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I fell at work on 11/03/2010. I was walking out the front door going to lunch

when the rug at the front door slipped out from under me and I fell and landed

with my right knee on the threshold of the door. I filled out the paperwork on

the accident and my husband came and got me and took me to the ER. They x-rayed

me from head to toe, said I was ok and sent me home to rest. I had to see a

Workers Comp Doctor before I could return to work. I went in to see Dr. A. He

gave me meds, told me I had bruised my knee and to take it easy and come back in

two weeks. I had had a conflict with Dr. A in the past so I switched Doctors. I

Switched to Dr. B. By this time my knee had started to hurt worse. Dr. B put

me through 2 weeks P.T. that only made it worse. Then he sent me for an MRI.

The first line of the MRI said " Image is degraded due to the patients in ability

to remain motionless. " . When I went in to get it done the tech told me she had

to do it twice because I couldn't hold still because of the pain. After the

MRI, Dr. B sent me back in for two more weeks of P.T. All the time the pain was

getting worse. By this time I couldn't walk on it. Dr. B was not giving me

anything for the pain that worked. So I went in and talked to and Attorney. He

suggested that I switch Doctors. So I switched to Dr. C. Dr. C put me on some

meds and put in a request for me to go see an Orthopedic Doctor. I went in to

see Dr. D. He said there was nothing that he could do. Then Dr. C requested

for me to have an EMG done. I was never able to get that approved. The

insurance company sent me in for an MMI/Impairment Rating with Dr. E. He found

that I was not at MMI. Dr. C then did an FCE. Then the insurance company sent

me in for another MMI/ Impairment Rating with Dr. E. He sent me for a CT. It

showed nothing. I was still not at MMI. Then Dr. C put in a request for

another MRI with sedation. Then the insurance company sent me in for an RME

with Dr. F. He said I was at MMI. The next time I went in to see Dr. C, they

said they wanted to do and Impairment Rating. They took a flex rating of my

knee, I saw the Dr. C and then they sent me home. I then received in the mail

the approval for the second MRI. I call Dr. C office to set an appointment and

they tell me I can no longer see Dr. C. I ask why and no one will tell me. I

then received a letter in the mail from Dr. C telling me that I am at MMI. On

the report he lied about some things and I called his office wanting to speak

with him about this and they will not let me speak to or see him to ask why he

lied on the report. It took me three months to finally get another Doctor. When

I went in to see Dr. F, he put me on the Butrans 10mcg/hr pain patch. It does

not help with the pain. It is like I have no pain meds at all. A month after I

started seeing Dr. F, I was sent to Dr. G for an MMI/Impairment Rating. Before I

got the report from Dr. G, I had another MRI done. It shows that I have my

patella that is tracking slightly laterally, but does not appear to be

dislocated and mild cartilage loss in the medial compartment suggesting

chondromalacia. I sent this report to Dr. F. Dr. F said that I was at MMI even

with what the MRI showed. Dr. F ordered for me to go through 20 days of Work

Hardening. This did help slightly with my ROM but not with the pain. Dr. F tells

me that he believes that surgery will not help me but he has referred me to see

an Orthopedic Surgeon. On my next office visit, Dr. F sees a bulge on my right

thigh. He thinks that I could have a torn/ripped Quad muscle. This MRI comes

back normal. Every time I go in to see him I tell him how much I hurt and that

the meds are not working but he keeps putting me on the same thing. When I went

in to see him today, I tells me that by what the MRI shows I shouldn't be

hurting like this and in not these exact works " I don't believe you that you are

hurting. " He even cuts my meds down even more to Butrans 5 mcg/hr patch. By what

I am reading, I have done everything that I can to fix the problem without

surgery. I have done R.I.C.E., PT and Brace. I can't bear all my weight on my

right leg, I can't straighten my right knee, I have swelling from my toes up to

my hip and I have muscle twitches around my knee. I'm at my wits end. Does

anyone have any advice for me?

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