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RE: A light bulb has gone off...

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Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think I've

upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably do

something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in shape,

stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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Thanks Melinda, the Dr. told me to stay away from caffeine, it runs my

blood pressure to the sky, but I love my coffee and the decaffeinated

kind is not really that good. Do you get that at the health food store?



Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Hey, for those of you who love coffee - and I do - I recommend the

Veritas Coffees. They're organic, you can get them in flavors (and the

ones like Hazlenut actually have real hazlenuts, not flavors in them),

you can get them in varieties like Colombian, French Roast, etc., and

they decaffeinate using Swiss Water Decaffeination (very important).

Also, they claim that there is something about their beans that makes

even the ones with caffeine not cause the jitters that other coffees do.

I tried it - - I think it's true. This isn't a commercial or anything -

I don't get anything for recommending them. I just thought y'all might

like to know about them. I think they're wonderful.

Melinda :o)

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same

as far

as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and


days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense.

I drink my

coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water


goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it


doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the

DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on

that!!!! If

others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go

for it. Just

DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make

it sound like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my

research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so

sorry, I

think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho,

I'm sure.

So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the


in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of



Love ya GF,


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Of course it did , Jenni, I understand, :-)

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Well, I still haven't eaten the hohos...but broke down when my sweet

husband made mashed potatoes and gravy.........it just went so well with

the turkey!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections,

then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway

:) I don't

have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty


remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky

if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then

just drink, drink,

drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30

years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with

age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see

if there's

anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something

to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll

decide when

I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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fluffy...I like that term LOL

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

I'm another one who needs the freedom to eat what I want. As a rule I really

don't eat all that much that's bad for me. And once I can get my tushie in

gear and not mess up, I'll get it off pretty fast and then I can and will eat

normal food. Bread if I want it, pie, cake HO HO's ;) whatever. But I don't

over do it and I usually don't want it cuz I know how I'll feel. This weight


have and am fighting is from a lot of stress and depression. When I go down,

I don't do anything. Don't eat much still, just don't move. So here I am,

all fluffy and not able to get into any of the tons and tons of clothes I


I really had planned on it all being off by my birthday. That was almost 2

weeks ago and it didn't happen. I refuse to go into another spring being

fluffy!!! I REFUSE!!!!!

Give me protein and give me tiny clothes!!!!!

Love ya,


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Oh yes, I know the headaches are caffine related. When I was realy, really,

really, did I say really, drinking so darn much, my withdrawel headache lasted

3 days. It was awful! Which is another reason I don't ever want to get that

bad about drinking it ever again. I totally went off it for a few years

once, but then allowed myself to start drinking it again. I just missed it so


Love ya,


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In a message dated 12/29/2004 12:52:10 PM Mountain Standard Time,

bmathis@... writes:

I remember when a doctor told her to cut her coffee consumption down to 1 pot

per day (in an effort to eliminate migraine headaches) and she went out and

bought a HUGE coffee pot -- LOL!!!! I

ROFL!!!!! I love your Mom!!!

Love ya,


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have you tried mashed cauliflower with gravy? It's a very tasty (and healthy)

substitute for mashed potatoes. And takes little work (if you have a food

processor....). I make gravy with some (very inexpensive) starter-powder that I

get at Sam's -- not very carby, and it makes a good base for the onions and

mushrooms and various spices that I put in it....

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Well, I still haven't eaten the hohos...but broke down when my sweet husband

made mashed potatoes and gravy.........it just went so well with the turkey!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then feel

free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I


have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I over

indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just

drink, drink,

drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years. I

know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age come

changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if


anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to eat.

Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide


I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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Wish I was fluffy! I'm just plain dumpy!!!! And I really want to be be slender

and toned.... Actually, I think my muscles are reasonably toned, they're just

hiding (under mounds of fat!) ...


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

fluffy...I like that term LOL

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

I'm another one who needs the freedom to eat what I want. As a rule I really

don't eat all that much that's bad for me. And once I can get my tushie in

gear and not mess up, I'll get it off pretty fast and then I can and will eat

normal food. Bread if I want it, pie, cake HO HO's ;) whatever. But I don't

over do it and I usually don't want it cuz I know how I'll feel. This weight


have and am fighting is from a lot of stress and depression. When I go down,

I don't do anything. Don't eat much still, just don't move. So here I am,

all fluffy and not able to get into any of the tons and tons of clothes I


I really had planned on it all being off by my birthday. That was almost 2

weeks ago and it didn't happen. I refuse to go into another spring being

fluffy!!! I REFUSE!!!!!

Give me protein and give me tiny clothes!!!!!

Love ya,


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and I was reading recently (newspaper?) that a certain amount of caffeine is

considered healthy -- like 2 cups per day. Of course, probably next week it'll

be shown to cause cancer of the middle finger... LOL

There's an interesting article in National Geo this month about caffeine --

shows the amounts in some popular beverages, where and how it's grown, etc.

I like my coffee! And I found out that I require my morning 2 cups -- the first

cup is brought to me by my husband as I wake up (maybe it's the love that goes

with it that I really like!?) -- anyway, a month or so ago, my husband went on a

business trip and so I didn't bother with my morning coffee. And I felt lousy!

