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Re: MJDF-1

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I want that tooooo plsOn 26 Mar 2012, at 16:44, "wadooovais" <srwadoo@...> wrote:

I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.

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Can I get thm too plzSent from my iPhoneOn 26 Mar 2012, at 22:51, Dr Sualeh Khan <drsualehkhan@...> wrote:

I want that tooooo plsOn 26 Mar 2012, at 16:44, "wadooovais" <srwadoo@...> wrote:

I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.


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Can I get them plzzzzzSent from my BlackBerry® wireless deviceFrom: Seethalmark <seethalmark@...>Sender: Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:54:12 +0100 < >Reply Subject: Re: MJDF-1 Can I get thm too plzSent from my iPhoneOn 26 Mar 2012, at 22:51, Dr Sualeh Khan <drsualehkhan@...> wrote: I want that tooooo plsOn 26 Mar 2012, at 16:44, "wadooovais" <srwadoo@...> wrote: I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.=

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I haven't done anatomy for mjdf. Do we need to do anything in anatomyOn 26 Mar 2012, at 23:02, maxillary2005@... wrote:

Can I get them plzzzzzSent from my BlackBerry® wireless deviceFrom: Seethalmark <seethalmark@...>


Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:54:12 +0100 < >Reply

Subject: Re: MJDF-1

Can I get thm too plzSent from my iPhoneOn 26 Mar 2012, at 22:51, Dr Sualeh Khan <drsualehkhan@...> wrote:

I want that tooooo plsOn 26 Mar 2012, at 16:44, "wadooovais" <srwadoo@...> wrote:

I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.


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As a group we can discuss and answer previous papers.i will post all the

questions and would appreciate answers with reference for all to benefit.

> >>

> >>>

> >>> I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT

ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.

> >>>

> > =

> >


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- after crown placement in how many months will u review it radiographically.

-A diabetic forgot to take his morning dose of oral hypoglycemic comes to yu for

surgical procedure, and the procedure went on past lunch time and he collapses

on yur chair. what wud u do?

- u have done a heavy filling with composite on a posterior tooth, pt cums to yu

after 2 weeks with a swelling on his cheek. what it cud be. options were

periapical granuloma, periapical abcess, periodontal abcess etc..

-discolouration of a central incisor followed by necrosis of pulp, what can u do

to improve the esthetics, options were veneers, crown, bleeching.

-what type of hepatitis doesnot becomes chronic? (case senario was given)

-upper missing lateral incisors and pointed canines, gaps between centrals and

canines, what wud be the best treatment option? options were orthodontically

move the canines, give bridges, crowns on canines etc...

- Which floride varnish aggrevaite effects of ANUG?

- Which antifungal shouldnt be given with diazepam?

- Questions about facebow with centric occlusion and hand held models

with inter occlusal records in centric occlusion... for different

cases, a patient with diosolored crown, changing the crown, with

posterior and anterior teeth missing.

- BCC how it spreads and treatment (chemo radio etc etc and options for spread

were seeding, metastasis, via lymp nodes)(Ans: seeding or local penetration)

- how can u prevent chances of getting oral cancer (5 portions of ruits and veg

in a day is the answer)

- LA adminstration for different teeth in an EMQ.

- Lots of questions about BPE it was in EMQ that what score are you

going to give in which condition like depth of pocket.

- Cluster headache sign and symptoms (2-4 MCQs)

- Facial Pain a full EMQ ( look into Pink Book )

- a child has anterior tooth fractured and u suspect child abuse what

other thing is gouing to be evident which will point out that it is

not a truma. the options were scratces on elbow, knees, neck brusie,

child distress and agitated.

- Record Keeping for children of 10 yrs age or 15yrs age (10 yrs, 11yrs, 2yrs,


- Parasthesia of lingual nerrve lasts for how many months in majority of cases.

- Micro organisms in periodontal disesae.

- first line treatment for dietry erosin options were. (direct

composite, indirect composite, palatal full coverage composite

veneers, gold veneers)

- Brushing technique (EMQ Book as it is was there)

- meidcal emergencies EMQ and MCQ's were there.. pretty much stright

forward (you need to know the resus guideline with sign and symptoms)

- Pulpitis, pulp necrosis, heyperemic pulp, periapical periodontitis

(2EMQ's with different cases) a bit confusing though one needs to know

exactly what happens.

- Floride concentration and supplements to be given to children of

diffrrent ages with differnt water supplies (2-3 MCQ)

- Which cement to be used for crown on a molar which is a bit

compromised ( dont remmber exactly)

- EMQ on Antibiotics which has good absorption, poor absorption in GI

effects etc

- EMQ on analgesics which one to give to whom in different

coniditons.(differnt age and pts conditions were given like cardiac pt, 65 yr

old pt. and pt not responding to normal analgesics)

- IOTN different cases.

- some MCQ's about burning mouth, herpes and candida...

- the question was like what kind of prostesis will u design for a

patient in upper partially dentate arch so the speech and taste doesnt

get altered.. diffent options of CPD.

- there were few things like electrical items records, things related

to infection control, and surgery stuff.

- your nurse has got needle stick injury from 22yr old boy what are u

going to do. (options were are u going to scrub the wound, inform the

physician, consult the Occupational health, dont do anything)

- A patient is complaining about the denture which is loose and was

made recently he demands his money back. what should the

- * in six quad (as in BPE score) which radio will utake and wat BPE score it


- upper denture loose, a root beneth lower CD which Xray will u take.

- blood  vomit, with wat will uclean it and wat % of it.

- nurse 1st line action

- primary n secondry impression material for flabby ridge.

- Crown prepration selection shud end with (options are shoulder and chamfer,

supra gingival margin)

- different depts of cuts for different crowns.

- a child avulsed tooth mom wants to come to surgery what instructions

are u going to given her.

