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Send me your number again and I will call you asap

Tasha Fontenot <ryanswalk@...> wrote:

Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please

tell me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should still

get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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The number in Erie is: 1645 W. 8th St.

Erie, PA 16505


Dr. and Dr. Khoury both do the casts there. I think you would be very

happy with any treatment you receive there. Call today if you can!!

How old is again? When you get a chance, could you post more details.

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry to hear that you have lost ground, but I do think

Shriners can help you.

Noelle (12-2-01)

Ian (8-15-04)


Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell me

the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should

still get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Feel free to give me call. My email is noellesmommy@... if you want to

send me your number.

Noelle (12-2-01)

Ian (8-15-04)


Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell me

the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should

still get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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SLC Shriners phone number is 801-536-3500, ask to speak to Heidi, she is Dr

D'Astous care coordinator.

Good Luck!

( & Alison, who gets cast # 3 on Jan 11th)


Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell

me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should

still get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Thanks so much .

Claflin <noellesmommy@...> wrote:


The number in Erie is: 1645 W. 8th St.

Erie, PA 16505


Dr. and Dr. Khoury both do the casts there. I think you would be very

happy with any treatment you receive there. Call today if you can!!

How old is again? When you get a chance, could you post more details.

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry to hear that you have lost ground, but I do think

Shriners can help you.

Noelle (12-2-01)

Ian (8-15-04)


Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell me

the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should still

get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Thanks .

Remind me again about Alison's curve. What have been her measurement since

she has been in a cast? Did she ever see anyone else or did she start out at



Matt and Urban <urbanmattandrea@...> wrote:


SLC Shriners phone number is 801-536-3500, ask to speak to Heidi, she is Dr

D'Astous care coordinator.

Good Luck!

( & Alison, who gets cast # 3 on Jan 11th)


Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell

me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should

still get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Hi Tasha, here. How old is out of interest? I can feel

your anxiety and I just know how awful that feeling of desperation is

as I had it with for years! If is under two or

thereabouts with progressive infantile scoliosis, it's my

understanding you are in a very fortunate situation for your son, and

the fact you are able to get to Shriners! Even if he's older,

Shriners is the place to go. was not cast properly until he

was 4, and his curve is controlled now, though he won't ever achieve

curve resolution. However, his curve was 60 degrees and is now 39

degrees, so please know that everything will be ok once you get

taken to Shriners. You are a very lucky mummy to have that


Love , and good luck for making such a great decision for


Please feel free to call me anytime on 08 9248 84 54. I'm not sure of

all the other numbers that go along with calling Australia,but I am

available to chat anytime!

> Tasha,

> SLC Shriners phone number is 801-536-3500, ask to speak to Heidi,

she is Dr

> D'Astous care coordinator.

> Good Luck!

> ( & Alison, who gets cast # 3 on Jan 11th)




> Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone

please tell

> me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

> I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

> Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we


> still get it ...........right?

> Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not


> anymore with how this is going.

> I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he

has had.

> Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

> Thanks to anyone who can help.

> I would love to get him in SOON!

> Tasha/



> ---------------------------------

> Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.



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Oh Tasha, is well within the time frame where his rapid growth

can be used as a corrective force for his scoliosis!!! I am sure you

will get wonderful results. well and truly missed his chance

due to terrible orthos over here in Australia telling me there was

nothing more that could be done, and it was going to shorten his

lifespan. So didn't get his cast on until a month ago, we went

to London twice and they were so loose it wasn't funny. Please take

heart that your little boy has the chance to have his scoliosis

resolved and he could well live a scoliosis free life! I'm sure

Shriners will see you soon and then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

You and are very lucky. How far is Shriners from where you live?


> > Tasha,

> > SLC Shriners phone number is 801-536-3500, ask to speak to Heidi,

> she is Dr

> > D'Astous care coordinator.

> > Good Luck!

> > ( & Alison, who gets cast # 3 on Jan 11th)

> >

> > HELP!

> >

> > Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone

> please tell

> > me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

> > I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

> > Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course


> should

> > still get it ...........right?

> > Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not

> comfortable

> > anymore with how this is going.

