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It sounds as though Leigh was doing what was required of her according to her

IEP, the boy attacked her first by throwing her water bottle at her then

continued to harrass her (probably being aware of the situation and how she

may react). Do what ever you can to protect your daughter.

My daughter (TS, OCD, ADHD) was in a similar situation three years ago and

is still on probation. Her probation officer is dense when it comes to

Chelle's disorders. Please follow the advice that has been given here. Hire

a good attorney to protect your daughter, have a statement from her

psychiatrist if he/she cannot appear in court with you, sue the school

district for not preventing this from happening in the first place, and file

harrassment charges against the child who started the incident.

Teachers have a way of not seeing what is going on when it comes to teasing

and bullying. My daughter was bullied and harrassed for a long time by one

particular boy. Nothing was done about it because he was the son of the

vice-principal of the school. The teachers turned a blind eye to what was

happening. I was unaware of most of what was going on until my daughter

exploded on the kid. She didn't even hit him - just verbally attacked him.

I couldn't afford an attorney and the court appointed one. None of them

understand our kids. You need your own attorney who will fight tooth and

nail for your child.

I just read Gail's post to you - excellent advice from an expert. Good luck

to you and Leigh. I pray that you prevail in your efforts for her.

Progress, one child at a time.


<A HREF= " mailto:ppepe2001@... " >ppepe2001@...</A>

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It sounds as though Leigh was doing what was required of her according to her

IEP, the boy attacked her first by throwing her water bottle at her then

continued to harrass her (probably being aware of the situation and how she

may react). Do what ever you can to protect your daughter.

My daughter (TS, OCD, ADHD) was in a similar situation three years ago and

is still on probation. Her probation officer is dense when it comes to

Chelle's disorders. Please follow the advice that has been given here. Hire

a good attorney to protect your daughter, have a statement from her

psychiatrist if he/she cannot appear in court with you, sue the school

district for not preventing this from happening in the first place, and file

harrassment charges against the child who started the incident.

Teachers have a way of not seeing what is going on when it comes to teasing

and bullying. My daughter was bullied and harrassed for a long time by one

particular boy. Nothing was done about it because he was the son of the

vice-principal of the school. The teachers turned a blind eye to what was

happening. I was unaware of most of what was going on until my daughter

exploded on the kid. She didn't even hit him - just verbally attacked him.

I couldn't afford an attorney and the court appointed one. None of them

understand our kids. You need your own attorney who will fight tooth and

nail for your child.

I just read Gail's post to you - excellent advice from an expert. Good luck

to you and Leigh. I pray that you prevail in your efforts for her.

Progress, one child at a time.


<A HREF= " mailto:ppepe2001@... " >ppepe2001@...</A>

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In a message dated 4/30/2002 6:48:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jswarner007@... writes:

> I have

> requested that the district psychologist be in charge of the meeting and I

> know he is truly on my daughter's side, but I will let everyone know the

> outcome. I'm glad that she is back on clonidine because we had another

> incident two days ago that I am not telling the school about where she got

> in a fight with her sister and put a shovel through the bedroom window. The

> anger aspect of OCD/Tourettes can be very scary.


Jay... Please keep us posted. I'm glad that the school will tutor and that

she will go on to the next grade... that must be a releif knowing she will

not have to deal with the stress of having to go back into the class room...

i think your right about keeping the other incident to your self.. lee

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In a message dated 4/30/2002 6:48:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jswarner007@... writes:

> I have

> requested that the district psychologist be in charge of the meeting and I

> know he is truly on my daughter's side, but I will let everyone know the

> outcome. I'm glad that she is back on clonidine because we had another

> incident two days ago that I am not telling the school about where she got

> in a fight with her sister and put a shovel through the bedroom window. The

> anger aspect of OCD/Tourettes can be very scary.


Jay... Please keep us posted. I'm glad that the school will tutor and that

she will go on to the next grade... that must be a releif knowing she will

not have to deal with the stress of having to go back into the class room...

i think your right about keeping the other incident to your self.. lee

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In a message dated 4/30/2002 6:48:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jswarner007@... writes:

> I have

> requested that the district psychologist be in charge of the meeting and I

> know he is truly on my daughter's side, but I will let everyone know the

> outcome. I'm glad that she is back on clonidine because we had another

> incident two days ago that I am not telling the school about where she got

> in a fight with her sister and put a shovel through the bedroom window. The

> anger aspect of OCD/Tourettes can be very scary.


Jay... Please keep us posted. I'm glad that the school will tutor and that

she will go on to the next grade... that must be a releif knowing she will

not have to deal with the stress of having to go back into the class room...

i think your right about keeping the other incident to your self.. lee

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Hi Jay, you have by now received all sorts of good advice, but I wanted to add

my empathy and support to you and Leigh, and let you know I am thinking of you

both. I was glad to read that Leigh is handling things well at this point, and

am astounded that this incident happened with her teacher in the room.