-which Probe is used for measuring furcation invovement.

-what impression material wud u use in an undercut area

- after crown placement in how many months will u review it radiographically.

-A diabetic forgot to take his morning dose of oral hypoglycemic comes to yu for

surgical procedure, and the procedure went on past lunch time and he collapses

on yur chair. what wud u do?

- u have done a heavy filling with composite on a posterior tooth, pt cums to yu

after 2 weeks with a swelling on his cheek. what it cud be. options were

periapical granuloma, periapical abcess, periodontal abcess etc..

-discolouration of a central incisor followed by necrosis of pulp, what can u do

to improve the esthetics, options were veneers, crown, bleeching.

-what type of hepatitis doesnot becomes chronic? (case senario was given)

-upper missing lateral incisors and pointed canines, gaps between centrals and

canines, what wud be the best treatment option? options were orthodontically

move the canines, give bridges, crowns on canines etc...

- Which floride varnish aggrevaite effects of ANUG?

- Which antifungal shouldnt be given with diazepam?

- Questions about facebow with centric occlusion and hand held models

with inter occlusal records in centric occlusion... for different

cases, a patient with diosolored crown, changing the crown, with

posterior and anterior teeth missing.

- BCC how it spreads and treatment (chemo radio etc etc and options for spread

were seeding, metastasis, via lymp nodes)(Ans: seeding or local penetration)

- how can u prevent chances of getting oral cancer (5 portions of ruits and veg

in a day is the answer)

- LA adminstration for different teeth in an EMQ.

- Lots of questions about BPE it was in EMQ that what score are you

going to give in which condition like depth of pocket.

- Cluster headache sign and symptoms (2-4 MCQs)

- Facial Pain a full EMQ ( look into Pink Book )

- a child has anterior tooth fractured and u suspect child abuse what

other thing is gouing to be evident which will point out that it is

not a truma. the options were scratces on elbow, knees, neck brusie,

child distress and agitated.

- Record Keeping for children of 10 yrs age or 15yrs age (10 yrs, 11yrs, 2yrs,


- Parasthesia of lingual nerrve lasts for how many months in majority of cases.

- Micro organisms in periodontal disesae.

- first line treatment for dietry erosin options were. (direct

composite, indirect composite, palatal full coverage composite

veneers, gold veneers)

- Brushing technique (EMQ Book as it is was there)

- meidcal emergencies EMQ and MCQ's were there.. pretty much stright

forward (you need to know the resus guideline with sign and symptoms)

- Pulpitis, pulp necrosis, heyperemic pulp, periapical periodontitis

(2EMQ's with different cases) a bit confusing though one needs to know

exactly what happens.

- Floride concentration and supplements to be given to children of

diffrrent ages with differnt water supplies (2-3 MCQ)

- Which cement to be used for crown on a molar which is a bit

compromised ( dont remmber exactly)

- EMQ on Antibiotics which has good absorption, poor absorption in GI

effects etc

- EMQ on analgesics which one to give to whom in different

coniditons.(differnt age and pts conditions were given like cardiac pt, 65 yr

old pt. and pt not responding to normal analgesics)

- IOTN different cases.

- some MCQ's about burning mouth, herpes and candida...

- the question was like what kind of prostesis will u design for a

patient in upper partially dentate arch so the speech and taste doesnt

get altered.. diffent options of CPD.

- there were few things like electrical items records, things related

to infection control, and surgery stuff.

- your nurse has got needle stick injury from 22yr old boy what are u

going to do. (options were are u going to scrub the wound, inform the

physician, consult the Occupational health, dont do anything)

- A patient is complaining about the denture which is loose and was

made recently he demands his money back. what should the

- * in six quad (as in BPE score) which radio will utake and wat BPE score it


- upper denture loose, a root beneth lower CD which Xray will u take.

- blood  vomit, with wat will uclean it and wat % of it.

- nurse 1st line action

- primary n secondry impression material for flabby ridge.

- Crown prepration selection shud end with (options are shoulder and chamfer,

supra gingival margin)

- different depts of cuts for different crowns.

- a child avulsed tooth mom wants to come to surgery what instructions

are u going to given her.

-which Probe is used for measuring furcation invovement.

The exam includes 15 Emgs question + 75 mcqs= 150 questions

It s almost all about clinical scenarios, no basic, only emergencies are very


Time is fine. It s a paper exam, no pictures or x rays. Past exams are very

important. As you will notice, the topics for emqs get repeated. This exam was

very much like the one for October 2010.

Wish you all the best of luck


1behavioral  management

..a.Negative reinforcement


c. distraction

d.behavioural shaping

e. systemic desensitization

f.positive reinforcement

g.enhancing control

.. doing treatment while a video showing cartoon is running

.. working through various

levels of feared situations from 'mildest' to 'most



2.Epidemiological studies

a.Propective Cohort study

b.retrospective cohort study

c.ecological study

d.single blinded

e.double blinded

f.case series

g.narrative review

h.case control study

i.systemic review

3.failure of eruption:

a.primary failure

b.abnormal position of tooth crypt

c. premature loss of deciduous

d.supernumerary tooth

e.dilaceration options were:

congenitally abscent, crowding in premolar region, palataly displaced max.

Canine, failure of eruption of upper central incisor in 10 years child with a

history of trauma, failure of eruption of upper central incisor in 10 years,

abscent lower first perm. Molar, abscent upper lateral incisor

4. Dental pain:

a.irreversible pulpitis

b.reversible pulpitis

c.dentin sensitivity

d.cracked tooth syndrome

e.lateral perio abscess

f.apical abscess.

