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Re: New to this group, and I hope you can help me

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Hi Terry

This mix will stop their itch ( but it is a 3 prong attack skin, environment &


attack skin (the mix of peroxide & borax & water ), environment (white wash) &

internal ( Pray hard to God He is the healer very healthy living ,food &

excercise . )


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & there is no

fizz or bruning from this mix & it is cheap minutes , if not , appy again in 20

mins & it gone , repaet the next day & stay away from the bug , or attack it

with a white coating of borax , baking soda & Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry

Detergent . It kills life forms & wear boots so the don't climb up the legs.

Sleep on an air matress , on a hard floor misted with 2 tbls coconut oil & 48

oz of warm water , they can not navigate oil at all . Delfate & roll up air

matress in am , spray room with coconut oil mix to kill the hunters thet have

come for you , soak bed in 5 gallon bucket of Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry

Detergent 1 cup & 5 gals of water for 1 hrs , rinse & reinflate with a hair

dryer on cool shot in 90 seconds , then mist with cococnut oil mix of water .

Thei is known as attriton , kill 90 percent 1 day , next day there is only 10

perc left , kill 90 pec of them now only 1 perc left & so on .

If they are deep ones I use

8tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

8 oz peroxide (3%)

8 oz water.

Many many posters had the same thing. All beat it . It is a bug . It does bite

.. Kill it it will die . The weapons are diffrent than most think . This is not

an ant,pesticides don't works & poison the area so they die. These bugs are

spiders . They think & they avoid poison & are resistent to it to pesticides ,

it makes them mad, & then inturn they attack to save their life. Farmers deal

with them all the time , they use lime wash on the chicken coop , they use oily

substances & they burn down the chicken coop if it fails. These are the facts of

this bug. Heat will kill them too . 170-200 degree every Saturday for 3 weeks .

Pray hard , God is good & he will help.

Total saturation of the house & items, soaking clothes. & burning of furniture

with cloth. Or discard furniture & coat well with motor oil so your friends

don't take it home & u come over for a visit & pick thm back up. yikes !

Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent , Powdered only 1 cup per gallon &

saturate all surfaces like the farmer with his lime wash ( white wash ) . This

is what kills them . Pesticides are dangerous & 'can' bother you . White wash

them , I soak my seats in the car with 1 cup borax ( the white wash ) & 1 cup

spic & span the liquid ( the oil ) & 1 gallon of hot water in Chapin brand

sprayer from Ace Hardware . I stir the borax into 1 gallon of water in a cut off

milk jug , with a wooden handle for 15 seconds then pour it into the sprayer &

add the spic n span & spray to saturation .

Also I use a tri-jet fogger from www.cedarcide.com ($200.00 ) it fogs the room

to death . In 10 mins of running it is a london fog of the mix of borax & spic n

span , it kills all of them, I repeated the fogging every 3 days for a month &

it stopped them . It sound s expensive $200.00 for a fogger but , I have

spent at least $20,000 + thousands & thousands of lost hours of life & sleep on

this bug. I should of moved in the begininig, it would of been cheaper , way

cheaper. (Probally a $60,000 lost over all . ) Or at least I should of used

heat , a turbo heater in the window thru a cement boart with a hole in it & a

thermometer facing outside to gage the heat. Heat for 6-8 hrs & place fans in

the house to help circulate the heat , heat hurts nothing but thin plastic &

reciept papers at 170-200 degrees I have put many objects in the oven to test

all have been fine . Electronics I gas in co2 in a bag outside so I don't poison

myself. Concentrated

gas kills people too. The kidneys can't take it . The eggs don't die though

from gas so I use dry baking soda ( white wash ) all over them to kills the

hatchlings & it has never hurt any laptop or cell phone yet ,i don't put it

near the intake vent of the laptop & I keep my laptop in a Hefty 2.5 gallon

ziplock filled with co2 form the welding shbop with a hose adapter to fill the

bag like a helium ballon . $5.00 to rent the tank per months, $12.68 to fill a

20 lb tank , 400 time I can fiill a 2.5 gallon bag with a 20lb tank . Using

co2 gas in the house is hard to air out of the basement co2 sinks & is heavier

than air. Co2 will kill in stron concentrations .

God bless you Terry ,

, Bill

ps this is the best lin I ever read for killing bugs

here it is

Mites and farmer tricks


bird mites/message/10634

I don't know where you people are from, whether it be city, or too far north to

know this, but " mites " are nothing new, and there is nothing " foreign about


I was raised, and still live in Louisiana, which is called, " semi-tropical. " I

was raised on a farm/ranch. There are so many different types of mites, that

bite, that I will not begin to try to list many; I will give a few examples.

Warm blooded animals get lice; plants get lice; they are not the same type of

lice. the " lice " that infest your turnip green patch, will not bite you because

it suddenly " got warmer " in the US. The mites and lice that infest your chicken

house, will not be satisfied with sucking on turnip greens; but they will crawl

all over a human and give you the " itch " for many days after you have gotten

rid of the mites. There are " redbugs, " picked up from walking through grass,

brush, or sometimes dirt. They will burrow under your skin and make you want to

take a wire brush and shed your won hide off. There are seed ticks that will

cover you from brushing against the wrong tree limb, or infest your living room

when you buy that " real " tree at Christmas. The " Mange " in dogs, or as we

humans dislike having to call it, " Scabies, " that will infest you and all your

pets. There are hog lice, chiken mites, Sarcopic mange, ring worm, ( & scores of

other funguses from cattle and horses and dogs), that humans can get. There is

the " creeping crud, " a fungus, that sometimes does not show to the naked eye for

months, but will make you claw until you bleed, usually starting at the

ankles and working up; it lives in the soil. While we back woods, country people

may call all these vermin and varmints funny names, and we may seem

stupid to some, we know these critters you are talking about; they were here in

the US long before you went overseas. It is just as possible that you caught it

from your Georgia tent mate when he returned from leave, as it is that you

caught it in Iraq, or some other " hot " place.

