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Re: Re: My legs,started to itch again with dog sitting on them

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Even though I have no symptoms whatsoever now - I feel itchy any time I am around dogs - never had that before - it seems that whatever I went through for the almost yearlong infestation left my body in a allergic mode to whatever mites or bugs that may be around. It has been a whole year since my last move and I still work at 72 years old and feeling normal other than the fear of this ever happening again. None of us will ever be the same even though we escaped the horror. From: ILIKE TREES <wherearetheangels@...> bird mites Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:43 PM Subject: Re: Re: feel like a crazy mixed up kid :-(

My legs,started to itch again with dog sitting on them

Hope that its,just the neem herx

Or stoping doxy

Anyway even though I was feelin realy ill on doxy

Have to take,again:-(

Wish had money to go lyme doc

If I knew ut wasnt mites id b delighted

Have no money at present

But is it igenix test can send away and what results would it give?

N would it b expensive to get in uk

N wud doctor take seriously?

Thanks,for listening


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 10:33 PDT ILIKE TREES wrote:


>I dont let wee dog on the bed

>Also I have went back on doxy because symptoms,deteriated

>Taking neem internally too

>Oh I hope itisnt mites anymore

>N just infections

>Stil putin anti athlete foot treatment on hands feet

>Since doing that notice more black n white dots on feet

>Dunno what going on


>Take diflucan but can only get one a week

>Hope not mites

>When dog itches I get upset

>I kniw im probably crazy

>But was going crazy with loneliness

>N maybe the wee soul will be ok

>Oh !





>On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 10:24 PDT ILIKE TREES wrote:



>>Hi all

>>Im so mixed up with all of this mite,stuff

>>The,loneliness n empty isolation has been makin me feel terrible as well as the constant stress from this

>>Felt a bit loopy with the loneliness n just went a couple,day ago n got myself another animal

>>Cant believe I did that

>>Becoz wi all the stress I had re mites with the one that died

>>N also me saying I wouldnt get another till all my symptoms cleared up totaly

>>Cos although I have n give afection now im scared every time the wee soul scratches

>>An only been few days

>>Its a dog

>>I never even thought id get one

>>Im a cat person

>>Though I do like dogs too

>>But I just cracked up with loneliness

>>And I dont think my new flat infested

>>However my hands n feet stil bothering me

>>And got worse with bite sensations the two days the dog here

>>Though might just be as stoped doxy

>>Why were bite symptoms as bad as before after b on doxy three weeks!:-(

>>Oh im a mess emotionaly

>>Will treat dog with frontline

>>Hope n pray little dog be ok

>>Id feel sooo selfish if dog got these

>>But I realy just cudnt cope anymore!:-(

>>Im so confused

>>I just did it spur moment

>>N was saying to myself

>>Well I havent given it to any human

>>Why would it pass to dog

>>N not in infested house now

>>But have wear shoes nearly all time in house not flip flops

>>Keep my feet away from dog

>>Though pat with hands n worry cos get some bite sensation under nails

>>Please god

>>Please let the wee animal be ok

>>I just need to love n feel love like everybody does!:-(

>>Thanks,for listening

>>Ur confused friend





>>On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 23:16 PDT Aandraya wrote:


>>You have two of the best LLMDs in New York if you can go back, there's some waiting time to get in but they are the best- Horowitz and Cameron. I know someone who saw Cameron and she loves him. He was the president of ILADS.





>>On Mar 19, 2012, at 11:57 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:


>> Thank you, . Yes, I guess I could do that, but then there would have to be a way to figure out my progress. I'd have to get a test done every so often, and how would I know what doses to take? I don't want to do something wrong and make these things more powerful or immune to these medications. Somebody here would have to explain very well the process. If an MD can understand it, so can we.





>> On 3/19/2012 10:54 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:



>> There must be someone who treats Lyme disease there in Mexico. I'll see if anyone I know might know of someone too. But Jess you could get those drugs over-the-counter.




>> From: "jessnyc" <helpnynow@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:50:47 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive coconut oil?




>> It's been a little over a year, probably a year and a half that I've had this. There's been months where I've felt almost symptom free, but I get re-infested when I go back to places I visited when I first came back from NYC with the huge infestation. My mother's house is one of those places, very unfortunately. Nobody in her house has felt anything at all, it's just me.