Options are:

Patient with very large restoration and sharp pain on biting, pain on cold goes

away after stimuli, pain on hot, lasts long duration, worst at night, sharp pain

tooth ttp and vital, pain on hot and cold short and goes away after stimulus







5. xray prescription for different BPE scores. Scores were not given as 1234,

they were given as the full mouth divided in sextants ex:




6. another xray prescription emq

7 & 8: choice of prosthesis for different scenarios: fixed fixed bridge, fixed

removable, spring cantilever, minimal preparation cantilever etc.

9.Fluoride supplements for different age groups, what was ridiculous is that 2

or 3 questions were for age like 3 and 6, so i didn't know whether the child

aged 3 is in the group from birth to 3 or from 3 to 6, but what i did is from

3to 6.

10. emq about post operative bleeding: put tranexamic acid, stop warfarin, it

was tricky

11. definition of occlusion

12.different viruses, they give you symptoms of a disease and you have to know

which virus: a pt with sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy: glandular fever: EBV

Bilateral swelling of salivary gland in a child: mumps(paramixovirus) etc

13. choice of anaesthesia for different situation, a bit tricky, it was the same

as the one in October 2010 exam

14. a question about oral hygiene instruction for different patients, ex: a

patient with ortho appliance,



 A breat feeding woman has been prescribed an antibiotic, knowing that she s

allergic to penicillin what would u give her:

Erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline,ampicillin(not sure of the options but i

think answer was erythromycin)

A patiet suffering from non carious tooth loss is most likely on what


A pt on warfarrin has perio infection and requires antibiotic, he takes

opramazole and allergic to penicillin(

erythromycin,clindamycin,metronidazole,tertracycline) i liked this question coz

it requires some knowledge:1.erythromycin although given in allergy to

penicillin is CI with warrfarin,metronidazole is CI with warfarrin too,

opramazole means that this pt has GI disease,therefore,clindamycin is CI. Then

my  answer was tetracycline

O medicine:

A 25 years old patient with trigeminal neuralgia, what s the first tging to be

done: (xray to exclude to monitor any tumour)

Lichenoid reaction

A patient with unilateral parotid swelling(bacterial, viral, tumour)

A patient with a pain which increase with change in posture(sinusitis,dentine



Question about cvek pulpotomy( as far as i remember pt with exposure no more

than 1 mm)

A 25 years patient has an accidental trauma to his upper central incisor, which

shows minimal mobility what s first line of treatment(fixation for1 week, soft

diet,fixation for 2 weeks..)

A 10 years old child has avulsed his upper central incisor, his parents are in a

holiday, he ame with his aunt, parents are unreachable what do you do? Take the

child consent,reimplant the tooth, the aunt consent,do nothing and wait for the

parent to return)

A mother with 3 years old child called you and told u the upper A has

avulsed,(tell her to come immideatly with the tooth, tell her to reinsert it,



You suspect child abuse what s the first thingto do( talk to ur collegue, tell

the child health visitor, gp, pediatrician


Treatment of severe class 2 division1 in a 12 years old pt with skeletal

discrepancy(functional appliance then fixed appliance)

IOTN score for pt with 5 mm overjet with incompetent lips(2,3,4,5)

Used to record jaw relation(foxbite or face bow)

Used to imitate the maxillary orientation and position(foxbite or face bow)

A patient has been told by the orthodontist that she has to remove the 4 wisdom

molars, what do you do( talk to the orthodontist, refer to the surgery

department, advice her not to extract...dont remember the rest)

Question about displacement


Epilepsy, what to give(midazolam diazepam,etc)

Angina attack

Diabetic collapse( glucose, glucagon)

Ventricular fibrillation

Patent airway, gasping,?

Ethics + infection control:

Question about dismissal,

Needle stick injury, what s the most common transmitted viral infection

Auto claving time

Type of working surface: impervious

How to turn off an electric fire( water, powder, dried co or sth like this)

A dentist can be( operator, referral, practitioner)

NHS banding for a child pulpotomy


A question about LAP

Perio endo




Type of suture materials

Flap for apicectomy(semi lunar , envelope,....)


For submandibular calculus,

Elongation is due to..

Cusps overlap id due to wrong horizontal angulation, i think

Cone cut


What s the cause for a swelling in a patient with 3 years old crown, and a large


Esthetic crown for nayar core

What s the restoration for missing 2 centrals

Restoration for a tooth opposed by a worn tooth

Management between upper lateral ( or central, i am sorry, i don't remember)and

a pointed canine in a canine guided occlusion

Restoration for class v in high caries risk person

Percentage of sodium peroxide in in home bleaching?

Restoration for MOD

Restoration for erosion

Amalgam core, where should the fnish line extends? Supra, sub gingival

Cement for minimal preparation crown

Most important criteria for endo success

Question about coronal seal

Properties of NI- Ti files( biocompatibility, shape memory,...)

Impression material in apatient with gag reflex

Best material for RPD connector

Cause of speech problems in dentures, s,v,d



What s the flavoured anaesthesia

Whats the toxic anaesthesia

What s the maximam dose of lignocine in mm for a 70 kg patient?

1-diff qus on treatment of staining

a.tetracycline stain

b.mild flourosis

c.hypo plastic pit

d. Food staining extrinsic stain

Treatment options

Crown,  microabration followed by veneer,   bleeching(chair side)   ,whiting

tooth paste

2-what type of hepatitis that dosent become chronic


3-which test is the most reliable test to indicate the presence of active




Hbe antigen

Antibody to HBs antigen

4-first line treatment to needle stick injury  ?? encourage bleeding and wash it

under running water

5-what is legal amount (unit)of alcohol intake to men?21 male  14 female  not

sure check it

6-qs of medical condition of pt who reserved a seat in a dinner meating for his

dead wife

Mania, anxiety ,depression .schizphrenia    answer is depression as i asked

general practioner

7-lady in 40s got TMJpain for about few mths,she got divorced recently what is

the first line treatment



c.occlusal splint

8-which epithelial cell that responsible for the attachments?