We have put a couple of cap fulls of pine oil or bleach in our bath water for

years; we have cleaned our houses with pine oil for hundreds of years. We have

dabbed pine oil, turpintine, and sometimes if desperate enough, coal oil, on

redbugs, (and various other critters that attached themselves to us), to kill

them for hundreds of years. We have coated ourselves in various kinds of fats,

mud, and paste to keep them off, and to kill them when they decided to live on

us anyway. We have bathed in baking soda, salt and epsoms salt to keep from

itching; smeared paste from mustard, baking soda and tobacco to help. We have

taken the " skin " from egg shells and pit on bad bites, to draw the " itch " out.

We have chewed on the sulphur ends of hard matches, and made a paste out

of " flowers of sulfur; " which bugs hate the smell of, and it keeps the bites

from getting infected. One of the bad things about itchy bites, it all that

scratching and hot, blooding flesh, attracts even more critters.

As for borax; you can buy " 20 Mule Team " borax powder; it's been around longer

than any of us. We wash with it, neutralize orors with it, remove stains with

it, etc. Most of all, down here, we have been rubbing it on our meat in our

smoke houses for ages; flies won't even light on it. we just wash it off when

we take it out to eat. I heard in the eighties, that they were " blowing "

recycled, chipped up, news papers into the walls of old historical homes to

insulate them. Guess what they were soaking the news paper in prior to drying

and chopping it up? That's right...Borax. Not only does it kill bugs, repel

bugs, repel rodents and prevent them from chewing and nesting in the paper

insulation, but it makes the paper fire retardent. You can make your on roach

and ant bait with it by mixing it with flour and sugar, or just corn syrup and

Borax. You can use it like carpet fresh, and you can wash your walls and floors

and counters with it; use it as a paste for scrubbing; just don't rinse it too

well, and you will see a lessening of itchy critters. And for people that want

their clothes clean, but do not like fragrance fumes, etc., it's the best for

your laundry.

If the varmints are eating your ankles up, mix some borax with your lotion or

vaseline; it will repel them and has antibiotic properties

Summary :


Mustard 2.00

skin of egg $1.99 haven't tried that one yet

coaltar shampoo 5.99

pinesol $4.00

bleach .69

sulphur $12.00 www.Americarx.com

baking soda $1.00

tobacco $4.00

fats .01 off a steak

mud $.00

and make s paste

Pretty cheap ! And they work


On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 6:16 PM EDT mitesbegone wrote:

>Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are

suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps

not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your



>But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with

bird mites or have undergone them.


>I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to

that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took

them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these

little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and

conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that

these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot

and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an

impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and

fatigue and many other things.


>After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated

my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help

for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to

feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well.

