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looking for answers

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Hi Leigh,

I felt the same way you do....about 5 months ago. I have my son on Singulair

now. He skipped an episode this month for the 1st time because of the

Singulair...I believe he is in some sort of remission right now from the

Singulair. I'm sure another fever will come this year...but I will be ready and

handle it. had 1 febrile seizure too. Very scary, so I know how you feel. I

guess the best advice I can give is: Learn all you can about , find a

Doctor that you are comfortable with, pick a treatment that suits you and your

child, keep a journal about the fevers, get support from this group, rule out

all other diseases, read the past posts on this site, have faith, and most

importantly-- the love you have for your child will keep you STRONG. I wanted

answers to why my child fevers 5 months ago... and I would still want to hear

about a cause if someone figures it out. But, just recently I've come to the

realization that is in our lives to stay for awhile...so I

need to do whatever I can to help my child and stay strong. My tears have made

me a strong solider for my little guy. I used to be paranoid about exposing him

to germs...now that I have a diagnosis I realize that he is going to fever

regardless of whether or not he is exposed to germs. I've relaxed about the

germs....and actually he doesn't seem to catch the normal colds and flus like

other kids. I've been through hell and back with my little guy... like everyone

else on this site. We are here for you if you need us :). This site has helped

me more than any Doctor could have! Stay strong....and keep us posted on your

little one. If you have any questions about any of the treatments...the members

on this site are a wealth of information.

Take Care,

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


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Hi Amy,

Wow, thank you so much for your supportive e-mail. You brought tears to my eyes.

I think you're probably right about the germ thing- that I can probably start

letting that (and my hand sanitizer) go. That made me think of another question,

do you and/or others get the flu shot for your child? I don't know if getting

the shot might bring on or help prevent one of these fevers/or maybe have no

effect at all. I've given it in the past but of course, now I'm questioning


I'm definitely curious about commonalities amongst kids with this- Personality,

for example- my daughter is intense- strong mood swings, can be aggressive at

times, did everyone get their vaccinations right on schedule, just trying to

find a reason for this I guess.

Anyhow, thank you for your e-mail.

-Leigh, mother of Ella 3 1/2

From: amersturpy@...

Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 15:47:08 -0700

Subject: Re: Looking for Answers

Hi Leigh,

I felt the same way you do....about 5 months ago. I have my son on Singulair

now. He skipped an episode this month for the 1st time because of the

Singulair...I believe he is in some sort of remission right now from the

Singulair. I'm sure another fever will come this year...but I will be ready and

handle it. had 1 febrile seizure too. Very scary, so I know how you feel. I

guess the best advice I can give is: Learn all you can about , find a

Doctor that you are comfortable with, pick a treatment that suits you and your

child, keep a journal about the fevers, get support from this group, rule out

all other diseases, read the past posts on this site, have faith, and most

importantly-- the love you have for your child will keep you STRONG. I wanted

answers to why my child fevers 5 months ago... and I would still want to hear

about a cause if someone figures it out. But, just recently I've come to the

realization that is in our lives to stay for awhile...so I

need to do whatever I can to help my child and stay strong. My tears have made

me a strong solider for my little guy. I used to be paranoid about exposing him

to germs...now that I have a diagnosis I realize that he is going to fever

regardless of whether or not he is exposed to germs. I've relaxed about the

germs....and actually he doesn't seem to catch the normal colds and flus like

other kids. I've been through hell and back with my little guy... like everyone

else on this site. We are here for you if you need us :). This site has helped

me more than any Doctor could have! Stay strong....and keep us posted on your

little one. If you have any questions about any of the treatments...the members

on this site are a wealth of information.

Take Care,

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5


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Hi Leigh -

As for the fever intervals, at 1st my daughters fevers seem to be a regular

intervals and cyclical, then they changed a bit, now that she is on Orapred at

the onset of a fever, the fevers are unpredictable, but can be cyclical. I

guess what I am trying to say is that there may not be a pattern. You say you

are going to Boston, do you live near there? If you do and want to take a drive

into Connecticut, there is a doctor at the CT Childrens Medical Center names Dr.

Feder who deals with regularly. He sees my daughter and a few other kids

on this site and he will give you some answers for and see if your

daughter fits into the profile. Hope this helps. This is a great site for

information and guidance.


Looking for Answers


I am a new member and mother of a 3 1/2 year old named Ella (and

mother to a 9 month old). We have not been diagnosed with but

Ella has had recurring fevers since 8 months. The fevers sometimes

happen monthly and then sometimes she goes 3 to 4 months without one.

The fevers are always high - up to 105+ and usually last 4-6 days.

