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Thanks Kae. I have been thinkinga bout ladydog too. Wondering if those meds

helped at all. Its such a hard thing :(.


Aw, Shaye,

I just saw this....I am so sorry about your kitty, but she lived

a long and happy life with people that really loved her! Your

kids should be able to appreciate that, for sure. And, you

didn't have to make any decisions...she was able to simply

pass away without any intervention. That is good.

We are struggling here with what to do about Lady dog. She

is getting sores on her feet because she cannot walk on them

She just drags herself around. I am a very unpopular person

because I keep telling Mark and the kids that we really need

to put her down.

I know it is so hard saying good bye to a pet that has also

been a friend for so many years. Please tell the kids we are

so sorry.


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Sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know if my suggestion is too late,

but when my cat passed I kept his collar. He passed several years ago now,

and it still hangs above my bed with my dreamcatcher. It made me feel better

to keep a little piece of him close. If yours had a special toy or collar

maybe that will help you or your girls.

Making the choice to put an animal down is hard. We had made the appointment

for our cat and he passed on his own at home the night before. Guess he

decided that if he was going on it was going to be on his own terms. Since

then I've had to wonder if it was just an odd coincidence or if he was trying

to spare us the long, sad drive to vet.


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Thanks Kim, yes she is chasing butterflies


Girls... Sunny is gone :(. About 10 minutes ago. My kids dont know yet.

Cant get ahold of hubby at work as he is offsite right now.

The girls need to say goodbye but how shoueld I approach this? I dont want

it to be a gruesom thing. I am thinking they better now while she is warm

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Hi Shaye,

I am sorry to hear about your Kitty.... She is pain free now.. and is

chasing Butterflies.....


-- HELP!

Girls... Sunny is gone :(. About 10 minutes ago. My kids dont know yet.

Cant get ahold of hubby at work as he is offsite right now.

The girls need to say goodbye but how shoueld I approach this? I dont want

it to be a gruesom thing. I am thinking they better now while she is warm

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I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty! I've lost a cat and 2 dogs this

year....one of the dogs I had to put to sleep. We found him when he was about 4

yo and he was almost 11yo. It took close to a year and a half to make the final

decision since he was only getting worse...he had hip dysplacia and arthritis so

bad, he could hardly walk....and we tried everything available! I was with him

holding his head while the vet did his thing and I cried so hard I was sobbing.

It was awful having to say goodbye but I just couldn't let him be in any more

pain. He weighed 150 lbs and I now have him on my computer desk with a picture

in front of his ashes. This is the first animal I've ever done this with but he

was my baby, I loved him so. The other dog we lost was 15 yo and hubby ran her

over pulling into the garage. She was a mini long haired daushund and was a

sweetie. That was awful! And our cat was hit by a car. Within 5 months, we lost

6 animals (the other 3 were ferrets) so it wasn't a good beginning to the new

year. I know what you're going through and I'm so sad for you and your family.

When you have an animal for any length of time, they're part of your family and

it's so difficult when they go. It's sad but sometimes our heart breaks more for

our pets than for people in our lives that have passed. My sympathy to you and

your family. Kathy

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Nope not at all, taht is exactly what I did. After dinner, hubby was home

and we took her out in the woods and buried her. Had a little funeral.

Then the kids ran and collected some sticks and some flowers to decorate her

plot. They sort of embeded a patio stone and will later take some paint out

and paint her name on it. On a nicer day. Sort of all these things to say

godbye and that we loved her. I tried to explain that it is all part of

life. We still have one cat, who softens the blow. They still

have somethng to pet and cuddle with.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I have never had a pet this long

before. Usualy they would get hit by a car or something. I knew that since

she didnt like going outside that eventually we would have to deal with her

getting old. I think I was mentally prepared for her to go, watching her go

downhill these past months. I was thinking back this morning about when we

first got her as a kitten 16 years ago. We had bought this house from being

in appts for a few years and I was wanting a kitty soooo bad cuz I was

always always a big cat lover. And I remember I was wanting a black cat

(Sunny is calico). One day (it was this time of year) we went down to one

of the pet stores that was in marketplace mall and there she was in her cage

just playing hard with some little toy. She was only a couple months old.