My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did

everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen

free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But

after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back

out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I

went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I

kept went into plastic bags with moth balls a

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TerryMy sympathies are with your plight. did a good job describing what he and others have tried. What we went through was similar to your experience, although did not have canaries. I wish I could type a good response but I cut my finger yesterday and vein in finger and my hand is so swollen and sore after stitches to finger. As my finger heals I will write more. I have impaired immune system too, thus much harder to rid of these entities--100's of times harder unfortunately. Many people here did get the beasts under control finally using antibiotics to help immune response. Some of the bugs brought us Lyme Diseease or bartonella, or other co infections which we are treating. The attraction to host I think depends on so many factors and a sick host is a great host for mites. A very healthy person rarely has been bothered, hence they do not understand what all the fuss is about. My husband & I both had pre existing Lyme. Our exposure could have been through multiple connections all involving birds at some level. Other animals and insects can be vectors too. A cat with mites can bring it to a home too. We had success with spraying everything in the house with ammonia water or Windex. We used DE for a while. We thre out 80% of our furniture, removed all carpets and all our things went to the dump. Most of it was new. We slept on air beds for a year and found a bedframe freom IKea that was cheap and easy to clean. We put certain rooms off limits and tried to use only certain parts of thr house. We bought a dehumidifier and cleaned out any mold in air ducts because we felt thery are attractref to mold. We never found mites, but felt thrm biting constantly. Some bites felt like someone stuck a pin in, very intense. I was sick with CFS before this happened to us, so the problems were hard to resolve. What I discovered was the mites we had (and spiders) are carrying Bartonella, a bacterial pathogen that spread in the body causing all kinds of strange symptoms. We found a Lyme Literate MD who started treating us and finally started to make headway. The mites in the home disappeared after a serious battle of several years, but the inner struggle still goes on with medications and herbs to rid of pathogens. I will write more when hand / finger healed.From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 8:05:35 PMSubject: Re: New to this group, and I hope you can help meHi Terry This mix will stop their itch ( but it is a 3 prong attack skin, environment & internal attack skin (the mix of peroxide & borax & water ), environment (white wash) & internal ( Pray hard to God He is the healer very healthy living ,food & excercise . )http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.htmlThe mix: 2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster16 oz peroxide (3%) 32 oz water.mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & there is no fizz or bruning from this mix & it is cheap minutes , if not , appy again in 20 mins & it gone , repaet the next day & stay away from the bug , or attack it with a white coating of borax , baking soda & Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent . It kills life forms & wear boots so the don't climb up the legs.Sleep on an air matress , on a hard floor misted with 2 tbls coconut oil & 48 oz of warm water , they can not navigate oil at all . Delfate & roll up air matress in am , spray room with coconut oil mix to kill the hunters thet have come for you , soak bed in 5 gallon bucket of Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent 1 cup & 5 gals of water for 1 hrs , rinse & reinflate with a hair dryer on cool shot in 90 seconds , then mist with cococnut oil mix of water . Thei is known as attriton , kill 90 percent 1 day , next day there is only 10 perc left , kill 90 pec of them now only 1 perc left & so on . If they are deep ones I use 8tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster8 oz peroxide (3%)8 oz water. Many many posters had the same thing. All beat it . It is a bug . It does bite . Kill it it will die . The weapons are diffrent than most think . This is not an ant,pesticides don't works & poison the area so they die. These bugs are spiders . They think & they avoid poison & are resistent to it to pesticides , it makes them mad, & then inturn they attack to save their life. Farmers deal with them all the time , they use lime wash on the chicken coop , they use oily substances & they burn down the chicken coop if it fails. These are the facts of this bug. Heat will kill them too . 170-200 degree every Saturday for 3 weeks . Pray hard , God is good & he will help. Total saturation of the house & items, soaking clothes. & burning of furniture with cloth. Or discard furniture & coat well with motor oil so your friends don't take it home & u come over for a visit & pick thm back up. yikes ! Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent , Powdered only 1 cup per gallon & saturate all surfaces like the farmer with his lime wash ( white wash ) . This is what kills them . Pesticides are dangerous & 'can' bother you . White wash them , I soak my seats in the car with 1 cup borax ( the white wash ) & 1 cup spic & span the liquid ( the oil ) & 1 gallon of hot water in Chapin brand sprayer from Ace Hardware . I stir the borax into 1 gallon of water in a cut off milk jug , with a wooden handle for 15 seconds then pour it into the sprayer & add the spic n span & spray to saturation . Also I use a tri-jet fogger from www.cedarcide.com ($200.00 ) it fogs the room to death . In 10 mins of running it is a london fog of the mix of borax & spic n span , it kills all of them, I repeated the fogging every 3 days for a month & it stopped them . It sound s expensive $200.00 for a fogger but , I have spent at least $20,000 + thousands & thousands of lost hours of life & sleep on this bug. I should of moved in the begininig, it would of been cheaper , way cheaper. (Probally a $60,000 lost over all . ) Or at least I should of used heat , a turbo heater in the window thru a cement boart with a hole in it & a thermometer facing outside to gage the heat. Heat for 6-8 hrs & place fans in the house to help circulate the heat , heat hurts nothing but thin plastic & reciept papers at 170-200 degrees I have put many objects in the oven to test all have been fine . Electronics I gas in co2 in a bag outside so I don't poison myself. Concentrated gas kills people too. The kidneys can't take it . The eggs don't die though from gas so I use dry baking soda ( white wash ) all over them to kills the hatchlings & it has never hurt any laptop or cell phone yet ,i don't put it near the intake vent of the laptop & I keep my laptop in a Hefty 2.5 gallon ziplock filled with co2 form the welding shbop with a hose adapter to fill the bag like a helium ballon . $5.00 to rent the tank per months, $12.68 to fill a 20 lb tank , 400 time I can fiill a 2.5 gallon bag with a 20lb tank . Using co2 gas in the house is hard to air out of the basement co2 sinks & is heavier than air. Co2 will kill in stron concentrations . God bless you Terry , , Billps this is the best lin I ever read for killing bugs here it is Mites and farmer trickslinkbird mites/message/10634I don't know where you people are from, whether it be city, or too far north to know this, but "mites" are nothing new, and there is nothing "foreign about them.I was raised, and still live in Louisiana, which is called, "semi-tropical. " I was raised on a farm/ranch. There are so many different types of mites, that bite, that I will not begin to try to list many; I will give a few examples. Warm blooded animals get lice; plants get lice; they are not the same type of lice. the "lice" that infest your turnip green patch, will not bite you because it suddenly "got warmer" in the US. The mites and lice that infest your chicken house, will not be satisfied with sucking on turnip greens; but they will crawl all over a human and give you the "itch" for many days after you have gotten rid of the mites. There are "redbugs," picked up from walking through grass, brush, or sometimes dirt. They will burrow under your skin and make you want to take a wire brush and shed your won hide off. There are seed ticks that will cover you from brushing against the wrong tree limb, or infest your living room when you buy that "real" tree at Christmas. The "Mange" in dogs, or as we humans dislike having to call it, "Scabies," that will infest you and all your pets. There are hog lice, chiken mites, Sarcopic mange, ring worm, ( & scores of other funguses from cattle and horses and dogs), that humans can get. There is the "creeping crud," a fungus, that sometimes does not show to the naked eye for months, but will make you claw until you bleed, usually starting at the ankles and working up; it lives in the soil. While we back woods, country people may call all these vermin and varmints funny names, and we may seem stupid to some, we know these critters you are talking about; they were here in the US long before you went overseas. It is just as possible that you caught it from your Georgia tent mate when he returned from leave, as it is that you caught it in Iraq, or some other "hot" place.We have put a couple of cap fulls of pine oil or bleach in our bath water for years; we have cleaned our houses with pine oil for hundreds of years. We have dabbed pine oil, turpintine, and sometimes if desperate enough, coal oil, on redbugs, (and various other critters that attached themselves to us), to kill them for hundreds of years. We have coated ourselves in various kinds of fats, mud, and paste to keep them off, and to kill them when they decided to live on us anyway. We have bathed in baking soda, salt and epsoms salt to keep from itching; smeared paste from mustard, baking soda and tobacco to help. We have taken the "skin" from egg shells and pit on bad bites, to draw the "itch" out. We have chewed on the sulphur ends of hard matches, and made a paste out of "flowers of sulfur;" which bugs hate the smell of, and it keeps the bites from getting infected. One of the bad things about itchy bites, it all that scratching and hot, blooding flesh, attracts even more critters.As for borax; you can buy "20 Mule Team"borax powder; it's been around longer than any of us. We wash with it, neutralize orors with it, remove stains with it, etc. Most of all, down here, we have been rubbing it on our meat in our smoke houses for ages; flies won't even light on it. we just wash it off when we take it out to eat. I heard in the eighties, that they were "blowing" recycled, chipped up, news papers into the walls of old historical homes to insulate them. Guess what they were soaking the news paper in prior to drying and chopping it up? That's right...Borax. Not only does it kill bugs, repel bugs, repel rodents and prevent them from chewing and nesting in the paper insulation, but it makes the paper fire retardent. You can make your on roach and ant bait with it by mixing it with flour and sugar, or just corn syrup and Borax. You can use it like carpet fresh, and you can wash your walls and floors and counters with it; use it as a paste for scrubbing; just don't rinse it too well, and you will see a lessening of itchy critters. And for people that want their clothes clean, but do not like fragrance fumes, etc., it's the best for your laundry.If the varmints are eating your ankles up, mix some borax with your lotion or vaseline; it will repel them and has antibiotic propertiesSummary : Borax$3.99Mustard 2.00skin of egg $1.99 haven't tried that one yet coaltar shampoo 5.99pinesol $4.00bleach .69 sulphur $12.00 www.Americarx.combaking soda $1.00tobacco $4.00 fats .01 off a steak mud $.00 and make s pastePretty cheap ! And they work --------------------------- >Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your discussions. > >But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them. > >I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things. > >After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls a------------------------------------

