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ravenmagic2003 wrote:

> I'm quite certain that Nostradamus felt somewhat out of place

> writing of his premonitions hundreds of years before they came to

> pass ... and, in fact, some have not come to pass. :-o

Gee, I though Nostradamus was the person who started the Nordstroms

stores. :) Seriously I have never read anything of Nostradamus and have

no idea who he was or if ANY of his predictions have ever come to pass.


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When I went to Niagara I ate at the hard rock cafe. Go figure. It still wasn't bad at all, much better than America as far as natural untouched land goes. acsnag@... wrote: ravenmagic2003 wrote:> I missed the joke. However, as a Canadian myself, I had to take> you to task on your all-inclusive comment. You understand, right> (said Raven to Ace, in all good humour and a smile)?Ok Raven, so now I have to ask, Tom made a trip to Canada, he met you and went to Niagara Falls, do you live in Ontario? Where abouts? I grew up on a farm outside of small town Elmira (North of Kitchener).I was in Ontario last year in July and visited Niagara Falls for the first time in over 35 years. The falls and the waterfront are still much the same but beyond that it does not resemble what it was

like back then at all. There was no business or commercial development beyond the first few blocks away from the river front.Ace

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I know Elmira ... and Fergus ... and Kitchener-Waterloo ... and

Guelph (where my child was born) ... and all those neat little artsy

fartsy towns east and west of Toronto. Presently I live

approximately an hour outside Toronto.

As for the Falls, any place that draws tourists in droves eventually

descends into the commercialism. The trick to counteract this is to

ignore the commercialism and find the innocent beauty that is the

heart of the 'attraction.' In doing so, it is truly amazing what

you can truly see.



> > I missed the joke. However, as a Canadian myself, I had to take

> > you to task on your all-inclusive comment. You understand, right

> > (said Raven to Ace, in all good humour and a smile)?


> Ok Raven, so now I have to ask, Tom made a trip to Canada, he met


> and went to Niagara Falls, do you live in Ontario? Where abouts? I


> up on a farm outside of small town Elmira (North of Kitchener).


> I was in Ontario last year in July and visited Niagara Falls for


> first time in over 35 years. The falls and the waterfront are

still much

> the same but beyond that it does not resemble what it was like

back then

> at all. There was no business or commercial development beyond the


> few blocks away from the river front.


> Ace


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Ace wrote: " Seriously I have never read anything of Nostradamus and

have no idea who he was or if ANY of his predictions have ever come

to pass. "

Nostradamus lived in the early 16th century, and his quatrains are

allegedly premonitions of things to pass in the centuries after his

own death. Some say his quatrains are far to obscure and are open

to wild interpretations and some say his quatrains are prophetic and

his premonitions/predictions have come to pass already.

The years 2006 through 2012 are referred to by Nostradamus as

the " Time of Troubles " with a number of quatrains devoted to the

description of what some believe is World War III.

Some say his quatrains foretold 9/11 while others say anything can

be twisted to fit his quatrains. It's all about how one chooses to

perceive his quatrains.


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Mmmmmmmmm it worries me Blair wants to build more power stations in

UK :-( oh he is all for animal testing too :-( Never trusted the guy,

but hey he's a politician what should I expect.

Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally.

Do any of

you have any sort of premonitions?


> I get the idea the US is going to be in for it on June 6th.


> The daye will be 06/06/06 (i.e. the Biblical 666) a perfect date

for a

> terrorist attack.


> What says any of you?


> Tom

> Administrator







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greebohere wrote:

> Mmmmmmmmm it worries me Blair wants to build more power stations in

> UK :-( oh he is all for animal testing too :-( Never trusted the guy,

> but hey he's a politician what should I expect.

Could you please explain the relationship to me. Blair wants to build

more power stations presumably because Britains are using more power.

How does that relate to animal testing. How does it relate to

corruption. That is a completely different sort of power.