Don't forget to let us know how this plays out!

Take care,

Kathy R. in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: writeguy001

Last week she

was in class at school and was being teased and taunted by some kids

in the class. As her anxiety level grew, she was going to leave the

class (this is what she is supposed to do according to her IEP). As

she was leaving, a boy took a water bottle out of her back pack and

threw it at her, then began teasing her. She demanded he stop or she

would throw a chair at him. He continued, now adding " go ahead, throw

it, you won't throw it, you're too chicken to throw the chair, go

ahead, I dare you. " The other kids in the class were laughing, as her

anxiety rose. So, my lovely daughter with almost zero impulse

control and just a wee tad more than that of anger control... threw

the chair...at his head. End of scenario - bully goes to hospital in

an ambulance for seven stitches. Leigh gets arrested for third degree

assault. The school, amazingly, claims that the teacher had things

under control and did exactly what a teacher is supposed to do


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Dear Jay,

I am so sorry to hear of the troubles your daughter is having in her

school. As an educator, I would have hoped for them to be more enlightened

than they apparently are. We had troubles with the schjool penalizing

back in 1991 when he was a senior in high school and they penalized him for

tardies that were due to his OCD. They were planning to flunk him in his

senior English class because he had a total of eight tardies in 16 weeks!

At that point, since this was not the first thing we had had trouble with

concerning the schools, we hired a private lawyer to get us a hearing with

the school authorities where hopefully something could be worked out to help

. The results were less than we hoped for but at least they removed the

failure from his records which at the time had showed only A's and B's! So I

agreee with the list members who recommend you get a lawyer - and then start

with the top - the superintendant! With what you have been experiencing it

unfortunately seems that you will have to make the school authorities

somewhat uncomfortable before they are willing to do what they should have

done in the first place!

Take care!


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Dear Jay,

I am so sorry to hear of the troubles your daughter is having in her

school. As an educator, I would have hoped for them to be more enlightened

than they apparently are. We had troubles with the schjool penalizing

back in 1991 when he was a senior in high school and they penalized him for

tardies that were due to his OCD. They were planning to flunk him in his

senior English class because he had a total of eight tardies in 16 weeks!

At that point, since this was not the first thing we had had trouble with

concerning the schools, we hired a private lawyer to get us a hearing with

the school authorities where hopefully something could be worked out to help

. The results were less than we hoped for but at least they removed the

failure from his records which at the time had showed only A's and B's! So I

agreee with the list members who recommend you get a lawyer - and then start

with the top - the superintendant! With what you have been experiencing it

unfortunately seems that you will have to make the school authorities

somewhat uncomfortable before they are willing to do what they should have

done in the first place!

Take care!


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Rhonda- You mentioned EI, what kind of services is she receiving? There

are many things that you can do biologically, it helps if you do one thing at

a time for at least 30, sometimes 6 weeks to 3 months. It took 6 weeks for

us to see improvements with CLO, then they were dramatic. DMSA is an oral

chelating agent that removes heavy metal from the blood. Please join

autism treatment to learn more about this. I would not do this without regular

liver panels and urine tests to see what is coming out. Chelating agents get

the bad stuff out but also vital minerals, which need to be replaced as you

are chelating. Have you tried the gfcf diet? Many people consider it to be

the first step in healing the gut, along with probiotics. Your daughter is

very young, 20 months? Does she have a medical diagnosis? I'm glad that you

found the list, it can be a great help. Do searches for Floortime/Stanley

Greenspan and Verbal Behavior- a ABA off shoot. There is a lot you can do to

work with her at home. The EI people should help you bring someone into your

home to work with Olivia, Speech, OT, PT, ABA...whatever you need. Welcome,


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Hi Rhonda,

Welcome to the group.

Do you take your daughter to a DAN doctor?

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen (Autistic)

Mom of Kim (Recovered form Eye Movement Disorder)


> Hi! After making a couple mistakes, like accidently joining an autism

> group for people who live in Mississippi, (I live in New Hampshire), I

> was finally able to join this group. I have a 20 month old daughter,

> Olivia, who was diagnosed with an ASD. Almost everything I've read or

> heard had to do with boys, hardly any girls at all so I was hoping to

> learn a little more in this group. Where to begin??? I've begun giving

> Livia probiotics, 1/4 tsp at breakfast and have been doing this for 2

> months. I was also giving her Kirkmans SNT but have since stopped, it

> seemed to be making her stomach hurt, though I'm not quite sure. I was

> also giving her cod liver oil but have stopped that as well. I started

> her on 1/2 a capsule of DMG about a week ago. Livia has great eye

> contact but that's about it. She has begun to " babble " , which is a good

> thing. She doesn't' walk but " scootches " on her bum to get around. Her

> sensory issues are HUGE! We have an occupational therapist from EI who

> comes to the house twice a week. I am so ready for a " big " change. Is

> this ever going to happen? How long should I wait to see if vitamins and

> the DMG are going to work? Is the DMG enough or should I put the SNT and

> CLO back in her diet? How long on the probiotics til her gut is healed?