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Hi Terry!|Me and my family also experienced mites for a year. We threw away everything and moved. THis was hard economically but we got rid of the mites. Now we have infectinos left from the mite-time, but at least no mites. I know people here who has managed without moving , but me and Doris here at the site got rid of them by doing that.Good luck!|Cecilia From: mitesbegone <no_reply > bird mites Sent: Friday, April 6, 2012 12:16 AM Subject: New to this group, and I hope you can help me

Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your discussions.

But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came

out and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept) and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at night to keep them out of my mouth.

That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to live

inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't know what to do.

Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than me, but still, I could really use some help.

Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


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Hi, Terry! I just read about moxidectin. Here is an interesting insert from the site I am posting. You can use this on the skin to kill parasites. Note the reference to airsac mites:Moxidectin is a clear, fully water-soluble palatable syrup. Added to the drinking water for 24 hours, it clears roundworm (Ascaridia spp.) and hairworm (Capillaria spp.) infection. It is also effective against all external parasites that feed off body fluids, including mites and pigeon flies (Pseudolynchia spp.). Moxidectin also eliminates airsac mites (Sternostoma spp., Cytodites spp.). It is effective against roundworm, hairworm and any external parasites that feed off body fluids (i.e. mites, pigeon flies). It is also well absorbed through the skin and can therefore be applied topically, which is convenient for small birds such as canaries and budgerigars. The drug has a wide safety margin and birds can be fed and watered normally during its use. Often how products work and how they were developed is really interesting. Moxidectin is no exception. There is a group of chemicals called macrocyclic lactones. Within this group are two sub-groups. One group is the avermectins.This is found in a gel paste for horses called Quest Plus. I've tried it before and had great results. From: mitesbegone <no_reply > bird mites Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 6:16 PM Subject: New to this group, and I hope you can help me

Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your discussions.

But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came

out and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept) and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at night to keep them out of my mouth.

That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to live

inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't know what to do.

Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than me, but still, I could really use some help.

Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


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Here is article:http://fowlfacts.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=medshhh & action=print & thread=305 From: Benton <sarahbenton48@...> "bird mites " <bird mites > Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 3:58 PM Subject: Re: New to this group, and I hope you can help me

Hi, Terry! I just read about moxidectin. Here is an interesting insert from the site I am posting. You can use this on the skin to kill parasites. Note the reference to airsac mites:Moxidectin is a clear, fully water-soluble palatable syrup. Added to the drinking water for 24 hours, it clears roundworm (Ascaridia spp.) and hairworm (Capillaria spp.) infection. It is also effective against all external parasites that feed off body fluids, including mites and pigeon flies (Pseudolynchia spp.). Moxidectin also eliminates airsac mites (Sternostoma spp., Cytodites spp.). It is effective against roundworm, hairworm and any external parasites that feed off body fluids (i.e. mites, pigeon flies). It is also well absorbed through the skin and can therefore be applied topically, which is convenient for small birds such as canaries and budgerigars. The drug has a wide safety margin and birds can be fed and watered normally during its use. Often how products work and how they were developed is really interesting. Moxidectin is no exception. There is a group of chemicals called macrocyclic lactones. Within this group are two sub-groups. One group is the avermectins.This is found in a gel paste for horses called Quest Plus. I've tried it before and had great results. From: mitesbegone <no_reply > bird mites Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 6:16 PM Subject: New to this group, and I hope you can help me

Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your discussions.

But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came

out and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept) and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at night to keep them out of my mouth.

That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to live

inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't know what to do.

Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than me, but still, I could really use some help.

Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


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Hi Terry,

Sorry to hear what you're going through. I went through something

very similar about a year ago, and although I was able to get rid of

the mites (or whatever they were--I could never identify them) I was

left with Morgellons and still battling it.

Basically I had an infestation with something I suspect was a type

of bird mite. There was a point where I also felt they were in my

digestive tract, I had a strange sensation down my throat and I was

coughing up a lot of spit.

This worked for me, so you could try and see. I started having a

tbsp of organic apple cider 3 times a day or so. I also had a tsp of

baking soda diluted in a glass of water. It has to be very well

diluted. The cider I think was what worked the best, I felt relief

right away with it.