> > I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he

> has had.

> > Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

> > Thanks to anyone who can help.

> > I would love to get him in SOON!

> > Tasha/

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call


> >

> >

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Let us know where you decide to go. I truly believe there is still time.

Glad you are getting him taken care of somewhere else. Perhaps then SR will

listen to you and see that they need to be trained by Miss Mehta!!!!! Love you

guys. We will be praying for you all.


Tasha Fontenot <ryanswalk@...> wrote:

Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please

tell me the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should still

get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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I will call on Monday(depending on how early we get home from ish

Rite)and I guess the one that can see us first we will go there.

I will let everyone now when I find out. So much to do to prepare for this


Thanks so much for your prayers we will need them.


Shellie Grant <shelliegrant@...> wrote:


Let us know where you decide to go. I truly believe there is still time. Glad

you are getting him taken care of somewhere else. Perhaps then SR will listen to

you and see that they need to be trained by Miss Mehta!!!!! Love you guys. We

will be praying for you all.


Tasha Fontenot <ryanswalk@...> wrote:

Long story I will explain later, but more important can someone please tell me

the numbers to Shriners in both Erie and SLC.

I am calling today to see who can see ASAP.

Question-we are scheduled for his 3rd cast on Monday. Of course we should still

get it ...........right?

Some major confusion with Xrays done yesterday and we are not comfortable

anymore with how this is going.

I am so scared has lost so much growing time in the casts he has had.

Is there still hope for improvement with correct treatment?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

I would love to get him in SOON!



Cheap Talk? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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  • 3 months later...
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In a message dated 3/29/2007 9:38:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

dtretter1@... writes:

My main fear about ther meds is this. My son hasn't shown a real

effort in his fight of OCD since we went to Shands for treatment,

counceling, therapy what ever we call it. This worked great for most

all of the outward things he did (grunts, ticks, fear of touching

thing, washing his hands-that one he still does). The problems now

are in his head: hint the new brain.


Welcome to the group. We're all learning from each other every day. You

never know when you might bring something up that hasn't occurred to someone

else, so feel free to post away!

When you say " the problems are in his head " do you mean your ds is having

bad thought OCD? It's great that the treatment he received has been somewhat


Another member posted that medication doesn't have to be forever - it's

true. While there are some folks out there who are on meds for years & years -

that's not the case for everyone. My dd was diagnosed at 14yrs and has been

on Prozac for 1 year this last January. We've been reducing the dosage for

the past several months (she went from 10mg/day up to 50mg/day and is now back

down to 20mg/day) and is doing GREAT. It is necessary sometimes to be on

meds in order for therapy to work (be learned). When your brain is plagued

with bad thoughts, stress, anxiety, etc., it's nearly impossible for you to

learn or concentrate on anything. That's where the meds come in.

Our problem is that our dd never received the therapy part of treatment (CBT

& ERP) because the meds worked SO well for her, there were no symptoms of

OCD left for the psychologist to work with (by the time we found one!) - that's

when we decided to start reducing. I hesitate going any further right now

because this August her older brother will leave for college (opposite end of

the U.S.!!) and I'm concerned that the trauma of that might spike her OCD.

Our dd is VERY family-oriented. She cried when her brother left for a

week-long camp a couple years ago. This last Christmas, she totally melted

down in

the car on the way home from getting our Christmas tree because someone

(stupid ME) mentioned something about our son not being with the family next


to pick out a tree..... UGH!!! She hadn't thought about that one yet!

Anyway, those are just some thoughts.


************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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Hi Darren,

Yes, a lot of times medication is needed to help therapy be

effective, can make a huge difference for many people. Get them

over that hump!

I've found similar with my son. For me, it seemed much easier

dealing with the outward things than all these current bad thoughts

he is having! He's 18 and not wanting to go back on medication,

sigh! I do think it would really help him get over his hump!


> Hi. I am new to this group, and I do not input a whole lot simply

> because I don't feel that I know much. Well, the reason that I


> is because I would like some input on how you can tell when your

> child might need medication to supplement cognitive behavioral

> therapy? My son is in denial about many of his symptoms and does

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Hi Darren,

Yes, a lot of times medication is needed to help therapy be

effective, can make a huge difference for many people. Get them

over that hump!