> I'm doing this on my own as my doctors are useless, and the ones who

> aren't are not in my health plan (they charge $500 an hour!!). I've

> heard of something called DMSA (I think) that supposedly helps with

> muscle tone. Has anyone tried this? Does it work? Do you have to give

> it every 4 hours? Would it work every 6 hours? I'm so frustrated with

> her progress at this point I could just cry. Ok, I'm sorry for the book

> but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

> Sincerely,

> Rhonda Pineau






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Hi! Re: you being on the diet...I would say yes if you are still nursing and

plan to continue.

Re: CLO- Bridget was 4.5. I didn't tell her teacher or her SLP. She was

calmer and more focused, and her language was very good. Her teacher thought

I had put her on medication...they both noticed independant of each other.

Do you know of Megson's work with CLO and bethancol? She's a MD and has

done some tests etc. You can do a search for her stuff too. It is so

overwhelming to sort through things! Watch the dosage carefully. Good luck!


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Hi! Re: you being on the diet...I would say yes if you are still nursing and

plan to continue.

Re: CLO- Bridget was 4.5. I didn't tell her teacher or her SLP. She was

calmer and more focused, and her language was very good. Her teacher thought

I had put her on medication...they both noticed independant of each other.

Do you know of Megson's work with CLO and bethancol? She's a MD and has

done some tests etc. You can do a search for her stuff too. It is so

overwhelming to sort through things! Watch the dosage carefully. Good luck!


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At the time she was taking the CLO she was gfcf and we had also been using

Flax oil and Primrose oil. It came to my attention that primrose could

provoke siezures. I had also been giving her probiotics. All of the other

supplements had been in place for a while before the CLO, so I truly believe

the effects I saw were from the CLO- it took nearly 6 weeks. Recently I've

thought about starting it up again. She currently is gfcf, takes peptizyde

and zyme-prime, coromega, vitamin E and Calcium citrate. I've also

considered giving dmg a try. Tmg did not work for us- we had a rash...not

good. Enough time has gone by and I believe enough healing to warrent a try

of the dmg, reintro of CLO and/or CoQ10. It will be one at a time for me

tho. I am currently most interested in doing a DMPS challenge test on

Bridget and moving towards chelation for heavy metals. Deanna

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At the time she was taking the CLO she was gfcf and we had also been using

Flax oil and Primrose oil. It came to my attention that primrose could

provoke siezures. I had also been giving her probiotics. All of the other

supplements had been in place for a while before the CLO, so I truly believe

the effects I saw were from the CLO- it took nearly 6 weeks. Recently I've

thought about starting it up again. She currently is gfcf, takes peptizyde

and zyme-prime, coromega, vitamin E and Calcium citrate. I've also

considered giving dmg a try. Tmg did not work for us- we had a rash...not

good. Enough time has gone by and I believe enough healing to warrent a try

of the dmg, reintro of CLO and/or CoQ10. It will be one at a time for me

tho. I am currently most interested in doing a DMPS challenge test on

Bridget and moving towards chelation for heavy metals. Deanna

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Hi Deanna,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I'm hoping that Olivia's young age will

be a benefit in helping her. I knew at 2 months that something was up

with this child and after repeatedly voicing my concerns her doctor

finally ordered an MRI at 9 months and when that came back ok he referred

me to a neurologist who diagnosed her with PDD (at 13 months). I wasn't

happy with that and had a 2nd opinion, that doctor also thought PDD with

" signs of an ASD " , isn't PDD in the spectrum? As far as EI, in our

program each therapist is cross trained in OT, PT and speech. They are

all very nice but frankly, I don't feel they're really helping, she's not

made any great strides. There are no DAN doc's in my area that accept my

insurance. There is, however, a naturopathic doc down the street who

specializes in children and has apparently seen remarkable progress in a

very large amount of the children she's treated. She is also relatively

inexpensive which is a very good thing. I didn't really want to have to

go to another doctor at all but the whole thing is just so overwhelming.

What sort of changes did you see with the CLO and how old was your child

when you began? As for the GFCF diet, I tried it for only maybe 3 or 4

days but it was soooo involved and Livia was going to bed with her

stomach growling, I just didn't feel right with it, plus she's so tiny, I

was scared she might lose weight from not eating. Plus, I'm still

nursing. She's only just began to drink from a bottle (sensory issues)

and wouldn't I also have to be on the diet?