Then I also had to get rid of the mites in my room. They infested my

entire room and there was a point where I honestly thought I'd never

get rid of them. These mites didn't seem to live in me, they seemed

to live close enough (in the wood of my room) to be able to feed

every night or whenever they felt like it. So one day after trying

everything, I was so fed up with them that I took a big bottle of

boric acid and I basically poured it all over the floor in my room.

I mean, the whole floor was white with powder, there wasn't a single

spot left uncovered. I left this for a few days. After this, they

were completely gone. When insects step on the boric acid, they

disintegrate, so if these mites are the type that travel from areas

in your room to your bed, this might work. I began to see dead mites

on my floor, and they looked as if they had melted.

Anyway, I was glad to get rid of the mites, but when they died, the

real nightmare began. I now faced a new organism that was pretty

much indestructible, and I guess that's the Morgellons monster, I

don't have another explanation. It was fibers, mold, weird spots,

black specks, white larvae-like entities, and strange sensations of

something invisible that kept biting at me.

I moved from my infested apartment and I by doing that I got rid of

90% of the problem, but I get reinfested whenever I go back to

infested areas. I hope you don't get Morgellons, but if you do, let

us know and you should probably see one of the specialized doctors

ASAP before the problem gets out of hand. They say the longer you

have it, the harder it is to get rid of it.

All the best and keep us posted,


On 4/5/2012 5:16 PM, mitesbegone wrote:

Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here,

that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple

diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I

can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of

your discussions.

But, I could really use some advice from people who are

undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now.

Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of

bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from

my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I

noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand

from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with

Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand

that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already

had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my

dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired

immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots

of pain and fatigue and many other things.

After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I

immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught

and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or

two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no

bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little

dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his

younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything

I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia,

bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water

with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks

I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company

back out and they treated again. This time with a product

called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets

and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went

into plastic bags with moth balls and were kept outside or

in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of

days ago, the Pest Control company came out and sprayed

again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the

product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the

mites were the worst (like my bedroom and the room where

the birds had been kept) and put a fogger into the walls.

I had been away for a week in a local motel just so I

could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and

a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed

the mites are still here. Relentless. I even started

wearing a dog collar at night to keep them out of my


That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening.

They just won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly

coughing up mites. I am gargling incessantly and wear

Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose and neck to

discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I

have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and

nothing is working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday

but the PCO did not want me to doing anything other than

that because she did not want anything to counteract the

fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the

ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth

chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every

day and whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back

hurts between my shoulder blades and I am coughing up

brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have

gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be

able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to live

inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to

this? Or are there any suggestions or advice anyone can

give me. My daughter is getting married this summer and my

happiness for her and ability to help plan her wedding has

all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't know what

to do.

Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far

worse than me, but still, I could really use some help.

Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


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I went to Dr. Zhang and he gave me some pills to keep taking to desensitize me,

problem is he didn't believe they could be living on me or in me and now after 2

weeks I'm feeling a lot more pin bricks all over me all the time whereas before

I was mainly getting bites on my feet and fingers at night..I think the idea of

desensitizing is a good one as I still think these mites are around my

daughter's family and cats but they're not bothered whereas I am but the fact

that I'm not getting something to also kill them worries me since I'm feeling

worse and feeling that he doesn't fully comprehend my situation and therefore

I'm not being treated properly and may just be making my situation worse.

> >

> >

> > Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of

> > you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by

> > bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the

> > middle of some of your discussions.

> >

> > But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing

> > issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

> >

> > I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go

> > back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised

> > canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a

> > year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my

> > hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with

> > Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these

> > were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a

> > lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my

> > birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called

> > Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

> >

> > After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately

> > fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic).

> > This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves

> > of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my

> > little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger

> > dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed

> > constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my

> > clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after

> > three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company

> > back out and they treated again. This time with a product called

> > Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away

> > almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth

> > balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites

> > returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came out

> > and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the

> > product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were

> > the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept)

> > and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local

> > motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores

> > and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites

> > are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at

> > night to keep them out of my mouth.

> >

> > That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just

> > won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am

> > gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose

> > and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I

> > have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is

> > working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want

> > me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything

> > to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now

> > (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth

> > chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and

> > whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my

> > shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried

> > that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't

> > supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to

> > live inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

> >

> > Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are

> > there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is

> > getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to

> > help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just

> > don't know what to do.

> >

> > Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than

> > me, but still, I could really use some help.

> >

> > Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.

> >

> > Terry

> >

> >


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Hi Terry,

Very sorry to hear about your bird mite nightmare, which is very similar

to mine and others who have been on this forum over the years.

There are no simple solutions as you have already figured out. It

requires diligence, lots of time, energy and sometimes expense, in order

to get this under control.

A PCO can be helpful if they are familiar with bird mites and are aware

that weak pyrethrin based chemicals are not effective.

Wiping down bedroom walls and ceilings with a swifter mop treated with a

degreaser can help, sealing the mattress, et al can help some. Sticky

carpet tape on the legs of the bed, etc. These will all help you to get

a few hours of sleep at night, which is important. As sleep deprivation

can be an issue with this.

There are many good posts in the 'files' section as well as at

birdmites.org. So hope this can be of some help to you.

God bless you and keep us posted.



> Hi, Terry!

>    I just read about moxidectin. Here is an

interesting insert from the site I am posting. You can use this on

the skin to kill parasites. Note the reference to airsac mites:


> Moxidectin is a clear, fully water-soluble palatable syrup. Added to


> drinking water for 24 hours, it clears roundworm (Ascaridia spp.) and


> (Capillaria spp.) infection.


