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What was the function of the file that I just deleted?

Re: Fw: virus

> Thanks for warning..but..it is a hoax...

> It is a legitamate file ...should be in command folder...anyplac else and

> then could be

> a virus...prblem with you instruction is that someone might remove a

> legitimate

> file used in other applications!


> In the furte I recomend you to search on goole.com search engine and

> search on

> the name of the virus and then eneter virus and also the word hoax as

> part

> of your search and several sites shall tell you more if it is a hoax or

> not.

> mike slivinski



> see http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/sulfnbk.exe.warning.html



> Reported on: April 17, 2001

> Last Updated on: May 29, 2001 at 06:22:42 AM PDT

> Printer-friendly version


> The following hoax email has been reported in Brazil. The original email

> is in Portuguese; it is followed by an English translation.



> This particular email message is a hoax. The file that is mentioned in

> the hoax, however, Sulfnbk.exe, is a Microsoft Windows utility that is

> used to restore long file names, and like any .exe file, it can be

> infected by a virus that targets .exe files.

> The virus/worm W32.Magistr.24876@mm can arrive as an attachment named

> Sulfnbk.exe. The Sulfnbk.exe file used by Windows is located in the

> C:\Windows\Command folder. If the file is located in any other folder, or

> arrives as an attachment to a email message, then it is possible that the

> file is infected. In this case, if a scan with the latest virus

> definitions and with NAV set to scan all files does not detect the file

> as being infected, quarantine and submit the file to SARC for analysis by

> following the instructions in the document How to submit a file to SARC

> using Scan and Deliver.

> If you have deleted the Sulfnbk.exe file from the C:\Windows\Command

> folder and want to know how to restore the file, you should contact your

> computer manufacturer or Microsoft for assistance. As an alternative, If

> you are running Windows 98 or Windows Me, see the document How to extract

> files in Safe Mode under Windows 98 or Windows Millennium.

> NOTE: The instructions in this document are provided for your

> convenience. The extraction of Windows files uses Microsoft programs and

> commands. Symantec does not provide warranty



> On Sun, 29 Apr 2001 09:37:11 -0500 " "

> <snakedancerr@...> writes:

> > Hello folks,

> >


> > I received the following email today. I searched for it according

> > to the instructions, and I found it on my computer! If I have it,

> > you probably do too! I suggest you find and remove it immediately

> > before it activates. I DID!

> >

> >

> > There is a dormant virus going around that is ready to

> > activate on June 1st.

> > I found this on my computer, as did several other people I

> > know........please check yours.

> > URGENT. A VIRUS could be in your computer files now, dormant but

> > will

> > become active on June 1. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS BELOW TO CHECK IF

> > YOU HAVE IT AND TO REMOVE IT NOW. It was brought to my attention

> > yesterday

> > that a virus is in

> > circulation via email. I looked for it and to my surprise I found it

> >

> > on

> > mine. ..please follow the directions and remove it from yours

> > TODAY!!!!!!!

> >

> > No Virus software can detect it. It will become active on June 1,

> > 2001.

> > It might be too late by then. It wipes out all files and folders on

> > the

> > hard

> > drive. This virus travels thru E-mail and migrates to the

> > 'C:\windows\command' folder. To find it and get rid of it off of

> > your

> > computer, do the following.

> > Go to the " START " button.

> > Go to " FIND " or " SEARCH "

> > Go to " FILES & FOLDERS "

> > Make sure the find box is searching the " C: " drive.

> > Type in; SULFNBK.EXE

> > Begin search.

> > If it finds it, highlight it.

> > Go to 'File' and delete it.

> > Close the find Dialog box

> > Open the Recycle Bin

> > Find the file and delete it from the Recycle bin

> > You should be safe.

> > The bad part is: You need to contact everyone you have sent ANY E-

> > mail to

> > in

> > the past few months. Many major companies have found this virus on

> > their

> > computers. Please help your friends !!!!!!!!

> >



> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

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I checked my file and it is an .exe file in windows/command but it has

changed the pic of the file.....strange writing...something like..... lFn


Can anyone explain this to me?


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Please. This virus has been stated a hoax. Oxyplus is not a DOS class or

a chat line! Our mail load has gotten so high that EVERYONE is going to

have to pay more attention to NOT POSTING OFF-TOPIC posts!

jim :)

oxyplus moderator

Erma Seabaugh wrote:


> I checked my file and it is an .exe file in windows/command but it has

> changed the pic of the file.....strange writing...something like..... lFn


> gk


> Can anyone explain this to me?


> Erma


The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Well, guys, I didn't have it on mine!! I wonder where you picked it up. Obviously

it wasn't passed through our email group. It had to come from somewhere else.



I had it too!! YIKES!! this is a sneaky one!

it got past out anti virus program


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Hi All,

Someone has a virus in an attachment that was sent out..I am not

sure who it came from because Norton Antivirus caught it

before it was opened and deleted it. I know is from some one from the

Neurosarcoidosis or group because I only use this email for

these two groups.

Please check your emails to make sure to run your antivirus

software to make sure that you do not have it, because from the

little I saw, it will destroy your files.