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I never said there was a connection :-)

I was just rambeling, please forgive me - or not :-)

> > Mmmmmmmmm it worries me Blair wants to build more power stations in

> > UK :-( oh he is all for animal testing too :-( Never trusted the


> > but hey he's a politician what should I expect.


> Could you please explain the relationship to me. Blair wants to build

> more power stations presumably because Britains are using more power.

> How does that relate to animal testing. How does it relate to

> corruption. That is a completely different sort of power.


> Ace


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In a message dated 5/20/2006 8:59:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, nancygailus@... writes:

I'm not either. If nothing else, wouldn't those in charge of watching for attacks keep the date in mind? DaVinci code on the brain. folks. And that looks like it just might be a flop.

I'm sure they are keeping on alert because some people might try to use the date as an excuse to try something.

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In a message dated 5/20/2006 8:59:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, nancygailus@... writes:

I'm not either. If nothing else, wouldn't those in charge of watching for attacks keep the date in mind? DaVinci code on the brain. folks. And that looks like it just might be a flop.

I'm sure they are keeping on alert because some people might try to use the date as an excuse to try something.

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I'm not either. If nothing else, wouldn't those in charge of watching for attacks keep the date in mind? DaVinci code on the brain. folks. And that looks like it just might be a flop.VISIGOTH@... wrote: So I think we'll just have to wait and see what happens, though I'm not holding my breath that it will be anything significant. If you love something, set it free! So it is with books. See what I mean atwww.bookcrossing.com/friend/nheckoblogcritics.orghttp://notesfromnancy.blogspot.com

Heckofreelance proofreadernancygailus@...

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I'm not either. If nothing else, wouldn't those in charge of watching for attacks keep the date in mind? DaVinci code on the brain. folks. And that looks like it just might be a flop.VISIGOTH@... wrote: So I think we'll just have to wait and see what happens, though I'm not holding my breath that it will be anything significant. If you love something, set it free! So it is with books. See what I mean atwww.bookcrossing.com/friend/nheckoblogcritics.orghttp://notesfromnancy.blogspot.com

Heckofreelance proofreadernancygailus@...

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ravenmagic2003 wrote:

> I know Elmira ... and Fergus ... and Kitchener-Waterloo ... and

> Guelph (where my child was born) ... and all those neat little artsy

> fartsy towns east and west of Toronto.

One of my favorite places as a teenager was Elora Gorge Park except for

the weekend when I got there late Friday evening and all the good

camping spots were taken. I pitched my tent in a hollow between several

trees. Half way through the night it started to rain. The rain collected

in my tent. I slept in the back seat of my car in a wet sleeping bag. By

morning there was over a foot of water inside my tent.

I packed up and went home. The sun came out and the rest of the weekend

was beautiful and sunny but my weekend was ruined. That seems like

several lifetimes ago.

My son lives in Baden, my daughter in Hamilton.


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ravenmagic2003 wrote:

> I always thought the official day of rest was Thursday and the answer

> to the universe is 42.

There is an answer?????? What was the question?


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There isn't anything wrong with that. I actually think it's important for a person to think differently. I'm glad you do. It would be disturbing to the balance if we all agreed on everything. It would be like Pleasantville where no one ever misses a basket in a game of basketball. acsnag@... wrote: nick wrote:> Ace, you took one sentence of mine (and took out the rest of what I said > on my post about saturday) and made a generalization. How do you get that. You made a statement I disagreed with you. My comments stand. The bible is my reference on this. I took out the rest because that was all I was commenting on. What is so wrong with that?Ace

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Don't know the number of the universe. It starts on thursday and doesn't end til friday. at the same times 8:30 p.m. ravenmagic2003 <ravenmagic2003@...> wrote: I always thought the official day of rest was Thursday and the answer to the universe is 42.Raven> > Ever wonder why sunday is the day of rest in the bible.> > > Oh really? If I recall my bible lessons correctly the day of rest was> the seventh day making it Saturday. I don't recall any place in the> bible where it says to rest on the first day of the week.> > > Ace>