> It is also effective against all external

> parasites that feed off body fluids, including mites and pigeon flies

> (Pseudolynchia spp.). Moxidectin also eliminates airsac mites

(Sternostoma spp.,

> Cytodites spp.).


> It is effective against

> roundworm, hairworm and any external parasites that feed off body

fluids (i.e.

> mites, pigeon flies).


> It is also well

> absorbed through the skin and can therefore be applied topically,

which is

> convenient for small birds such as canaries and budgerigars. The drug

has a wide

> safety margin and birds can be fed and watered normally during its



> Often how products work and how they were developed is really

> interesting. Moxidectin is no exception.


> There is a group of chemicals

> called macrocyclic lactones.


> Within this group are two sub-groups. One

> group is the avermectins.


> This is found in a gel paste for horses called Quest Plus. I've

tried it before and had great results.




> ________________________________

> From: mitesbegone no_reply

> bird mites

> Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2012 6:16 PM

> Subject: New to this group, and I hope you can help me



> Â

> Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of

you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by

bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the

middle of some of your discussions.


> But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing

issues with bird mites or have undergone them.


> I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go

back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries.

Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago.

One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from

the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and

Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites

(chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was

fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired

immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and

fatigue and many other things.


> After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately

fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic).

This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves

of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my

little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog

have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed

constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my

clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three

weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out

and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This

time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my

clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls and were

kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of

days ago, the Pest Control company came

> out and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the

product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were the

worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept) and

put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local motel

just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and a

bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites are

still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at night to

keep them out of my mouth.


> That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just

won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am

gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose

and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I

have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is

working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want me

to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything to

counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the

ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth chrystals in them.

I am washing all my bed linens every day and whatever clothes I have

worn. This morning my back hurts between my shoulder blades and I am

coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have

gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be able to live off

of humans, nor are they supposed to live

> inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.


> Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are

there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is

getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to help

plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't

know what to do.


> Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than

me, but still, I could really use some help.


> Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


> Terry


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Terry-You are in a challenging situation. Seek out a Lyme literate doctor and have him assess you for Lyme disease. What state do you live in?AandrayaOn Apr 5, 2012, at 5:16 PM, mitesbegone <no_reply > wrote:

Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the middle of some of your discussions.

But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic). This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company back out and they treated again. This time with a product called Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came out and sprayed again with

Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept) and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at night to keep them out of my mouth.

That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to live inside a human body. But I can't

say that I believe this.

Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just don't know what to do.

Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than me, but still, I could really use some help.

Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.


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Thanks . Yes, I think they are external and either in my skin or somewhere

within me also. Since I started these herbs my elbow has been stiff also along

with the pricks so I asked him if this could be from the herbs or maybe

bartonella flaring up du to changing body chemistry but I didn't really get an

answer. This makes me really reluctant to proceed although I am still taking

them. Also when he says the herbs can't do harm I read and see they can be quite

toxic. Aandraya, what I'm getting is circulation P, Tang-kuei and Arctium

formula 822M and AI#3capsules. I didn't have clinical signs for Lyme just the

biting although I do have antibodies for Lyme and bartonella. Also where I moved

I can't get a good night's sleep so that makes it harder for me to communicate.

This has been an ongoing issue for me living in nyc. Thank you Kajay for the

delusional parasitosis article. I have used my own exterminator to spray my

apartment with onslaught and Nyguard every month. That seemed to knock them down

but not get rid of them and when I had this trouble with my management I started

to wonder how often I could get away with spraying without affecting my own

health that way. In the kitchen I clean with the tko or lysol, also the

bathroom. Wash everything everyday and spray wintergreen alchol on vinyl

mattress cover, those things seem to help with the itching.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that many of

> > > you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps caused by

> > > bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining in the

> > > middle of some of your discussions.

> > >

> > > But, I could really use some advice from people who are undergoing

> > > issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

> > >

> > > I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I could go

> > > back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised

> > > canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed away a

> > > year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping onto my

> > > hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with

> > > Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that these

> > > were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been scratching a

> > > lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of all my

> > > birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease called

> > > Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

> > >

> > > After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I immediately

> > > fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the attic).

> > > This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked in droves

> > > of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along with my

> > > little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his younger

> > > dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I vacuumed

> > > constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed all my

> > > clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But after

> > > three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest Company

> > > back out and they treated again. This time with a product called

> > > Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw away

> > > almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags with moth

> > > balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites

> > > returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company came out

> > > and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the

> > > product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites were

> > > the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had been kept)

> > > and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in a local

> > > motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple cold sores

> > > and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed the mites

> > > are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog collar at

> > > night to keep them out of my mouth.

> > >

> > > That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They just

> > > won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites. I am

> > > gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my mouth, nose

> > > and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get in. I

> > > have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and nothing is

> > > working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did not want

> > > me to doing anything other than that because she did not want anything

> > > to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside now

> > > (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth

> > > chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and

> > > whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts between my

> > > shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very worried

> > > that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't

> > > supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they supposed to

> > > live inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

> > >

> > > Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this? Or are

> > > there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My daughter is

> > > getting married this summer and my happiness for her and ability to

> > > help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I just

> > > don't know what to do.

> > >

> > > Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far worse than

> > > me, but still, I could really use some help.

> > >

> > > Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.

> > >

> > > Terry

> > >

> > >

> >





> ------------------------------------



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I looked up Dr. Raxlen and he's in NYC but he doesn't take insurance. However

I've made note of his number and address. Thanks Aandraya. I am still thinking

what to do next. I'd also really like to get them out of my environment. I did

try the traps Bill but they din't seem to make any difference in my case. I

tried spreading some baking soda in floor cracks although not all over. I also

wish I could sleep better so I could think better, NYC living.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here, that

> > many of

> > > > > you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps

> > caused by

> > > > > bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining

> > in the

> > > > > middle of some of your discussions.