Finally figured out that I was getting addicted to the stuff -- so I drank some

of the coffee here at work (vile stuff) and my headaches disappeared....

I doubt that a bit of caffeine is worse for you than cigarettes, or alcohol, or

drugs (none of which I indulge in -- well, I do have a drink every few months)

-- so I think I'll just continue on with this vice!


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same as far

as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and some

days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense. I drink


coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water for

goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it apparently

doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on that!!!!


others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go for it.


DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make it sound

like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so sorry, I

think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho, I'm sure.

So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the moment,

in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of the


Love ya GF,


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Bonnie, I wish oh how I wish I could have my coffee back!!! Drink a cup

for me? Hugs, Connie

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same as


as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and


days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense. I

drink my

coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water for

goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it


doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the

DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on

that!!!! If

others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go for

it. Just

DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make it

sound like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my

research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so sorry,


think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho, I'm


So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the


in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of



Love ya GF,


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Kiki, I've " stopped " drinking diet coke for much the same reason -- just figured

that all the caffeine I was getting was likely not doing me a lot of good -- but

it sure is true that if I have a headache, then a diet coke will clear it right


Now I tend to drink diet root beer, grape, or tangerine (the grape and tangerine

are really good, they're flavored with Splenda, Diet Rite, I think) -- just

recently tried a diet cream with Splenda (Shasta, maybe?) -- pretty good, but

the only place I've seen it so far is at the base in San -- a hundred

mile drive, we only go there about once a month....

I really like carbonation -- but then I'm constantly burping! LOL! Guess that if

I eliminated carbonation from my diet, I'd get rid of that problem. But then I

would be stuck with drinking stuff that wasn't very tasty!!!

I do feel extremely lucky that I never tried smoking (other than one or two

cigarettes in college -- it really looked " cool " but I was a very poor student,

no way could I afford it). My husband gave up smoking about 40 years ago --

simply went cold turkey and never smoked another one -- now he figures everyone

can do the same -- I watch my son-in-law struggle with a cigarette addiction,

he'll stop for a couple of months but then the first stress and he's back -- and

one of my daughters and her husband, although they go outside to smoke so that

they don't expose their baby to the smoke, can't seem to break their habits -- I

have the feeling it's easier for some than for others!


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think I've

upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably do

something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in shape,

stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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I love mashed cauliflower. I laugh now when people talk about it because I've

been eating it since I was in my twenties...everyone then thought it was gross.

I love it!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Jenni, a partner sounds great to me! If there are any objections, then


free to email mail me privatly. In fact, feel free to do it anyway :) I


have a HUGE problem with the killer flour and sugar. I do pretty well

remembering how they make me feel, all bloaty and all around yucky if I


indulge. So when I do partake of them, I think I'm ready and then just

drink, drink,

drink water. I've done high protein for, I can't believe this, 30 years.


know my body isn't used to carbs being put into it, and I know with age


changes. I dunno, but I'm sure gonna give this theory a try and see if


anything to it. If not, then I guess it's a trip to the Dr.

So lets get started GF! I'm off to take my supps and get something to


Not sure what, bacon and eggs maybe, or an all beef hotdog? I'll decide


I get there...LOL

Love ya,


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Just a FYI, the headaches are normal when you cut out caffeine. My son ended up

in bed for a day due to them...but once they were gone they were gone for good.

I used to get terrible headaches and once I stopped the caffeine I rarely get

them. But the first couple of days were rough. In fact my dear son just

commented on the fact that we are a year free from caffeine. Wow! I didn't

realize it had been that long!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably


something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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Your right about the easier for others part with smoking. I smoked for 30+

years. Quick 5 years ago February 1st (my birthday ... it was a present to

myself ;) Anyhow, the only thing that worked for me was when my doctor

prescribed Zyban. Your supposed to take it for 3 months. I only took it for

two but the funny part was I forgot to smoke. That about blew me out of the

water (I was a heavy chain smoker!). You know, I was one of those whose car

wouldn't start until a cigarette was lit, couldn't answer the phone without

one.....it was awful. I tried everything and zyban was the only thing that

worked. Rick calls it a miracle!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably


something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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Yes, lucky me -- and IMPRESSIVE YOU!

When you have to continually fight for something because of an inherent

disability, I think you become far stronger than those of us who simply take the

stretch-ability for granted.

Keep up the good work!


Re: A light bulb has gone off...


You are WAY more flexible than I was even at birth. LOL

I have a mild case of cerebral palsey and have to fight, fight, fight my body

to stretch at all.

Lucky you!

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Is Zyban something that I could buy (i.e., is a prescription required?) -- and

is it very pricey? It would make a wonderful present for those of my kids who

are addicted!


Re: A light bulb has gone off...