We watched her for a little while and hubby said. " Lets get that one " . I

will never forget that line.. Lets get that one. Silly but it was a story

we use to tell to her from time to time. She did have some health problems

thruout her life but always was surprizingly strong enough to overcome.

Thanks for everyting guys!



Shaye, I`m so sorry about your Sunny. By all means let the girls say good

by. They will remember that and feel better. You can make them a part of the

" funeral " . That`s what I did with my kids. I think it somehow makes it

easier for them to accept that death is a part of life. (Does that sound

like an oxymoron)?


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In a message dated 9/26/2002 11:03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

BriarSkyeWolf@... writes:

> I don't know if my suggestion is too late,

> but when my cat passed I kept his collar.

A girl from work had a family dog pass and her mother made the kids and

herself keychains out of the collar... just cut it into small 2 " pieces and

sewed them onto key rings... that's an awsome way to remember them


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  • 1 month later...

I have two oz green tapered oval style with white lids ... 2 oz boston

style cobalt with white lids...

2 oz cosmo style cobalt with black lids (these are the ones I use but I can

spare a few depending on how many you need).

How many do you need?

Re: Help!

I won`t be picky about style & color, Shaye. Watcha got?





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  • 2 months later...


I think it makes a very big difference if you work out

in the morning or in the evening. I have never been a

morning person....8:30 is my wake up call. I have

been getting up at five, even four thirty for two and

a half weeks now and plan to continue for at least

another 11 and a half. I have five kids and I

homeschool. I'm sure your job is tough, but mine is

too. I have an eighteen month old who still nurses

and a three year old who needs interaction even though

I have to school the other three. My kids eat six to

eight times a day and for the most part I do the

cooking. I'm not saying this to sound like a drill

Sargent, but for me, I want it bad enough that five am

is not an option, it's a must! If I fall asleep

eating my lunch, then too bad. To me it is worth

every ache and pain.

This morning I had to get up a half hour early to get

my kids' assignment plans written up.....did I want

to, no. I wash my face in the near dark, as to not

wake my husband, and I scrape the ice off my

windshield and wrap towels around my hands (if I can't

find my gloves) to drive to the gym without getting

frostbite. I take Ibuprofen before bed so my sciatica

and pinched nerves in my shoulder won't keep me awake

in pain and again upon waking so I can actually walk.

Why did I say all this??? - because for me, if I want

it, I'll do it.

- it takes twenty one days to make a habit -

With sincerity,

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I hope you were serious and I didn't come off like a

B****! I really thought that over and kept my fingers

crossed when I posted. So, again, sorry if it came

across that way.


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I hope you were serious and I didn't come off like a

B****! I really thought that over and kept my fingers

crossed when I posted. So, again, sorry if it came

across that way.


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I know how you feel I CRAVE junk all the time as well as chocolate and when

period time come oh boy is it a fight.

My biggest motivation and what I do when I want something REALLY bad, I put

my before pictures as my wallpaper and as a rotation screen saver on my

computer so when I am just about to give in to that craving I look at my

computer and it makes me think again about it. I want to be thin and in

shape MUCH more than I want that junk. The pictures are so much worse than

looking in the mirror for me. It gets easier the longer I am on it and I do

the Carb Control Chocolate shakes they are great if they are SUPER cold.

Hope this helps! Hang in there!


>From: doolittle4704 Reply- To:

> Subject: [body for Life Women's

>Club] Help! Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 17:02:06 -0000


>Hi everybody! I just joined this club, and it's great to see all of the

>people that are interested in it.


>Well, I'm starting my 4th week of bodyforlife, and I'm really having a hard

>time staying motivated. I've tried it before, and made it to week 7. I do

>lose weight, but it seems like torture.