I've found similar with my son. For me, it seemed much easier

dealing with the outward things than all these current bad thoughts

he is having! He's 18 and not wanting to go back on medication,

sigh! I do think it would really help him get over his hump!


> Hi. I am new to this group, and I do not input a whole lot simply

> because I don't feel that I know much. Well, the reason that I


> is because I would like some input on how you can tell when your

> child might need medication to supplement cognitive behavioral

> therapy? My son is in denial about many of his symptoms and does

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Hi Darren,

Medication can be definately be helpful to get through the tough

times when nothing else seems to be working -- and it doesn't mean he

will be on it forever.

My son went on Zoloft at 11 when we first found out about the ocd.

He was going to a therapist who understood ocd but did not know cbt

or erp. She reccommended he be put on meds because he was

depressed. The psychiatrist agreed and we put him on Zoloft. It

helped some at first but he was activated by it and we had to take

him off. Shortly after that we found a therapist farmiliar w/

erp/cbt and he has not needed meds since.

I was very scared when we first started him on Zoloft and I

understand your hesitation. But I've found w/ ocd I just have to

keep trying different things to find what works best for my child.

We went to four different therapists before finding one who really

knew what they were doing. I know I've made some mistakes along the

way, this is definately a learn-as-you-go thing.

Good luck,

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darren I must have missed your post - but i'm guessing from responses

that you don't want to start meds - I have to throw in my have you

tried natural stuff before meds? I think docs are quick to prescribe

and they have been life-saving for some but if you want to try other

stuff first - no harm in trying


Quoting julieaw66 <julieaw66@...>:

> Hi Darren,

> Medication can be definately be helpful to get through the tough

> times when nothing else seems to be working -- and it doesn't mean he

> will be on it forever.


> My son went on Zoloft at 11 when we first found out about the ocd.

> He was going to a therapist who understood ocd but did not know cbt

> or erp. She reccommended he be put on meds because he was

> depressed. The psychiatrist agreed and we put him on Zoloft. It

> helped some at first but he was activated by it and we had to take

> him off. Shortly after that we found a therapist farmiliar w/

> erp/cbt and he has not needed meds since.


> I was very scared when we first started him on Zoloft and I

> understand your hesitation. But I've found w/ ocd I just have to

> keep trying different things to find what works best for my child.

> We went to four different therapists before finding one who really

> knew what they were doing. I know I've made some mistakes along the

> way, this is definately a learn-as-you-go thing.


> Good luck,




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PS forgot to say my dd would have been medicated I'm sure but we have

her in cbt/erp now and not using anything else now - doing the best

she has since we found out last year


Quoting julieaw66 <julieaw66@...>:

> Hi Darren,

> Medication can be definately be helpful to get through the tough

> times when nothing else seems to be working -- and it doesn't mean he

> will be on it forever.


> My son went on Zoloft at 11 when we first found out about the ocd.

> He was going to a therapist who understood ocd but did not know cbt

> or erp. She reccommended he be put on meds because he was

> depressed. The psychiatrist agreed and we put him on Zoloft. It

> helped some at first but he was activated by it and we had to take

> him off. Shortly after that we found a therapist farmiliar w/

> erp/cbt and he has not needed meds since.


> I was very scared when we first started him on Zoloft and I

> understand your hesitation. But I've found w/ ocd I just have to

> keep trying different things to find what works best for my child.

> We went to four different therapists before finding one who really

> knew what they were doing. I know I've made some mistakes along the

> way, this is definately a learn-as-you-go thing.


> Good luck,




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The problems now are in his head:

Sounds like he could be having either some bad thought OCD, or he is

ritualizing in his head. Our son does some of that, with numbers

<rituals that can't be seen>. If your son has gotten some things with

his OCD under control, his OCD might have gone in another direction.

Our son's OCD has definitely changed over the years. He had sensory

stuff and bathroom issues when he was young with lots of rituals, now

he is dealing with bad thought OCD.