9-what type of cells that proliferate in later stager of her life?



c.rest of malazess

e.undifferentiated mesynchymal cells

10-BLS no of compressions?30

11-pt fit and healthy then het got cold and clammy then he lost his

consiousness?vasovagal faint

12-drug of choice to acute athma??salbatamol


a.pt allergic to pencillin and cant swallow clindomycine??azithromycine

b.antibiotics of choice to pt who has been prescribed amoxicilline few weeks


c.which antibiotices that cause mononucleosis?pencillin

d.which antibiotices that cause renaltoxicosis? Dont know

e.which antibiotices that active against B-lactomase bactria?benzellpencillin in


f.drug to treat fungal infection? azoles




14-mcq on features of composite filling material

15-diffcases of facial fracture

a.leffort 2 ? bilateral circumorbitalbrusing

b.orbital floor?  diplopia

c.pt fell on his chin?? bilateral condyle

d.diff cases on facial trauma cant remember

e.angle of mandile fracture

16-x-ray options

a.orthographic surgery???cephalo

b.truma to TMJand stiffness?? I think panaromics  check it

c.truma to chin?? Pa  chek it plz

Others cant remember sorry

Panaromic,cephlometrics,lateral scull,PA mandible and others

17-perio emqs

a.pt with furcation in each quadrant what BPE score?

b.BPE  score on diff pockets depth

c.BPE score on loss of attachment 7mm

18. radiographic views for diff BPEscores

a.furcation in each quadrant ????full mouth periapical

b.irregular pocket with BPE score 4???? vertical bitwing with periapical in

selected teeth  u can find this qs on mjdf site sample qs it was same

19-pt on mobility grade 2,you did root palning for how long you asked the pt to

see him again

1wk,1mth,3mths??? I wrote i mths wa do u think?

20-what the medical conition with saliva drooling and and swelling in the floor

of the mouth and some thing wrong with pts  fingers not sure check Parkinson not


21-disposal of waste of wedge mixed with blood ?     sharps

22-sign 2 with cross  what dose that means?  used for once  for one pt only

check infection control

23-which of these disease that caused by positive lacto bacillus

Syphilis,TB   ,angular chellitis....

24-child with sore throatand feeling unwell,he got macular rash on his cheek ?

a.measles,,b.chicken pox,c.herpes simplex

25-mcq on pemphigoid cant remember

26-diabetices with abcess complain of failure of root canal therapy and during

the examination  the filling was leaking? What the reason

a.lack of coronal seal

b.lack of apical seal

c. Pt his medical condition

27-what is the most common site that affected by burning mouth syndrome???


28-pt worried of getting cancer what the advice that should u give?

Have 5 portions fruits and vegs daily

29-by which method basal cell carcinoma spread? seeding

30-pt got recently metallic taste sensation after taking oral medication?

a.burning mouth syndrom

b.oral dysthesia

c.oral dysgeusia  alter taste sensation  correct

31-qs was on cluster migranous headache

32-emqs on reasons of delay or failure of eruption in permenant dentitions

a.crowding????-early loss of deciduous prodessors

b.delayed eruption of lower first molar,????,primary failure of eruption

c.palatal position of upper canine..????.abnormal position of crypt

And  others cant remember

37-malformation  somes cant remember

a.easily chipped teeth with translucency,???,,dentinogenesis imperfecta

b.toothwith some notchs and bands cervically ,,,???,,child illness

c.qs on flourosis


a.definition of group function

b.balance articulation not occlusion

c.canine guided occlusion

Others were tricky cant remember

Inciser relationship,,pragnthism

39-how do u suspect of NAI?

Neck bruise

40-behavieral managment,,,,,abit tricky

Go through them in detailed

41.tratment options of primary dentitions

Pulpatomy??,,,,small carious cavity in co operative child

pulpectomy..???, carious cavity in pt with absenet permenant

Pt with immunsuppression,,??,,,,exo


Direct pulp capping,,,???,,,, pinpoint exposure in symptomless tooth

42.defination of subluxation

43-pt withlabially impacted upper canine,how do u know clinically?protruded

upper lateral incisor

44-first line managment of dry socket

a.irrigation.x ray.metrondiazole 200

b.irrigation xray metro diazole 400

c.irrigation and x ray only

45-first line managment of pt with palatal diatery erosion


b.palatal veener

c.direct composite   correct



Minmal prepartion adhesive bridge

..conventional  adhesive bridge

Fixed-fixed bridg

Minmal preparation fixed fixed

Simple cantilever (conventional,,minmal preparation)

Spring cantilever

The cases were abit tricky  do bridge very well master ,pink not enf

47-local anasthesia option do scully or master

a.normal fit pt??? Lidocaine with adrenaline

b.prolonged duration of action??bupivecaine

c.pt with heart disease?priolcaine with felyperssin

e.flavoured topical anashesia?? I think bezocaine not sure


Lidocaine + adrenaline





48-emqs on epidemiology qs tricky pink not enf

49-which of these jobs dentist can do it?

A radiotion protection supervisor+phsices

b.radiation protection supervisor+practioner


50-x ray

a.error in x ray films do them v well cant remember

51.pt on warfarin uwhat the accepted inr to do simple extaction


52-which of these conditions most common affected by dry socket


b.pt on warfarin  i think this is the most correct what do u think


53-what is the most reasonable indication for third molar removal

I cant remember the options but more than one episodes of pericorinitis

54-what the feature of the carpet of surgery??


55-dentist did root canal treatment perviously to child pt and now he dose crown

for the same pt what band the dentist should claim?

band 1

Band 2

Band 3

No calim


56-what ur advice to childs mum whos her child s teeth knocked out?

a.re implant it

b.keep it in the milk and come as soon as possible    correct

c.keep it in the water

57- child had 5mg/kg flouride its potential lethal dose what the first line


Give child salty drink

Give child sugary drink whiches correct    correct

Give child injection i cant remember the name of the drug

58-what is the most correct flap design in apecictomy im not sure ?

