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> From: Knod <kelly@...>


> I have a request. My daughter is in the middle of a med change. Right

> now it seems as if she isn't even on medication. Her worst OCD things

> are appearing and I can't seem to explain to the teacher and school

> counselor. I wonder if I could get some feedback that maybe I could

> print out and give to the school. I have given them the booklet OCD and

> School Personnel, taken them The Touching Tree and many others, I think

> some hands on experience might be helpful.

Hi , you and your daughter have my sympathy, med changes are the

*worst.* With every change or dose increase my daughter's ocd would go off

the charts--explosion of new symptoms, plus Tourette's-like physical tics,

hyperness, insomnia, etc., it's always seemed like we were making a huge

mistake in making a change until a few weeks passed and these things settled


Could your daughter's doctor contact the teacher and school counselor and

explain this fact of life? I can't recall any source that explains these

temporary effects of SSRIs, though there's plenty of anecdotal evidence on

this list and elsewhere where people discuss their ocd meds.

Good luck,

Kathy R. in Indiana

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Hi :

IMO you are bang on about the teacher participating in 's OCD by

getting her to pick up trash. If you have already explained the problem to

the teacher and they still are getting to do trash detail you will

have to take action higher up in the school. Does the school have a

counselor, special ed teacher, psychologist or someone who is used to

dealing with kids who need accommodations in school? They may be someone

good to talk to and try to go around this teacher. If not, try the school

principal. No teacher has the right to persist in their ignorance and do

something harmful like participating in rituals, particularly when you have

pointed out the problem to them.

Good luck, please keep us posted. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 09:52 AM 10/4/99 +0100, you wrote:

>From: Knod <kelly@...>


>I have a request. My daughter is in the middle of a med change. Right

>now it seems as if she isn't even on medication. Her worst OCD things

>are appearing and I can't seem to explain to the teacher and school

>counselor. I wonder if I could get some feedback that maybe I could

>print out and give to the school. I have given them the booklet OCD and

>School Personnel, taken them The Touching Tree and many others, I think

>some hands on experience might be helpful.


>The situation is this. My daughter's worst OCD happens on the

>playground. I have tried to explain to the teacher that if she sees

>anything starting she needs to send to the counselors office.

>Currently we don't have a Behavior Therapist and when s OCD kicks

>in it is out of control. For Example, she is afraid that other kids are

>going to get hurt. She picks up garbage, wood, backpacks, anything she

>can find. Once she starts she panics because she realizes that there is

>no way she can get everything, plus where does she put the things she

>has already collected? Luckily only minor things have happened, but I

>can see it getting worse each day and I don't want to be

>embarrassed in front of her classmates because she has a meltdown.


>My problem, the teacher thinks that is just a very conscientious

>child and that I am making something out of nothing. was worried

>about some wood on the playground. The teacher sent to the

>janitor to explain the problem. I told the teacher that she should have

>never sent to the janitor. The teacher was making an OCD thing

>O.K.. picks up trash, well the teacher thinks she is just the

>cleanest child and there is nothing wrong with that. I have told her

>that I don't want being worried about safety issues, picking up

>trash. It isn't her job to do that first but secondly it is her OCD and

>it will just keep rolling like a snowball and get bigger and bigger.

>So, if anybody can explain things better than I have, actually I read

>the emails this morning on Homework/Explosions and they were so

>wonderful! Also the shopping emails were wonderful. They all explained

>our situation perfectly!


>Thank you for your time!



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  • 2 years later...
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Can everyone please remember to trim their posts? There has been a lot of

forwarding of unnecessary stuff. It gets hard for those of us on digest;)

Thanks all,


" If the moment you have created is

not beautiful, just re-create it. "

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  • 5 months later...

We have a lot of Mexicans here in Michigan. They come for the apple

picking season. Anyhow, my point is, although most are not citizens

here, they all qualify for medicaid, food stamps, etc. And even if they

make too much money for the whole assistance, they most likely will

qualify for the other special needs insurance for their child. I would

suggest their first step would be to contact their department of social

services. Have a letter from the doctor explaining the child's diagnosis

and needs with them when they go. Sometimes the hospital will help with

this, especially if there is already a hospital bill to contend with.

Also a statement from the doctor with approximate cost of care comes in

handy. Another thing would be to call any local charities that assist

medically with children, even if they can't help, they usually have tons

of information about where to turn next. Good luck!

