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I found this on another site and thought it may be beneficial to some of you.

THIS IS WHAT I DID TO RID THEM OUT OF MY BODY-run a bathwater full of hot water-pour HALF of a 2.5 Gallon container of WHITE DISTILLED VINEGAR into the water-soak for as LONG as you can. The extreme heat of the water and acidic environment in the water forced them to leave the pores of my skin.-pour about half a cup of castor oil (or baby oil, or probably any oil, but i used castor oil) mixed with about a tablespoon of dish detergent (name brand preferably, and NOT the 'green' kind...it needs to have the normal chemicals. Use Dawn, Palmolive, etc. I used Palmolive) into the bath with the vinegar (the acid kills them, the castor oil suffocates them)-soak for as long as you can-about 20 minutes into the bath, these little eggs (looked like sesame seeds but smaller, and were transparent) starting emerging from my skin...and i mean EVERYWHERE. My nostrils, my arms, legs, breasts, EVEN MY EYE SOCKETS these

things started coming out. Don't be scared - they weren't moving around like worms or anything...it just felt like sand or salt on my skin. All you have to do is just wipe it off your skin and the water will carry it away-repeat this soaking bath until no more eggs/parasites/etc. emerge from your skinI didn't feel any itching, burning, biting or anything else experienced when people suffocate them in oil (mineral/castor oil). That way seems extremely uncomfortable and i tried it, and i couldn't take the itching...the itching is when they die, but it was HORRIBLE to endure. The bath was quick, painless, and soothing.HERE'S WHAT I DID TO GET THEM OUT OF MY HAIR-pour as much dish soap into your hands and work into a lather...be liberal, don't worry about chemicals or your skin being bothered. There is a hair barrier between the skin and the soap so any irritation is minimal. The ONLY irritation i had was from THE BUGS

DYING-once into a lather, pour more soap on your hair...and i mean literally, you want to feel dish soap on your hair before you feel your hair strands. (The dish soap kills their exoskeleton)-this is gross, but it worked I PROMISE!!! You will need something EXTREMELY viscous for your hair. Castor oil won't work for your hair because there is more hair on your head. You need something very, very thick. I used mayonnaise. Once i had the dish soap in a lather, then layered on top with more dish soap, then i used about one jar of mayo for my hair.-work the mayo in to the scalp and make sure the skin on the scalp is covered in mayo-once this is done, put a plastic bag over your hair and tie in a knot to kill ALL oxygen circulation (this ENSURES that they die)-get your hair done with the soap, mayo and bag as SOON as you get into the bath. You will need at LEAST an hour of soaking for them to totally suffocate and die-be aware you may

feel biting, burning, maybe even a little itching. This is a good sign. For me, it was very minimal, and extremely worth it. I had more than one type of parasite...i had some white round crusty ball thing EMBED itself into my scalp. It burrowed in just enough to make a dent into my skin and then did whatever it did. I also had the mite thing, that felt crawly and itched. They love my hair because it was soooo long, curly and thick. This killed them dead in their tracks.-when you are finished soaking...rinse off your hair like you would normally - you may have to stand up and use the shower to get it out of your hair - that's fine. Once you do so, use shampoo and conditioner as you would normal.-when you are finished, your scalp may look extremely red, raw, bloody splotches or some darker red patches than others - this is normal, and this is a good sign! THEY'VE DIED AND ARE OUT OF YOUR HAIR NOW! The redness goes away in a day or

twoPLEASE NOTE:-after EVERY hair washing and combing/brushing...remove the hair out of the brush or comb and WASH IT IN HOT WATER WITH YOUR LAUNDRY.-when you do your laundry, YOU WILL HAVE TO ADD ABOUT A CUP OF THE SAME VINEGAR YOU USED TO THE BATH TO KEEP THEM OUT OF YOUR CLOTHING-note - sometimes the bugs have been in there for a very long time and the vinegar won't kill them, and neither will the dryer...you just have to part ways with that particular piece of clothing to prevent reinfestation. Trust me!!!!-THE FIRST TIME you do the bath soak and the hair suffocation, PLEASE PURCHASE AND HAVE PREPARED A BRAND NEW BRUSH/COMB/ETC. so you eliminate ALL chances of reinfesting yourself-from then on, wash your hairbrush, comb, barrettes, pony tail holders, clips, etc. after every time you use themFOR MY ENVIRONMENTI purchased pillow/mattress protectors from Target...for "bed bugs and mites".

Before applying this, buy a new pillow. Trust me it's so worth it. Spray the mattress, box springs, and pillows down with 100% vinegar...you can add a tablespoon of dishsoap to the vinegar for extra precaution.-spray your mattress down very efficiently-spray the mattress cover and the pillow covers-if you can get FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth, also apply that to your mattress after spraying and before applying the mattress cover (MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT BREATHE THIS IN - IT CAN CUT YOUR LUNGS...other than breathing in and getting in your eyes, it is totally safe for humans and animals alike)-Change your sheets every day if possible in the beginning...if not possible, every few days, and spray them with vinegar before you get into the bed (it might stink, oh well)-DO NOT USE COTTON SHEETS - you will not get any rest. I happened to find this out because i love satin sheets. You can find inexpensive polyester satin

sheets on amazon.com for around $16 a set-use the vinegar and dish soap spray for your couches, chairs, car, clothing, etc. Everything you can get it on, use it. If you must, use a trash bag to create a barrier between you and the seat.To ensure you got them out of your skin, or if you get reinfested, you can repeat the bath, or you can mix 50% diatomaceous earth with your choice of 50% oil into a paste. Apply to your skin and sleep. For work (i think that's where i got it), i applied DRY diatomaceous earth all over my scalp and hair, because they go to your hair first, then to the rest of your body. Just apply it in a way so it is discreet.If you have to share chairs at work with others, try to create a barrier between yourself and the chair by putting a coat down first...or if you can spray the vinegar and apply the DE then please do. I couldn't do that so i had to create a barrier. Be SURE you wash your clothing at the end of

the day. Do NOT let it sit around because it will again proliferate.Once i got these things out of my skin and hair, i haven't felt any crawling/biting/stinging since. And it's been a few months. I have however been reinfested from various dates, work, public, etc. Just on my hair...it just makes my hair itch and sometimes it feels like something is crawling in it. But it's definitely not as intense or frequent and only occasionally i get reinfested. Just repeat the soak bath and the dish soap/mayo combo and all other cleaning techniques.Good luck to everyone and please contact me if you need help or have any questions! I am not an expert on this, i only know what i know through diligent work and experimentation and research.(For my friend who had the aphids: she used baby oil/dish soap all over her body and suffocated them. It took her several months before they were all gone. For her eyes, she applied a warm, wet rag with the

mixture over her eyes when she slept and somehow they came out. Personally i think the bath is quicker.)

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