Medication can sometimes help. It was really scary giving it to our

son for the first time, but as we saw it making things better, it was

a huge relief for something to make things go the other way. It never

made it go completely away, but he was able to ignore it better. It's

a fine line to help them, yet not too much so they are willing to work

on CBT & ERP.




> Hi. I am new to this group, and I do not input a whole lot simply

> because I don't feel that I know much. Well, the reason that I write

> is because I would like some input on how you can tell when your

> child might need medication to supplement cognitive behavioral

> therapy? My son is in denial about many of his symptoms and does not

> even try to fight his OCDs. Is this a sign of being overwhelmed?

> Might he need some meds to help him over this hump? He is

> internalizing his problems, and I just don't know how to get through

> to him. We have tried everything from loving conversation to " I'm

> going to crack open your skull and give you a new brain " these are

> really bad days. We are at our wits' ends. Please give me your

> opinions.


> My main fear about ther meds is this. My son hasn't shown a real

> effort in his fight of OCD since we went to Shands for treatment,

> counceling, therapy what ever we call it. This worked great for most

> all of the outward things he did (grunts, ticks, fear of touching

> thing, washing his hands-that one he still does). The problems now

> are in his head: hint the new brain.


> Another bad night,

> Darren (father)


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

>>do any of you know of a speific website that would have a good " checklist "

>>type of thing for when your'e seeking a diagnosis?<<

You should look at proper ASD sites. Wikipedia is often wrong!

The OASIS site (on-line Asperger's information) is good, as is Tony

Attwood's and the NAS (National autistic society of britain) site. There may

be one for the American autistic society.

in England

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

try these 2 orgs


they have a long wait list for vehicles but may have some adaptive

stuff to help in the meantime for ADL's


good luck :)


> I have a business helping people complete their deeming waivers and

I have a patient that has CP and multiple problems. He is blind and

on the ventilator. He is eight and is deadweight. His mom is a

single mom and is working two jobs just trying to keep them



> Long story short, she needs a handicapped accessable van which

she can't afford. Does anyone have any ides who I could talk to that

might be able to help them?


> I really want to help this little boy.


> Thanks!!


> See you guys at Marcus! Come by the Kids Enabled Magazine table

and say " HI " .


> Cheers!





> ---------------------------------

> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.


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try these 2 orgs


they have a long wait list for vehicles but may have some adaptive

stuff to help in the meantime for ADL's


good luck :)


> I have a business helping people complete their deeming waivers and

I have a patient that has CP and multiple problems. He is blind and

on the ventilator. He is eight and is deadweight. His mom is a

single mom and is working two jobs just trying to keep them



> Long story short, she needs a handicapped accessable van which

she can't afford. Does anyone have any ides who I could talk to that

might be able to help them?


> I really want to help this little boy.


> Thanks!!


> See you guys at Marcus! Come by the Kids Enabled Magazine table

and say " HI " .


> Cheers!





> ---------------------------------

> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check outnew cars at Autos.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Howabout an elemental PO supplement? Trophic feeds- like pro-biotic/kefir? Carnitine supplementation- either IV or PO?-- just a couple of guesses.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: c harrison <charrisonrd@...>

My 30 year post op jejunal intestinal bypass patient continues to be declining. He has been on dialysis for 6 years and has done well and still drives and is fairly active and at his IBW. BUT, his albumin has been at 2.0 for over a year and last month albumin dropped to 1.9 and now this month 1.8. His prealbumin is 20.2. He gets IDPN 5 times per week. He has been advised to get a reversal but his cardiologist is not in favor of it. I am so worried about his albumin. His total protein is now down to 4.9. He eats large amounts of protein & calories, well above his estimated needs as well . Any suggestions or testimonies about good outcomes from reversal or anything I could share with him. How can I help this man?

on, RD, LD

Quality Dialysis

Stafford, TX

281-491-4009melissa mcinerney <missylynntownsend > wrote:

yes, Hosier <hosierjslrmc (DOT) org> wrote:

