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Becci writes: >>>>>>>>>>

In the " 22nd Annual Report to Congress on

IDEA " , a study is quoted. This study concluded that those students with

disabilities who spent the most time in gen ed had better job employment


higher pay. <<<<<<<<<<

Whether there is anything to the study depends very much on how it was

done. Since there is some real selection among the developmentally

delayed population and those with the most severe handicaps are less

likely to be in a gen ed enviornment, one would expect this results. If

they did a carefully paired study of equivalent students in the two

envrionments, it might be better, but even that would have questionable


There is a serious adult basic issue. Many, if not most of the adults

with down syndrome who are out of their parent's care are dependent upon

SSI or SSDI for their support and for providing the back-up medical

coverage they need. If these individuals work even full time at minimum

wage, they lose their other financial support, but more importantly,

they lose their medical coverage. Yes some employers provide this

coverage (i.e. the local supermarket does for employees who have been

there a year), but their employment is fairly fragile and a good portion

do not keep jobs for long. There are some wonderful exceptions, but

most of the adults I know are either unemployed, part time employed, or

working volunteer jobs. There have been some attempts to fix this, but

they aren't yet very effective.


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From: Rick Dill <rdill@...>

Subject: re: study

Becci writes: >>>>>>>>>>

In the " 22nd Annual Report to Congress on

IDEA " , a study is quoted. This study concluded that those students with

disabilities who spent the most time in gen ed had better job employment

and higher pay. <<<<<<<<<<

Whether there is anything to the study depends very much on how it was

done. Since there is some real selection among the developmentally

delayed population and those with the most severe handicaps are less

likely to be in a gen ed enviornment, one would expect this results.


I agree, I have not read the study but the quototation does not jive with

what I have seen in the working world. is fortunate to be living so

near to DC as they hire a lot of people with handicaps and she is making just

over $8. an hour, insurance included. If were living in any of our prior

communities, she would probably be in housing but not working...ever.

Here in No Va there is zero housing but lots of jobs and a variety of them.


Rick says:

Many, if not most of the adults with down syndrome who are out of their

parent's care are dependent upon SSI or SSDI for their support and for

providing the back-up medical coverage they need. If these individuals work

even full time at minimum

wage, they lose their other financial support, but more importantly,

they lose their medical coverage.


There is a booklet out that explains the formulas used so that the person can

work and earn an income while still receiving SSI. In some states, such as

VA, Medicare? is not automatic anyway. still maintains her Medicare

and her SSI, even though it is a small amt of SSI.



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You wouldn't have to look at a study. Just outcome data would suffice. I

asked my own school system if they tracked grads to see how many with

disabilities are employed after they leave school ... nope. Now, if they

were concerned about the job they were doing, they would need that outcome


I will look for data on employment stats and send to the list if I find it.

A principal in Northern VA told me two years ago that their figures for grads

after five years was very poor. He was principal of a segregated school

where there were only special ed students. He had just made them stop

teaching stapling as a vocational skill and add more academics for each


Cheryl in VA

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I'm sure this was a comparison study that was longitudinal with exceptions

for certain factors. These are perfectly legit studies. Double blind

comparisons would be unethical in this case. If one group of students got

no services on purpose, that would be heinous.


re: study

> Becci writes: >>>>>>>>>>

> In the " 22nd Annual Report to Congress on

> IDEA " , a study is quoted. This study concluded that those students with

> disabilities who spent the most time in gen ed had better job employment

> and

> higher pay. <<<<<<<<<<


> Whether there is anything to the study depends very much on how it was

> done. Since there is some real selection among the developmentally

> delayed population and those with the most severe handicaps are less

> likely to be in a gen ed enviornment, one would expect this results. If

> they did a carefully paired study of equivalent students in the two

> envrionments, it might be better, but even that would have questionable

> validity.