>I cannot workout early in the morning, I know myself, and I won't do it. I

>work 12 hour days, and there's no way I can get up at 5am to work out. So,

>I do stick to the pm workouts, and have to take advil from my aches and

>pains of the work day, just to be able to work out.


>Does anyone know if working out in the evening makes a major difference for



>Also, I don't care what anyone says, I crave junkfood no matter how long

>I've been eating healthy. I think I was born with those cravings!! I spend

>my whole life looking forward to my free day, and then it's over before I

>know it. I feel like this is torture, I'm always hungry, even though they

>say you won't be, and water fills me up for 2 seconds.


>I guess I just want my cake and eat it too, I want to be thin, fit, and be

>able to eat whatever I want, and never have to exercise again!! Anyone else

>like this??? Any pointers on dealing with the disgust?




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Hi !

Welcome to the group! You'll find tons of answers, opinions and

support here.

PM workouts are fine and are just as effective as morning workouts.

What line of work are you in that you have to take pain meds just to

be able to exercise?

If you're hungry all of the time doing BFL, you may want to really

look at your food intake. If you are in a really strenuous line of

work, you may not be eating enough calories to compensate for that

and your workouts. (That's why I was asking about your job, not

trying to be nosy!) Doing BFL, you should just be satisfied after

your meals, not overly stuffed, not feeling hungry still, just

perfect. And you should get hungry about two to three hours after

your last meal. Why not list a day's worth of meals for us to


I still crave junk food, but I have a better relationship with it

now. I guess it's a mental battle where you have to tell yourself

(over and over, if necessary) that the junk will be there when it's

free day. Just because you want an oreo RIGHT NOW (and it's not free

day), doesn't mean that all the oreos on the planet are going to

disappear before free day.

Post your meals and let's see if we can help.


> Hi everybody! I just joined this club, and it's great to see all


> the people that are interested in it.


> Well, I'm starting my 4th week of bodyforlife, and I'm really

having a

> hard time staying motivated. I've tried it before, and made it to


> 7. I do lose weight, but it seems like torture.


> I cannot workout early in the morning, I know myself, and I won't


> it. I work 12 hour days, and there's no way I can get up at 5am to

> work out. So, I do stick to the pm workouts, and have to take


> from my aches and pains of the work day, just to be able to work



> Does anyone know if working out in the evening makes a major


> for success?


> Also, I don't care what anyone says, I crave junkfood no matter how

> long I've been eating healthy. I think I was born with those

> cravings!! I spend my whole life looking forward to my free day,


> then it's over before I know it. I feel like this is torture, I'm

> always hungry, even though they say you won't be, and water fills

me up

> for 2 seconds.


> I guess I just want my cake and eat it too, I want to be thin, fit,


> be able to eat whatever I want, and never have to exercise again!!

> Anyone else like this??? Any pointers on dealing with the disgust?


> --

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You can do it this time! It is worrysome that you are hungry. Perhaps you

aren't eating enough? If you are, you should feel comfortably full all the

time. Why don't you post a day's meals so we can have a look. Also give us an

idea of your weight and height - there are ladies here who can give you some

good insights.



Hi everybody! I just joined this club, and it's great to see all of

the people that are interested in it.

Well, I'm starting my 4th week of bodyforlife, and I'm really having a

hard time staying motivated. I've tried it before, and made it to week

7. I do lose weight, but it seems like torture.

I cannot workout early in the morning, I know myself, and I won't do

it. I work 12 hour days, and there's no way I can get up at 5am to

work out. So, I do stick to the pm workouts, and have to take advil

from my aches and pains of the work day, just to be able to work out.

Does anyone know if working out in the evening makes a major difference

for success?

Also, I don't care what anyone says, I crave junkfood no matter how

long I've been eating healthy. I think I was born with those

cravings!! I spend my whole life looking forward to my free day, and

then it's over before I know it. I feel like this is torture, I'm

always hungry, even though they say you won't be, and water fills me up

for 2 seconds.