>> Thanks,

>> Jess




>> On 3/19/2012 10:47 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:


>> Jess lives in Mexico. Do you know of anyone there?


>> From: "Aandraya" <aandraya@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 7:27:44 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive coconut oil?




>> No, that is one of many combinations I was treated with. If you haven't had it that long you could start with Bactrim DS, Doxy 2-400 mg a day, with Voriconazole, artemisinin. But you need to see a Lyme literate practitioner because you likely have babesia and bartonella which requires other meds. Dr. Stricker in CA is excellent, don't know which part of CA he's in but he treats Lyme/morgellons patients. How long have you had this? If more than a year it will take long term treatment.

>> Aa






>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 8:31 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:



>> Thanks, Aandraya.


>> "Voricon., levaquin, bactrim/ceftin rotation."


>> Would that be it? That's all you needed to get rid of Morgellons?


>> Thanks.



>> On 3/19/2012 7:12 PM, Aandraya wrote:



>> 100%. I wear all my clothes, rarely clean now because I'm too tired anyway... Now I'm dealing with other symptoms. Morgellons is a subgroup of Lyme, there are sometimes bugs involved, sometimes mold, or all of the above. You definitely have Lyme disease and have to treat it to get your immune system back in charge.

>> Aa




>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 7:49 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:



>> Aandraya, would you mind telling me what medications and in what doses did you take for the Morgellons to go away completely?


>> So you no longer can get re-infested, right? Even if you go into infested areas or wear infested clothing? Are you totally immune to it now?


>> Thanks a lot,


>> Jess






>> On 3/19/2012 6:45 PM, Aandraya wrote:



>> Just to add to what said, I found no quick fix for the morgellons stuff. It took a solid year of antimicrobial agents- rx and herbal to cure that stuff.


>> Aandraya




>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:



>> Jess,


>> I have a FAR infrared "Rainbow" which I use often. It does not seem to do much to clear out the fibers. Although I have rarely used in on my head but mainly use it on feet, legs, abdomen and upper torso. It does warm the body in a way I've never experienced before... raises the body temperature. After being under the Rainbow for 45 min to 2 hours I feel a laziness and lack of clarity... almost like having had a few glasses of good wine...


>> Read the new post from Aandraya. She knows a lot about this and has gotten rid of the fibers. She has done far more medications for Lyme and co-infections than anyone I know. She also knows more about Lyme and co-infections than anyone I know. I'm going to defer to her because she obviously knows more and done more... I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in the learning curve on this... so good to hear from you!


>> What is weird is that I do not get these things crawling on the face any more. I have nothing that feels like a mite crawling in nose, eyes, eyebrows, hair, ears. I get what feels like a fiber falling on an eyelash very occasionally, I get symptoms of eyes blurry, watery, when I don't take the combination of Doxy and Rifampin. The combination keeps the eye symptoms in check, but so far has not solved the problem and I'm about 4 months into taking the combination. The greasy waxy stuff I get on my face, neck and head comes and goes in intensity. I have stopped gettring the little papules and pimples that I had been getting.


>> What I'm dealing with now is intestinal problems from the injections I've been getting and am waiting for a message from my LLMD about whether to stop meds until that gets cleared up. I suspect I might have the C. Diff...


>> Dr. Staninger has a whole protocol and remember Zoe? She and her husband did the whole protocol from Dr. S and were not helped by it after spending $$$$$$. She did not get help until she started antibiotics. If you don't have her protocol I'll post it again.




>> From: "jessnyc" <helpnynow@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 5:15:42 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive coconut oil?




>> Hi ,


>> Thank you for your response. It's good to hear from you too, and I've thought about you too! Your experience mirrors mine pretty accurately. I don't know whether the fibers are "alive" in the sense we know, but to me they seem programmed somehow. I also see them floating around, and I definitely got them from mites. When I got rid of the mites completely, the fibers were already in me and have never left me. I was able to reduce the amounts I used to have by cleaning very often and getting rid of things, but I keep getting re-infested.