..apical re position

Apex is broader than the base

Base is broader than the apex

Apex and base are equal

59-qs on irrigation solution for endodontices ??sodium hypochlorite

That what i remembered from the exam

The main topices were perio,paediatrics,facial pain, infection control

Masters 2 very important apart ortho chapters

Master 1 and oxford pink,emqs mcqs best of five

Sorry about the spelling

Be positive and good luck


The MJDF exam part 1 mainly consists of two papers

First Paper – It contains 75 single best answers questions, i.e each question

will have 5choices out of which, most appropriate answer should be selected.

Second Paper – It consists of 15 EMQ questions, each question has five questions

and five answers, which we have to match closest and appropriate answer to each

question. Total duration of the exam is 3 hours. First paper given will be 75

single best answer questions and duration is 90 minutes and then second paper

will be 15 EMQ questions,

each containing 5 questions and duration is 90 minutes I apologize for not able

to separate the SBA'S AND EMQ'S


A Dentist did pulpotomy of primary molar and then after few moths he did


steel crown. What band he gets to claim. (SBA)

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

No Claim

After doing mesio-angular impaction of lower third molar, which suture material


best used to close mucoperiosteal flap (SBA)

3-0 Silk cutting needle

3-0 Vicryl cutting needle


Patient has TIA (Transient ischemic attack three months ago, you have planned

extraction and patient is on aspirin. What is the best way to proceed? (SBA)

Delay the extraction for three months

Go ahead with extraction, following appropriate local measures

Refer to Oral surgery

Stop aspirin

Fifth choice was not relevant and definitely not the answer.

Patient has an over jet of above 9mm and they have also mentioned other

orthodontic criteria which I do not remember. They have asked which UDA band it

will be (SBA)

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Over jet of 4.5 mm and they have mentioned some other orthodontic criteria and

have asked which band it is (SBA)

Band 1

Band 2

Band 3

Band 4

Band 5

Autoclave temperatures (at what temperature the sterilization is achieved) (SBA)

121 degrees centigrade for 15 minutes

121 degrees centigrade for 3 minutes

131 degrees centigrade for 15 minutes

(Also better be sure of pressures as well)

A patient with irritable bowel syndrome what do you see, (SBA)

Mucosal blistering

Mucosal tags

Herpitiform ulcers

Other two choices I could not remember, but I am sure the answer is in the first



Patient had pain in the chest after prolonged dental session, with an extraction

procedure, what is the best medicine to give (SBA)

GTN is the answer

Patient is insulin dependent diabetic, complains of faint after prolonged dental

session, what is best to give, (SAQ)

Oral Glucose

IV Glucagon


IM Glucagon

Patient is waiting in waiting room and collapse and faints. Patient is cold,

clammy, but pulse is good. What do you give?

IM Glucagon

Oral Glucose




Patient is suffering myocardial infarction in dental chair, which position is

best for patient

Upright sitting position

Laying flat

Recovery position

Laying flat and raising legs

A 90-year old gentleman presented to clinic who is edentulous and has dentures

upper and lower full 15-years old. Denture bit uncomfortable, tooth structures

little bit worn out, freeway space 2-4mm, polished surfaces satisfactory and

occlusal wear minimal. How would you proceed?

Copy dentures

Hard reline

Soft reline

Construction of new dentures

When do you, do not extract impacted 8's

Extraction of 8's recommended by orthodontist

Extraction of 8's recommended in patient undergoing renal transplant –


47 years old with moderate periodontittis

Second permanent molar undergoing internal resorption due to third molar

Non dental origin, No clinical or radiological findings. Patient complains of

pain maxillary sinus and ear deafness, unilateral ulcer on face and forehead

Herpes Simplex

Herpes Zoster

Paramyxo virus

Orthomyxo virus

Ep-stein bar virus

How do you check maxillary plane


What sort of matrix is best for restoring disto-occlusal restoration of 7?

Sectional matrix

Auto matrix

Tofflomeir matrix

How do you get incisal guidance for setting incisal teeth?

Study casts

Unsupported/supported labial fullness

(Other options sorry I could not remember)

Burning mouth syndrome which part of the oral cavity is more painful


Lichenoid reaction seen associated with





GTN in Angina

Relaxes heart muscle

Decreases blood pressure

Increase positive ionotropic charge

Dilation of arterioles and venules

Patient had trauma – Nasal – midface area and has watery discharge and blood

discharge from nose

Orbital fracture

Zygomatic fracture



Patient with only mid-root fracture of front tooth, what is appropriate

splinting time?

1 week

2 weeks

4 weeks

3 months

Patient with lower four central incisors with alveolar fracture, you splinted

and immobilized successfully, and then what is the next thing to do. For this

question I could not remember all the options

Soft diet and review

Patient had trauma with minimal mobility of front teeth, no symptoms or pain or

anything, what is the best approach

Splinting one week

Splinting two weeks

Splinting 4 weeks

Splinting 6-8 weeks

Soft diet and review

Patient had trauma 8 days ago, upper central incisor palatal luxation mild, not

interfering with occlusion but tooth non vital. What do you do?

Pulp extirpation +CaoH2 dressing


Reposition +Splinting

Best material for using vital pulpotomy

Ferric sulphate

Patient had trauma on 14 (vital pulp), only thin buccal cusp remaining, best

treatment option



Direct composite MODL

Extract and options for replacement

This question is regarding fluoride supplements, I do not remember whether its

SBA OR EMQ, I remember only the questions  

18 months of age, what is fluoride supplement for child living in 0.25 ppm

fluoridated water?

