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Some advice?

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Hey guys,

This might come across as a strange request, yet I am hoping someone out

there will be able to answer or help me out. I was asked by the barge master

on my new rig what the psychological issues and dangers are with regards to

safe work practices should telephone facilities not be available for daily

use by expat crew to contact their families back home. Reason for the

question being, that the company wants to transfer him to a different rig

where normal telephone use is not as we know it. Apparently the system in

use only allows for the use of calling cards at the callers (employees)


He reckons he wants to raise this a safety issue to block the transfer and

obviously remain here.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Hello all,

when we work in remote area and regardless the rotations and with or without

family problems we still thinking about what we have left at home either good or

bad still is one of the things that distract workers and could leads to a

serious mental damage or even accidents in workplace so I think and I believe

you can add this request as an action item in your rig health risk assessment.

Dr:Zehari Oussama Cheikh

From: jeremy.rundle@...

Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 23:04:17 +0800

Subject: Some advice?

Hey guys,

This might come across as a strange request, yet I am hoping someone out

there will be able to answer or help me out. I was asked by the barge master

on my new rig what the psychological issues and dangers are with regards to

safe work practices should telephone facilities not be available for daily

use by expat crew to contact their families back home. Reason for the

question being, that the company wants to transfer him to a different rig

where normal telephone use is not as we know it. Apparently the system in

use only allows for the use of calling cards at the callers (employees)


He reckons he wants to raise this a safety issue to block the transfer and

obviously remain here.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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This is the oil business, we all have to put up with things that we don't like,,

missing holidays with family, graduations, remote locations, etc. Hey at least

they have a phone.

Had similar inquiries (problem) on my vessel. Told the affected party,

Mcs & Wal Mart were always hiring, and were usually very sensitive to

their employee's needs.

Bottom line, at least he is employed,, probably a good day rate, probably not

getting shot at, good bed, etc., next contract might be better, that's how it

goes, you get some good deals, and some not so good deals,, there is some

balance through out ones career,, bad deals build charactor.

I agree,, you might be getting set up.


[Remotemedics. co.uk] Some advice?

Hey guys,This might come across as a strange request, yet I am hoping someone

outthere will be able to answer or help me out. I was asked by the barge

masteron my new rig what the psychological issues and dangers are with regards

tosafe work practices should telephone facilities not be available for dailyuse

by expat crew to contact their families back home. Reason for thequestion being,

that the company wants to transfer him to a different rigwhere normal telephone

use is not as we know it. Apparently the system inuse only allows for the use of

calling cards at the callers (employees)expense. He reckons he wants to raise

this a safety issue to block the transfer andobviously remain here.Any

ideas?Thanks in advanceJ[Non- text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi J,

I would be very carefull that you are not used as some form of professional

evidence why he shouldn't be transferred, its a dificult one as you have to work

with him, you could always try and pass it to topside and when then pass thier

answer to him, effectivly keeping you out of his problem. Personally I would try

not to get involved.

Good luck,



@...: ianadams06@...: Sat, 5 Apr

2008 13:26:40 -0400Subject: Re: Some advice?

Some advice?Dissecting what you have said as

it seems very strange.Hey guys,This might come across as a strange request, yet

I am hoping someone outthere will be able to answer or help me out. I was asked

by the barge masteron my new rig what the psychological issues and dangers are

with regards tosafe work practices should telephone facilities not be available

for dailyuse by expat crew to contact their families back home.What is the

person doing offshore in the first place if he is psychologically

unstable?Reason for thequestion being, that the company wants to transfer him to

a different rigwhere normal telephone use is not as we know it. Apparently the

system inuse only allows for the use of calling cards at the callers

(employees)expense.By the sounds of it he is trying to get out of a transfer

from somewhere he would spend money.He reckons he wants to raise this a safety

issue to block the transfer andobviously remain here.If he wants to speak to his

family he would pay. The service of a telephone is in place but is no longer

free.It becomes a safety issue if the guy is psychologically unstable and

threatens to carry out actions which are deemed as unsafe whilst onboard the

rig.Advise the Platform you work for to inform him of his change of platform on

his rotation. Also i suppose it depends on the guys terms and conditions of

employment.I know you may have been given this information second hand, but at

the end of the day unless the person concerned comes to you with genuine medical

problem or safety issues(if your double hatted), then all i can say is let the

Barge Master and OIM deal with it. Sounds more like a personnel problem and the

Bargemaster is using the sloping shoulders trick to help himself out.Also the 2

paragraphs do not make sense.1. States there may not be facilities available to

contact families at home.2. States is a calling card pay system.Contradicting

information if you ask me. Hope it makes

sense.__________________________________________________________AOL's new

homepage has launched. Take a tour at http://info.aol.co.uk/homepage/ now.


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On 4/6/08, A Austin <abaustin+groups@...> wrote:


> As many have said, I'd stay out of it. If you're feeling generous,

> point him towards Skype as an alternative; most management levels have

> access to the internet, and I've found the rates pretty reasonable to

> most countries...

It's not about the phone. He doesn't want the re-assignment and is

looking for a way out of it.

I would stay far, far away from this.


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Yar, I covered the slimy politics of it later on. I tend to try to

give people I don't know the benefit of the doubt, however. And even

if it's clear that this isn't someone actually trying to raise it as a

legitimate safety issue, I've heard it often enough as it is--and at

least one person on the list felt that it was, so I figured I'd

address the issue completely.


On Apr 7, 2008, at 1:58 AM, Larry Torrey wrote:

> On 4/6/08, A Austin <abaustin+groups@...> wrote:

> >

> > As many have said, I'd stay out of it. If you're feeling generous,

> > point him towards Skype as an alternative; most management levels

> have

> > access to the internet, and I've found the rates pretty reasonable

> to

> > most countries...


> It's not about the phone. He doesn't want the re-assignment and is

> looking for a way out of it.


> I would stay far, far away from this.


> LT

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