>> One thing I've noticed is that they are programmed to infest ANYTHING that I come in contact with. That includes people, places and food. When I was at my worst, I was afraid of getting close to people because friends/acquaintances would begin scratching their hair, nose and face (the areas where I feel the most crawling) and I could immediately sense the fibers were leaving my body because I had goose pumps whenever I approached someone. It was weird, the goose pumps would signal something was going on and immediately the person started scratching. When I go to visit friends, I can see the fibers begin to float around in their homes, and when I return to that particular place, I start to get the crawlings in my scalp, nose and face. It's happened for so long that I have definitely seen a clear pattern.


>> So these researchers may be right, these must be nano products. How could anyone explain this pattern?


>> I too, have found my ears plugs full of fibers. What I've done is soak them in hot water with borax and epsom salts. When I take out the plugs after several hours of soaking, I find hundreds of fibers in the water. I look with a lamp and can clearly see there's lots of them. I also use a lint roll and I've used it all over my head, face, clothing, etc. I've found the stuff they talk about on TV: Black, red and blue fibers. They're bright blue and bright red, and some are just white or clear, and very long. Others are tiny.


>> What a mystery, but they're truly a pain. I wonder if it's true that the only remedy is what Dr. Staninger says? Far infrared therapy? Has anyone tried it?


>> Thank you , good to hear from you again,


>> Jess






>> On 3/19/2012 5:46 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:


>> Hi Jess,


>> It is really good to hear from you. I've thought about you often. I'm in the same boat with the similar questions about fibers. I wonder if there is any way to get rid of the fibers permanently. I feel them floating and landing on my hands at times. I don't know of anyone who has had fibers that actually got rid of them. Many on this site did not have fibers, but had mites only. Their exposure to mites did not bring fibers. Mites for sure can be killed, although with tremendous difficulty. I don't know what makes the fibers, but they are part of what defines Morgellons. So many people who had mites end up with the fibers. Some people think they are a by-product of a mite or parasite, or bacteria and some


>> believe they are alive. I'm a member of the group that believes they are living, although don't have any idea how that could be. Maybe investigators, although very controversial, believe they are nano products, and I think they maybe are. That's just an opinion... I'm not the one to come up with this as there are plenty of knowledgable people who have said this... Dr. Hildegard Staninger for one. When I had a microscope and was collecting fibers and looking at them under the digital scope I found some interesting things. I would put the fibers on slides, cover them in emersion oil and a thin glass sheet over the top and look at the fibers over a period of months. I stored them in a special box designed for slides. The fibers themselves changed over time from month to month (some did, some did not). Some developed what looked like a pin head. I never saw any of them move.


>> I really wish I had a microscope again, but I haven't found one that hooks up with software for an iMac which I have now.


>> I think there are things that disrupt the energy of the fibers. Scientists may have found a way to create life and I think the fibers are self creating... in the human body they have what they need to reproduce successfully. They also seem to reproduce in homes. Some may be programmed to carry diseases.


>> I did not find coconut oil helpful on the body. When I put it on my hands and feet it seemed to dry my skin out further so I stopped using it. So no, it isn't just you Jess. It never was just you.




>> From: "jessnyc" <helpnynow@...>

>> "Birdmites.org Website" <bird mites >

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 3:29:50 PM

>> Subject: So the fibers survive coconut oil?


>> I had thought that coconut oil was a remedy for these fibers. I bought

>> some and had a small jar next to me at all times.


>> When the oil was in liquid form, I noticed that the fibers somehow

>> managed to get in the oil, my little jar had suddenly like 10 or more

>> fibers. After a while I saw they all stuck together, and eventually I

>> began seeing more and more of them.


>> I wonder if they reproduced in the oil and assembled themselves

>> together? That's what it looked like to me, my little jar is full of

>> some big and some tiny fibers, they're mostly blue red or black, some

>> are also white and hard to see.


>> I guess this shows they don't die with coconut oil, they thrive and

>> reproduce in it.


>> Jesus, is there anything remedy that actually kills them? I haven't

>> found anything that would really kill them.


>> Has anyone had any success with coconut oil? Or is it just me?


>> Jess.





>> ------------------------------------



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Yes los its a helluva thing

But brilliant u have no infestation or symptoms now!


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 16:51 PDT los wrote:

>Even though I have no symptoms whatsoever now - I feel itchy any time I am

around dogs - never had that before - it seems that whatever I went through for

the almost yearlong infestation left my body in a allergic mode to whatever

mites or bugs that may be around. It has been a whole year since my last move

and I still work at 72 years old and feeling normal other than the fear of this

ever happening again. 