> > > > >

> > > > > But, I could really use some advice from people who are

> > undergoing

> > > > > issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now. Wish I

> > could go

> > > > > back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I raised

> > > > > canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he passed

> > away a

> > > > > year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks jumping

> > onto my

> > > > > hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations with

> > > > > Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that

> > these

> > > > > were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been

> > scratching a

> > > > > lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of

> > all my

> > > > > birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare disease

> > called

> > > > > Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

> > > > >

> > > > > After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I

> > immediately

> > > > > fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for the

> > attic).

> > > > > This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked

> > in droves

> > > > > of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best. along

> > with my

> > > > > little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his

> > younger

> > > > > dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I could. I

> > vacuumed

> > > > > constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed

> > all my

> > > > > clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But

> > after

> > > > > three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest

> > Company

> > > > > back out and they treated again. This time with a product called

> > > > > Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and threw

> > away

> > > > > almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags

> > with moth

> > > > > balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the mites

> > > > > returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company

> > came out

> > > > > and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't know the

> > > > > product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the mites

> > were

> > > > > the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had

> > been kept)

> > > > > and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a week in

> > a local

> > > > > motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple

> > cold sores

> > > > > and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed

> > the mites

> > > > > are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog

> > collar at

> > > > > night to keep them out of my mouth.

> > > > >

> > > > > That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening. They

> > just

> > > > > won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up mites.

> > I am

> > > > > gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my

> > mouth, nose

> > > > > and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still get

> > in. I

> > > > > have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and

> > nothing is

> > > > > working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did

> > not want

> > > > > me to doing anything other than that because she did not want

> > anything

> > > > > to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep outside

> > now

> > > > > (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with moth

> > > > > chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every day and

> > > > > whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts

> > between my

> > > > > shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very

> > worried

> > > > > that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they aren't

> > > > > supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they

> > supposed to

> > > > > live inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to this?

> > Or are

> > > > > there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My

> > daughter is

> > > > > getting married this summer and my happiness for her and

> > ability to

> > > > > help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these mites. I

> > just

> > > > > don't know what to do.

> > > > >

> > > > > Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far

> > worse than

> > > > > me, but still, I could really use some help.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.

> > > > >

> > > > > Terry

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Dr. Bock is in Pa. so that's too far but thank you for all the info. I have to

work also on getting them out of my environment. They're starting to bite a lot

now the heat is off and now I may have a few options to work with. Have to spray

again although I don't like using pesticide. Kajay, how much Pinesol did you mix

with the Igr? Thanks Marie, saw that you tube film of the Dr. Phil show. Thought

he presented a powerful rebuttal to that doctor from Hopkins, wish he had

that extra piece on the healthcare politics on the show also but did see it on

you tube.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here,

> > that

> > > > many of

> > > > > > > you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps

> > > > caused by

> > > > > > > bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining

> > > > in the

> > > > > > > middle of some of your discussions.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But, I could really use some advice from people who are

> > > > undergoing

> > > > > > > issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now.

> > Wish I

> > > > could go

> > > > > > > back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I

> > raised

> > > > > > > canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he

> > passed

> > > > away a

> > > > > > > year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks

> > jumping

> > > > onto my

> > > > > > > hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations

> > with

> > > > > > > Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that

> > > > these

> > > > > > > were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been

> > > > scratching a

> > > > > > > lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of

> > > > all my

> > > > > > > birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare

> > disease

> > > > called

> > > > > > > Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I

> > > > immediately

> > > > > > > fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for

> > the

> > > > attic).

> > > > > > > This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked

> > > > in droves

> > > > > > > of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best.

> > along

> > > > with my

> > > > > > > little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his

> > > > younger

> > > > > > > dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I

> > could. I

> > > > vacuumed

> > > > > > > constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed

> > > > all my

> > > > > > > clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But

> > > > after

> > > > > > > three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest

> > > > Company

> > > > > > > back out and they treated again. This time with a product

> > called

> > > > > > > Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and

> > threw

> > > > away

> > > > > > > almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags

> > > > with moth

> > > > > > > balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the

> > mites

> > > > > > > returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company

> > > > came out

> > > > > > > and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't

> > know the

> > > > > > > product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the

> > mites

> > > > were

> > > > > > > the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had

> > > > been kept)

> > > > > > > and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a

> > week in

> > > > a local

> > > > > > > motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple

> > > > cold sores

> > > > > > > and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed

> > > > the mites

> > > > > > > are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog

> > > > collar at

> > > > > > > night to keep them out of my mouth.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening.

> > They

> > > > just

> > > > > > > won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up

> > mites.

> > > > I am

> > > > > > > gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my

> > > > mouth, nose

> > > > > > > and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still

> > get

> > > > in. I

> > > > > > > have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and

> > > > nothing is

> > > > > > > working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did

> > > > not want

> > > > > > > me to doing anything other than that because she did not

> > want

> > > > anything

> > > > > > > to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep

> > outside

> > > > now

> > > > > > > (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with

> > moth

> > > > > > > chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every

> > day and

> > > > > > > whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts

> > > > between my

> > > > > > > shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very

> > > > worried

> > > > > > > that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they

> > aren't

> > > > > > > supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they

> > > > supposed to

> > > > > > > live inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe

> > this.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to

> > this?