Diane, Mom to Kody

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Let me make some phone calls & let you know. If I'm not mistaken, residents

(through work visa also) can receive Medicaid benefits for children,

depending on income. Also, I do know that CHIP programs in states do not

ask for any type of residency information.

I'm putting in a call to our local CHIP person & will let you know for sure.

Ray, mother to Tabitha (age 7), Autumn, age 4 (IgG def., asthma,

chronic sinusitis, and allergies), and Duncan (16 months)

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  • 3 years later...



Thank you for having me.

I am listening in.

W. Bush

Me too.

Dick Cheney


Me too!

Alberto (Bert) Gonzolas

Us too.

& The Supremes.

We're not. Nor have we ever been.

Except...this ONE TIME...to answer this claim.

Dean, DNC chairman


Just kidding.

(If you email the listserve from Afghanistan, they will listen.)

That is not true!

Osama Bin in-dis-cave-too-long Laden

( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)Chiropractic physicianLake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic315 Second StreetLake Oswego, OR 97034503-635-6246Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.comI am listening.


Dr. Freeman,

When someone is added to the list serve could you please let us all know who it is ? Recently someone chimed in on an issue and they had never, to my memory, participated before including just a 'hello' to let us all know they were there. I checked the membership and they have been on the list serve for quite a while. Without knowing who is out there 'listening', it kind of feels like being eavesdropped upon.


sharron fuchs dc

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  • 6 months later...
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Suzanne Messina and ALL,

Having been, at times, the object of

the " ire " of members of this group

and not having responding by demanding

my " detractors " be muzzled but rather

by simply CLEARLY stating my position

and modus operandi with respect to the

issue in question, I would suggest

that you should do likewise.

Since I live in a society that claims

to value " free speech, " I am opposed

to censuring any person who simply

states his opinions to this group.

With respect to the CAA, I would

respectfully request that you and

others reread my post:

>[EOHarm ,

>08:11 7/23/06 -0400

>Re: Re: Unlocking Autism's

>ance . . .

and respond to it.

As to the CAA, it is certainly a sellout

in the sense that the " substitute " bill,

as written, does NOT keep the promise

made for legislation requiring the study

of role of Thimerosal & subacute mercury

poisoning in children diagnosed with the

" causeless " disorder " autism " and the

other related " causeless " disorders.

This is a reality that remains no matter

who, including yourself and the others

you mention, continue to, for reasons that

are less than apparent to me, support

legislation that not only appears to be a

sellout but, like the " pea " in the

proverbial shell game, is not even on the


Moreover, each time this " pea " has been

revealed, with no advance public notice,

the " pea " has changed but again not as was


[Note: The substitute " joint " bill introduced

by the HELP committee and supported by Bill

Frist, is now being " considered " for passage,

not as the supporters' language indicates, by

just the Senate but, because it is a JOINT

bill, it is being " considered " by both houses

of Congress.]

If, the people's money is what you say we

need, then you should be organizing a general

public " not for profit " 501c3 corporation

with the other groups to fund and support

the research that is truly needed, research

into the causes, prevention and curative

treatments, and not money to support " gene "

research and the classification and counting

of those who have been harmed or to educate

doctors -- let the " healthcare establishment "

who, wants these to help them escape their

responsibility for the harm their knowing

anction have causes and profits from these,

sponsor such.

If, as your posturing indicates to me, you

are interested in the momentary " celebrity "

of " getting something done, " then you should

continue your support for the current

toothless and unhelpful CAA bill.

As always, the choice is yours, but please

do NOT attempt to silence your critics who

have made other choices as your repeated

posting here suggests.

Convince me with credible argument that

your case is valid and please cease from

telling me how much effort you & others

have invested.

As some have said, the result is NOT what

you LED this group and others to THINK it

would be and, because of the agreement you

seem to have made with the other groups

and then broke ( " facts " that you have not

disputed), your voice carries little

weight with me.

As my Master said of " trees, " " ... by

their fruits shall you know them ... "

( 7: 15-23)

Hopefully, you will consider these

words with an open heart.


Dr. King



At 19:44 7/27/06 -0400, you wrote:




>From: suzanne messina [mailto:solvethepuzzle@...]

>Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:39 PM

>'EOHarm '

>Subject: Moderator



> I am requesting that the moderator ask

>Kerbob to refrain from incendiary, unkind,

>even slanderous posts. This is causing



>and untrue innuendo to abound. I also ask

>for support in this request. The frequency

>of this type of post goes beyond the

>occasional burst of emotion




>.Several of our pioneers and champions have

>been verbally and personally insulted,


>and wrongfully accused. This is not only

>inappropriate, but intolerable. Again, I

>ask those on the list to support this






Suzanne Messina REAACH




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First, I would suggest that what you

want in terms of a bill was already

drafted by abler " legislation drafters "

than I am -- as J. Krakow's

post clearly indicates.

Moreover, having repeatedly drafted

sound legislation or worked to improve

the text in others' proposals to

remove mercury from medicine and

dentistry at the Federal and State

level as well as to reform the FDA,

and figuratively found the trashcans

of those legislators who received

copies of the bills I drafted or

helped draft filled with those drafts,


a) see no value in talking to those

whose ears are " stopped with wax "


B) adhere to the tenet that one should

not waste time " casting pearls "

before those who's ears listen to

the sound of money and cannot hear

the cries of the people injured by

their actions and/or inactions.

Therefore, having been taught these

lessons by the rich and powerful who do

have access and are listened to, I do

not waste my time in such less-than

productive endeavors as the one you

have suggested.

Though you commented:

>Your knowledge and expertise in

>chemistry together with your

>lifelong experience provide you

>with a cauldron of credibility.

my experience and understanding cover

many areas other than the ones you


These have taught me to speak out for

what needs to be done and not to

expend my energy in " redoing " what

others more qualified than I in

drafting legislation, as J.

Krawkow Esq. has pointed out, have

already done only to find their

best efforts so far ignored and

pushed aside in favor of language

supported by the healthcare


Therefore, please:

a. desist from trying to tell me

what you think I should do,

b. " hear " what I am proposing,

c. either accept or reject the

validity of my remarks, and

d. if you want to be part of the

solution, actively proceed

based on your decision about

the validity of the statements


Hopefully, this response will help

you understand that my comments were

based on my understanding of the

current situation, the science, and

the need for the people to pursue

options other than the current federal

legislation if they truly want to

" combat " autism.


Dr. King


PS: In a world griven by greed and " what

is in it for me, " those who are being

harmed must ban together and do what

needs to be done to protect the group

because those in " power " typically

are the rich or the lackeys for their

rich patrons who have little or no

interest in protecting the interests of

those who are being harmed especially

when they are directly or indirectly

profiting from the harm that Thimerosal-

preserved vaccines have caused and are

causing to the non-voters (fetuses,

babies, children, and young adolescents)

and the rest of those who are the parents

and concerned relatives of these non-

voters. This voting-age group is also

being harmed by the Thimerosal-preserved

vaccines with which we are being injected

and by which we have also been apparently

KNOWINGLY mercury poisoned since the 1960s,

if not the 1930s, because the healthcare

establishment realized that subacutely

mercury poisoning us directly and indirectly

fattened their bottom line and, over time,

greatly increased their customer base.


At 04:51 7/28/06 -0700, you wrote:


>I agree with yuor substance but then why don't

>you write up a clearly concise substitute for

>what and how the bill should look. Your

>knowledge and expertise in chemistry together

>with your lifelong experience provide you with

>a cauldron of credibility.


> It's all very well to sling stones and arrows

>at congress or groups whom I agree are not

>really addressing the issue of vaccines et al

>as they should, but offer them something

>substantive based upon clear well thought out

>logic. This will lay the groundwork for later

>discussion when their failure to listen to

>you will play out in disastrous consequences.

>You'll be in a position of " see I told you so "

>Each failure on their part limits and diminishes

>their credibility.


> Academics such as yourself, have a huge role

>to play by presenting cogent rational theses.


> Too many on this list state what the powers

>that be are not doing which is fair, but then






> Take care, best

> n


> " G. King " <drking@...> wrote:



>> Suzanne Messina and ALL,


>>Having been, at times, the object of

>>the " ire " of members of this group

>>and not having responding by demanding

>>my " detractors " be muzzled but rather

>>by simply CLEARLY stating my position

>>and modus operandi with respect to the

>>issue in question, I would suggest

>>that you should do likewise.


