definitly weighs more though....lol

>There head sizes are about 4 inches difference....

Hi Amber;

Sorry about that. makes himself look shorter then he really is

by slouching. Whenever we get a professional picture taken I am always

right beside him doing one of two things....either making sure he doesn't

escape (he's a wild one) or running my hand down his spine (makes him

straighten up). I want to try and get a professional picture taken off all

three but its going to be hard. I only have one done of all three together

and that was done in our own home and I spent my time chasing around.

The photographer was getting upset with because he wouldn't stay out

of his equipment. 's head was always the bigger one for a long time

but now they both have about the same size.

Mason and Skylar are adorable!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My scanner is acting up so I had my dad scan this so I could send it to the

list. This is my crew! Taken just 2 days ago! Bill is the one looking up!

There was something really exciting up there that only he could appreciate!

mom to Bill (DS), and Alec age 4 and Hunter age 2

Here are the pictures of the kids and of hunter

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Congratulations you have four beautiful kids, they are adorables. And

the triplets they look a lot alike. They are absolutely gorgeous. God bless



P.D. Thanks for the phone number I will definetely call you

>From: Shellhutch@...



>Subject: Fwd: Pictures

>Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 23:16:47 EST


>My scanner is acting up so I had my dad scan this so I could send it to the

>list. This is my crew! Taken just 2 days ago! Bill is the one looking up!

>There was something really exciting up there that only he could appreciate!

> mom to Bill (DS), and Alec age 4 and Hunter age 2

><< message3.txt >>

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, what a great looking family! Thanks for

sharing w/us! The boys look Sooo much alike!

Judi-Mom to Sam and No-No , Amost 3! Identical



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What a gorgeous looking crew they are too!!! Hunter is going to have no

problems finding boyfriends with having all those brothers!! Or maybe she

will have problems because they'll be so protective!! Beautiful photo



Fwd: Pictures

> My scanner is acting up so I had my dad scan this so I could send it to


> list. This is my crew! Taken just 2 days ago! Bill is the one looking up!

> There was something really exciting up there that only he could


> mom to Bill (DS), and Alec age 4 and Hunter age 2


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To answer the question some of you asked, and Alec are identical

and Bill is obviously fraternal! I am glad everyone enjoyed the picture,

they are a rowdy bunch but I think I'll keep them! Atleast for now :)

Also Bill got the interactive BArney last christmas and LOVES it!!!!!! He

still plays with it every day and tries to sing with it! The coolest thing is

it plays peek-a-boo! It has light sensors in the eyes and knows when they are

covered! It's really neat and the kids love it! Even adults that come over

like to play with him! My dad got him last year for $100 and the t.v. pack

for $40, and this week they were on sale at KayBee Toys for $29 with the p.c.

pack so my Dad went over and got another one for Hunter so they won't fight

over it anymore!

So from the Hutchison Triplets and their leader (ms.Hunter) Interactive

Barney gets a big thumbs up!!!!!!

mom to Bill(DS) , , and Alec age 4 and Hunter age 2

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What a beautiful family. I want to know too....

Are the boys identical? They really favor!

--- Judi Grossman <judig2@...> wrote:

> , what a great looking family! Thanks for

> sharing w/us! The boys look Sooo much alike!

> Judi-Mom to Sam and No-No , Amost 3!

> Identical

> Twins



> __________________________________________________


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God bless your kids they are handsome.


>From: Judi Grossman <judig2@...>



>Subject: Pictures

>Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 09:46:12 -0800 (PST)


>Ok, I finally had a bunch of pic's scanned .... you're

>all in trouble now ...

>Most of these are from Halloween. I know, it's

>christmas, but at this rate I'll be posting Christmas

>pic's at Easter!


>Judi-Mom to Sam and , Identical Twins






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