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Jeff Sell's firm has a website up at


The links section has what you're looking for. Takes a minute for the page

to load on dial up.


I thought this was interesting. It states that autism is now the

number one disability among children!! (Read what is in the


Although once considered rare, during the last two decades the

chance of a child being diagnosed with autism has skyrocketed from

one in 10,000 to one in 150. In California, full-syndrome autism now

is the No. 1 disability among children and more prevalent than

childhood cancer, diabetes and Down's syndrome. It is estimated that

within the next four years autism cases in the Golden State will

exceed the total number of cases of both cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

To get a better idea of how quickly the epidemic is spreading one

need only consider that in 1987 there were 2,778 persons with autism

in California. By 2002 the number had increased to 20,377, and in

2002 3,575 new cases had been added to the rolls, far exceeding the

total number of cases in the state 15 years earlier.

For years there has been a debate about the cause or causes of

autism, but the vast majority of finger-pointing has been directed at

childhood vaccines as the culprit. And considering what is put into

the vaccines injected into hours-old infants, it is easy to

understand why they are at the top of the list of suspects:

formaldehyde (used in embalming), thimerosal (nearly 50 percent

mercury), aluminum phosphate (toxic and carcinogenic), antibiotics,

phenols (corrosive to skin and toxic), aluminum salts (corrosive to

tissue and neurotoxic), methanol (toxic), isopropyl (toxic), 2-

pheoxyethanol (toxic), live viruses and a host of unknown components

considered off-limits as trade secrets. These are just part of the

vaccine mixture.

" For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted

one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry

for help. " (Psalm 22:24, NIV)

Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

Schafer Autism Report

News and information on Autism

To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet

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Guest guest

Jeff Sell's firm has a website up at


The links section has what you're looking for. Takes a minute for the page

to load on dial up.


I thought this was interesting. It states that autism is now the

number one disability among children!! (Read what is in the


Although once considered rare, during the last two decades the

chance of a child being diagnosed with autism has skyrocketed from

one in 10,000 to one in 150. In California, full-syndrome autism now

is the No. 1 disability among children and more prevalent than

childhood cancer, diabetes and Down's syndrome. It is estimated that

within the next four years autism cases in the Golden State will

exceed the total number of cases of both cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

To get a better idea of how quickly the epidemic is spreading one

need only consider that in 1987 there were 2,778 persons with autism

in California. By 2002 the number had increased to 20,377, and in

2002 3,575 new cases had been added to the rolls, far exceeding the

total number of cases in the state 15 years earlier.

For years there has been a debate about the cause or causes of

autism, but the vast majority of finger-pointing has been directed at

childhood vaccines as the culprit. And considering what is put into

the vaccines injected into hours-old infants, it is easy to

understand why they are at the top of the list of suspects:

formaldehyde (used in embalming), thimerosal (nearly 50 percent

mercury), aluminum phosphate (toxic and carcinogenic), antibiotics,

phenols (corrosive to skin and toxic), aluminum salts (corrosive to

tissue and neurotoxic), methanol (toxic), isopropyl (toxic), 2-

pheoxyethanol (toxic), live viruses and a host of unknown components

considered off-limits as trade secrets. These are just part of the

vaccine mixture.

" For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted

one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry

for help. " (Psalm 22:24, NIV)

Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

Schafer Autism Report

News and information on Autism

To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet

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Hi Folks:

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have changed my firms website


www.JZSLAW.com <http://www.JZSLAW.com>

The links remain the same as on the old site and, I have added a few


My best


Jeff Sell

Z. Sell, P.C.


4309 Yoakum Boulevard

2nd Floor

Houston, Texas 77006


713-654-7789 (fax)

832-731-3145 (cell/v-mail)



www.jzslaw.com <http://www.jzslaw.com>


Jeff Sell's firm has a website up at



The links section has what you're looking for. Takes a minute for the page

to load on dial up.


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Hi Folks:

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have changed my firms website


www.JZSLAW.com <http://www.JZSLAW.com>

The links remain the same as on the old site and, I have added a few


My best


Jeff Sell

Z. Sell, P.C.


4309 Yoakum Boulevard

2nd Floor

Houston, Texas 77006


713-654-7789 (fax)

832-731-3145 (cell/v-mail)



www.jzslaw.com <http://www.jzslaw.com>


Jeff Sell's firm has a website up at



The links section has what you're looking for. Takes a minute for the page

to load on dial up.