>>Since I live in a society that claims

>>to value " free speech, " I am opposed

>>to censuring any person who simply

>>states his opinions to this group.


>>With respect to the CAA, I would

>>respectfully request that you and

>>others reread my post:

>>>[EOHarm ,

>>>08:11 7/23/06 -0400

>>>Re: Re: Unlocking Autism's

>>>STance . . .

>>and respond to it.



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  • 4 years later...
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I do agree with Martha.I find myself forgetting to change subject lines - so no one should ever criticize if someone forgets - but if we all could work towards the goal of trying to remember to change subject lines, people could filter for topics they are interested in and batch deleted those they are not interested in.We always loose a hand full of members whenever a thread gets a LOT of discussion. I don't worry too much about the loss of members, because no list suits everyone all of the time, but I do hope that we can do what we can to make it easier for people who are on a lot of lists or who just hope to get some recipes now and then, to filter subject lines for the topics they are interested in so they can batch delete without fear that the topic has changed and they've just batch deleted something of great value (which this list offers on a regular basis :-)

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jun 2, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Martha wrote:

Hi group,I have a request to you all. I love all the camaraderie and joking around on this list. So by no means am I asking you to curtail it. All I'm requesting is that you be aware of the subject line when replying to a post and alter it if necessary. I belong to several food related groups so reading through them all is time consuming. If we label the subject line appropriately, it really helps others and myself who have a time crunch, to better read the messages of utmost importance to us. As an example, in the last day or so there was a thread labeled "whole wheat pancakes." It quickly digressed to the topic of gadgets but the subject line never got changed. Now, PLEASE understand, I am not criticizing the digression. I too love the fun at this group. I would just like it if we could all be more aware and label subject lines accordingly. That way, if we are searching for recipes or discussions related to the Vitamix, we can skip over the unrelated topics for the time being and come back to them when we have more time available. I know some are more conscious of changing or adding to the subject line as necessary. I'm requesting that we all try to be more aware.I appreciate your consideration and again, BY NO MEANS am I asking you to squelch the fun. Not at all. I like to have fun too!!!MarthaP.S. I almost did not post this request because I do not want anyone to feel I am stepping on his/her

toes. I am not addressing this request to use standard email etiquette to anyone in particular, just to the group as a whole. I would have sent this message to the list owner and had them handle it, if I knew who that person was. Thank you in advance. Let the fun continue...

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Thank you, Lea Ann, for understanding the intent of my request. You make a good point about the possibility of deleting something of great value if the topic does not get changed! And I agree that no one should ever be criticized for forgetting to change the topic. I am not trying to be a "topic/subject line police." Just requesting a methodology for scanning topics of most interest when in a time crunch. Thanks again for understanding. MarthaFrom: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2011 1:20 PMSubject: Re: request

I do agree with Martha.I find myself forgetting to change subject lines - so no one should ever criticize if someone forgets - but if we all could work towards the goal of trying to remember to change subject lines, people could filter for topics they are interested in and batch deleted those they are not interested in.We always loose a hand full of members whenever a thread gets a LOT of discussion. I don't worry too much about the loss of members, because no list suits everyone all of the time, but I do hope that we can do what we can to make it easier for people who are on a lot of lists or who just hope to get some recipes now and then, to filter subject lines for the topics they are interested in so they can batch delete without fear that the topic has changed and they've just batch deleted something of great value (which this list offers on a regular basis :-)

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jun 2, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Martha wrote:

Hi group,I have a request to you all. I love all the camaraderie and joking around on this list. So by no means am I asking you to curtail it. All I'm requesting is that you be aware of the subject line when replying to a post and alter it if necessary. I belong to several food related groups so reading through them all is time consuming. If we label the subject line appropriately, it really helps others and myself who have a time crunch, to better read the messages of utmost importance to us. As an example, in the last day or so

there was a thread labeled "whole wheat pancakes." It quickly digressed to the topic of gadgets but the subject line never got changed. Now, PLEASE understand, I am not criticizing the digression. I too love the fun at this group. I would just like it if we could all be more aware and label subject lines accordingly. That way, if we are searching for recipes or discussions related to the Vitamix, we can skip over the unrelated topics for the time being and come back to them when we have more time available. I know some are more conscious of changing or adding to the subject line as necessary. I'm requesting that we all try to be more aware.I appreciate your consideration and again, BY NO MEANS am I asking you to squelch the fun. Not at all. I like to have fun too!!!MarthaP.S. I almost did not post this request because I do not want anyone to feel I am stepping on his/her

toes. I am not addressing this request to use standard email etiquette to anyone in particular, just to the group as a whole. I would have sent this message to the list owner and had them handle it, if I knew who that person was. Thank you in advance. Let the fun continue...

