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early intervention

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I tried that website and I couldn't get it.

--- pnmcclaff@... wrote:

> ny state is trying to pass a bill next week to have

> parents pay for early

> intervention. please send e-mails to

> Bruno@...

> help stop this bill from being passed.







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For NY state parents:

To send e-mails to your local representatives

regarding the proposed bill requiring parents pay for

EI servies, go to http://www.iacny.org. Click on " Get on the

Advocacy Express " and just follow the step by step

instructions. Do so quickly as the bill is supposed

to be up for a vote this week, or so I've heard.

Jim Carlone

--- pnmcclaff@... wrote:

> ny state is trying to pass a bill next week to have

> parents pay for early

> intervention. please send e-mails to

> Bruno@...

> help stop this bill from being passed.






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  • 2 years later...
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Hi ,

I am having a similar problem with Callie's OT. She was evaluated,

approved for 2 X wk & they can't find an OT that has the time and

that works with sensory integration issues. Seems that there is a

short supply due to CPSE and come June, it opens up again. I do not

want to wait that loong, as it is, it's been a month since she was

approved for services.

I have called my coord. & have pushed her. She told me yesterday that

now that they have exhausted their agencies OT's, they are now going

outside to other agencies. Maybe you can suggest that. This is in New

York, Westchester County.

Good Luck

> Hi All,


> I am the mother of Ethan, 2.3 years old and Ty, 1 year old. Ethan


> enrolled in EI in New Jersey, and they recommend he receive 2


> of speech therapy weekly (he presently says about four words). We


> assigned a therapist, but his approach did not work with my son (he

> kept him bound between his legs while trying to have Ethan point to

> different pictures in a book) and I asked that he not return. I


> told they have no one else available for speech therapy. Has


> ever been told by EI that there isn't anyone available, and do you


> what my recourse might be? Or does anyone know of a quality speech

> therapist in Essex County, New Jersey?


> Also, my one year old just had his yearly exam and the doctor

> recommended I contact EI because he does not yet have any words.


> anyone had an eval this early for speech? He is doing ok in other

> areas.


> Finally, I live near where Dr. Larry Laveman, a developmental

> pediatrician, practices. Has anyone ever seen him for an


> Any opinions? You can email me privately at ntricamo@o... if

> you prefer.


> Thanks so much,



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I don't live in NJ, so maybe some mothers that do live there can give you

more specific advice. However, you can go to www.ideapractices.org to

research the law with respect to Early Intervention Services and IDEA

(Individuals With Disabilities Act). You can also search for NJ's state law

re: Early Intervention Services and IDEA.

In addition, when you first met with EIP, did they give you an information

packet? Mine contained a " Provider Directory " with a list of providers that

accepted " Part C " funds. If you weren't given a directory, you could call

around to various speech therapist and ask if they accept " Part C " funds. I

know my current SLP is not listed as a " Part C " provider, yet she accepts

their payment scale if she takes on a client covered under Early


My information packet also contained information on my parental rights and

the law and gave various other websites and resources of information re:


As for having your younger child evaluated, I had my daughter evaluated when

she was 17 months old b/c at that time she rarely said, " Mama " . With my son

(our oldest) we wasted too much valuable time b/c we didn't know any better.

He was our first and we followed the doctor's " wait and see " advice.

Anyway, she is two and half now and testing well above average in both

expressive and receptive language. If your youngest gets therapy, it could

only help, not hurt. Not to mention you get back in the door to pick a

DIFFERENT therapist for your one year old :-) who could then start seeing

your oldest too! :-) They can't seriously expect you to believe that one

S.T. services their entire region can they???

Another option, if all else fails I guess, would be to have your insurance

pay for the therapy. Hope you get it all worked out A.S.A.P. Those early

years are so, so, so crucial. Just for example, my son started Speech and

Occupational Therapy when he was Ethan's age (27 months old). At that time

he said 10-12 words. Three and a half months later, he had an 80 word

vocabulary with handful of two word phrases. Then we started Pro-EFA from

Nordic Naturals and his speech really took off. Six months later he had in

excess of 1000+ words and was speaking in 6 word phrases/sentences and

asking some questions!

Good luck!! KIM

[ ] Early intervention

> Hi All,


> I am the mother of Ethan, 2.3 years old and Ty, 1 year old. Ethan is

> enrolled in EI in New Jersey, and they recommend he receive 2 sessions

> of speech therapy weekly (he presently says about four words). We were

> assigned a therapist, but his approach did not work with my son (he

> kept him bound between his legs while trying to have Ethan point to

> different pictures in a book) and I asked that he not return. I was

> told they have no one else available for speech therapy. Has anyone

> ever been told by EI that there isn't anyone available, and do you know

> what my recourse might be? Or does anyone know of a quality speech

> therapist in Essex County, New Jersey?


> Also, my one year old just had his yearly exam and the doctor

> recommended I contact EI because he does not yet have any words. Has

> anyone had an eval this early for speech? He is doing ok in other

> areas.


