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Hi...Fibro is hard to diagnose....They usually pick out about 8 main symptoms

before they class it as that...They will even try to make you think that

it is all in your head...the pain is very real. I don't feel that it is

a hopeless thing..many docs will put you on drugs that can make it worse

prednisone..is one of them...it depletes your calcium....crazy thing is

the person is already aching I wonder why they would give them a drug that

would make it worse..I did a presentation on Fibro and alternatives if

you would like me to forward that to you let me know.Ok.I have a couple

friends enjoying life again after folllowing a supplementation program

designed for it Try not to stress about it...learn what you can knowledge

is good to empower you....and consider all options...


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Nerys hon, I will get to you soon.... I sent a whole batch of Fibro links to

Tina yesterday or the day before... so check your deleted bin :)

talk to you soon... sorry to hear that things are still not good,

love A.

Hi everyone

Hope you are all having a lovely Monday.

Well just got back from doc, the bone scan showed nothing, hubby's not got

anything wrong with his back, ribs etc.

The doc mentioned that he thinks it is fibromyalgia(think that is what he

said), but he wants hubby to see a rheumatologist (?) in 2 weeks time to get

his opinion before starting treatment coz of the side effects.

Help. I don't know what any of this means, how do they know if that is what

it is? Do they do a test? If it is? Does that mean he will be like this

forever, get worse, get better? What is so harsh about treatment?

Sorry for all the questions but I have no-one to talk to and I am trying to

keep calm for hubby's sake. He has gone to sleep now so thought I would see

if I could find any info.

He is going to let us know if he can get an appt in 2 weeks, coz the guy

doesn't come down here much, if not we go back to doc.

I think I remember someone on the list having it, having a blank!

Anyway hope you are all ok



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Dear Nerys,

" Hope you are all having a lovely Monday. "

Tired Monday :(

" Well just got back from doc, the bone scan showed nothing, hubby's not got

anything wrong with his back, ribs etc.

The doc mentioned that he thinks it is fibromyalgia "


There is a huge array of links on Fibro there...

Have they sent him to an imunologist?? Are there any abnormalities in his

blood tests. Alot of times people are labeled with Chronic Fatigue and Fibro

when other doctors dont know what is wrong. There is a specific test for

Fibro - a touch point test - dont know much about it sorry.

" but he wants hubby to see a rheumatologist (?) in 2 weeks time to get his

opinion before starting treatment coz of the side effects. "

What sort of treatment? Are they talking steroid therapy like prednisone?

" Help. I don't know what any of this means, how do they know if that is what

it is? Do they do a test? "

Well there must be some sort of inflamatory thing going on for your dr to

have refered him to a rheumy....do you have copies of the test - or can you

get copies of them? If you tell us what blood tests he had then we may be

able to help more.

" If it is? Does that mean he will be like this forever, get worse, get

better? What is so harsh about treatment? "

I do not know much about fibro. If they are talking about putting him on

steroids then he may be ok. For many people prednisone is a wonder drug. For

many though it has nasty side effects. I cannot take it. Do you know what

treatments they are talking about specifically? Depending on what he has and

how he responds you will know if he will get better or if it will be

chronic. (Sheesh that sounded so much like doctor talk! - gets ya no where!)

I think you can safely know that it is early days, and just take one step at

a time. Many of us have seen thousands of practitioners both medical doctors

and alternates... so if this doc cant help... then you start again. Its

frustrating, but never give up. Took me 25 doctors but I got a diagnosis...

so hang in there.

" Sorry for all the questions but I have no-one to talk to "

Darling, that is why this is a support list!! Ask away!

" and I am trying to keep calm for hubby's sake. "

I can sense your stress. Do you have an oil burner? Perhaps you could pop

some lavender oil in it or in a bath and have some relaxation time?? Like

Sheena said... take care of yourself too.

Thinking of you - and write when ever you need.

Love A.