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Thank you for asking this. I didn't want to upset the magic of this group either, but it would be really helpful. Also when I was on digest (which is much easier for some including me) I found that people don't trim their posts so I was having to scroll through so much repetitive information. Not to add to the thought process, but if you could just include a brief snippet of what you're replying to instead of the entire post it would also be really helpful. :)

Happy Vitamix'n


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Sometimes trimming's appropriate and sometimes it's not (I think--I judge each post/response accordingly). What I do regardless is trim a lot of the space between lines a--I'm aware that vast acreage of empty space can be hell for those on digest so I leave at most two empty lines; for that matter, I find it annoying even on individual e-mails. I also trim off all of the -related stuff, i.e., the banners, etc. This can be a pain if you're not using plain editor but I'm usually able to accomplish it.

Re: request

Thank you for asking this. I didn't want to upset the magic of this group either, but it would be really helpful. Also when I was on digest (which is much easier for some including me) I found that people don't trim their posts so I was having to scroll through so much repetitive information. Not to add to the thought process, but if you could just include a brief snippet of what you're replying to instead of the entire post it would also be really helpful. :)

Happy Vitamix'n


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I agree, . I try to trim when appropriate. If what I'm replying to would leave me with a huge cut and paste, then I'll just leave the message I'm replying to but I DO take out the stuff at the bottom AND the "To" line and "When" line. I live the "From" line as I think it's sometimes important to the reader to know. At least then, the reply is trimmed as much as possible. Ex. belowMarthaFrom: <kareningotham@...>Subject: Re:


Sometimes trimming's appropriate and sometimes it's not (I think--I judge each post/response accordingly). What I do regardless is trim a lot of the space between lines a--I'm aware that vast acreage of empty space can be hell for those on digest so I leave at most two empty lines; for that matter, I find it annoying even on individual e-mails. I also trim off all of the -related stuff, i.e., the banners, etc. This can be a pain if you're not using plain editor but I'm usually able to accomplish it.

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In a message dated 6/2/2011 2:40:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Thank you for asking this. I didn't want to upset the magic of this group either, but it would be really helpful. Also when I was on digest (which is much easier for some including me) I found that people don't trim their posts so I was having to scroll through so much repetitive information.

I also get the digest and am not even complaining about people not trimming. What sometimes happens is that people hit "reply" on the digest and this sends the WHOLE list of 25 messages around again so you have to go through all of the messages again to get to the next new one. It does not happen as often as it used to but it is a chore when it does:-)

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Well, I've been a multiple list owner and member of many for over 17 years now and I know my way around. All groups are different and so I just adjust accordingly. :)


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Keep in mind that with many of the new gadgets and cell phones, trimming is not possible. I try to trim when I am at my computer, but cannot when I am on one of my assorted gadgets.From: Martha <mnatural22@...>Subject: Re: request" " < >Date: Thursday, June 2, 2011, 2:36 PM

I agree, . I try to trim when appropriate. If what I'm replying to would leave me with a huge cut and paste, then I'll just leave the message I'm replying to but I DO take out the stuff at the bottom AND the "To" line and "When" line. I live the "From" line as I think it's sometimes important to the reader to know. At least then, the reply is trimmed as much as possible. Ex. belowMarthaFrom: <kareningotham@...>Subject: Re:


Sometimes trimming's appropriate and sometimes it's not (I think--I judge each post/response accordingly). What I do regardless is trim a lot of the space between lines a--I'm aware that vast acreage of empty space can be hell for those on digest so I leave at most two empty lines; for that matter, I find it annoying even on individual e-mails. I also trim off all of the -related stuff, i.e., the banners, etc. This can be a pain if you're not using plain editor but I'm usually able to accomplish it.

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I don't find that request offensive at all, it's a great idea!

I think most would agree they would like to know if a thread is continuing on

the original topic or not, so you know whether to keep following it.

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