> None of us will ever be the same even though we escaped the horror.





>From: ILIKE TREES <wherearetheangels@...>

>bird mites

>Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:43 PM

>Subject: Re: Re: feel like a crazy mixed up kid :-(








>My legs,started to itch again with dog sitting on them

>Hope that its,just the neem herx

>Or stoping doxy

>Anyway even though I was feelin realy ill on doxy

>Have to take,again:-(

>Wish had money to go lyme doc

>If I knew ut wasnt mites id b delighted

>Have no money at present

>But is it igenix test can send away and what results would it give?

>N would it b expensive to get in uk

>N wud doctor take seriously?

>Thanks,for listening



>On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 10:33 PDT ILIKE TREES wrote:



>>I dont let wee dog on the bed

>>Also I have went back on doxy because symptoms,deteriated

>>Taking neem internally too

>>Oh I hope itisnt mites anymore

>>N just infections

>>Stil putin anti athlete foot treatment on hands feet

>>Since doing that notice more black n white dots on feet

>>Dunno what going on


>>Take diflucan but can only get one a week

>>Hope not mites

>>When dog itches I get upset

>>I kniw im probably crazy

>>But was going crazy with loneliness

>>N maybe the wee soul will be ok

>>Oh !





>>On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 10:24 PDT ILIKE TREES wrote:



>>Hi all

>>Im so mixed up with all of this mite,stuff

>>The,loneliness n empty isolation has been makin me feel terrible as well as

the constant stress from this

>>Felt a bit loopy with the loneliness n just went a couple,day ago n got myself

another animal

>>Cant believe I did that

>>Becoz wi all the stress I had re mites with the one that died

>>N also me saying I wouldnt get another till all my symptoms cleared up totaly

>>Cos although I have n give afection now im scared every time the wee soul


>>An only been few days

>>Its a dog

>>I never even thought id get one

>>Im a cat person

>>Though I do like dogs too

>>But I just cracked up with loneliness

>>And I dont think my new flat infested

>>However my hands n feet stil bothering me

>>And got worse with bite sensations the two days the dog here

>>Though might just be as stoped doxy

>>Why were bite symptoms as bad as before after b on doxy three weeks!:-(

>>Oh im a mess emotionaly

>>Will treat dog with frontline

>>Hope n pray little dog be ok

>>Id feel sooo selfish if dog got these

>>But I realy just cudnt cope anymore!:-(

>>Im so confused

>>I just did it spur moment

>>N was saying to myself

>>Well I havent given it to any human

>>Why would it pass to dog

>>N not in infested house now

>>But have wear shoes nearly all time in house not flip flops

>>Keep my feet away from dog

>>Though pat with hands n worry cos get some bite sensation under nails

>>Please god

>>Please let the wee animal be ok

>>I just need to love n feel love like everybody does!:-(

>>Thanks,for listening

>>Ur confused friend





>>On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 23:16 PDT Aandraya wrote:


>>You have two of the best LLMDs in New York if you can go back, there's some

waiting time to get in but they are the best- Horowitz and Cameron. I know

someone who saw Cameron and she loves him. He was the president of ILADS.





>>On Mar 19, 2012, at 11:57 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:


>> Thank you, . Yes, I guess I could do that, but then there would have to

be a way to figure out my progress. I'd have to get a test done every so often,

and how would I know what doses to take? I don't want to do something wrong and

make these things more powerful or immune to these medications. Somebody here

would have to explain very well the process. If an MD can understand it, so can






>> On 3/19/2012 10:54 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:



>> There must be someone who treats Lyme disease there in Mexico. I'll see if

anyone I know might know of someone too. But Jess you could get those drugs





>> From: " jessnyc " <helpnynow@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:50:47 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive coconut oil?




>> It's been a little over a year, probably a year and a half that I've had

this. There's been months where I've felt almost symptom free, but I get

re-infested when I go back to places I visited when I first came back from NYC

with the huge infestation. My mother's house is one of those places, very

unfortunately. Nobody in her house has felt anything at all, it's just me.