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If you've re-activated the account that's all you need to do. Usually it's only

a few hours but sometimes it can take 24-48 hours to act on subscribe,

unsubscribe or reactivate commands. Plus, it's been exceptionally squirrelly

this week. I'm receiving a lot of messages hours later or not at all.


Guys I am still not getting messages from I haven't gotten any

mail, but I can come here and read the posts. I don't understand

what's going on. I had to reactivate my account and nothing still..

My email inbox is empty and lonely. LOL

What's up? Can anyone explain?

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  • 4 months later...

Sure I make bath candies out of it too. It can be a little heavy and oily

but there are things you can do to make it feel better.



> Hi, does anybody have an idea if it would be ok to use Cocoa Butter

> Substitute(CBS) in lotions?


> Thanks,

> Jessamine






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Thanks Chris!

> Sure I make bath candies out of it too. It can be a little heavy

and oily

> but there are things you can do to make it feel better.

> Chris

> help!



> > Hi, does anybody have an idea if it would be ok to use Cocoa


> > Substitute(CBS) in lotions?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Jessamine

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...
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Hi MiMi. Welcome to the group! Sounds like you got your hands full. I was wondering if you used the picture exchange system or sign language to communicate with your son? It would decress his frustration level if he could communicate better. Also is he on any medications or supplements? Special diet? Is he in an early intervention class? Just wondering whats being done so far. I'll gather up some links on behaviors & send them to you later. Feel free to expand on your son & his problems at biloxirobin2@... if you dont want to post it all to the group. Also my IM is AutisticM if you ever want to chat

Robin, mom to Whitney 9

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  • 1 month later...
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teenage years are so hard even without disabilities..... and having a

chronic disease or two on top of it can be extremely overwhelming... it

would be for me and I am 41 never mind going though all the angst of teenage

hood and puberty.... medication has helped me with depression... it makes

such a difference.... if that is what is experiencing... with proper

follow through by her doctors maybe it will make a lot of difference...

though high blood sugars can also make extreme behaviors, at least that is

what my friends at work say who have diabetes themselves... and then it is

just a question of why they are getting so irregular especially since I

think you told me that uses a pump and from what you have said, it

makes a big diffence to her control... unless there is a problem with the


ann... still going through toddlerhood with Vickie.... puberty with Webb


> Hi,

> If you've been following my trails and tribulations this year with amanda


> middle school, well, it ain't over yet.


> We had a very intense meeting on friday about behaviors and outbursts and

> cursing and fighting, etc. The outcome was that she will get a behavior


> specific to her goals she needs to work on and it will be signed off by


> teacher.


> OK, so yesterday, I get a call from one of the teachers that she threw a

> rolled up ball of paper at someone near the end of class and he told her

to stay

> after so he could talk to her about it. Well, after that she refused to


> out of his class. He couldnt find the guidance counselor, the crisis


> and already told her he was calling me. I told him to get the principal.


> So, the next call was from the principal and she was with amanda in the

> nurse's office and her BS was very high- so she was going to eat lunch

with the

> principal in her office- was that ok with me? Yeah sure and also she was


> to have amanda 'work' with her in the main office during gym so that there

> wouldnt be any gym episodes which we were anticapating.


> All that is fine- her regular para and another regular para were both out.


> then got numerous phone calls from the nurse that the bs wasnt going down.

> another phone call from the guidance counselor who went to check out the

> situation and there were some comments from amanda like " I'm not myself, I

dont know

> why I'm doing these things, No one likes me, everyone hates me. " More


> calls to her therapist. And finally a late phone call from the teacher


> she also hit someone after being extremely provoked by him.


> AAAARRRGGGG! I am almost at my wits end. The school is doing all they


> Ralph and I are trying all we can and now we dont even know which


> to go in. I asked her how we could help her and her reply was, " My life


> very hard and I want a different life. " She wrote some things about


> different disabilities than anyone else and some other things in her

journal, which

> she left right out for me to read.


> There is still an option of medication- which I am on the fence about, but

> maybe it will make her feel better? I just dont know...


> ~ Mom to 13 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 9 NY




> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Carolyn, why not just wait and pick these up on Ebay? The only dvd

I've paid full price for is Yoga For Happiness because it's an indie

label and I only learned of it by word of mouth through my trusted

source, (hi !!).

I always buy used. Cheaper, and better for the planet.

Just my two cents!

the Opinionated

> i got my collagevideo catalog today and have now added GILAD's QUICK FIT

> series to my wishlist. i dont know when i will be able to afford

it but it

> is there anyway... along with PHH. i will probably have to make a


> between the two. so which would you pick?


