Guest guest Posted August 10, 2002 Report Share Posted August 10, 2002 Hi Cat, thanks so much and I agree with you. I have told her to go to the ER but she believes her doctor knows about all this and he is still keeping her on this stuff which is silly. I know all too well what Celebrex did to me in the way of breathing and I told her about me but she just says me too but wont budge! I don't know if age has anything to do with it but she is convinced that her doc knows better. I just thought maybe I can copy some information on this and write send it in a letter. Since she lives so far away. This poor women and her son my ex doesn't even care. I have been telling her she has to move closer so I can take care of her. Anyway it makes me mad that she still thinks that doctors know best! I know from experence that they all don't know best. Hugs, ette C Triller wrote: HI SWEETIE I WOULD URGE YOU TO TELL YOUR MOM IN LAW TO GET TO THE ER SAP, THERE IS OBVIOUSLY SOMETHING GOING ON...IN SOME CASES THEY WILL USE PREDNISONE FOR ALLERGIC REACTIONS, BUT IF SHE IS EXPERIENCING ARYTHMIA AND HER TOUNGE'S SWELLING UP MAKING BREATHING DIFFICULT SHE NEEDS TO ADDRESS THESE ISSUES RIGHT AWAY, AND NOT WAIT TIL MONDAY TO SPEAK TO HER DOC.... ANY CONCERNS SHE HAS SHOULD BE DEALT WITH BY HER PCP AND RHEUMY IMMEDIATELY. IT COULD GET WORSE AS SHE CONTINUES WITH THE MEDS. REGARDS AND SMILES CAT -- Re: Help! Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having a terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she since the last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She told him and he is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped her Preds. He also gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well she says she still has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up which makes it hard to breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour later her heart would beat fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look these up. Maybe I can printout some things for her and maybe she can take them to the doctors with her. Thanks so much, God Bless You All,your friend, <))>< Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2002 Report Share Posted August 10, 2002 ette, I understand you can't get her to the ER, however, I just pulled up a couple of things she may need to see. I have included the websites where I got this info. Every drug has potential serious side effects, and not everyone will experience them; however, it sounds as though she needs to realize that what she is experiencing are serious side effects & need to be addressed. Good luck, Chris greywolf70@... *************************************************************** Taken from " Many people with heart failure should not take REMICADE; so, prior to treatment you should discuss any heart condition with your doctor. Tell your doctor right away if you develop new or worsening symptoms of heart failure (such as shortness of breath or swelling of your feet). There are reports of serious infections, including tuberculosis (TB) and sepsis. Some of these infections have been fatal. Tell your doctor if you have had recent or past exposure to people with TB. Your doctor will evaluate you for TB and perform a skin test. If you have latent (inactive) TB your doctor should begin TB treatment before you start REMICADE. If you are prone to or have a history of infections, currently have one, or develop one while taking REMICADE, tell your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor if you have lived in a region where histoplasmosis is common or if you have or have had a disease that affects the nervous system, or if you experience any numbness, tingling, or visual disturbances. There are also reports of serious infusion reactions with hives, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. In clinical studies, some people experienced the following common side effects: upper respiratory infections, headache, nausea, cough, sinusitis or mild reactions to the infusion such as rash or itchy skin. " ********************************************************************************\ ******* Taken from " Side effects such as low or high blood pressure, chest pain, difficulty breathing, rash, itching, fever and chills may occur during or shortly after administration. These reactions could indicate an allergy to the drug. They are more common among patients who develop antibodies to infliximab and are less likely to occur in patients who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system, such as methotrexate. Infliximab should be discontinued if serious reactions occur. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2002 Report Share Posted August 10, 2002 Hi ette, When does she next see the doctor?? I agree with everyone else, she should get to the ER...but, if she refuses to do that, perhaps Barb's suggestion would work. Have her call and talk with a nurse..and what ever else Barb said. Is she stubborn or afraid??? She does need medical attention, and soon I would say. Is there a neighbor who lives close to her, and you could give them a call? Maybe someone needs to just tell her she needs medical attention, and they could take her to the ER and stay with her. Perhaps she's afraid to go alone. Your friend, ~~tricia~~ p.s. Please let us know how this turns out...okay?? I surely hope she will be okay. Some meds can be awful little buggers!! (speaking from experience!) -- Re: Help! Hi everybody. I need help. My Mother-in-law wrote me today and she is having a terrible time. She has RA and her doctor put her on Rhumacaid and she since the last two have gotten a bad rash and is itching all the time. She told him and he is keeping her on it anyway and gave her Celebrex and upped her Preds. He also gave her Allegra for her thinking it may be allergy. Well she says she still has the rash and it's still itchy, her tung swells up which makes it hard to breathe, and when she took the Allegra about an hour later her heart would beat fast and skip a beat. Can anyone help me look these up. Maybe I can printout some things for her and maybe she can take them to the doctors with her. Thanks so much, God Bless You All,your friend, <))>< Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2002 Report Share Posted August 10, 2002 Hello ette, your mother in law appears to be having a reaction and I think that she should get herself to the Emerg. immediately. Her doctor also should have suggested this to be on the safe side. For someone's tongue to begin to swell surely cannot be a good thing! Here is a site that I came across trying to find the side effects of Remicade for you. If you go to and type in " remicade side effects " in the find/search part it will come up with a screen that has a listing of different things to choose from. Click on the first link which says " Side Effects - Infliximab [Remicade] " and this will take to where I found the following. Infliximab [Remicade] Always Notify Doctor: More common Abdominal pain cough dizziness fainting headache muscle pain nasal congestion nausea runny nose shortness of breath sneezing sore throat tightness in chest unusual tiredness or weakness vomiting wheezing Less Common back pain bloody or cloudy urine cracks in skin at the corners of mouth diarrhea difficult or painful urination frequent urge to urinate high blood pressure low blood pressure pain pain or tenderness around eyes and cheekbones skin rash soreness or irritation of mouth or tongue soreness or redness around fingernails or toenails vaginal burning or itching and discharge white patches in mouth and/or on tongue Rare abscess (swollen, red, tender area of infection containing pus) back or side pain black, tarry stools blood in urine or stools bone or joint pain constipation falls feeling of fullness general feeling of illness hernia (bulge of tissue through the wall of the abdomen) infection irregular or pounding heartbeat pain in rectum pain spreading from the abdomen to the left shoulder pinpoint red spots on skin stomach pain (severe) swollen or painful glands tendon injury unusual bleeding or bruising weight loss (unusual) yellow skin and eyes Notify Doctor Immediately More common chest pain chills fever flushing of face hives itching troubled breathing Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor. This information is meant only as a guideline - always consult a physician or pharmacist for complete information about prescription medications. _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2002 Report Share Posted August 11, 2002 Dear a, I will keep your mother-in-law in my thoughts and prayers. I also feel that she needs to be seen and the sooner the better. I agree with you about the Doc's. jatw@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2002 Report Share Posted August 11, 2002 Hello ette, I just got out of the hospital, " Still's was in town, but I kicked him out, temporarily, of course. " My hearts and lungs were susceptible, so my doctor could not give me methotrexate or remicade. He has set me up in getting about a third of a normal dose of Cytoxin every three weeks. Maybe this would be an alternative for your mother-in-law. Sincerest of regards, Thiele P.S. I am a new member, having just found your wonderful website. My Still's had been in remission for twenty years, up until this past weekend. I am very interested to see if it is truly the disease that my rheumy, Dr. Fabricant, from Fullerton, CA, told me about it when I was severely sick with super-high fevers from 1985 to 1990. During that time, my large intestine was disconnected for over a year. Most internal organs are always adversely affected by these bouts with SD. I have just started reading all of your e-mails. Many of you write about the extreme fatigue. I only get the extreme soreness while in SD's grasp. However, I am beginning to realize that my case history is not the norm. There exists many of you who go through sooo much more than I have. God bless you all and I feel very privileged in stating that I now belong to your group! Thiele 24015 Way Yorba , CA 92887 paul.thiele@... " " <greywolf70@fronti <Stillsdisease >> cc: Subject: Re: Help! 08/10/02 03:48 PM Please respond to Stillsdisease ette, I understand you can't get her to the ER, however, I just pulled up a couple of things she may need to see. I have included the websites where I got this info. Every drug has potential serious side effects, and not everyone will experience them; however, it sounds as though she needs to realize