>> Thanks,

>> Jess




>> On 3/19/2012 10:47 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:


>> Jess lives in Mexico. Do you know of anyone there?


>> From: " Aandraya " <aandraya@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 7:27:44 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive coconut oil?




>> No, that is one of many combinations I was treated with. If you haven't had

it that long you could start with Bactrim DS, Doxy 2-400 mg a day, with

Voriconazole, artemisinin. But you need to see a Lyme literate practitioner

because you likely have babesia and bartonella which requires other meds. Dr.

Stricker in CA is excellent, don't know which part of CA he's in but he treats

Lyme/morgellons patients. How long have you had this? If more than a year it

will take long term treatment.

>> Aa






>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 8:31 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:



>> Thanks, Aandraya.


>> " Voricon., levaquin, bactrim/ceftin rotation. "


>> Would that be it? That's all you needed to get rid of Morgellons?


>> Thanks.



>> On 3/19/2012 7:12 PM, Aandraya wrote:



>> 100%. I wear all my clothes, rarely clean now because I'm too tired anyway...

Now I'm dealing with other symptoms. Morgellons is a subgroup of Lyme, there

are sometimes bugs involved, sometimes mold, or all of the above. You

definitely have Lyme disease and have to treat it to get your immune system back

in charge.

>> Aa




>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 7:49 PM, jessnyc <helpnynow@...> wrote:



>> Aandraya, would you mind telling me what medications and in what doses did

you take for the Morgellons to go away completely?


>> So you no longer can get re-infested, right? Even if you go into infested

areas or wear infested clothing? Are you totally immune to it now?


>> Thanks a lot,


>> Jess






>> On 3/19/2012 6:45 PM, Aandraya wrote:



>> Just to add to what said, I found no quick fix for the morgellons

stuff. It took a solid year of antimicrobial agents- rx and herbal to cure that



>> Aandraya




>> On Mar 19, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:



>> Jess,


>> I have a FAR infrared " Rainbow " which I use often. It does not seem to do

much to clear out the

fibers. Although I have rarely used in on my

head but mainly use it on feet, legs, abdomen and upper torso. It does warm the

body in a way I've never

experienced before... raises the body temperature. After being under the

Rainbow for 45 min to 2 hours I feel a laziness and lack of clarity... almost

like having had a few glasses of good wine...


>> Read the new post from Aandraya. She knows a lot about this and has gotten

rid of the fibers. She has done far more medications for Lyme and

co-infections than anyone I know. She also knows more about Lyme and

co-infections than anyone I know. I'm going to defer to her because she

obviously knows more and done more... I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in the

learning curve on this... so good to hear from you!


>> What is weird is that I do not get these things crawling on the face any

more. I have nothing that feels like a mite crawling in nose, eyes, eyebrows,

hair, ears. I get what feels like a fiber

falling on an eyelash very occasionally, I get symptoms of eyes blurry, watery,

when I don't take the combination of Doxy and Rifampin. The

combination keeps the eye symptoms in check, but so far has not solved the

problem and I'm about 4 months into taking the combination. The

greasy waxy stuff I get on my face, neck and head comes and goes in intensity.

I have stopped gettring the little papules and pimples that I had been getting.


>> What I'm dealing with now is intestinal problems from the injections I've

been getting and am waiting for a message from my LLMD about whether to stop

meds until that gets cleared up. I suspect I might have the C. Diff...


>> Dr. Staninger has a whole protocol and remember Zoe? She and her husband did

the whole protocol from Dr. S and were not helped by it after spending $$$$$$.

She did not get help until she started antibiotics. If you don't have her

protocol I'll post it again.




>> From: " jessnyc " <helpnynow@...>

>> bird mites

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 5:15:42 PM

>> Subject: Re: So the fibers survive

coconut oil?




>> Hi ,


>> Thank you for your response. It's good to hear from you too, and I've thought

about you too! Your experience mirrors mine pretty accurately. I don't know

whether the fibers are " alive " in the sense we know, but to me they seem

programmed somehow. I also see them floating around, and I definitely got them

from mites. When I got rid of the mites completely, the fibers were already in

me and have never left me. I was able to reduce the amounts I used to have by

cleaning very often and getting rid of things, but I keep getting re-infested.