> a set of 3 cardio workouts (30-35 mins each) and 4 toning workouts


> mins each) for $70 (GILAD) -or-

> a set of 4 toning workouts (30 mins each) and a stretch (30 mins)

for $50



> *~*~*~*~*

> Carolyn

> ---


> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.693 / Virus Database: 454 - Release Date: 5/31/2004

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using ebay isnt always the best idea for a canadian. if i use ebay or buy

new from the distributor, i still have to buy from the USA... change money

into CDN funds... pay shipping costs... worry about border officials tacking

on taxes and border fees. i cant always get an american eby seller to say

that they are sending me a gift instead of merchandise that i have paid for

(if they would do that then i might be able to avoid customs). finding a

canadian seller who has what i want is rare. and im always worried about

condition of the item and if it will get sent at all. all in all, it is

actually easier and more reliable for me to buy brand-new.




> Carolyn, why not just wait and pick these up on Ebay?


Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.693 / Virus Database: 454 - Release Date: 5/31/2004

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  • 4 months later...

Karac pinched and pulled hair at that age. My therapists (We were doing ABA eight hours a day) pulled hair up and wore a hat; always worked in long sleeves; they ignored the behavior and it was pretty well extincguished. Karac continued to pinch his sister and pull her hair until she finally learned to not reinforce it by screaming and yelling. Karac was reinforced by any reaction; that was exciting to him.

Are you doing ABA with your son? After they acquire some language; they don't have to revert to that type of behavior to communicate or have interaction with others so often. With Karac it was a form of communication. i.e. I don't want to do that or I don't like what you are doing; or I feel bad or I just want some form of interaction. He had a young very smart little girl that I picked up once a week for a play date, and the first time she got into the car; he pinched her. She said, "Oh, did you want me to hold your hand?" He smiled; she took his hand and that was the end of it. When I would pick up his sister from tennis, until she learned to speak to him when she got in the car, he would pinch her. Karac is 12 now and will on rare occasions pinch me when he can't communicate what he wants and I can't figure it out.

What are you doing to develop language with your son? Pat K

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Karac went to a school like that for three years! I finally gave up on trying to teach them how to teach him. In the next school his fourth grade teacher actually learned how to teach him. She came to my house and also worked as one of his therapist. That was the only year that he made any progress in the public school. Unfortunately that teacher moved the next year. The teacher he has now is a nice young man who is working on his M.A. degree; he does the best he can, but he has too many students in his class. Pat K

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Okay, I'm sure I sound like a broken record on this list, but it just infuriates me that a doctor would put a THREE AND A HALF year old on Zoloft without suggesting behavioral intervention first. Well let's see, he doesn't speak, doesn't sign or use PECS, I bet scratching is very effective at getting his message across. I'd scratch too if I couldn't tell people what I wanted to say. (Note: my sarcasm is not directed at the family but at the medical industry for dishing out meds like candy).

So here's the thing, you need some behavioral intervention. But what you ask? Anyone offering advice over the internet is just guessing. You would need (here's the broken record part) a behavior analyst to come in and do a functional analysis on the behavior so you can put in place something that will work. For right now I'd say, get an ABA program together (through your county or school district if you can) and teach him some functional communication. You may see the behavior decrease on it's own this way.

Good luck


PS- what state are you in? I can recommend some good places to look for someone to help you out.

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  • 2 months later...


What do this patient's labs look like? From your description it sounds like d/c ing the GT would be contraindicated. Are there wounds or fistulas? What does she weigh right now? I'd be happy to give you input-


Nutrition Support Program Coordinator Neighborcare at Home


-------------- Original message -------------- I just had a referral from a GI doc of a pt (outpt) S/P RNY Feb 2004 with 2 exploratory sxs subsequent and then a reversal Sept 2004. She now has a G Tube and absolutely no appetite and says she thows up virtually everything she eats. Hasn't had anything more solid than cottage cheese since the surgery and thows up 2-4 x/d. She has been in and out of the hospital this whole time with various infections that don't heal and now shows signs of serious malnutrition. The doc wants me to try and get her off the G tube. Wt loss is no longer a priority at all. I don't have a lot of information but this doc has sent me his "hard" cases for the past 6 years (and he's a really good doc). I haven't talked to him yet but plan to tomorrow. I am meeting with the pt Wed. Any ideas????BevPS: She also has a picc line for meds. And is calling a therapist (psych)for an initial appt tomorrow.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

> Okay...pleeeeeze.....someone......reassure me......I am on my 4th

week this

> week and have been trying not to pay attention to the numbers on


> scale.....