> There is a serious adult basic issue. Many, if not most of the adults

> with down syndrome who are out of their parent's care are dependent upon

> SSI or SSDI for their support and for providing the back-up medical

> coverage they need. If these individuals work even full time at minimum

> wage, they lose their other financial support, but more importantly,

> they lose their medical coverage. Yes some employers provide this

> coverage (i.e. the local supermarket does for employees who have been

> there a year), but their employment is fairly fragile and a good portion

> do not keep jobs for long. There are some wonderful exceptions, but

> most of the adults I know are either unemployed, part time employed, or

> working volunteer jobs. There have been some attempts to fix this, but

> they aren't yet very effective.


> Rick




> Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

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  • 2 years later...

, C.P.M. pwatson@...

Senior Buyer UTD University of TX @ Dallas

Ph# 972/883-2307, fax# 972/883-2348



Dear ,

We have a small grant from the Autism Research Institute to examine

heavy metals in very young children with autism, PDD, or ASD. I have put

together a letter that explains about the study. Could you let the

members of the ASCC know about it. I need 20 subjects for the study.

They would have to live in this area because I have to get hair samples.

Thank you,


Janet K. Kern, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychiatry

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

6363 Forest Park Road, Suite 13.354

Dallas, Texas 75390-9119


fax 214-648-0167

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  • 7 years later...