>> One thing I've noticed is that they are programmed to infest ANYTHING that I

come in contact with. That includes people, places and food. When I was at my

worst, I was afraid of getting close to people because friends/acquaintances

would begin scratching their hair, nose and face (the areas where I feel the

most crawling) and I could immediately sense the fibers were leaving my body

because I had goose pumps whenever I approached someone. It was weird, the goose

pumps would signal something was going on and immediately the person started

scratching. When I go to visit friends, I can see the fibers begin to float

around in their homes, and when I return to that particular place, I start to

get the crawlings in my

scalp, nose and face. It's happened for so long that I have definitely seen a

clear pattern.


>> So these researchers may be right, these must be nano products. How could

anyone explain this pattern?


>> I too, have found my ears plugs full of fibers. What I've done is soak them

in hot water with borax and epsom salts. When I take out the plugs after several

hours of soaking, I find hundreds of

fibers in the water. I look with a lamp and can clearly see there's lots of

them. I also use a lint roll and I've used it all over my head, face, clothing,

etc. I've found the stuff they talk about on TV: Black, red and blue fibers.

They're bright blue and bright red, and some are just white or clear, and very

long. Others are tiny.


>> What a mystery, but they're truly a pain. I wonder if it's true that the only

remedy is what Dr. Staninger says? Far infrared therapy? Has anyone tried it?


>> Thank you , good to hear from you again,


>> Jess






>> On 3/19/2012 5:46 PM, Goldstein@... wrote:


>> Hi Jess,


>> It is really good to hear from you. I've thought

about you often. I'm in the same boat with the

similar questions about fibers. I wonder if there is any way to get rid of the

fibers permanently. I

feel them floating and landing on my hands at

times. I don't know of anyone who has had fibers that actually got rid of them.

Many on this site did not have fibers, but had mites only. Their exposure to

mites did not bring fibers. Mites for sure can be killed, although with

tremendous difficulty. I don't know what makes the fibers, but they are part of

what defines Morgellons. So many people who had mites end up with the fibers.

Some people think they are a by-product of a mite or parasite, or bacteria and

some ppl

>> believe they are alive. I'm a member of the group that believes they are

living, although don't have any idea how that could be. Maybe investigators,

although very controversial, believe they are nano products, and I think they

maybe are. That's just an opinion... I'm not the one to come up with this as

there are plenty of knowledgable people who have said this... Dr. Hildegard

Staninger for one. When I had a microscope and was collecting fibers and

looking at them under the digital scope I found some interesting

things. I would put the fibers on slides, cover them in emersion oil and a thin

glass sheet over the top and look at the fibers over a period of months. I

stored them in a special box designed for slides. The fibers themselves changed

over time from month to month (some did, some did not). Some developed what

looked like a pin head. I never saw any of them move.


>> I really wish I had a microscope again, but I haven't found one that hooks up

with software for an iMac which I have now.


>> I think there are things that disrupt the energy of the fibers. Scientists

may have found a way to create life and I think the fibers are self creating...

in the human body they have what they need to reproduce successfully. They also

seem to reproduce in homes. Some may be programmed to carry diseases.


>> I did not find coconut oil helpful on the body. When I put it on my hands

and feet it seemed to dry my skin out further so I stopped using it. So no, it

isn't just you Jess. It never was just you.




>> From: " jessnyc " <helpnynow@...>

>> " Birdmites.org Website " <bird mites >

>> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 3:29:50 PM

>> Subject: So the fibers survive coconut oil?


>> I had thought that coconut oil was a remedy for

these fibers. I bought

>> some and had a small jar next to me at all times.


>> When the oil was in liquid form, I noticed that the fibers somehow

>> managed to get in the oil, my little jar had suddenly like 10 or more

>> fibers. After a while I saw they all stuck together, and eventually I

>> began seeing more and more of them.


>> I wonder if they reproduced in the oil and assembled themselves

>> together? That's what it looked like to me, my little jar is full of

>> some big and some tiny fibers, they're mostly blue red or black, some

>> are also white and hard to see.


>> I guess this shows they don't die with coconut oil, they thrive and

>> reproduce in it.


>> Jesus, is there anything remedy that actually kills them? I haven't

>> found anything that would really kill them.


>> Has anyone had any success with coconut oil? Or is it just me?


>> Jess.





>> ------------------------------------



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