I guess I just want my cake and eat it too, I want to be thin, fit, and

be able to eat whatever I want, and never have to exercise again!!

Anyone else like this??? Any pointers on dealing with the disgust?


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I am hungry too. today so fat I have had- 1 container of egg whites

and 1 cup of fruit. And second meal was a myoplex low carb bar.

I have already drank 7 glass of water and it is only noon. IS anyone

using diet fuel????

thanks K

what are yours goals??.. I got my body fat today is it is 21.4. I am

at 129 pounds and 5'6 " . I would like to get down to 17% and lose an

inch in each thigh!!!!


> ,

> You can do it this time! It is worrysome that you are hungry.

Perhaps you aren't eating enough? If you are, you should feel

comfortably full all the time. Why don't you post a day's meals so

we can have a look. Also give us an idea of your weight and height -

there are ladies here who can give you some good insights.

> Park

> Help!



> Hi everybody! I just joined this club, and it's great to see all


> the people that are interested in it.


> Well, I'm starting my 4th week of bodyforlife, and I'm really

having a

> hard time staying motivated. I've tried it before, and made it

to week

> 7. I do lose weight, but it seems like torture.


> I cannot workout early in the morning, I know myself, and I won't


> it. I work 12 hour days, and there's no way I can get up at 5am


> work out. So, I do stick to the pm workouts, and have to take


> from my aches and pains of the work day, just to be able to work



> Does anyone know if working out in the evening makes a major


> for success?


> Also, I don't care what anyone says, I crave junkfood no matter


> long I've been eating healthy. I think I was born with those

> cravings!! I spend my whole life looking forward to my free day,


> then it's over before I know it. I feel like this is torture,


> always hungry, even though they say you won't be, and water fills

me up

> for 2 seconds.


> I guess I just want my cake and eat it too, I want to be thin,

fit, and

> be able to eat whatever I want, and never have to exercise


> Anyone else like this??? Any pointers on dealing with the



> --





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Thanks for replying Maggie. I think I'm especially having a hard time

this week, because I'm PMS-ing, which has always made a major

difference for me. It's like I'm starving the 1 1/2 weeks before my

period, and then like the 2nd day of it, I totally lose my appetite. I

don't think about it, I usually just suddenly realize it, after the


I don't feel you are being nosy at all. I'm a veterinarian, which

means I do have to deal with strong aggressive (or just goofy) animals

frequently. I am usually on my feet for 12-14 hours straight on most

days, have to hold it in for hours at a time when I literally don't

have a minute to go to the bathroom, and don't sit for lunch. In my

business, it's too busy, you eat while you're running down the hall,

getting ready for surgery, or in between office appointments, of when

you shove it down your throat in a minute. I eat my breakfast on my

way to work, and often a meal in the car on my way home. It's not

ideal for this diet plan, and I think it's been a major challenge for

me. Anyway, here's a sample menu:

1st meal: 2 egg beaters, and a serving of oatmeal with a few raisins

2nd meal: A myoplex ready to drink shake (can't stomach the lite

flavors, the flavor makes me wretch, literally)

3rd meal: A pork chop, a serving of brown rice, mixed together with

frozen vegetables, and then a results drink

4th meal: A myoplex lite bar

5th meal: A serving of cottage cheese with a serving of fruit

6th meal: A protein shake called 'Freelife', which is 110 calories,

and has 13 grams of protein, and 14 grams of carbs.

That's it. Sometimes, instead of cottage cheese, I'll have meat, like

a turkey burger on toast. On Saturday nights, I'll treat myself to

shrimp with cocktail sauce. Often, since I work late, I switch my two

pm meals, so I have a shake just before I go to the gym, and then the

cottage cheese meal 1-2 hours after the gym, at like 10pm.

So, what do you think? Thanks for the input! -.

> Hi !


> Welcome to the group! You'll find tons of answers, opinions and

> support here.


> PM workouts are fine and are just as effective as morning workouts.