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Hi sheena

Sorry taken so long to reply to your message.

How you doing?

Hi...Fibro is hard to diagnose

...I did a presentation on Fibro and alternatives if you would like me to forward that to you let me know.

Please forward any info, that would be great, you never can have to much.

You can e-mail me direct


Thanks Talk to you later


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  • 1 year later...

Can someone tell me what happened to the site we use to use for the lye calculator. I haven't used it in awhile, and went to it today, and it said page couldn't be found. I sure hope they didn't take it off. Can someone help. Thanks. Kathy

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  • 3 years later...
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when did you file to go before them? My understanding is that once

you file the clock pauses..

> Maybe I've gotten bad legal advice. We have been waiting to go before

> the NVICP, but I know that will probably never happen. It was

> explained to me that we can't sue.


> I specifically told our doctor not to give my son the Prevnar and I

> asked about other potential problems with the other vaccines, and she

> DELIBERATELY withheld from me that fact that 3 of the four vacs

> contained thimerosal. This happened in 2001. That is when my son

> immediately lost speech and descended. It burns me up that she gets

> off free. Didn't I have a right to be fully informed?


> Haven

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you Need 1 lawyer for NVIC and a medical malpractice lawyer to sue preferably both licensed in DC.

need info

Maybe I've gotten bad legal advice. We have been waiting to go beforethe NVICP, but I know that will probably never happen. It wasexplained to me that we can't sue.I specifically told our doctor not to give my son the Prevnar and Iasked about other potential problems with the other vaccines, and sheDELIBERATELY withheld from me that fact that 3 of the four vacscontained thimerosal. This happened in 2001. That is when my sonimmediately lost speech and descended. It burns me up that she getsoff free. Didn't I have a right to be fully informed?Haven

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Am checking out 4 med. malpractice attorneys in DC. Call me Fri. 864 592 8076

need info

Maybe I've gotten bad legal advice. We have been waiting to go beforethe NVICP, but I know that will probably never happen. It wasexplained to me that we can't sue.I specifically told our doctor not to give my son the Prevnar and Iasked about other potential problems with the other vaccines, and sheDELIBERATELY withheld from me that fact that 3 of the four vacscontained thimerosal. This happened in 2001. That is when my sonimmediately lost speech and descended. It burns me up that she getsoff free. Didn't I have a right to be fully informed?Haven

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We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We went

through an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I have

called them and they say it can't move forward until they settle the

issue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we could

go another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a half

years old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.

Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something should

happen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him are

older than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolic

supports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can't

afford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements and

such and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so I

bought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.

Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went to

school had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missed

the whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from home

when my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I made


I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see and

know what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.


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We too are in the same boat as you. We have eaten all savings and more to

make our child better. Gratefully

and slowly he is getting better.

Our attorney is in Georgia and we are in NJ. From

my understanding because it is a class action law suit it doesn’t matter

where you are in relation to the attorney.

If we were to take to the civil courts, then the attorney would have to

have jurisdiction in the state you live in. This is my understanding. I also have the issue of the Rhogam

injection, so I would like to find an attorney that would consider taking our

case out of the vaccine courts and into civil court, along with dealing with

the Rhogam issue. It has been very

hard to find. I am researching

constantly on it. In terms of it

getting resolved in the vaccine court, I doubt we will ever live to see it


Re: Re: need


We filled out all the papers back when our son was

two. We went

through an attorney who was handling a lot of

these cases. I have

called them and they say it can't move forward

until they settle the

issue of causation, but they never explained

to me whether we could

go another route and how to do that. Our son

is now five and a half

years old. We have exhausted our savings to

help our son get better.

Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if

something should

happen to both of us. The only family

members we trust with him are

older than we are! My husband and I are so

diligent about metabolic

supports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves

because we can't

afford it otherwise. We had to make a choice

between supplements and

such and formal therapy. I was a teacher for

fifteen years, so I

bought books and my husband and I implemented the


Speaking of that, I would have returned to

teaching when he went to

school had this not happened, but our son gets

sick easily. He missed

the whole month of February at school this

year! Now I work from home

when my son can watch him, but I don't make a

third of what I made


I have long wanted a jury to hear the

evidence. I want to see and

know what an impartial jury would surmise based on

the evidence.


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What you need is an attorney licensed in

Medical malpractice In DC

Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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If you find one, let me know. I have 6 pATIENTGS in 5 Separate STATES Who wish to sue,


Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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call me Inman SC

Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is

involved in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue. Anyone

know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken many times and

seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of

mercury and poisoning.

Re: Re: need


What you need is an attorney

licensed in

Medical malpractice In DC

Re: Re: need info


filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We went

through an attorney who was handling a lot of

these cases. I have

called them and they say it can't move forward

until they settle the

issue of causation, but they never explained

to me whether we could

go another route and how to do that. Our son

is now five and a half

years old. We have exhausted our savings to

help our son get better.

Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if

something should

happen to both of us. The only family

members we trust with him are

older than we are! My husband and I are so

diligent about metabolic

supports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves

because we can't

afford it otherwise. We had to make a choice

between supplements and

such and formal therapy. I was a teacher for

fifteen years, so I

bought books and my husband and I implemented the


Speaking of that, I would have returned to

teaching when he went to

school had this not happened, but our son gets

sick easily. He missed

the whole month of February at school this year!

Now I work from home

when my son can watch him, but I don't make a

third of what I made


I have long wanted a jury to hear the

evidence. I want to see and

know what an impartial jury would surmise based on

the evidence.


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----- -----

---call me/ Inman SC 975 592 8076

Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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please forward his address and/or phone number. Are you involved in this suit? Is it against the vaccine manufacturer or the pediatrician who administered the vaccine or both?

Re: Re: need info

We filled out all the papers back when our son was two. We wentthrough an attorney who was handling a lot of these cases. I havecalled them and they say it can't move forward until they settle theissue of causation, but they never explained to me whether we couldgo another route and how to do that. Our son is now five and a halfyears old. We have exhausted our savings to help our son get better.Our biggest fear is what will happen to our son if something shouldhappen to both of us. The only family members we trust with him areolder than we are! My husband and I are so diligent about metabolicsupports, diet, and therapy(which we do ourselves because we can'tafford it otherwise. We had to make a choice between supplements andsuch and formal therapy. I was a teacher for fifteen years, so Ibought books and my husband and I implemented the techniques.Speaking of that, I would have returned to teaching when he went toschool had this not happened, but our son gets sick easily. He missedthe whole month of February at school this year! Now I work from homewhen my son can watch him, but I don't make a third of what I madeteaching.I have long wanted a jury to hear the evidence. I want to see andknow what an impartial jury would surmise based on the evidence.Haven

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FWIW, the Yost Group wouldn't take my daughter's case because they

thought her mercury load " wasn't that heavy. " She got 50 micrograms at

2 mos, 50 more at 4 mos, 50 more at 6 mos, then 12.5 more (in the form

of the HepB vaccine) at 9 mos, and that's when we lost her. I think

that's a significant mercury load, but apparently it wasn't enough for

their threshold for a successful case. I was very disappointed

because, as you say, they seemed very knowledgeable.

So now we're working with a firm in Boston and going through the NVICP.

> What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is involved

> in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue.

> Anyone know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken

> many times and seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of

> mercury and poisoning.


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Isn't Shoemaker the most successful vaccine lawyer in the US? I thought I

had read that he won the very first case in the 70's for vaccine

reactions?????? ah, got myself curious. here is a website


Re: need info

> FWIW, the Yost Group wouldn't take my daughter's case because they

> thought her mercury load " wasn't that heavy. " She got 50 micrograms at

> 2 mos, 50 more at 4 mos, 50 more at 6 mos, then 12.5 more (in the form

> of the HepB vaccine) at 9 mos, and that's when we lost her. I think

> that's a significant mercury load, but apparently it wasn't enough for

> their threshold for a successful case. I was very disappointed

> because, as you say, they seemed very knowledgeable.


