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The one thing they taught me to do was forgive so I forgive them "but, that doesn't mean I have to like them or go near them" is the key phrase. There were these weeks that they'd invite "faith healers" and pentecostal priests. I went to their altar with all the faith in the world and nothing happened to me even though it was the great "Benny Hinn" (more like Benny Hill on hitler's brain waves wearing a different rolex for everyday of the year and a camel suit on leisure days). There was chapel two days a week and it was hypnotic, repitition promoting everyone's worthlessness in the songs' lyrics. No, They're not nice people. When I mentioned the kava kava, the best brand I know of is GAIA. It contains 70% kavalactones and isn't suspended in grain alcohol. greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> wrote: "I survived going to a

non-denominational (or should I say pro-demonic) christian church as a young teenager and am forunate to understand after the fact that it can ruin a person like me who takes words from passages literally to the exclusion of all other interpretations."Me too, nearly put me off Christianity for life. The one I went to did have a denomination though, Pentecoastal, it was a 'happy clappy' church as I've heard them called, way too much emotion for my likeing. I used to zone/space out due to all the sensory overload and they told me I was evil :-( Nice people eh?>> Now, that actually makes some sense. The quote: "Never underestimate the humans' capacity for ignorance" fits nicely here. Advertising got it's roots from religion, I'm sure. The Da Vinci Code is fictional and all these people are going to the theatres

believing that it's so true and amazing. It's just hype. So many layers of human gullibility, or conspiracy like the layers of an onion? Who can be the judge? I survived going to a non-denominational (or should I say pro-demonic) christian church as a young teenager and am forunate to understand after the fact that it can ruin a person like me who takes words from passages literally to the exclusion of all other interpretations. Dispensationalism. I'm going to look that one up. The history channel and discovery have been playing the worst kind of junk lately. Church propaganda, bermuda triangle, fishermen, Shouldn't be alive with the guy talking about his favorite fast-food. Advertising leeched into that show as well. I'm> sure they'll pick up again though. They're good about getting back on track because the ratings fall fast when they get out of line. > FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Check the Links section for more FAM forums.

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Well it certainly messed me up for quite some time, in the end I

thought well if you think I am evil there is no point in being here in

this church as a Christian and went totally the opposite way.

> >

> " I used to zone/space out due to all the sensory overload and

> > they told me I was evil :-( Nice people eh? "


> Wow. I hope you didn't believe them--that could really do a number on

> you, to think you're evil.


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Forgiving is not forgetting. It means "Yes you hurt me, it was wrong. BUT-I'm not going to hold it against you because it will eat me up inside and that won't help" An old saying-if one does not forgive, two graves are going to be dug.nick <drumthis2001@...> wrote: The one thing they taught me to do was forgive so I forgive them "but, that doesn't mean I have to like them or go near them" is the key phrase. Check the Links section for more FAM forums. Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice. If you love something, set it free! So it is with books. See what I mean atwww.bookcrossing.com/friend/nheckoblogcritics.orghttp://notesfromnancy.blogspot.com Heckofreelance proofreadernancygailus@...

Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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> Forgiving is not forgetting. It means " Yes you hurt me, it was

wrong. BUT-I'm not going to hold it against you because it will eat me

up inside and that won't help " An old saying-if one does not forgive,

two graves are going to be dug.


Yes it will help. It will form part of the total world fight for

social justice.

Whatever wrong was done is doubled if the victim makes any choices

whatever based on the effects on themself. The victim has a right not

to be in the situation that any effects on themself exist.

Automatically therefore, the victim has a moral duty for the sake of

it, not to hold themself, but only the perpetrator, responsible for

any course of action. Otherwise you are enslaved to the crime done to

you, you are accepting its effects as changes to what you are, giving

up to your right to be what you are for the sake of it -

hence if one forgives, in this one-sided way, one becomes a slave. Is

it better to be alive or free?

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I said I won't go near them and that I don't have to like them. One is not meant to like everything. It would be too perfect. If I didn't remember it then there would be no way of understanding forgiveness, sure. It's not the people I have to forgive I guess. It's the system and the causation. Their emotions are up to them. I forgive them everyday by the simple fact that I avoid those people like the plague. As I forgive the system and the causation, I am forgiving myself and letting go of depression. Hecko <nancygailus@...> wrote: Forgiving is not forgetting. It means "Yes you hurt me, it was wrong. BUT-I'm not going to hold it against you because it will eat me up inside and that won't help" An old saying-if one does not forgive, two graves are going to be dug.nick

<drumthis2001@...> wrote: The one thing they taught me to do was forgive so I forgive them "but, that doesn't mean I have to like them or go near them" is the key phrase. Check the Links section for more FAM forums. Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice. If you love something, set it free! So it is with books. See what I mean atwww.bookcrossing.com/friend/nheckoblogcritics.orghttp://notesfromnancy.blogspot.com Heckofreelance proofreadernancygailus@... Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.

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" Forgiving is not forgetting. It means " Yes you hurt me, it was

> wrong. BUT-I'm not going to hold it against you because it will eat


> up inside and that won't help " An old saying-if one does not


> two graves are going to be dug. "

Maurice wrote:

> >

> " Whatever wrong was done is doubled if the victim makes any choices

> whatever based on the effects on themself. The victim has a right


> to be in the situation that any effects on themself exist.