Thanks again, Rhonda

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Was the CLO the only thing you were giving her? How long did you give it

to her for? I am very familiar with Megson's studies, I have actually

just forwarded a report to Livia's ophthalmologist by her. If your

doctor won't prescribe the betancol is there another way to get it? Are

there any vitamins that would have the same effect? Does CLO alone have

the same results? I was told to give her 1/4 tsp a day, that sound about

right to you? She's 20 pounds.


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Was the CLO the only thing you were giving her? How long did you give it

to her for? I am very familiar with Megson's studies, I have actually

just forwarded a report to Livia's ophthalmologist by her. If your

doctor won't prescribe the betancol is there another way to get it? Are

there any vitamins that would have the same effect? Does CLO alone have

the same results? I was told to give her 1/4 tsp a day, that sound about

right to you? She's 20 pounds.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Wow, I was going to ask the same question!! now has warts on seven

of his fingers, right at the base of the cuticle. He had one, but within a

month it has multiplied!! I am going to ask his Ped (he is excellent) on

Wed--I will get back to you with what he says. Meanwhile, I look forward to

hearing from the group on this. Since warts grow because of a virus, I'm

assuming the fact that he has so many is because of his PID.

Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Fallot,

chronic sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD.

Ten surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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Hi, my name is Patty and I am mom to . About a year ago I posted the

same question because my son has warts also. With him, whenever he was

scraped from a fall or a cut, he healed with a string of warts. I took him to

a dermatologist who had me treat him with an liquid on the warts that burned

his skin but the warts just kept coming back. I too was told that it was

because he could not fight the virus that caused these warts.

After had been recieving IVIG for about 6-8months, the warts went

away. was just diagnosed with his immune disorder a year ago and

started getting IVIG last August.

Hope this helps,

Patty, mom to with IgA deficiency, polysaccharide antibody deficiency,

GI problems, developmental delays

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Darci, Kody gets warts too. He doesn't have them extensively, but the

ones he does have are very hard to get rid of. I found that using the

good old fashioned wart remover that comes in a tube, looks like chap

stick, sold right by the wart removers works best. It stays where you

put it. I put it on several times a day, best if after a bath, and

always keep it covered with a bandaid (sometimes a small square of paper

tape). Eventually it will come off in layers until the root just falls

off. It is not painful if you do not get the wax on the surrounding

skin. Just a quick note, my non-pid daughter also gets warts and they

are just as hard to get off her as they are on Kody. It is just the

nature of the beast, I think. I must have missed the post about your

immunologist and the storing of Darci's blood....what was that about?

Diane, Mom to Kody, Di Syndrome, hypogammaglobulinenemia, seizure

disorder, asthma, GERD, and CAPD....and possibly hearing impaired

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  • 3 weeks later...

If your mom-in-law won't go to the ER and doesn't think talking to the doc

will do any good maybe she could call the nurses where she gets her Remicade

infusion and tell them what's going on. Being medical people maybe she will

listen to their advice and get to the ER. Good luck, Barb

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Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having a

terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she since the

last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She told him and he

is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped her Preds. He also

gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well, she says she still

has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up which makes it hard to

breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour later her heart would beat

fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look these up. Maybe I can printout

some things for her and maybe she can take them to the doctors with her.

Thanks so much,

God Bless You All,your friend,


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-- Re: Help!

Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having

a terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she

since the last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She

told him and he is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped

her Preds. He also gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well

she says she still has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up

which makes it hard to breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour

later her heart would beat fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look

these up. Maybe I can printout some things for her and maybe she can take

them to the doctors with her.

Thanks so much,

God Bless You All,your friend,


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I agree with CAT....get her to the ER IMMEDIATELY!!

Good Luck!



Re: Help!

Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having

a terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she

since the last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She

told him and he is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped

her Preds. He also gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well

she says she still has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up

which makes it hard to breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour

later her heart would beat fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look

these up. Maybe I can printout some things for her and maybe she can take

them to the doctors with her.

Thanks so much,

God Bless You All,your friend,


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I would love to however she lives far away from me to be able to do that

and she believes that the doctor knows what's going on and yet he still wants

her to take this stuff.



I agree with CAT....get her to the ER IMMEDIATELY!!

Good Luck!



Re: Help!

Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having

a terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she

since the last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She

told him and he is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped

her Preds. He also gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well

she says she still has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up

which makes it hard to breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour

later her heart would beat fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look

these up. Maybe I can printout some things for her and maybe she can take

them to the doctors with her.

Thanks so much,

God Bless You All,your friend,


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