Six-year-old – Non fluoridated water, what is the fluoride supplement dose

Six-year-old child with fluoridated water of 0.6ppm, what is the fluoride

supplement dose given

3-year old with fluoride concentration of 0.3 ppm fluoridated water, what is the

fluoride supplement dose given

Duraphat in high caries risk group children is applied every

2 months

4 months

6 months

8 months


This question is an EMQ question

Failure of eruption of lower permanent molar

Canine palatally place

Crowding in premolar area

Failure of eruption of central incisor

Absence of showing lateral incisor

Answers (which we have to match)

Failure of normal path of eruption

Abnormal position of crypt

Early loss of deciduous teeth

Supernumerary tooth

Congenital absence

Cervical line and dark lines on Central incisors, molars and incisal edges, most

possible reason could be



Childhood illness


An edentulous patient presents with ulcer in retro molar pad area first line of

management would be

Adjusting the denture

Incisional biopsy

Periapical x-ray

How should be the floor of dental surgery?


Possible infection that would occur from needle stick injury in a person who is

appropriately or properly immunized

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis A


Deciduous tooth had intrusion 61, what is most likely to occur for permanent






Splinting time for Avulsion (choices and question I could not remember properly,

but make sure to know about splinting times for different scenarios)

Got a call from mother of a 3-year old child, who had trauma and avulsed the

front tooth. What instruction you will give to mother

Attend surgery as soon as possible with tooth

Place tooth in milk and attend surgery as soon as possible

Place in the salt water and attend surgery as soon as possible

Place the tooth in its position back and attend surgery as soon as possible

A 3-year-old boy avulsed 61, and mother re-implanted it in its socket and clot

is holding the primary tooth. IOPA shows permanent tooth present, what would you


Leave it and review

Splinting for one week

Remove and space maintenance


A child has grossly broken down upper and lower molars, carious tooth, which

x-ray would you consider



Vertical Bitewings


Patient has painful symptoms at the time of eating and also has ear pain, what

x-ray would you consider. (The option of occlusal x-rays was not given in the



Oblique Lateral

Lateral chepalograph

Postero-anterior view

A dental practitioner can be

Radiology adviser+physicst+operator





Risk of cancer in dental Radiography (IOPA)




1:200, 00000

Which cells are affected by Bisphonates?

Mesencymal cells

Undifferentiated cells



This question is an EMQ Question, in which we have to match the exact LA

technique used for appropriate treatment procedure

Infiltration + Long buccal

Inferior alveolar nerve block

Mental nerve block+ buccal +lingual

Mental nerve block +lingual infiltration

Mental Nerve block


Small class III filling of 33

Filling mandibular first molar

Buccal veneer of 34

Surgical removal of 41

Pulp removal (hyperemic pulp) on 45

A diabetic patient complains of pain on a root canal treated tooth. Root canal

is done 2 years ago. On examination the restoration on the tooth seems leaking.

Reasons for pain and failure

No proper obturation

Medical condition

Lack of coronal seal

Inadequate biomechanical preparation

Best success of root canal is achieved by

Straight canals

Straight line access

Widening of aperture of root canals

Proper irrigation all the times under presence of rubber dam

When preparing the Apical Zone, the use of the files sequentially from apex to

backwards (lower the size of instrument) – what is the best distance to achieve

good apical area preparation






Prolonged use of corticosteroids in adults may result in or can cause


Insulin – diabetes


Thinning of skin

Less arousal

Best material to use in the root caries and buccal caries in elderly patient.


Hybrid Composite


Silicate cement

Zinc phosphate

A child patient is brought to the dental clinic, parents complain of child

having trauma and has fallen down, hurting his teeth. You suspect NAI's. Which

is the most appropriate finding which would give suspension of NAI'S? (Even

though all of the following choices are correct, we should choose which is more


Red eye

Neck bruise

Child agitated and distressed

Injuries to shin and knee areas

A clinical scenario was given, and asked about the scores of BPE. Given gingival

recession of 2mm and band completely disappears (3.5-5.5). Here I think they

have asked about the pocket depth

Gingival recession 2mm +5.5mm (as band completely disappears) so the answer is

7.5mm (I could remember the question exactly)

On examination of four teeth in a sextrant except for L4 has no bleeding on

probing. What is the BPE SCORE?







Patient has damaged infra-orbital nerve – orbital floor fracture, patient

presents to you after two hours later. What symptoms you would find, choose most

appropriate one

Peri-orbital edema

Loss of visual acuity

Loss of sensation or paresthesia over cheek

Something to do with upper eyelid (can't remember)

EMQ based questions on child behavior methods, options given


Behavior shaping


Enhancing control

Negative reinforcement

Tell show do

They have given definitions to which we have to match the above

EMQ based question regarding Law and Ethics scenario's given and asked what you

would do


Grievance procedure

Informal discussion

Suspension and investigation

Written warning

Dental assistant want to explore future carrier opportunities

Below options that needs to be matched

Dental assistant suspected of the theft

Repeated complaints of letters from patients regarding dental assistant

Dental staff or person failure to respond repeatedly even after giving many



A staff member repeatedly re-heard many times comments from colleagues

For retention of post which is not important



Luting cement

Type of post

RCT treated tooth, post placed, which is the best option to restore the tooth.


technique used, good tooth structure 50%

Gold crown

Gold inlay


Gold Onlay

The movement of tongue on protrusion is affected to lateral side –which nerve is

involved. Patient recently had surgery and radiation close to submandibular






When patient complaints about a treatment and unhappy about the procedure and

gives a complaint, in how many days you have to acknowledge the complaint

1 day

2 days

3 days

10 days

20 days

Patient has cardiac arrhythmias on warffarin and yesterday had INR of 3, today

needs extraction. What do you do?