My business partner (a side technology business we are building together from scratch) is also a homeopath (not to be confused with psychopath, :-)He has over the last 20+ years attended many seminars and conferences all over the world on all aspects of healing, health, supplements, and alternative medicine. He has contacts with and professional working relationships with physicians and scientists all over the world. I am currently assisting a team of scientists who are racing to find a healthy treatment and, ideally, cure, for Morgellons. I have purchased some of their stock test kits, which they have packed with two distinct patches they already used for general health and immune support, and with patches they have developed for Morgellons in an attempt to home in on something effective. I bought eight test kits and am currently running the test on myself. It is a month long test. Here is what each test kit consists of, absent the most critical piece of information which is what is in them: Three strips of 1" diameter patches, 10 patches to a strip.One strip marked A, another B, and another M. The A and B strips are the ones the scientists were already making and marketing. The M strip is what they have developed as an initial attempt to find a solution for us. Naturally profit is their motive since they realize what a cure would mean to those of us who still have a penny to our names.The instructions for use say to apply an A and M patch to the left upper arm. Leave on for three days. May be removed and relaced, or covered with a bandage. The patches supposedly work even if stuck on upside down. Switch for fresh ones every three days.They go on to say that if I / we notice ANYthing out of the ordinary, any positive change, to immediately add a B patch. If no positive reaction, apply the B patch either on day 3 when switching for fresh A and M patches, or no later than day 5 of the test.When I began the test I was out of F-8 and was using some leftover F-7, which is very different and weaker than F-8. My order of F-8 arrived and the second night when I applied F-8 after my shower rather than F-7, I added a few drops, maybe a teaspoon, to the 4 drops of double strength (2 tsp of F-8 rather than 1 tsp in 4 oz water) F-8 solution as I usually do. It makes the solution foamy and it sticks to my skin better, which means I have less waste. YOW! Normally I feel a very small tingle when the peroxide interferes with my electrical field in a very small way. Now the only thing I changed from my pre-patch (while I still had F-8) routine was the patches. So I attribute what happened yet to the patches. Immediately after drizzling the peroxide-spiked F-8 solution over my body from the neck down (remember I do chin up in the kitchen sink, chin down in the shower), I felt spots all over my body where there was a burning irritation. Not a chemical irritation but an electrical irritation. The one thing my partner did tell me, when I could slow him down for a second, is that these are "energy" patches that supposedly address the core neurological (same as electrical) irregularities in the body, and correct them. I don't know how, that's all I could get out of him. Back to those areas that felt sharply tingly: I keep a roll of paper towels in most rooms and so I took one at the time and wiped the F-8 from each tingly spot.Now here is the most extreme thing that happened: a few years ago I got what some refer to here as Morgellons "nests" - one on each wrist. After a few months, one just literally sloughed off when I applied oil after a shower. The other one remains and is the one I photographed fluorescing - two little "neon" bars in it, the video is up at youtube. It is difficult to make out, but you can if you unfocus on it. I didn't want to enhance the colors or anything, I wanted to present it exactly as my little handheld digital microscope recorded it, so it is not pretty, but you can definitely make out the fluorescing. I started feeling like a knife was sticking me in that remaining Morg nest and like other knives were sticking me in three other places near the nest. Blisters emerged , angry raised blisters, in each of the spots. Meanwhile I was adding Pink Oil, wiping it off, over and over as that works pretty well to capture angry emerging critters, and that is what I thought might be going on. The Pink Oil calmed down the blisters. The next morning the blisters were no longer angry but tiny and barely visible.What does it mean? For one thing, it means that after my shower tonight I am going to add a B patch, and keep documenting what happens. At the end of my month-long test, I will let you know here that I am well but these are probably the last specifics I will provide because to do so would skew the test more than I have already skewed it by sharing this much. I told you all this so that even if none of us know the ingredients in the patches - yet - we at least have some cause-effect information. At that time, I will invite candidates to participate in the test as I have, with no additional information or guarantees, as this is study to gather information from us and not a protocol or claimed cure. As the saying goes, "This is only a test." Those who are selected will need to be able to show that they can be relied upon to accurately document their experience. I will overnight the test kits to those I select. If I can figure out how to include a label for return shipping of your written and signed report, I will. Otherwise I will ask you to overnight it back to me and provide me with your Paypal email address so that I may immediately reimburse you.The test kit will include the same three strips of patches that I will have used. It will also include a printed chart for you to note the dates and times you applied each patch, and an area where you can comment. You can, and the scientists hope you will, include detailed, legible notes of your experience.Here is the information my partner wrote on the packet containing all the test kits:Energy PatchesDescriptionA method of energy delivery to the body, these patches have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and are intended for research only. Made in the USA. The patches are non-transdermal. The purpose of the research is to determine their effectiveness in providing specific and restorative energy to the bio-energy field. Each patch has the natural frequency of a healthy body and is intended to complement any other therapeutic treatment.Your packet includes three strips of patches, labeled A, M, and B. Each strip has ten patches. Each patch is intended for use for three days. Ten patches represents 30 days of treatment.Application: To begin, apply a single A patch and a single M patch to the left side of the body (my partner suggested the upper arm). They can be stuck on by themselves, or on a piece of medical tape and worn on the body or on the inside of clothing, as long as the patches remain in continual contact with the skin. Either side of the patch can face the body. If worn inside clothing, remember to transfer each time you change clothing. After three days, remove the first set of patches and replace them with a single A patch and a single M patch. Either at such time as you notice a physical change of some kind that you think are due to wearing the patches, document the changes in detail and immediately add a B patch. Thereafter, change out the B patch on the same rotation as the others. Okay, here are MY notes:You are more important to me than any study. If you want to do this or not is up to you, if you want to, I will select the best candidates, and I will ship the test kits and pay for all the associated expenses. I am not choosing on friendship. I am choosing based on who I think is most likely to, if they complete the test, provide good documentation. At the end of the test I will compile your results into a report and also include your original notes, package up all documentation, and provide it to my partner, who will listen to my verbal report and read my written one (that he will listen to; he is intensely interested in how this will work for us), and add his own summary before shipping the whole kit and kaboodle to his scientific colleagues.What I want to emphasize is this: If you start this test and you get freaked out by what you feel it doing, or for whatever reason, STOP. I don't care about this test, I care about you. If we get some valid and useful results for the scientists, and if they eventually come up with a fine-tuned product that addresses our medley of organisms, great. BUT, in the meantime, to those who participate, I urge you to listen to your bodies, and if your bodies say quit, QUIT.You will have my cell phone number and though my partner does not know it yet (don't worry, I'll tell him :-) you will also have his. This will require some discretion on your part and I will provide and expect your discretion as you will have mine. There are some more sensitive aspects to the reporting that I will explain to those interested in doing this.I'll keep you posted on how I am doing without providing further specific results. I have already interfered with the integrity of the test, however I wanted to give you something since I know so little about the patches. And btw, although this test is coming via my business partner, his and my business that we are building together is not a health business, it is a technology product. I am not going to profit in any way from this test or the resulting products. My partner might, some, but I won't. I'm keeping hands off completely. Love,Kajay

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