> Automatically therefore, the victim has a moral duty for the sake of

> it, not to hold themself, but only the perpetrator, responsible for

> any course of action. Otherwise you are enslaved to the crime done


> you, you are accepting its effects as changes to what you are,


> up to your right to be what you are for the sake of it -

> hence if one forgives, in this one-sided way, one becomes a slave.


> it better to be alive or free? "

I think 'forgetting' means you don't keep bringing it up as in: " I

remember when you did such and such to me " , but not that you've

physically erased it from your memory.

I think what Maurice wrote is good in theory, and you should try to

follow it, but I think in reality it sometimes doesn't work.

Sometimes you ARE a victim and you are hurt and you are going to have

pain that you can't theorize away. Then you need to get with the

person who hurt you and work it out. If you can't or the person

refuses, then you need to try and forgive them and let it go.

Sometimes things can't be forgiven, if they were so bad and the other

person is not sorry. Such as in the case of child abuse where the

victim just can't forgive the perpetrator. But you have to let it go

or it will eat you up.


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> " Well it certainly messed me up for quite some time, in the end I

> thought well if you think I am evil there is no point in being here


> this church as a Christian and went totally the opposite way. "

That's a shame. I can imagine you did go the opposite way. That seems

to be the reaction with experiences like those and I notice people are

really hurt by it and often turned off by Christianity or religion


I wonder if from what you and Nick are saying, that Aspies are immune,

or at least not as prone, to the emotionalism that is inherent in some


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Hey their emotions used to scare me and then I was told I was evil

for being scared of emotion - go figure (shrug).

My I'm getting this off my chest a bit :-)

> >

> > " Well it certainly messed me up for quite some time, in the end I

> > thought well if you think I am evil there is no point in being


> in

> > this church as a Christian and went totally the opposite way. "


> That's a shame. I can imagine you did go the opposite way. That


> to be the reaction with experiences like those and I notice people


> really hurt by it and often turned off by Christianity or religion

> alltogether.


> I wonder if from what you and Nick are saying, that Aspies are


> or at least not as prone, to the emotionalism that is inherent in


> religions.


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> " but now I am aware that some of these places do

> use hypnosis techniques "

They do?!

" I read

> somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because

> our brains are wired differently "

Really, wow.

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> " but now I am aware that some of these places do

> use hypnosis techniques "

They do?!

" I read

> somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because

> our brains are wired differently "

Really, wow.

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> " Hey their emotions used to scare me and then I was told I was evil

> for being scared of emotion - go figure (shrug). "

Well, then I'll join you in being evil because those displays of

emotion scare me.


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Hypnosis is on t.v. in the form of repetitive keywords and music. It only makes me get agitated that no one sees what's really going on. Aspies are probably like what you suggested, non-hypnotizable. People have thought Aspies were't aware. In reality, it's people who are much less aware than those with autism. It's been documented and is most likely not just the prefrontal cortex or amygdala which would seem obvious first choice explanations. greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> wrote: Mmmmmmmmm yes I have been to churches where I went out to front and nothing happened :-) but now I am aware that some of these places do use hypnosis techniques and hey doesn't work with me :-) I read somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because our brains are wired differently - whether there is truth in that or

not I do not know?>> The one thing they taught me to do was forgive so I forgive them "but, that doesn't mean I have to like them or go near them" is the key phrase. There were these weeks that they'd invite "faith healers" and pentecostal priests. I went to their altar with all the faith in the world and nothing happened to me even though it was the great "Benny Hinn" (more like Benny Hill on hitler's brain waves wearing a different rolex for everyday of the year and a camel suit on leisure days). There was chapel two days a week and it was hypnotic, repitition promoting everyone's worthlessness in the songs' lyrics. No, They're not nice people. When I mentioned the kava kava, the best brand I know of is GAIA. It contains 70% kavalactones and isn't suspended in grain alcohol. FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Check the Links section for more FAM forums.

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My sister and I are both Aspie.

I much prefer the traditional services as describes.

My sister prefers something more " inspirational. "

There is a lot of singing and hand-clapping at her church. People will

say " Praise Jesus! " during the sermons and dance in front of the alter

during hymns.

I think we each have to come to God in different ways. My sister has a

degree in Christian Theology and has brought many people to God during

Bible studies which she conducts.

Though I do not particularly like her church services, if the church

brings people to God, that is A-Okay wilth me.



I wonder if from what you and Nick are saying, that Aspies are immune,

or at least not as prone, to the emotionalism that is inherent in some


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That's sad but true. My cousin who I'd talked about earlier comparing him to a young politician did just that. He's a straight A student, never did anything wrong, was catered to all his life and has a scholarship to KU. He's smart but he's stupid. In the trial about some person doing something wrong, the media made a big fuss about whether he was right or wrong. Then he comes into the living room at my Grandparents' house and says dramatically how "from news reports" he's figured out that the guy was guilty. The kid has probably read 10,000 books but can't understand that the media is one hundred percent B.S. with some of it smelling horrific and some that's dried up and doesn't smell as bad. I have no sympathy for him though. I stopped caring when I found out that amongst the aunts and uncles it was all about seeing which kid was better than the other. environmental1st2003 <no_reply > wrote: The reason that can work is because people have come to believe that "if they see it on TV, then it must be real." And so anything newsy or anything that is portrayed as such that they see on the big screen is likely to be believed even if it isn't true.TomAdministratorI'm sure. The Da Vinci Code is fictional and all these people are going to the theatres believing that it's so true and amazing.

Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically different. Just radically better.

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In a message dated 5/24/2006 10:02:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, megaknee@... writes:

Who says it will eat you up?Given the ruling class motives that have lain behind this idea'spushing for 3000 years, it has become an assumption, you rarely hearthe media allow challenge to it, but no practical evidence for itsrightness has ever been shown.

I must have missed something. What idea is that?

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Who says it will eat you up?

Given the ruling class motives that have lain behind this idea's

pushing for 3000 years, it has become an assumption, you rarely hear

the media allow challenge to it, but no practical evidence for its

rightness has ever been shown.

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> > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because

> > our brains are wired differently "

I hope so!

Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.

and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not

that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)

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> > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because

> > our brains are wired differently "

I hope so!

Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.

and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not

that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)

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> " Who says it will eat you up?


> Given the ruling class motives that have lain behind this idea's

> pushing for 3000 years, "

What motives are those? I've seen a lot of people who have let the bad

feeling they have as a result of being hurt eat them up inside until

they're a shell. I've seen it a lot with men who have been hurt by a

woman, especially if that woman did some nasty things. Often they just

give up and let their lives go. " How could this happen to me " " How

could they do that to me " and repeating those over and over and holding

a hatred or grudge for the person hurts them and keeps them from

picking themselves up and moving on. When the point is reached where

they're not going to say they're sorry or make reparations for the

wrongs, and you've allowed time to lick your wounds and mourn and think

about it is the time to move on and take your life back. Answer

with, " They just did. It happened. Let it go and get on with my life. "

Not to say there aren't lasting effects or problems but you're not

letting it take over your life.

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Interesting point there Maurice. I really don't know either except that my mom said my Great Grandma didn't forgive alot of stuff from her past and it ate her up inside or will eat her up inside eventually? I'm not sure how she means. Then there's a song that would clarify your point which is "Unforgiven" by Metallica. Maybe there's a middle ground to choose, I don't know. One thing that I know about is I have to forgive myself before I can forgive anyone else. maurice <megaknee@...> wrote: Who says it will eat you up?Given the ruling class motives that have lain behind this idea'spushing for 3000 years, it has become an assumption, you rarely hearthe media allow challenge to it, but no practical evidence for itsrightness has ever been shown.

Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Oh, they're probably still around and improved by now. They're probably just more difficult to pinpoint. Yes, I'd hope so as well that we aren't as much affected. With all the new publicity there's going to be some sort of pill in the next five years someone on this forum said. If that's the case, it will proabably be no good because there hasn't been enough research in the form of autopsies so far. maurice <megaknee@...> wrote: > > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because > > our brains are wired differently"I hope so!Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (notthat I've heard of any since the Cold War time)

Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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A pill for what?

> > > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work


> > > our brains are wired differently "


> I hope so!


> Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.


> and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not

> that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)







> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Check the Links section for more FAM forums.





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A pill for what?

> > > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work


> > > our brains are wired differently "


> I hope so!


> Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.


> and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not

> that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)







> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Check the Links section for more FAM forums.





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So far all the drugs have had a negative effect on Asperger's people. That needs no explanation. They're trying to capitalize on this massive explosion of asperger's. Supply/demand. Now, parents are going to be blindly taking psychology as the gospel truth and with their fragmented thinking they'll forget the physiological connection. Give it a decade and there'll be an epidemic of some sort caused by the drug, written off as a natural Asperger's trait, important points in the history of asperger's research will be rewritten to cover up the lies and Aspies will be in a worse situation than when they started. greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> wrote: A pill for what? > > > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because > > > our brains are wired differently"> > I hope so!> > Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.> > and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not> that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)> > > > > > > FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

> > Check the Links section for more FAM forums. > > > >

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So far all the drugs have had a negative effect on Asperger's people. That needs no explanation. They're trying to capitalize on this massive explosion of asperger's. Supply/demand. Now, parents are going to be blindly taking psychology as the gospel truth and with their fragmented thinking they'll forget the physiological connection. Give it a decade and there'll be an epidemic of some sort caused by the drug, written off as a natural Asperger's trait, important points in the history of asperger's research will be rewritten to cover up the lies and Aspies will be in a worse situation than when they started. greebohere <julie.stevenson16@...> wrote: A pill for what? > > > somewhere that those on spectrum that hypnosis does not work because > > > our brains are wired differently"> > I hope so!> > Doesn't that make you feel safer facing life.> > and against conspiracy theories about mass-hypnosis ray weapons (not> that I've heard of any since the Cold War time)> > > > > > > FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.

> > Check the Links section for more FAM forums. > > > >

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