Someone here will help and post Skwigg's 4 week Freakout from her

blog...but I keep forgetting to save the address to it. It's a

common thing to " freak out " at around week 4.

Have you taken measurements?

You might want to double check your meals and portion sizes, maybe

post some sample meals just to keep tabs, BUT I'm guessing

everything is going fine it's just the freakout time :)


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Here's the link to Skwigg's " 4 Week Freak Out " link


It should really help you. I've read it many times myself.


From: colleenp99 [mailto:colleen_meacham@...]

Sent: Friday, 25 March, 2005 6:18 PM

Subject: Re: Help!

> Okay...pleeeeeze.....someone......reassure me......I am on my 4th

week this

> week and have been trying not to pay attention to the numbers on


> scale.....

Someone here will help and post Skwigg's 4 week Freakout from her

blog...but I keep forgetting to save the address to it. It's a

common thing to " freak out " at around week 4.

Have you taken measurements?

You might want to double check your meals and portion sizes, maybe

post some sample meals just to keep tabs, BUT I'm guessing

everything is going fine it's just the freakout time :)


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Getting bigger before you get smaller is a very common phenomenon, but

at 4 weeks things should be turning around. If they're not, you need

to pay close attention to your portion sizes, carb choices, and free


Of course, PMS can do a number on your weight and the way your clothes

fit. So can creatine products like Betagen. So can taking measurements

or trying on clothes the day after free day. And never weigh, measure,

or try on anything at night if you can help it, because that's when

you'll be at your biggest and heaviest. It's best to do that kind of

thing first thing in the morning on free day before you've had

anything to eat or drink. That way you'll always have a full week of

clean eating behind you.

Here's a post from a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about

the " getting bigger " issue. The links at the end might give you some

ideas for stepping up your progress. Hang in there!


If you're feeling

big and bulky, the problem isn't your new lean muscle, it's the old

familiar fat that's still covering it. It's easy to gain some muscle

in the beginning. Once the fat loss catches up, you'll have some

sleek, rock hard, jiggle free legs that are smaller than what you

started with. Witness the fat and muscle comparison photo:


Quite a few women never get there though. They gain an inch in their

thighs the first couple weeks of training, wig out, and go back to

being flabby and soft. If they'd stuck it out for 12 weeks, they'd

have found that the fat loss catches up and their legs start looking

amazing! It's not unusual for the measurements in your arms, legs, and

hips to go up slightly at first but then drop like rocks. At the end

of a 12 week transformation you'll be inches smaller all the way

around. Most people don't stick it out though. The " I'm getting bulky "

phenomenon is an excellent excuse to quit and go back to something

safely ineffective.

Double check your meals, your portion sizes, and free day, and make

sure you're creating a substantial calorie deficit every week. You

have to have a calorie deficit in order to strip the fat off. If

you're training your guts out but you've increased your calories to

meet the demands, it's possible that you're accidentally doing a

" bulking " phase. That's all about your diet though.

If you're near your ideal weight, the ballpark estimates are that your

calories should be 8-10 times your body weight for fat loss, 12 times

your body weight for fat loss with some muscle gain, and 15 times body

weight for muscle gain only. Here's the BFL calculator:


Remember, those numbers are only going to be close if you're already

near your ideal weight. Anybody more than 20-30 pounds over might want

to enter a goal weight instead of your current weight.

Here are some other links to help you maximize your results:

Uh-oh, a Plateau


How to Have a Dramatic Transformation... or not


Do You Want to Lean Out or Swell Up?


On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 18:39:42 -0600, Kathy Sales <kesales@...> wrote:


> Here's the link to Skwigg's " 4 Week Freak Out " link


> http://www.skwigg.com/id40.html


> It should really help you. I've read it many times myself.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

's site was what initally inspired me as well...and i'm at about the same

place as far as time on BFL (almost 4 weeks) as well. how funny!

hey! you don't need the cigs. you're doing this amazing thing for your

body...after putting all that great oxygen into your body during tough workouts,

do you want to muck your lungs all up with smoke and crap?!? no! imagine how

clean you'll look inside AND out when you start really taking care of yourself.

you can do this. get a jar and everytime you want to buy a pack, put as much

money as you'd spend on a pack (i have no idea how much they cost) inside the

jar. at the end of the month take the money out and go buy yourself some cute

workout gear!! you can do it!



Ok, Ladies, I was hoping not to have to tell you this....