Differ the extractions

Consult physician

Alter the dose of warfarin

Do the extraction and control post operative bleeding

An EMQ based question

General anesthetics and day surgery

General anesthetics and one day inpatient

Local anesthetics and oral sedation

Local anesthetics and inhalation sedation

Local anesthetics


Child 3-years-old, removal of all deciduous primary molars

12- years-old very anxious patient, removal of all 5's

Extraction of fully erupted molar in 4-month-old pregnant lady

Child for extractions who is medically compromised (exact age I could not


Secondary impressions for edentulous patient close fit tray with hyper gap

reflex. Which material you use for taking an impression


Silicone rubber based material

Plaster of Paris

Zinc oxide eugenol

Palatally impacted upper maxillary canines. How would you know? Whether they are

impacted palatally or buccally and which of the following x-rays are best option

Paralleling technique

Bisecting technique



Taking two x-rays, with paralleling technique

Defective horizontal angulations while taking bitewings results in?

Overlapping of contact points (I am not sure about this question)

Which of the following antifungal medication interact with warfarin and enhances

its effect?




Amphotrocin B

A patient came after two days of extraction, complains he had pain for two days,

examination showed localized swelling, no lymphadenopathy. What is the first

line of treatment?

Possible dry socket –irrigation and placement of sedative medicament

Irrigation – curettage of socket, antibiotics and analgesics

Irrigation and antibiotics

Possible root piece or bone piece take IOPA x-ray and analgesics

Patient getting treatment done under IV Sedation – suddenly not responding has

decreased blood pressure and decreased breathing (this is a part of EMQ)

Answer to match is Fleumanzil

Patient is having epileptic seizures continuously for 10 minutes in dental

surgery – first line of management is

Place in recovery position

Give diazepam


Intranasal or buccal midolazam

Sudden unilateral onset of facial swelling and pain over parotid area, which is

not yet fluctuant

Bacterial saliadenitis

Salivary duct infection


Viral salieadinitis (given in pink book)

What do you see in irritable bowel syndrome?

Mucosal blistering

Herpitiform ulcers

Mucosal tags

Macular patches buccal mucosa

A fifteen year old patient asks for bleaching of teeth. What is the first line

of management?

Discuss options with both patient and parent

Discuss option with both patient and parent, once you have obtained consent from


Discuss only with patient

Discuss only with parent

A child avulsed permanent tooth came with her aunt , what will you do?

Do not do anything

Do not do treatment as aunt is not legal guardian of the child

Do not do treatment as child's mother is not there to give consent

Re-implant and splint it with aunt's consent (I have gone for this option,

because treatment can be some times done, if it is in child's best interest)

Best ways to reduce radiation for patient who is going to have IOPA X-rays

Lead apron

Paralleling technique

Rectangular collimation


EMQ based question to match the options

Apical periodontitis

Lateral apical abscess

Crack tooth syndrome

Dentine hypersensitivity

Hyperemic pulp

Reversible pulpitis


Intermittent pain from molar which is having huge restoration leaking

Prolonged intense pain for several days

Acute pain which decreases 10-15 minutes after the stimulus is removed

Intermittent pain on biting

Intermittent pain with hot things

FB : NTs MJDF 1 September 2010 feedback

Dearest NT, 

Thank u for being a wonderful friend.



Here is NTs feedback which I typed : 


1.A woman non smoker, non alcoholic whose relative died of cancer come to you

for advice and cancer prevention .. what would you suggest ?

- OHI 

- 5 portions of fruits and vegetables

- etc

2.Flavoured LA :

3. LA with neurological effect  

4. a girl 10 years old fell and one tooth avulsed her parents r out of the

country and she has come with her aunte, whose consent would u take

- no ones , send the patient back

- child s consent

- auntes consent

- wait for parents to come back

5. First line t/m of erosion :

- palatal compostite 

- palatal veneer 

- crown

- cant remember other options

6. Lots of questions on avulsion and root # and their splinting time

7. EMQs on law and ethics ( different scenarios given).

7.A ) u suspect a nurse stealing from your practice 

 B ) u have given oral warning to a colleague who comes to work late and still

continues to be late

 C) u over heard ur colleague criticizing you?

Few other scenarios I cant remember 

options were :

- i) suspend and investigate 

- ii) oral warning 

- iii) written warning 

- iv) informal discuss

8) u should acknowledge a written complain with how many days

- i) 1 

- ii) 3

-iii) 5

iv) 7

9) For how many months should u be working full/ part time to get the redundancy

pay benefit? ( check from pink book).

10) A diabetic whose root canal was done previously and heavily restored amalgam

has leaking amalgam filling. The reason is 

i) his medical condition

ii) improper shaping 

iii) improper coronal seal

iv) improper apical seal 

v) ETC

11) There were few medical conditions given and we had to match the oral

manifestations of it

eg . swan neck digits

12) EMQS on crown and bridge 

13) Questions on medical emergencies. Different scenarios  given and we had to

tell the emergency drugs.

14)  A dentist has needle stick , which has highest possible chances :

i) hep B 

ii) hep C 

iii) HIV

14) A man has unilateral pain in his maxilla and the ear which virus is possible


a) paramyxovirus 

B) herpes virus 

c) varicella zoster

d) Epstein bar virus

15) questions on fluoride and we had to tell about the quantity  of F- for

different age groups.

16) questions on IOTN 

17) Questions on child in clinic and how to manage ( show tell do , etc)


• epilepsy (status epileptics)

• hypoglycemia (conscious ,unconscious)

• angina (position of the chair)

• m infraction (the drug that help to prevent further damage)

• anaphylaxis

• CPR (30:2 )




• cranial nerves (trigeminal, facial)

• tongue innervations

• muscle of mastication



• tech\ infiltration inferior nerve block \mental block \

• complications



• consent (guardian –ante - father-teacher)

• non accidental trauma

• complain – negligence



• BPE ( very important)-and associated radiographic picture

• chronic  perio

• types of x-rays indicated

• gingival recession –causes



• fractures (x rays-ttt-signs –nerves  affected  –zygomatic  fr.- condylar  fr.-

parasymphial –lefor t 1 2 3)

• sutures material

• extraction  in pnt with bleeding problem. 