Your right about the easier for others part with smoking. I smoked for 30+

years. Quick 5 years ago February 1st (my birthday ... it was a present to

myself ;) Anyhow, the only thing that worked for me was when my doctor

prescribed Zyban. Your supposed to take it for 3 months. I only took it for

two but the funny part was I forgot to smoke. That about blew me out of the

water (I was a heavy chain smoker!). You know, I was one of those whose car

wouldn't start until a cigarette was lit, couldn't answer the phone without

one.....it was awful. I tried everything and zyban was the only thing that

worked. Rick calls it a miracle!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably


something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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hmmm -- I know that you are right and I know that I should someday eliminate

caffeine (note the someday!) -- but I like the stuff too darned much! I figure I

need some sort of vice!!!

My mother (who is 83) still has her coffee -- many cups each day -- I remember

when a doctor told her to cut her coffee consumption down to 1 pot per day (in

an effort to eliminate migraine headaches) and she went out and bought a HUGE

coffee pot -- LOL!!!! I think it's one of life's little pleasures that she can

still indulge in....


Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Just a FYI, the headaches are normal when you cut out caffeine. My son ended up

in bed for a day due to them...but once they were gone they were gone for good.

I used to get terrible headaches and once I stopped the caffeine I rarely get

them. But the first couple of days were rough. In fact my dear son just

commented on the fact that we are a year free from caffeine. Wow! I didn't

realize it had been that long!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite well

with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot, in

fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should probably


something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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Dear ,

What a wonderful blessing you are! My youngest son, ...the one we were all

praying for with the tumor, also has mild cerebral palsy. And if you are

anything like my ...which I'm sure you are....you are a bright shining star

to anyone you come into contact with!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...


You are WAY more flexible than I was even at birth. LOL

I have a mild case of cerebral palsey and have to fight, fight, fight my body

to stretch at all.

Lucky you!

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here here!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...


You are WAY more flexible than I was even at birth. LOL

I have a mild case of cerebral palsey and have to fight, fight, fight my body

to stretch at all.

Lucky you!

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It is prescription, but you can purchase it online. I have been contemplating

getting some for my oldest who is a very very heavy smoker. If you want to

email me off list I can give you two web sites that are very very reputable.

And yes, it can be pricey, but it doesn't cost near as much as a pack of

cigarettes x 30 or 31 days!

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite


with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot,


fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should

probably do

something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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I hear you :) I was just sharing information and in NO way was I trying to

convert you to caffeine free. That is something you can decide for yourself :)

I think your " growed " enough LOL I just never knew that caffeine withdrawal

caused headaches so it was quite a shock and a little scary when it happened to

my son and wanted to share that info with the list.

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Oh Bonnie, have I ever been there, done that, with the caffeine addiction!

Mine was from pop tho. I said in an earlier post that I could live quite


with only drinking Diet Pepsi all day, every day. I had to cut down a lot,


fact stopped drinking it all together for a while. I'd get such AWFUL

headaches when I went without any for just a short amount of time. I think


upped my intake again, but not nearly as much, but I do notice that I get a

slight head ache lately, that clears up when I have a pop. I should

probably do

something about it, but dang!!! I can't do it all at once...get back in


stop smoking, stop drinking so much pop and whatever else I need to stop


And yes, I'd bet that 1st cup you have has a lot to do with the way it's

served and the love it's served with. That's just so sweet...

Love ya,


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I order it from the company either by phone or internet and it comes to me UPS.

I just love it, and so does Neil. We're quite spoiled to our very good coffee.

The website address is www.veritascoffee.com.

Melinda :o)

Re: A light bulb has gone off...

Bonnie, you are a woman after my own heart! I think exactly the same

as far

as my intake of water goes. I could probably live on Diet Pepsi, and


days I do, but I do try to keep it to a minimum only for the expense.

I drink my

coffee and Crystal Light thru the day. All it is, is flavored water


goodness sakes! Sure, coffee has caffeine, but the way I make it, it


doesn't have much...LOL And that ingre is so far down the list on the

DP that

it isn't anything. The 1st 3 ingre are the biggies. And beside that,

caffeine doesn't affect me the way it does some...PRAISE THE LORD on

that!!!! If

others want to shout the joys of their pure water intake, I say, go

for it. Just

DON'T try to tell me what and how to drink my liquids. I want to hear

peoples ideas, and what they have discovered, but DO NOT try to make

it sound like I

know nothing and you know it all about everything. I've done my

research and

I have arrived at my own opinions, thank you very much. Opps, so

sorry, I

think I got off on a vent there...LOL You know what I'm saying tho,

I'm sure.

So Bonnie dear, when you are partaking of your chosen beverage of the


in your day...think of me, cuz I'll be partaking most likely of one of



Love ya GF,


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Dear Kiki,

I'm new to this list but just caught your post on the diet sodas and

the caffeine. A problem I noticed many years ago with the diet sodas

were tremendous headaches as well. I did some research and it seems

the " aspartame " has an effect that builds up in your system and

duplicates the effect of MSG. There have been horrible reports from

migraines to strokes in some people. I've stayed away from both for

years as best as I can and the reactions subsided, though MSG is more

" insidious " in that its included in so many things under different


I'm still however addicted to caffeine!

Bonnie: Thanks for putting me in touch with this list!

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