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hello i do nto think it is from this groop scincei also run a pile of viruse

software and have not got any warnings so probly from the other list you are

on but thanks for the warning i keep my eye out justin case {smile}


Hi All,

Someone has a virus in an attachment that was sent out..I am

not sure who it came from because Norton Antivirus caught it

before it was opened and deleted it. I know is from some one from the

Neurosarcoidosis or group because I only use this email for

these two groups.

Please check your emails to make sure to run your antivirus

software to make sure that you do not have it, because from the

little I saw, it will destroy your files.


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  • 3 months later...

Thanks Judy in Baltimore. I disabled my virus software, I guess I should turn it back on!


This morning when I wakened And saw the sun above, I softly said, "Good morning, Lord, Bless everyone I love."

Right away I thought of you And said a loving prayer, That He would bless you specially, And keep you free from care.

I thought of all the happiness A day could hold in store, I wished it all for you because No one deserves it more.

I felt so warm and good inside, My heart was all aglow. I know God heard my prayers for you, He hears them all, you know

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Thanks, Judy, for alerting us!


> I received 4 or 5 emails from the digest with vicious viruses

attached. Fortunately, my son had installed a virus scanning program

for our email, so I was able to delete them.


> So be careful. Don't open any attachments from this group tonight.


> Judy in Baltimore

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I think this person tryed this on the OCDTeen mailing list, and luckly I

review the messages before they get to the list. I banned the address from

the membership list.






>From: " Joni " <lyricaldreamer@...>



>Subject: Re: virus

>Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 03:03:13 -0000



> > Who is Noland, and why is she sending us viruses?

> >

> > Judy


>She must know that is TERRIFIED of them. ;)







>You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In

>the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. You may

>subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

>parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe . You may subscribe to

>the OCD and Homeschooling List at

>ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe . You may change your

>subscription format or access the files, bookmarks, and archives for our

>list at . Our list advisors

>are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D., and Dan Geller, M.D.

> Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes, Joye, Jule

>Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy , Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout.

> Subscription issues or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins,

>list owner, at lharkins@... .





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If you receive the " digest " form of the list, the

attachments are automatically deleted with only a note on that post that

there ever was an attachment. Receiving the digest form offers its own

protection, it seems.

BTW, I think that Lysol would only offer enabling behavior. How about

trying ERP on the virus? And blocking the person/address who keeps sending

the list things? (Can you do that, Louis?)

Gail in N'Awlins

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Dear Louis,

I just replied to a letter from over a week ago and when the letter

showed up in my mailbox it had an attachment on it which I did not put

there. How was this possible if there are no attachments allowed or was it

becasue I clicked on " reply " in the letter box?


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Before you block anyone, please remember some of these attachments

are being sent unknowingly and unwillingly from some of our list

members. I have received " contaminated " e-mails from 2 our our

wonderful members.

Melinda S.


> If you receive the " digest " form of the list,


> attachments are automatically deleted with only a note on that post


> there ever was an attachment. Receiving the digest form offers its


> protection, it seems.


> BTW, I think that Lysol would only offer enabling behavior.

How about

> trying ERP on the virus? And blocking the person/address who keeps


> the list things? (Can you do that, Louis?)


> Gail in N'Awlins

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Hi Jean:

Good for all of you. It sounds like you all managed a sad situation with

great aplomb and suitable ceremony.

BTW, I can't reassure you about offending, but I am tempted to say

something paradoxical - VBG!

Since many of our kids with OCD have death obsessions, it is quite likely

that the baby gerbil performed a very important task (albeit accidentally)

by creating this opportunity for exposure. Good luck, take care, aloha,

kathy (h)


At 01:18 AM 10/01/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>We had a sad event this weekend. One of the baby gerbils died.

>put her down my shirt while I was on the phone - a normal thing a 7 y.o.

>would think to do. Well, I patted down my shirt & slacks when I stood

>up, but I couldn't imagine the gerbil making it's way into my slacks so I

>didn't pat them well. I thought the gerbil was stuck in the recliner and

>the kid weren't moving fast enough to save her, so I knelt to examine the

>recliner. It was then that I found she *was* in my pants leg and I'd

>knelt on her (or caught her behind my knee?). Anyway, when I got her out

>of my pants leg she was bleeding from the nose. I applied pressure on

>it, but it didn't help. I tried gently pressing on her chest when I

>thought she was not breathing later and I gave her mouth-to-mouth

>(something I'd never imagined I'd ever do to a gerbil or any other

>rodent) while I desperately searched the phone book for an all night vet

>dealing in exotic animals. We drove out to Springfield to an emergency

>vet, even though I became fairly certain the baby had died (and that was

>verieid when I arrived, even though they tried to get a heartbeat

>anyway). When we got into the car to make the trip, - already

>very upset & thinking it was the gerbil of which she was the most fond -

>yelled at that he had killed her gerbil. His face just puckered

>up and I felt so sorry for him. I told him it was only an accident, but

>he spent the rest of the car trip with his jacket over his head. We

>buried the gerbil in the front yard the next morning & I think it helped

>everyone. The kids from 's birthday party helped. They made

>headstones out of rocks, laid flowers... stuck a flag in the

>ground there and also laid his hockey stick and a football on top.