> Finally, I live near where Dr. Larry Laveman, a developmental

> pediatrician, practices. Has anyone ever seen him for an evaluation?

> Any opinions? You can email me privately at ntricamo@... if

> you prefer.


> Thanks so much,



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I just wrote a whole answer to you, but then my darling son :-S

bumped into me, and somehow my whole response got lost. Grrrr.

Let's see if I can give the Reader's Digest version of what I wrote

instead of the long thing....

My son Drew (the bumper)has never had an SLP in EI. Never. He's

always worked with a sped teacher, who has done a lot of speech work

with kids. She's made a lot of progress with him, and she was

intuitive enough to figure out Drew's apraxia and his DSI, but was

not qualified to formally diagnose him. Turns out she was totally on

target and usually has been. We had Drew evaluated by an SLP in EI

last month, and she felt that between Drew's sped teacher and his OT

(who was added later), the both of them, but especially the sped

teacher, were already on the right track of what to do for Drew's

apraxia in teaching him speech, so she felt that it would be better

for the remainder of his EI days (which is until June 5th, Drew's

birthday), it was best to just stick with what they were doing, and

just give a few suggestions of exercises they could do with him. She

felt there was nothing more she could add to what they were already


So, while there might not be an SLP, from my personal experience down

here in Central Jersey (right outside of Princeton), you might ask if

there is someone who is like Drew's sped teacher, who is essentially

a behavioral therapist who has worked with a lot of speech impaired

kids, as they may be just as helpful at this time as a formally

trained SLP.

Just a suggestion....

le (Mom to Drew, 2.10 yrs. apraxia, DSI and hypotonia)

> Hi All,


> I am the mother of Ethan, 2.3 years old and Ty, 1 year old. Ethan


> enrolled in EI in New Jersey, and they recommend he receive 2


> of speech therapy weekly (he presently says about four words). We


> assigned a therapist, but his approach did not work with my son (he

> kept him bound between his legs while trying to have Ethan point to

> different pictures in a book) and I asked that he not return. I


> told they have no one else available for speech therapy. Has


> ever been told by EI that there isn't anyone available, and do you


> what my recourse might be? Or does anyone know of a quality speech

> therapist in Essex County, New Jersey?


> Also, my one year old just had his yearly exam and the doctor

> recommended I contact EI because he does not yet have any words.


> anyone had an eval this early for speech? He is doing ok in other

> areas.


> Finally, I live near where Dr. Larry Laveman, a developmental

> pediatrician, practices. Has anyone ever seen him for an


> Any opinions? You can email me privately at ntricamo@o... if

> you prefer.


> Thanks so much,



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here are some slp's from the nj sha list in essex county. When adam

was diagnosed with apraxia many years ago, he was on the waiting list

for a year for speech from EI. I took him privately until the state

picked up the tab on some speech therapy. Jeanne

Name City County

Poveromo Belleville Essex

Gail Shayer Belleville Essex

Constance Kaplan Cedar Grove Essex

Kabaki Clifton Essex

Cheryl-McConnel - Cranford Essex

Peroff East Orange Essex

Woods East Orange Essex

Vazquez-Hill Fairfield Essex

Palumbo Kendall Park Essex

Barbara Berman Livingston Essex

Lillian Dollinger Livingston Essex

Sharon Zeman Livingston Essex

Fisch-Kaplan Maplewood Essex

Joyce Gerstein Montclair Essex

Rhoda s Schwolow Montclair Essex

Alana Fichtelberg Pittstown Essex

Sylvia Amato S. Orange Essex

Polow Short Hills Essex

Woods South Orange Essex

Reila Zimmerman South Orange Essex

ph Attanasio Upper Montclair Essex

Betty Jane Maher Verona Essex

Carol Amato Wayne Essex

Maureen Felix West Caldwell Essex

lia Lenzo West Caldwell Essex

Kathleen McEwen Woodbridge Essex

-- In , Tricamo


@o...> wrote:

> Hi All,


> I am the mother of Ethan, 2.3 years old and Ty, 1 year old. Ethan


> enrolled in EI in New Jersey, and they recommend he receive 2


> of speech therapy weekly (he presently says about four words). We


> assigned a therapist, but his approach did not work with my son (he

> kept him bound between his legs while trying to have Ethan point to

> different pictures in a book) and I asked that he not return. I


> told they have no one else available for speech therapy. Has


> ever been told by EI that there isn't anyone available, and do you


> what my recourse might be? Or does anyone know of a quality speech

> therapist in Essex County, New Jersey?


> Also, my one year old just had his yearly exam and the doctor

> recommended I contact EI because he does not yet have any words.


> anyone had an eval this early for speech? He is doing ok in other

> areas.


> Finally, I live near where Dr. Larry Laveman, a developmental

> pediatrician, practices. Has anyone ever seen him for an


> Any opinions? You can email me privately at ntricamo@o... if

> you prefer.