Preparing a presentation for our hospital staff. Does anyone know what atypical pouch size is? I was thinking about 1 oz. Hosier, RD, LDClinical DietitianMember ASBS www.asbs.orgSt. Luke's Regional Medical Center381-1519"TWEF <slrmc.org>" made the following annotations.----------------------------------------------------------"This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential or privileged, the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are herebynotified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message by error, please notify us immediately and destroy the related message."=================================================


Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.

oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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Wouldn't Kefir be high in Phosphorus. he already has a very high phosphorus level. can't get it below 7.5 most likely due to all the protein he is eating. He currently takes 5 phoslo qac but I just switched him to Fosrenol. He also has about 6 loose stools per day and says he has had this for 30 years. wouldn'[t the Kefir exacerbate that? I am really not that familiar with it. he also takes 6 T. Prostat per day and yes , is also on IV carnitor.md-gonzales@... wrote: - Howabout an elemental PO supplement? Trophic feeds- like pro-biotic/kefir? Carnitine supplementation- either IV or PO?-- just a couple of guesses. Eva H RD LD CNSD -------------- Original message

-------------- From: c harrison <charrisonrd@...> My 30 year post op jejunal intestinal bypass patient continues to be declining. He has been on dialysis for 6 years and has done well and still drives and is fairly active and at his IBW. BUT, his albumin has been at 2.0 for over a year and last month albumin dropped to 1.9 and now this month 1.8. His prealbumin is 20.2. He gets IDPN 5 times per week. He has been advised to get a reversal but his cardiologist is not in favor of it. I am so worried about his albumin. His total protein is now down to 4.9. He eats large amounts of protein & calories, well above his estimated needs as well . Any suggestions or testimonies about good outcomes from reversal or anything I could share with him. How can I help this man? on, RD, LD Quality Dialysis Stafford,

TX 281-491-4009melissa mcinerney <missylynntownsend > wrote: yes, Hosier <hosierjslrmc (DOT) org> wrote: Preparing a presentation for our hospital staff. Does anyone know what atypical pouch size is? I was thinking about 1 oz. Hosier, RD, LDClinical DietitianMember ASBS www.asbs.orgSt. Luke's Regional Medical Center381-1519"TWEF <slrmc.org>" made the following annotations.----------------------------------------------------------"This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential or privileged, the disclosure of which is governed

by applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are herebynotified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message by error, please notify us immediately and destroy the related message."================================================= ============================= Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more. oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

Get the toolbar and be alerted to new email wherever you're surfing.

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…why prostat. It is hydrolyzed

collagen protein and in my experience in dialysis and bariatric clients, never


If I read your post right..his prealbumin

is okay but albumin and total protein low. Have you looked at transferrin?

Abbe Breiter


[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of c harrison

Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 4:17


Subject: Re:



Kefir be high in Phosphorus. he already has a very high phosphorus level. can't

get it below 7.5 most likely due to all the protein he is eating. He currently

takes 5 phoslo qac but I just switched him to Fosrenol. He also has about 6

loose stools per day and says he has had this for 30 years. wouldn'[t the Kefir

exacerbate that? I am really not that familiar with it.

he also takes 6 T. Prostat per day and yes , is also on IV carnitor.

md-gonzalescomcast (DOT) net



Howabout an elemental PO supplement?

Trophic feeds- like pro-biotic/kefir? Carnitine supplementation- either IV or PO?-- just a couple of guesses.


-------------- Original message --------------

From: c harrison <charrisonrd >

My 30 year post op jejunal intestinal bypass patient continues to be

declining. He has been on dialysis for 6 years and has done well and still

drives and is fairly active and at his IBW. BUT, his albumin has been at 2.0

for over a year and last month albumin dropped to 1.9 and now this month 1.8.

His prealbumin is 20.2. He gets IDPN 5 times per week. He has been advised

to get a reversal but his cardiologist is not in favor of it. I am so

worried about his albumin. His total protein is now down to 4.9. He eats large

amounts of protein & calories, well above his estimated needs as well

.. Any suggestions or testimonies about good outcomes from reversal or

anything I could share with him. How can I help this man?

on, RD, LD

Quality Dialysis

S tafford, TX


melissa mcinerney

<missylynntownsend > wrote:



<hosierjslrmc (DOT) org> wrote:

Preparing a presentation

for our hospital staff. Does anyone know what a

typical pouch size is? I was thinking about 1 oz.