> > > > Or are

> > > > > > > there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My

> > > > daughter is

> > > > > > > getting married this summer and my happiness for her and

> > > > ability to

> > > > > > > help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these

> > mites. I

> > > > just

> > > > > > > don't know what to do.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far

> > > > worse than

> > > > > > > me, but still, I could really use some help.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Terry

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Mitey Agree the true reason for the suppression of Lyme was suppressed right to

the end:) still thought it admirable of Dr Phil.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Hello all, I know, after reading many of the posts here,

> > > that

> > > > > many of

> > > > > > > > you are suffering terribly from multiple diseases, perhaps

> > > > > caused by

> > > > > > > > bird mites, perhaps not. I can't really tell as I am joining

> > > > > in the

> > > > > > > > middle of some of your discussions.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > But, I could really use some advice from people who are

> > > > > undergoing

> > > > > > > > issues with bird mites or have undergone them.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I guess I was living in blissful ignorance up til now.

> > > Wish I

> > > > > could go

> > > > > > > > back to that time before I ever heard of bird mites. I

> > > raised

> > > > > > > > canaries. Well, I took them over from my father when he

> > > passed

> > > > > away a

> > > > > > > > year ago. One day I noticed these little brown specks

> > > jumping

> > > > > onto my

> > > > > > > > hand from the bird cages. Lots of calls and conversations

> > > with

> > > > > > > > Entomologists and Pest Controllers led me to understand that

> > > > > these

> > > > > > > > were red bird mites (chicken mites). I already had been

> > > > > scratching a

> > > > > > > > lot and thought it was fleas from my dogs. So, I got rid of

> > > > > all my

> > > > > > > > birds. I have an impaired immune system due to a rare

> > > disease

> > > > > called

> > > > > > > > Dercums. Lots of pain and fatigue and many other things.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > After giving all of my birds to a fellow bird fancier, I

> > > > > immediately

> > > > > > > > fumigated my home. (Nygaard IGR with Onslaught and DE for

> > > the

> > > > > attic).

> > > > > > > > This seemed to help for a day or two and then I was attacked

> > > > > in droves

> > > > > > > > of them (having no bird to feed on, I was the next best.

> > > along

> > > > > with my

> > > > > > > > little dog, who is old and not well. My teen age son and his

> > > > > younger

> > > > > > > > dog have been fairly unaffected). I did everything I

> > > could. I

> > > > > vacuumed

> > > > > > > > constantly, sprayed with ammonia, bleach, kleen free, washed

> > > > > all my

> > > > > > > > clothes in hot water with borax and ammonia, etc. etc.). But

> > > > > after

> > > > > > > > three weeks I could not take it any longer. So, called Pest

> > > > > Company

> > > > > > > > back out and they treated again. This time with a product

> > > called

> > > > > > > > Zenprox. This time I went through all of my closets and

> > > threw

> > > > > away

> > > > > > > > almost all of my clothes. What I kept went into plastic bags

> > > > > with moth

> > > > > > > > balls and were kept outside or in the garage. Again, the

> > > mites

> > > > > > > > returned. So a couple of days ago, the Pest Control company

> > > > > came out

> > > > > > > > and sprayed again with Onslaught and an exciter (don't

> > > know the

> > > > > > > > product name) and drilled holds into the walls where the

> > > mites

> > > > > were

> > > > > > > > the worst (like my bedroom and the room where the birds had

> > > > > been kept)

> > > > > > > > and put a fogger into the walls. I had been away for a

> > > week in

> > > > > a local

> > > > > > > > motel just so I could get some rest and to combat multiple

> > > > > cold sores

> > > > > > > > and a bladder infection. Upon returning yesterday I noticed

> > > > > the mites

> > > > > > > > are still here. Relentless. I even started wearing a dog

> > > > > collar at

> > > > > > > > night to keep them out of my mouth.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That is the absolute worst thing that has been happening.

> > > They

> > > > > just

> > > > > > > > won't stay out of my mouth. I am constantly coughing up

> > > mites.

> > > > > I am

> > > > > > > > gargling incessantly and wear Vicks Vapor Rub all over my

> > > > > mouth, nose

> > > > > > > > and neck to discourage them during the day. But they still

> > > get

> > > > > in. I

> > > > > > > > have been battling these mites for over 6 weeks now and

> > > > > nothing is

> > > > > > > > working. I spent 3 hours vacuuming yesterday but the PCO did

> > > > > not want

> > > > > > > > me to doing anything other than that because she did not

> > > want

> > > > > anything

> > > > > > > > to counteract the fumigant. Most of my clothes I keep

> > > outside

> > > > > now

> > > > > > > > (even the ones that I wear). They are in plastic tubs with

> > > moth

> > > > > > > > chrystals in them. I am washing all my bed linens every

> > > day and

> > > > > > > > whatever clothes I have worn. This morning my back hurts

> > > > > between my

> > > > > > > > shoulder blades and I am coughing up brown stuff. I am very

> > > > > worried

> > > > > > > > that somehow mites have gotten into my lungs. I know they

> > > aren't

> > > > > > > > supposed to be able to live off of humans, nor are they

> > > > > supposed to

> > > > > > > > live inside a human body. But I can't say that I believe

> > > this.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Has anyone in this group encountered anything similar to

> > > this?

> > > > > Or are

> > > > > > > > there any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. My

> > > > > daughter is

> > > > > > > > getting married this summer and my happiness for her and

> > > > > ability to

> > > > > > > > help plan her wedding has all been destroyed by these

> > > mites. I

> > > > > just

> > > > > > > > don't know what to do.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Forgive me please as I know many of you are suffering far

> > > > > worse than

> > > > > > > > me, but still, I could really use some help.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Thank you so much and my best wishes to everyone here.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Terry

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ------------------------------------

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

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