> What line of work are you in that you have to take pain meds just to

> be able to exercise?


> If you're hungry all of the time doing BFL, you may want to really

> look at your food intake. If you are in a really strenuous line of

> work, you may not be eating enough calories to compensate for that

> and your workouts. (That's why I was asking about your job, not

> trying to be nosy!) Doing BFL, you should just be satisfied after

> your meals, not overly stuffed, not feeling hungry still, just

> perfect. And you should get hungry about two to three hours after

> your last meal. Why not list a day's worth of meals for us to

> critique?


> I still crave junk food, but I have a better relationship with it

> now. I guess it's a mental battle where you have to tell yourself

> (over and over, if necessary) that the junk will be there when it's

> free day. Just because you want an oreo RIGHT NOW (and it's not free

> day), doesn't mean that all the oreos on the planet are going to

> disappear before free day.


> Post your meals and let's see if we can help.

> Maggie


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Thanks for responding. I'm 114 lbs, 5' 2 " . I've always had all of my

weight in the middle. I got married 10/02, and was fine at 107lbs. It

doesn't seem much, but 7 pounds, around the midline, of a short person,

is a lot, and what I've always been battling. I have a flat but, and I

can never fit into normal women's clothing, because my waist is wide.

I feel uncomfortable, since my honeymoon, during which I gained like

8lbs. My main goal is to get fit, and just feel more comfortable, and

less bloated all the time. I was 102lbs about 5 years ago, and was

happy with myself, for the first time ever. I only lost that weight,

because I was going through a hard time, and didn't eat. Normally I

eat when I'm depressed.

I posted my sample menu on my last e-mail, please check it out if you

have time, and tell me what you think! Thanks.

> ,

> You can do it this time! It is worrysome that you are hungry. Perhaps you

aren't eating enough? If you are, you should feel comfortably full all the

time. Why don't you post a day's meals so we can have a look. Also give us an

idea of your weight and height - there are ladies here who can give you some

good insights.

> Park]

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, thanks for replying to me.

You do sound like you have quite a challenge! I just know myself, and

that if I try to be as disciplined as you are, it's a recipe for

failure for me. I want to be able to integrate it into my life in what

for me is realistic. I congratulate you on being so disciplined, and I

have that in me, but I know for me, it's asking for trouble at the end

of the challenge.


> ,

> I think it makes a very big difference if you work out

> in the morning or in the evening. I have never been a

> morning person....8:30 is my wake up call. I have

> been getting up at five, even four thirty for two and

> a half weeks now and plan to continue for at least

> another 11 and a half. I have five kids and I

> homeschool. I'm sure your job is tough, but mine is

> too. I have an eighteen month old who still nurses

> and a three year old who needs interaction even though

> I have to school the other three. My kids eat six to

> eight times a day and for the most part I do the

> cooking. I'm not saying this to sound like a drill

> Sargent, but for me, I want it bad enough that five am

> is not an option, it's a must! If I fall asleep

> eating my lunch, then too bad. To me it is worth

> every ache and pain.

> This morning I had to get up a half hour early to get

> my kids' assignment plans written up.....did I want

> to, no. I wash my face in the near dark, as to not

> wake my husband, and I scrape the ice off my

> windshield and wrap towels around my hands (if I can't

> find my gloves) to drive to the gym without getting

> frostbite. I take Ibuprofen before bed so my sciatica

> and pinched nerves in my shoulder won't keep me awake

> in pain and again upon waking so I can actually walk.

> Why did I say all this??? - because for me, if I want

> it, I'll do it.


> - it takes twenty one days to make a habit -

> With sincerity,


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I hope I didn't sound like a big " I'm so great " kind of female,cause I'm not.

Everyone has shadows. I plan to go to cardio in the mornings whenever I get

comfortable with my body, when that will be, only my Daddy knows, and weights in

the afternoon or evenings. I am looking forward to making early rising a habit.

Keep up the hard work!


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