that what she is experiencing are serious side effects & need to be addressed. Good luck, Chris greywolf70@... *************************************************************** Taken from " Many people with heart failure should not take REMICADE; so, prior to treatment you should discuss any heart condition with your doctor. Tell your doctor right away if you develop new or worsening symptoms of heart failure (such as shortness of breath or swelling of your feet). There are reports of serious infections, including tuberculosis (TB) and sepsis. Some of these infections have been fatal. Tell your doctor if you have had recent or past exposure to people with TB. Your doctor will evaluate you for TB and perform a skin test. If you have latent (inactive) TB your doctor should begin TB treatment before you start REMICADE. If you are prone to or have a history of infections, currently have one, or develop one while taking REMICADE, tell your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor if you have lived in a region where histoplasmosis is common or if you have or have had a disease that affects the nervous system, or if you experience any numbness, tingling, or visual disturbances. There are also reports of serious infusion reactions with hives, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. In clinical studies, some people experienced the following common side effects: upper respiratory infections, headache, nausea, cough, sinusitis or mild reactions to the infusion such as rash or itchy skin. " ********************************************************************************\ ******* Taken from " Side effects such as low or high blood pressure, chest pain, difficulty breathing, rash, itching, fever and chills may occur during or shortly after administration. These reactions could indicate an allergy to the drug. They are more common among patients who develop antibodies to infliximab and are less likely to occur in patients who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system, such as methotrexate. Infliximab should be discontinued if serious reactions occur. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2002 Report Share Posted August 11, 2002 Thank you . I agree and I am going to try and call her today. I know it's hard for her to get up to answer her phone and I dont' want to bother her but she needs to know that what she is going through is not good! Hugs, ette wrote:Dear a, I will keep your mother-in-law in my thoughts and prayers. I also feel that she needs to be seen and the sooner the better. I agree with you about the Doc's. jatw@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 Try putting it in a shake if you make shakes. You can't taste it. A great salad dressing recipe I got from Ms. Bishwit's site is: 3 tbsp flax oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp dijon mustard seasonsings to taste (rosemary, thyme, etc.) *I also add 1 tsp ff italian dressing She has a few others on her site also. Colleen > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > stuff?! > > Thanks for your help!! > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2002 Report Share Posted August 21, 2002 Try putting it in a shake if you make shakes. You can't taste it. A great salad dressing recipe I got from Ms. Bishwit's site is: 3 tbsp flax oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp dijon mustard seasonsings to taste (rosemary, thyme, etc.) *I also add 1 tsp ff italian dressing She has a few others on her site also. Colleen > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > stuff?! > > Thanks for your help!! > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > stuff?! > > Thanks for your help!! > > Hi ! Here's what I do to make a flax oil based dressing. I buy a packet of Good Seasonings salad dressing mix in the little packets (they have lots of flavors) and buy the cruet if you don't have one already. Then mix according to packet directions, using the flax oil for the vegetable oil that is called for. I've experimented and used balsamic vinegar and also apple cider vinegar in the mix. They've all been good. Now, there are carbs in the mix, but not so many to worry about. You can use it just like regular salad dressing, just make sure to keep it in the fridge and shake it gently. You won't be able to tell that it's flax oil, I promise! Hope this helps. Maggie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 My 3 no-taste methods of taking flax oil: 1) blend it in a shake 2) pour it under my tongue, gulp water 3) float it on a shot glass full of grapefruit juice, slam it Help! OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the stuff?! Thanks for your help!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 , I feel your pain. I get a chaser like lemon water or not-too-hot coffee and take mine by the spoon, trying not to let it touch my tongue too much. Follow with chaser of your choice (not a hot fudge sundae!) I really hated the Barleans and now use Health from the Sun brand which is MUCH better tasting, (but not great still). Some women add spices to it and use it for salad dressing. IMHO anything it touches is ruined. Park Help! OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the stuff?! Thanks for your help!