>Anyway, I think he's feeling better now, but I just cringed when

>accused him of killing her gerbil. As you know, I have depression (and

> has sadness & a tendency toward depression) and it often takes

>less than an accusation like that to make my sense of self-worth dip. I

>could only imagine how it made feel, even though 's

>response to the situation was one I'd expect from a child.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Of course you are still welcome!!!! We knew that the virus

wasn't " sent " by you. Please update us on Mike.

Melinda S.


> Hi Everyone,

> I just want to apologize if anyone got e-mail from me since 9-


> 01. I did not send it. The lovely virus that I got from 'd'

> disguised as a list member gave it to me. and that virus sent out e-

> mails to everyone in my address book without my knowledge. And I

> have both McAfee and Norton virus protectors. (there was a glitch

> with norton that didn't pick it up). I am now clean. I hope I am


> banned from this list as I have an rcn.com address.

> Will post an update on Mike tomorrow if I am still able to

> participate. in NJ

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  • 1 month later...

I have also recieved about 5 messages from this list with virus

attachements and I am on web view. I did send a note recently with a

powder recipe, so it maybe going through the notes and replying to

them with the virus. It is a virus that downloads when you open the e-

mail. Everyone check update your security virus files, McAfee seems

to catch it.


> Hello, I have recieved 8 messages in the last 30 minutes from

people on the list with attatchments that contain viruses. Just

wanted to give you all the heads ups.

> Thanks, melissa




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Hi :

So far I have received two such emails (no message in the letter, with an

attachment) on this list. Since I don't open attachments, I wrote to one

and asked they resend the message without the attachment. The letter was

returned as " addressee unknown " ! Very suspicious.

Just to let everyone know, usually the virus can't be transmitted without

opening the attachment.


> Hello, I have recieved 8 messages in the last 30 minutes from people on

the list with attatchments that contain viruses. Just > wanted to give you

all the heads ups.

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HI Cat

I've just received an email containing an attachment " from you " relating to

a message I posted about 6 months ago. I know I've deleted this so it's

either being picked up from the Toiletries files or if you have it in your

deleted items, from you. What a pain in the ass, just what you need on a

Sunday night - spending the last few hours running a virus check. Ah well

.... beats washing your hair I suppose.



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Hi Shelagh:

I run Norton AntiVirus, and even though I haven't opened any letters with

attachments, I still found out I was infected. The viruses weren't

repairable, so I quarantined them and then deleted them from my computer. I

apologize for this...still can't figure how they managed to get in my

computer! :-(


> I've just received an email containing an attachment " from you " relating


> a message I posted about 6 months ago. I know I've deleted this so it's

> either being picked up from the Toiletries files or if you have it in your

> deleted items, from you. What a pain in the ass, just what you need on a

> Sunday night - spending the last few hours running a virus check. Ah well

> ... beats washing your hair I suppose.

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Hi Cat

Not your fault, don't apologise. I've just got one from as well. I

run Norton and it hasn't picked up anything so far but I think I'd better

give it another sweep.

I'm sitting here writing this with all my lights flickering on and off. I

think Harry Potter is paying me a visit :))))


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If you have virus software run it. If you don't go to the Norton web site

and download a trial version. You can run a search on Norton Ant Virus and

get the web site. HTH


Re: virus

> HELP!! I may have the virus how do I check? I'm new at computer......Pam




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Hi Lynne:

It is a sneaky one, isn't it? Do you have a Virus scan like Norton or



> Today I attempted to open an attachment on an e-mail from the

> group and think I caught a virus. There was nothing in the attachment.


> my e-mails are being returned because the virus is being detected by other

> hosts. Some of you have warned me that I am sending a virus. I am truly

> sorry.

> I have deleted the attachments but they are in recycle bin. Now

> what do I do? . How do I get rid of virus?--Lynne B.

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Hi Shelagh:

Try checking to see if there is anything in the Quarantine bin and delete

them from there. Scan your computer again and if it says all clear, shut it

down, restart and scan a final time.


> Not your fault, don't apologise. I've just got one from as well.


> run Norton and it hasn't picked up anything so far but I think I'd better

> give it another sweep.


> I'm sitting here writing this with all my lights flickering on and off. I

> think Harry Potter is paying me a visit :))))

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Pam, run a scan. Hopefully you have Norton or one of the others. I picked

up a virus from this list. I think it's quarantined and shipped to Norton.

sheez. I thought this list suppressed attachments.

Barb J

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The virus that's doing the rounds is called Aliz and it's been in

existence for at least 5 months. The attachment includes a file

named whatever.exe

There is no excuse for getting infected with this virus. All of the

major virus checkers will detect it. If you get infected it's

because you aren't running an up to date virus checker and you are

opening mails with attachments.

The vast majority of viruses are acquired when people open

attachments without checking what they are. If you use Outlook, don't

use the preview pane because that will run some attachments



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