• Ttt planning in immunocomprised  pt

• Restorative materials in pedo

• Non accidental trauma

• Avulsion

• Dentoalveolar fracture

• Behavior management (shaping , modeling, tell show do, non-verbal


• flouride



• Crown –resin bonded bridge

• Conventional fixed –fixed

• Resin bonded fixed –fixed

• Cantilever

• Implant

• Gold types (indication, inlay ,onlay )

• Ttt planning (which bridge used )

• Bleaching (vital , non vital)



• Retreatment

• Ni-ti

• Coronal seal

• Pulpitis  (reversible & irreversible )

• Apical abscess – drugs



• Glass- ionomer

• Composite



• Face bow

• Fox bite

• Imp materials

• Taste & pronunciation

• Complaints





• Extraction of 6

• Ttt planning

• Effects of thumb sucking

• Diagnosis of Canine impaction or eruption problems (radiographs indicated,

horizontal & vertical parallex tech.,)


14-Pathology & medicin


• Sarcodosis

• Facial pulse


• CYSTS  kertocyst  dentigerous

• Fibrous dysplasia

• Solitary bone cyst

• L.P –lichoniod (drugs)

• Apthus

• candida  ttt

• interaction with warfarin

• risk factors for cancer

• (spice food)

• hypophosphates

• parathyroid hormone

• sjogren syndrome

• xerostomia (causes, disease, drugs)

• atypical pain

• temporal arthritis

• cluster headache

• burning syndrome

• sialoadenitis

• bisphosphonate osteonecrosis

• HIV associated infections & ds eg. Hairy leokoplacia .

• Ttt of dry socket.

• Antidote of midazolame




Chances of a periapical causing cancer

• 1:200 000

• 1:2 000 000

• 1: 20 000 000

• 1: 200 000 000


Aids in wetting in dentine bonding

• Acetone

• Water

• Orthophosphoric acid

• Ethylene

• Carbon tetrachloride


Suturing mucoperiosteal flap after wisdom tooth xla

• Vicryl

• Silk

• Prolene


Prevention of cancer

& #61672; 5 portions of fruit a veg a day


Most contagious disease


Treatment option for missing central of 3 yr old

• Ask mum to bring in nothing,

• milk,

• saline


Cement metal inlay posterior

• Resin

• Zinc phosphoric acid

• Zinc polycarboxylate


How many days to respond to a complaint

• 1

• 2

• 3

• 4

• 5


How many months of severance pay for not misbehaviour?

• 6 months

• 12

• 18

• 24


Radiograph fault caused by horizontal axis not aligned


Radiograph fault caused by not aligned in correct area


Fracture and bleeding from nose à Which le fort fracture







BPE scores


Radiographs à when to useà

• Vertical bitewings

• Horizontal bitewings

• Periapical



Pulpal diagnosis (use the terms from kidd (operative dentistry)


Treatment of traumaà splinting times


Link Different symptoms

• Symblepleron

• Papules on wrist

• Swan neck deformities


Medical Emergencies

• What drugs to give for each medical emergency

o Know dosage and percentange


Aids treatment

• Fox's bite plane

• Study models


Types of bridges and when to use


Treatment of different trauma  


Disciplinary action against people working in practice


Fluoride treatmentà different amounts of fluoride.



Causes of delayed eruption

• Crowding

• Retained deciduous

• Palatal canine


Behaviour Managementà same in EMQ book

When to treat patients under:-

• La

• La and inhalation sedation

MJDF PART 1: october 2011

1.According to…2000, there is color code separation.To which color correspond

the clinical areas and decontamination ?





2 .Give the correct number of the main CPD core subject

a.Medical emergency 5hrs,radiation and protection 5hrs,infection control 5hrs

b. Medical emergency 10hrs,radiation and protection 10hrs,infection control


c. Medical emergency 10hrs,radiation and protection 5hrs,infection control 5hrs

d. Medical emergency 10hrs,radiation and protection 5hrs,infection control 10hrs

3.How many colonies should contain a dental water unit?

a.>20 colonies/ml

b.>200 colonies/ml

c.>2000 colonies/ml

d.>20000 colonies/ml

4.A mum is concern by the oral hygien of her child who is 3 yrs old.They live in

area with appropriate fluoridation,which advice will you give her?

a.Do not swallow the tooth paste

b.Spit the tooth paste and do not rince

5.What is the least important factor for a post?

a. The lenth

b. The diameter

6. you want to do a review on water fluoridation,which method will be the most


a.Cohort study

b.randomized controlled study

c.systemic reviews

d.cross-sectonial surveys

7.Which factor Warfarin influence?

a. Bleeding time

b.Clotting time

c.Von willebrand factor

8.Which element aspirin affect?

a. Bleeding time

b.Clotting time

c.Von willebrand factor

9.Which medications potentiate the effect of Warfarin?




10 A patient is in status epilepticus,which medications will you give him?




11.I.V sedation is preferred to oral sedation,why?

a.It is easier to estimate the dosage of I.V. sedation regarding on the weight

of the patient

b.It is easier to reverse the I.V. sedation

12 A patient came to you with a cutaneous rash,which hypersensitivity correspond

to the reaction?

a. Type 1

b.Type 2

c.Type 3

d.Type 4

13 Which roles a dentist can all have ?

a. Medical physists,operator and referrer

b.Adviser,operator and referrer

c.Practitioner,operator and referrer

> > >>

> > >>>

> > >>> I was wondering whether anyone has previous MJDF PAPERS WITH CORRECT

ANSWERS.Your help is much appreciated as the exam is just one week from now.

> > >>>

> > > =

> > >

> >


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