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When I stated that the day of rest is sunday from the Bible I was wrong. I meant to say it's the christianized day of rest in midwest America except for seventh day adventists. You must have been going with the original hebrew or jewish translation of the day of rest? acsnag@... wrote: ravenmagic2003 wrote:> I always thought the official day of rest was Thursday and the answer> to the universe is 42.There is an answer?????? What was the question?Ace

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Right this confuses me, I thought at one point that the calander week

began on a Sun' rather than a Mon' - if that were so then the seventh

day would therefore be a Sat' :-)


> When I stated that the day of rest is sunday from the Bible I was

wrong. I meant to say it's the christianized day of rest in midwest

America except for seventh day adventists. You must have been going

with the original hebrew or jewish translation of the day of rest?



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Actually there is a US666 Highway some where in the west... There was

a " special " on one of the cable channels (History or Discovery)...

They were hyping the new remake of " The Omen " movie... Like the

Bermuda Triangle there are tales of weird happening but, like the

triangle, statistically it's no worse than any other road on patch of ocean...

By the way, the 666 in Revelation is most likely a reference to one

of the most infamous of the Roman Emperors (who earned the title

" Antichrist " before the Book of Revelation and Dispensationalism

made it famous... In Numerology the name Nero Caesar totals out to 666...

And there were those that thought he would return from the dead to

again persecute the Chistians...


At 11:05 PM 5/19/2006, you wrote:

>Other than highway 666 on King's Pet Semetary having a bad

>reputation I'm not so sure about any dates in history to lead to any

>sound predictions thereby raising alertness. It's a strange time,

>I'll admit that.


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Actually there is a US666 Highway some where in the west... There was

a " special " on one of the cable channels (History or Discovery)...

They were hyping the new remake of " The Omen " movie... Like the

Bermuda Triangle there are tales of weird happening but, like the

triangle, statistically it's no worse than any other road on patch of ocean...

By the way, the 666 in Revelation is most likely a reference to one

of the most infamous of the Roman Emperors (who earned the title

" Antichrist " before the Book of Revelation and Dispensationalism

made it famous... In Numerology the name Nero Caesar totals out to 666...

And there were those that thought he would return from the dead to

again persecute the Chistians...


At 11:05 PM 5/19/2006, you wrote:

>Other than highway 666 on King's Pet Semetary having a bad

>reputation I'm not so sure about any dates in history to lead to any

>sound predictions thereby raising alertness. It's a strange time,

>I'll admit that.


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Now, that actually makes some sense. The quote: "Never underestimate the humans' capacity for ignorance" fits nicely here. Advertising got it's roots from religion, I'm sure. The Da Vinci Code is fictional and all these people are going to the theatres believing that it's so true and amazing. It's just hype. So many layers of human gullibility, or conspiracy like the layers of an onion? Who can be the judge? I survived going to a non-denominational (or should I say pro-demonic) christian church as a young teenager and am forunate to understand after the fact that it can ruin a person like me who takes words from passages literally to the exclusion of all other interpretations. Dispensationalism. I'm going to look that one up. The history channel and discovery have been playing the worst kind of junk lately. Church propaganda, bermuda triangle, fishermen, Shouldn't be alive with the guy talking about his favorite fast-food. Advertising leeched into that show as well. I'm

sure they'll pick up again though. They're good about getting back on track because the ratings fall fast when they get out of line. Ender <ender@...> wrote: Actually there is a US666 Highway some where in the west... There was a "special" on one of the cable channels (History or Discovery)... They were hyping the new remake of "The Omen" movie... Like the Bermuda Triangle there are tales of weird happening but, like the triangle, statistically it's no worse than any other road on patch of ocean...By the way, the 666 in Revelation is most likely a reference to one of the most infamous of the Roman Emperors (who earned the title "Antichrist" before the Book of Revelation and Dispensationalism made it famous... In Numerology the name Nero Caesar totals out to 666...And there were those that

thought he would return from the dead to again persecute the Chistians...EnderAt 11:05 PM 5/19/2006, you wrote:>Other than highway 666 on King's Pet Semetary having a bad >reputation I'm not so sure about any dates in history to lead to any >sound predictions thereby raising alertness. It's a strange time, >I'll admit that.>

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The reason that can work is because people have come to believe

that " if they see it on TV, then it must be real. " And so anything

newsy or anything that is portrayed as such that they see on the big

screen is likely to be believed even if it isn't true.