Here's the story of how I started BFL....I needed to quit smoking, and

I had tried everything. One day, for some unknown and weird reason, my

ex did a google search for " fat Batman " - what he found was Skwigg's

website. He sent it to me thinking it would be inspiration for

quitting the smoking, not necessarily getting in shape. I found it to

be pretty funny, but didn't think much about the practical

applications until I found I kept going back to read more. Well, one

thing led to another and now I am almost done with week 4 of the BFL

challenge (Yeah!) One of the goals that I set for myself was to quit

smoking by the time it was done - I haven't. Despite the fact that

I've lost alot o weight and feel pretty d@#n good, and am a healthcare

worker and know better, something still hasn't clicked and made me

truly want to give it up, so I am asking for you gals to give me some

advice or plain ole' chew me out properly. And thanks, fat Batman :)

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I always tell people who smoke that my kids would have a Grandpa if he hadn't


It kills me that they don't know him at all. He died of emphysema at 65...when

my first child was two months.

It was not a pleasant way to die gasping for breath.

I would so much rather have him here. He would have enjoyed the kids SO much,

and they him.

I find it hard to believe that they don't know his voice, or smile, or laugh, or

his funny jokes.... :(

There is too much to miss if you keep smoking....it can't be worth it.

Same goes for my being overweight!!



Ok, Ladies, I was hoping not to have to tell you this....

Here's the story of how I started BFL....I needed to quit smoking, and

I had tried everything. One day, for some unknown and weird reason, my

ex did a google search for " fat Batman " - what he found was Skwigg's

website. He sent it to me thinking it would be inspiration for

quitting the smoking, not necessarily getting in shape. I found it to

be pretty funny, but didn't think much about the practical

applications until I found I kept going back to read more. Well, one

thing led to another and now I am almost done with week 4 of the BFL

challenge (Yeah!) One of the goals that I set for myself was to quit

smoking by the time it was done - I haven't. Despite the fact that

I've lost alot o weight and feel pretty d@#n good, and am a healthcare

worker and know better, something still hasn't clicked and made me

truly want to give it up, so I am asking for you gals to give me some

advice or plain ole' chew me out properly. And thanks, fat Batman :)


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Ok, if you want it - how's this: My uncle just died last month at 67.

YOUNG! He was fit, thin, exercised, ate right etc. But he smoked. He quit

2 months ago finally - way too late. His kidneys were barely able to

function and they had to put stints in his renal arteries. His circulation

became poor in the last 6 mos and they were talking about him losing fingers

& toes - from the smoking. Then he had chest pains so they put him in the

hospital and found out he now had major arterial blockages in his heart that

were not present last year - from the kidney problems from the smoking. He

was scheduled for bypass surgery but when they went to hook him up to the

heart/lung bypass, his aorta shattered due to calcification from the kidney

problems FROM THE SMOKING! No history of these problems in his family - no

other risk factors (ie weight, cholesterol, hypertension etc - none of that)

- just the smoking. The surgeon said the bypasses would have been easy to

do if not for the complications from smoking. I'll never forget his wife

screaming in the hospital " YOU did this! YOU left me alone! You loved those

cigarettes more than me & our family. " (She's the most quiet sweet person -

never heard her raise her voice before.) His 3 grandchildren stood next to

me at the burial. The youngest turned & asked " So, won't I get to fish with

Poppa this summer like he promised? "

NEVER be willing to give up what you want most in your life for what feels

good for the moment!

I know it's hard and I am NOT judging you. I've just seen the disaster you

are heading to up close & personal. Please stop killing yourself puff by

puff. It is NOT worth it. Do anything it takes to quit. You deserve a

great life uncompromised by those deadly things.

Good luck & God bless.

PS Check out this link to see what you are doing to your poor lungs.




[mailto: ] On Behalf Of fuzzyelfone

Sent: Wednesday, 04 May, 2005 8:49 PM

Subject: Help!

Ok, Ladies, I was hoping not to have to tell you this....

Here's the story of how I started BFL....I needed to quit smoking, and

I had tried everything. One day, for some unknown and weird reason, my

ex did a google search for " fat Batman " - what he found was Skwigg's

website. He sent it to me thinking it would be inspiration for

quitting the smoking, not necessarily getting in shape. I found it to

be pretty funny, but didn't think much about the practical

applications until I found I kept going back to read more. Well, one

thing led to another and now I am almost done with week 4 of the BFL

challenge (Yeah!) One of the goals that I set for myself was to quit

smoking by the time it was done - I haven't. Despite the fact that

I've lost alot o weight and feel pretty d@#n good, and am a healthcare

worker and know better, something still hasn't clicked and made me

truly want to give it up, so I am asking for you gals to give me some

advice or plain ole' chew me out properly. And thanks, fat Batman :)


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