Hosier, RD, LD

Clinical Dietitian

Member ASBS www.asbs.org

St. Luke's Regional

Medical Center


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His Tsat, Ferrtin, Hgbx3 are all within normal range. Prostat has helped my dialysis patients as well as Proteinex. I am not sure about this bariatric patient with malabsorption. I am puzzled why his albumin started dropping so significantly after 30 years though. He is getting IDPN (Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition) and it has not improved at all. So why is hydrolyzed collagen protein not good? I may need to go back to school. Abbe <abbemi@...> wrote: …why

prostat. It is hydrolyzed collagen protein and in my experience in dialysis and bariatric clients, never helps. If I read your post right..his prealbumin is okay but albumin and total protein low. Have you looked at transferrin? Abbe Breiter From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of c harrisonSent: Friday, July 06, 2007 4:17 AM Subject: Re: Help! Wouldn't Kefir be high in Phosphorus. he already has a very high phosphorus level. can't get it below 7.5 most likely due to all the protein he is eating. He currently takes 5 phoslo qac but I just switched him to Fosrenol. He also has about 6 loose stools per day and says he has had this for 30 years. wouldn'[t the Kefir exacerbate that? I am really not that familiar with it. he also takes 6 T. Prostat per day and yes , is also on IV carnitor.md-gonzalescomcast (DOT) net wrote: - Howabout an elemental PO supplement? Trophic feeds- like pro-biotic/kefir? Carnitine supplementation- either IV or PO?-- just a couple of guesses. Eva H RD LD CNSD -------------- Original message -------------- From: c harrison <charrisonrd > My 30 year post op jejunal intestinal bypass patient continues to be declining. He has been on dialysis for 6 years and has done well and still drives and is fairly active and at his IBW. BUT, his albumin has been at 2.0 for over a year and last month albumin dropped to 1.9 and now this month 1.8. His prealbumin is 20.2. He gets IDPN 5 times per week. He has been advised to get a reversal

but his cardiologist is not in favor of it. I am so worried about his albumin. His total protein is now down to 4.9. He eats large amounts of protein & calories, well above his estimated needs as well . Any suggestions or testimonies about good outcomes from reversal or anything I could share with him. How can I help this man? on, RD, LD Quality Dialysis S tafford, TX 281-491-4009melissa mcinerney <missylynntownsend > wrote: yes, Hosier <hosierjslrmc (DOT) org> wrote: Preparing a

presentation for our hospital staff. Does anyone know what atypical pouch size is? I was thinking about 1 oz. Hosier, RD, LDClinical DietitianMember ASBS www.asbs.orgSt. Luke's Regional Medical Center381-1519"TWEF <slrmc.org>" made the following annotations.----------------------------------------------------------"This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential or privileged, the disclosure of which is gov erned by applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are herebynotified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message by

error, please notify us immediately and destroy the related message."================================================= ============================= Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more. oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links. Get the toolbar and be alerted to new email wherever you're surfing.

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Never had any good experience with

hydrolyzed collage protein, especially in bariatric patients and more recently

dialysis. I am not sure of the exact science but I believe the collagen form

of protein is not as well absorbed as whey


[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of c harrison

Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 8:57


Subject: RE:


His Tsat, Ferrtin, Hgbx3 are all within normal range. Prostat has

helped my dialysis patients as well as Proteinex. I am not sure about

this bariatric patient with malabsorption. I am puzzled why his albumin started

dropping so significantly after 30 years though. He is getting IDPN

(Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition) and it has not improved at all. So

why is hydrolyzed collagen protein not good? I may need to go back to


Abbe <abbemimyacc (DOT) net>


…why prostat. It is hydrolyzed

collagen protein and in my experience in dialysis and bariatric clients, never


If I read your post right..his prealbumin

is okay but albumin and total protein low. Have you looked at transferrin?

Abbe Breiter

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