> So now we're working with a firm in Boston and going through the NVICP.





> > What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is involved

> > in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue.

> > Anyone know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken

> > many times and seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of

> > mercury and poisoning.

> >







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Re: need info> FWIW, the Yost Group wouldn't take my daughter's case because they> thought her mercury load "wasn't that heavy." She got 50 micrograms at> 2 mos, 50 more at 4 mos, 50 more at 6 mos, then 12.5 more (in the form> of the HepB vaccine) at 9 mos, and that's when we lost her. I think> that's a significant mercury load, but apparently it wasn't enough for> their threshold for a successful case. I was very disappointed> because, as you say, they seemed very knowledgeable.>> So now we're working with a firm in Boston and going through the NVICP.>> >> > > What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is involved> > in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue.> > Anyone know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken> > many times and seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of> > mercury and poisoning. > >>>>>>>

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> What was her red cell mercury level? Tharts far more importnt

thsan how ,uch she receiverd

> since some people can excrete large amounts and others cannot.

I don't know what her red cell mercury level is or was; this was not

something we ever tested for, and the attorney never mentioned that

this was something they required. I've never heard of it until now! Is

that something still worth testing for, 4 years later?

We knew nothing about thimerosal back then. I assume that's true of

all of us ... or we never would have allowed our kids to be injected

with it. God, what I wouldn't give to go back in time ...

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Please forward 's E mail address,

Re: need info> FWIW, the Yost Group wouldn't take my daughter's case because they> thought her mercury load "wasn't that heavy." She got 50 micrograms at> 2 mos, 50 more at 4 mos, 50 more at 6 mos, then 12.5 more (in the form> of the HepB vaccine) at 9 mos, and that's when we lost her. I think> that's a significant mercury load, but apparently it wasn't enough for> their threshold for a successful case. I was very disappointed> because, as you say, they seemed very knowledgeable.>> So now we're working with a firm in Boston and going through the NVICP.>> >> > > What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is involved> > in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue.> > Anyone know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken> > many times and seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of> > mercury and poisoning. > >>>>>>>

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Sure it is worth testing for It may still be elevated.

That would greatly help a law suit, best place In U.S. to get it done is IMMUNOscience Labs, 8880 Wilshire

Beverly Hills CA

Beverlyh Hills CA Re: need info

> What was her red cell mercury level? Tharts far more importntthsan how ,uch she receiverd> since some people can excrete large amounts and others cannot.I don't know what her red cell mercury level is or was; this was notsomething we ever tested for, and the attorney never mentioned thatthis was something they required. I've never heard of it until now! Isthat something still worth testing for, 4 years later?We knew nothing about thimerosal back then. I assume that's true ofall of us ... or we never would have allowed our kids to be injectedwith it. God, what I wouldn't give to go back in time ..

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Re: need info> FWIW, the Yost Group wouldn't take my daughter's case because they> thought her mercury load "wasn't that heavy." She got 50 micrograms at> 2 mos, 50 more at 4 mos, 50 more at 6 mos, then 12.5 more (in the form> of the HepB vaccine) at 9 mos, and that's when we lost her. I think> that's a significant mercury load, but apparently it wasn't enough for> their threshold for a successful case. I was very disappointed> because, as you say, they seemed very knowledgeable.>> So now we're working with a firm in Boston and going through the NVICP.>> >> > > What about Tom Yost, who is in land? He states that he is involved> > in the Class Action Law Suit and is looking into the Rhogam issue.> > Anyone know if he has moved any cases into civil courts? We have spoken> > many times and seems very knowledgeable in terms of the effects of> > mercury and poisoning. > >>>>>>>

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