> Thanks so much,



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I am in NJ County and have not had ST for my son from EI. They

did not have a ST available. I have been getting private speech

therapy and love that woman so I accepted EI's recommendation of a

behavioral specialist. They are supposed to work on your whole child.

The first woman I did not care for at all. I am actually sorry I kept

her for the month that I did. I really like the guy they sent me next

and he is still coming. Although he is not a ST, he has been good

working with and getting him ready for a school type of


I also see Dr. Laveman. I like him. He took a lot of time with us at

our initial evaluation and was really interested in helping our son.

I also like that I don't have to wait 6-8 months for a follow up

visit. We see him again the beginning of May.

You can email me privately if you would like more specific

information on either. I would email you but your email is not

showing up.

Mommy to 2.11 and 7 mo

> Hi All,


> I am the mother of Ethan, 2.3 years old and Ty, 1 year old. Ethan


> enrolled in EI in New Jersey, and they recommend he receive 2


> of speech therapy weekly (he presently says about four words). We


> assigned a therapist, but his approach did not work with my son (he

> kept him bound between his legs while trying to have Ethan point to

> different pictures in a book) and I asked that he not return. I


> told they have no one else available for speech therapy. Has


> ever been told by EI that there isn't anyone available, and do you


> what my recourse might be? Or does anyone know of a quality speech

> therapist in Essex County, New Jersey?


> Also, my one year old just had his yearly exam and the doctor

> recommended I contact EI because he does not yet have any words.


> anyone had an eval this early for speech? He is doing ok in other

> areas.


> Finally, I live near where Dr. Larry Laveman, a developmental

> pediatrician, practices. Has anyone ever seen him for an


> Any opinions? You can email me privately at ntricamo@o... if

> you prefer.


> Thanks so much,



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Hi all,

I have posted a couple of times regarding my son, Ethan. Ethan is 2.3

years old and is saying about six words. He is enrolled in early

intervention and is seeing a sped teacher for social skills/behavioral

stuff, which is going very well. He displays imaginative play and

interacts well with her. She is not concerned about his social

development. EI does not have a speech therapist available, which I

posted about recently. The only behaviors, other than the speech

delay, I am concerned about are that Ethan can carry items around,

lately it has been stickers - one in each hand, for hours and sometimes

holds his hand out the the right or left and watches it out of the

corner of his eye as he moves the item(s) behind his back. He has also

started having temper tantrums on occasion - appropriate to frustration

or tiredness - where he hits himself in the head or bangs his head on

the floor - never to the point of hurting himself seriously.

My question is this. I feel very discombobulated regarding Ethan's

treatment and mostly because I don't have a sense as to what is going

on. I have him in private speech therapy, but I have never had an

evaluation to determine exactly what the problem is, only that there is

a delay. Where do I start in evaluating what is going on - with a

developmental pediatrician, a psychologist, a pediatric neurologist?

What kind of testing seems indicated? I am concerned about autism and

would like to rule this out if possible. Is there someone that can

test for autism as well as test for issues related to possible apraxia?

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can provide,

Best wishes,


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  • 2 months later...
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Hey Sue-

Although my insurance is paying for Asher's helmet, Early

Intervention is covering my copay (which is $200). Asher receives

physical therapy once a week for motor delays. I self-referred Asher

for the evaluation through the school district (against his peds.

recommendation, of course!). They were even going to help pay for

some of the helmet if insurance denied.

It may be an option for some, but I've never heard of people

receiving financial help through them without receiving some type of


In Christ,

(Mom to Asher, 9-months;pos. plagiocephaly, motor delays)

Hanger Cranial Helmet started 6/30/04

> I have a question about Early Intervention. I am in NY State but it

> may be the same in other states. While I was waiting for my appeal

> mtg yestersay (which I will post about in nother post along with


> result when I get the pohone call today) a woman that was also


> for an appeal told me about Early Intervention and that I may be


> to get the band paid for thru this program. I'm not so sure bcz I


> not think that Colin has any developmental delays. She said that


> is a self-referred program and they evaluate your child for free.


> this band would not be covered perhaps if he needed a 2nd one it

> would be?


> I don't know. Maybe this does not apply to me but perhaps it may

> help someone else here get their band paid for if there insurance

> does not. Is there anything about this in the Files section? I

> couldn't find anything. I'm thinking this only applies to a child

> that has developmental delays.....thank you!


> Sue

> Colin F., 9.5 mos., brachy, rt plagio, STARband 6/29

> Buffalo, NY

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  • 6 months later...

I believe early intervention into a diagnosis of CMTT helped me very

much. I showed the first signs when I was 7 on scout and camp hikes.

I just couldn't hike the 3 mountain miles without getting burned out

or without having my feet start burning. By the time I was 10, I was

a veteran of foot surgery, physical therapy and then began Ritalin

and potassium therapy in my teens.

As much as I loathed the doctor visits and considered them an

infringement on my time, pursuing activities like swimming and

walking in sand that they suggested paid off.

CMT hasn't seemed to progress much - or so slowly I haven't noticed.


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