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Thanks for the idea. I was just telling my husband a funny story about it. I was in a store looking at it and trying to decide what to get. This lady walked by, picked up a bottle and just went on and on and on and on about how wonderful it was -- greatest stuff ever, blah blah blah. So, I'm thinking, this lady must really use this stuff a lot so I'll ask her how she uses it. (Wondering if she puts in on baked potatoes, salads or what.) I asked her, and she says " I don't use the stuff, I give it to my dogs. " Needless to say I didn't buy any that day! Ha ha! Thanks again for the salad dressing recipe. I'll give it a try! > > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl > of > > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on > how > > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > > stuff?! > > > > Thanks for your help!! > > > > > > Hi ! > Here's what I do to make a flax oil based dressing. I buy a packet of > Good Seasonings salad dressing mix in the little packets (they have > lots of flavors) and buy the cruet if you don't have one already. > Then mix according to packet directions, using the flax oil for the > vegetable oil that is called for. I've experimented and used balsamic > vinegar and also apple cider vinegar in the mix. They've all been > good. Now, there are carbs in the mix, but not so many to worry > about. You can use it just like regular salad dressing, just make > sure to keep it in the fridge and shake it gently. You won't be able > to tell that it's flax oil, I promise! > > Hope this helps. > Maggie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Park - I'll have to try the other brand when I get through this bottle. In the mean time, check out my post (#135226) with a funny story about my first encounter with flax oil. I like the chaser idea. I could taste it for about an hour afterwards! > , > I feel your pain. I get a chaser like lemon water or not-too-hot coffee and take mine by the spoon, trying not to let it touch my tongue too much. Follow with chaser of your choice (not a hot fudge sundae!) I really hated the Barleans and now use Health from the Sun brand which is MUCH better tasting, (but not great still). Some women add spices to it and use it for salad dressing. IMHO anything it touches is ruined. > Park > Help! > > > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > stuff?! > > Thanks for your help!! > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Colleen - Thanks for the recipe. I'll definitely give it a try. Sounds like there is enough stuff in there to mask the taste! Check out my post (#135226) with a funny story about buying flax oil. colleen_meacham@h...> wrote: > Try putting it in a shake if you make shakes. You can't taste it. A > great salad dressing recipe I got from Ms. Bishwit's site is: > > 3 tbsp flax oil > 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar > 1 tsp dijon mustard > seasonsings to taste (rosemary, thyme, etc.) > *I also add 1 tsp ff italian dressing > > She has a few others on her site also. > > Colleen > > > > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl > of > > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on > how > > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > > stuff?! > > > > Thanks for your help!! > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 Man, that lady must truly love her dog - this stuff isn't cheap! Park Help! > > > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going to > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl of > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on how > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > stuff?! > > Thanks for your help!! > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2002 Report Share Posted August 22, 2002 I give Flax to my dogs too. I've given it to them for years but just recently braved trying it myself. Scary that I give them vitamins, flax, etc. every day and struggle to remember my own <G> Colleen > > > OK, I finally took the plunge and bought some Barleans Flax Oil > > > today. Was determined that no matter how it tasted, I was going > to > > > take 2T per day. The bottle suggested that I mix it with cottage > > > cheese so I did. I have to say that was the most disgusting bowl > > of > > > cottage cheese I've ever eaten!! Does anyone have some ideas on > > how > > > I can get this stuff down with the minimum level of tasting the > > > stuff?! > > > > > > Thanks for your help!! > > > > > > > > > > Hi ! > > Here's what I do to make a flax oil based dressing. I buy a packet > of > > Good Seasonings salad dressing mix in the little packets (they have > > lots of flavors) and buy the cruet if you don't have one already. > > Then mix according to packet directions, using the flax oil for the > > vegetable oil that is called for. I've experimented and used > balsamic > > vinegar and also apple cider vinegar in the mix. They've all been > > good. Now, there are carbs in the mix, but not so many to worry > > about. You can use it just like regular salad dressing, just make > > sure to keep it in the fridge and shake it gently. You won't be > able > > to tell that it's flax oil, I promise! > > > > Hope this helps. > > Maggie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2002 Report Share Posted August 23, 2002 , My recommendation is to never put oil where oil doesn't naturally belong. Oatmeal+oil=blech for instance! I use udos, and it really adds to the flavor of my food. The ways I use it most often are mixed with balsamic vinegar, pepper and garlic as a salad dressing (tuna, romaine and apple, yum!), mixed with salsa and poured on any food that is mexicany, mixed with garlic and basil and poured over chicken and rice, pasta, etc. HTH! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2002 Report Share Posted September 20, 2002 , if you are losing inches, you are doing everything right. Muscle is heavy, muscle burns fat, muscle is good. As you build muscle you may gain weight but as long as you are getting smalller, who cares what you weigh? My goal right now is to get to 12% BF and weigh as MUCH as possible! Muscle baby, muscle!! Lynda *who has had too much caffeine today Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2002 Report Share Posted September 20, 2002 I hear your frustration. I did a post about weight gain the other day. The ladies here kindly reminded me to stop weighing myself. I guess one day you kind of wake up and the weight is dropping. I have a thyroid problem which can make things difficult. Do you suffer from that. Take a deep breath and keep up with the program. You never said how many weeks you have been on the program or how many pounds you need to lose. Let some of the girls who are much more of an expert than me know more details. Good luck --- In @y..., " " <mbd77506@y...> wrote: > Hi, everyone! My name is and I'm new to the group. I'm > needing some advice about BFL. I just started doing some of the > weight exercises & cardio into my workout. I'm starting to see small > results (loosing inches); but I seem to be increasing in weight. > Approximately 2lbs a week! I just want to pass out! What am I doing > wrong? Please HELP! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2002 Report Share Posted September 26, 2002 Shaye, I'm so sorry. My heart really goes out to you. Everyone grieves in a different way, so maybe ask your girls what they would feel most comfortable with? I know that when our old English sheepdog, , passed away in 1992, I didn't want to see him after he had passed away. I wanted to remember him as he was before. Again, I am really, really sorry. If there is anything that I can do, please don't hesitate to call (518.238.9034) or e-mail. ~nne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2002 Report Share Posted September 26, 2002 Thanks nne, I placed her in a box and called them both downstairs and told them they need to say goodbye. My oldest is just crying her eyes out and my youngest is tearing up from time to time. She drew a picture of her. Told them she is not in pain now and is prolly in a sunnyshiny place running around and chasing butterflies. Kinda corny, but what can I say. Its just too hard. They sat and petted her for a long time and then I had to take her out. RE: HELP! Shaye, I'm so sorry. My heart really goes out to you. Everyone grieves in a different way, so maybe ask your girls what they would feel most comfortable with? I know that when our old English sheepdog, , passed away in 1992, I didn't want to see him after he had passed away. I wanted to remember him as he was before. Again, I am really, really sorry. If there is anything that I can do, please don't hesitate to call (518.238.9034) or e-mail. ~nne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2002 Report Share Posted September 26, 2002 sorry to hear about sunny... my older cat is sick, and i worry that she will pass when i'm not home... i offer you my deepest sympathy... Sam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2002 Report Share Posted September 26, 2002 I hope that they will be OK. You did a good job with handling the situation, I think. Time does help heal the wound of a lost pet, but you never fully ever get over it, I don't think. I still think about and what a wonderful, loving dog he was ~ and when I go back to my parents' house, I still find myself looking over beside the chair where he always used to sit when I came home from school. Hang onto the memories! I will be holding good thoughts for all of you. I agree, she isn't suffering anymore and is in a wonderful place. ~nne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 26, 2002 Report Share Posted September 26, 2002 Aw, Shaye, I just saw this....I am so sorry about your kitty, but she lived a long and happy life with people that really loved her! Your kids should be able to appreciate that, for sure. And, you didn't have to make any decisions...she was able to simply pass away without any intervention. That is good. We are struggling here with what to do about Lady dog. She is getting sores on her feet because she cannot walk on them She just drags herself around. I am a very unpopular person because I keep telling Mark and the kids that we really need to put her down. I know it is so hard saying good bye to a pet that has also been a friend for so many years. Please tell the kids we are so sorry. Kae Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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