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Hi Sue,

I think that's great that you can still stand. I can't stand at all, and my

balance is so off that if I where to raise that toilet seat, I'd simply fall,

because my feet wouldn't be touching the ground. ouchhhhhhhhhh! But thank you

for the idea. I've had so many many surgery's in my life, that believe me, where

I'm at today physically is a miracle. no complaints !! Maybe one, my a** hurts

from sitting over 30 years in a chair, But I suppose that's to be expected, lol

I have done a lot of volunteer work, I was a volunteer yard duty person at my

son's elementary school for 5 years, then I was donation chair person when he

was in the 8th grade, I made sure every 8th grader got a gift before moving up

into the 9th grade, they where only 245 students. It was no problem for me to do

that. I knew I could when I took on that task. Like I said before, getting to

know people is no problem for me.

I live in California, in the Bay area. It's been storming here, I love it !!

And right now my daily routine is dealing with the loss of my Father less than 4

months ago. He also had CMT but did not die from that. He was 82 years old, a

great man !!!!!!!!!!!!! So going though this grieving process, I'm taking care

of my 16 year old son, I'm a lucky Momma to have him in my life, he also has CMT

is also a G.A.T.E student, he can walk, but he needs to wear his leg braces. it

doesn't bother him.

Where do you live Sue? And what do you do in a day? This is great by the way, to

talk to other people with C.M.T. outside the family, what a trip,

Have a great day !!!!!!!!!!


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