I'm sure. The Da Vinci Code is fictional and all these people are going

to the theatres believing that it's so true and amazing.

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In a message dated 5/23/2006 8:44:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, julie.stevenson16@... writes:

Me too, nearly put me off Christianity for life. The one I went to did have a denomination though, Pentecoastal, it was a 'happy clappy' church as I've heard them called, way too much emotion for my likeing. I used to zone/space out due to all the sensory overload and they told me I was evil :-( Nice people eh?

I've never like the overly emotional churches either. This is because I think people begin to replace the emotional feelings they are generating with reverence for God. This is even talked about in the Screwtape letters, that one of the most effective ways to draw a person from God is in the beginning of their faith to make them focus on their emotions rather than the commune with God. In time the emotions will mellow but they will try to keep up the intensity. Therefore, the focus will switch from God to getting the emotional high. That might not be the case with everyone in those services, but it just wasn't for me.

My church was quite sedate. The pastors were very good at delivering sermons that made you think without riling up wild emotions. Our hymns were the old standards, very stately yet powerful in their effect.

I used to zone out in high school during the chapel services. I think that was as much a teenage thing as anything else, that and that we had two services per week.

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" I survived going to a non-denominational (or should I say pro-

demonic) christian church as a young teenager and am forunate to

understand after the fact that it can ruin a person like me who takes

words from passages literally to the exclusion of all other

interpretations. "

Me too, nearly put me off Christianity for life. The one I went to

did have a denomination though, Pentecoastal, it was a 'happy clappy'

church as I've heard them called, way too much emotion for my

likeing. I used to zone/space out due to all the sensory overload and

they told me I was evil :-( Nice people eh?


> Now, that actually makes some sense. The quote: " Never

underestimate the humans' capacity for ignorance " fits nicely here.

Advertising got it's roots from religion, I'm sure. The Da Vinci Code

is fictional and all these people are going to the theatres believing

that it's so true and amazing. It's just hype. So many layers of

human gullibility, or conspiracy like the layers of an onion? Who can

be the judge? I survived going to a non-denominational (or should I

say pro-demonic) christian church as a young teenager and am forunate

to understand after the fact that it can ruin a person like me who

takes words from passages literally to the exclusion of all other

interpretations. Dispensationalism. I'm going to look that one up.

The history channel and discovery have been playing the worst kind of

junk lately. Church propaganda, bermuda triangle, fishermen,

Shouldn't be alive with the guy talking about his favorite fast-food.

Advertising leeched into that show as well. I'm

> sure they'll pick up again though. They're good about getting back

on track because the ratings fall fast when they get out of line.


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" I used to zone/space out due to all the sensory overload and

> they told me I was evil :-( Nice people eh? "

Wow. I hope you didn't believe them--that could really do a number on

you, to think you're evil.

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" This is because I

> think people begin to replace the emotional feelings they are

generating with

> reverence for God. This is even talked about in the Screwtape

letters, that one

> of the most effective ways to draw a person from God is in the

beginning of

> their faith to make them focus on their emotions rather than the

commune with

> God. In time the emotions will mellow but they will try to keep up


> intensity. Therefore, the focus will switch from God to getting the

emotional high. "

Interesting. That makes sense. I can see how once feeling that feeling

in a church setting they would associate it with God or reverence for

God, and then they think if they don't feel it, God is not with them,

they're not feeling 'the spirit', and something is wrong.

I noticed when trying to talk to people who are under that 'high', that

you're right, you can't get through with information--they have

the 'feeling' but not the knowledge. Once I had a woman bust out crying

and say, 'I LOVE JESUS SOOOOO MUCH' and she was bawling and saying that

over and over and I just had to walk away--she was in her own world.

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