This summer she had one that lasted 10 days and was in the hospital

for 4 of those days. She almost never has any other symptom. She's had

3 febrile seizures, so we've had a few 911 calls and several trips to

the E.R. followed by many tests- catheters, bloodwork, spinal tap,

etc. We've now seen an infec. disease doc, immunologist, and just this

past week and rheumotologist in Boston. Everyone tells us she's a

normal healthy kid - she just gets fevers- but 23 in 3 years is WAY

TOO many for me and for her. Our ped. thought she had a uti with the

10 day fever but the infec. disease doc. did not (said that a high wbc

count in urine can be indicative of a virus) The fact that these

fevers don't happen at regular set intervals is probably why we

haven't been given the diagnosis of (and she doesn't always have

a red throat or enlarged tonsils).

Do some of your kids not have fevers at exactly the same time each

month? We're exhausted from taking her temp. all the time when she's

sick. None of her friends gets sick with these fevers or " so-called

viruses " , nor do we.

Anyhow I'm exhausted, scared, and absolutely hate everything about

these fevers. I feel scared to travel and to take her to certain

places where there might be lots of germs but I don't know what

triggers these things. Has anyone found anything that might be a

trigger? I've thought of everything from cigarette smoke, flying,

other people who've just traveled and come to visit, stress (hers and

mine) kids with other infections, cold air, food preservatives, and

that maybe too many vaccines at once caused a baby's immature immune

system to overeact and subsequently get fevers for even the smallest


Just looking for advice and answers. Has anyone found any alternative

forms of medicine to work- acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. I went to a

naturopath but that hasn't helped much. Is there an average age when

kids outgrow this?

Glad to find some support on here.




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Hi Leigh,

My son is very intense too. I'm not sure if it's the or if his

temperament is just genetically wired that way. He has been very extreme with

his emotions since he was born. He started out with colic and acid reflux as a

newborn. He never would sleep in his crib or bassinet. He had to be near me or

touching me to calm down. He is very smart, loving, and funny at times...but if

things don't go his way he has terrible temper-tantrums. I'm still in the

" terrible twos " so I don't know if things will change when he can communicate

better? Some books that have helped me understand him better are: " Raising Your

Spirited Child, " by Sheedy Kurcinka, " Parenting The Strong Willed Child, "

by Rex Forehand & Long, and " The Challenging Child, " by Stanley I.


Some commonalities I've noticed from reading the posts on here are:

-Dark Circles under the eyes before and during episode

-Glassy eyes during episodes

-Excessive sweating during sleep (even on healthy days)

-Loss of appetite during episodes

-Bright red cheeks during episodes


-Very pale skin during episodes

-Febrile Seizures

-Body Aches

-Ulcers in mouth

-High ESR (Inflammation) level

-Normal ESR level during healthy weeks

As far as vaccines go...I asked that question once before too. Many Parents

have asked that question :). I'm not sure what to think? It's a debatable topic.

Some parents said that their child has and were never vaccinated. Others

thought the fevers started right after the shots. Answers are all over the board

on that one. Tough one to figure out.

I haven't given my child the flu shot this year. He has gotten the shot before

though...with no reaction to it. Others on here could probably answer that

question better than I.

Hope I helped answer some of your questions.

Hang in there!

Amy- Mom to -age 2.5

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  • 4 years later...
Guest guest

Hi colleagues, can you please help me finding the answers to these questions:

1. After usage with amalgam restorations matrix bands are

a. Disposed

b. Disinfected for reuse

c. Sterilized in a vaccum autoclave for reuse

d. Sterilized in a non-vaccum autoclave reuse

2. The obturation technique which gives the best hermetic seal for gutta-percha

in endodontics

a. warm lateral compaction

b. warm vertical compaction

c. thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniques

d. cold lateral compaction

e. chlorpercha

3. The commonly used intracanal medicament in the United Kingdom Metapex,

contains the following:

a. steroid plus tetracycline

b. calcium hydroxide

c. calcium hydroxide plus iodoform

d. iodine potassium iodide

e. neomycin

4. Attached gingiva is the thinnest in the mouth in the following region of the


a. Maxillary anterior buccal region

b. Maxillary molar buccal region

c. Mandibular anterior buccal region

d. Mandibular anterior lingual region

e. Mandibular molar lingual region

5. The following is true for presentation of odontogenic keratocysts?

a. 2nd-3rd decade, 70-80% mandible, 3rd molar ramus area

b. 4th-5th decade, Females > males, mandible>maxilla,

c. 6th-7th decade, Males=females, maxillary molar region

d. 4th-6th decade, maxilla>mandible, soluble protein level>4g/dl

e. 3rd-5th decade, mandible>maxilla, soluble protein level>4g/dl

6. A patient's husband calls your surgery to inform you that his wife would be

unable to keep her appointment. He asks you to reschedule her appointment and to

tell him what work you would carry out in the next appointment.

a. You tell the husband you cannot volunteer information over the phone.

b. You give the husband the required details

c. You tell the husband you cannot give him information about clinical work

d. You ask the husband to come to the surgery to collect schedule the

appointment and obtain information about the proposed treatment.

7. The use of latex gloves does has the following effect when a polyvinyl

siloxane impression is taken

a. retards the set of the impression material

b. enhances the set of the impression material

c. results in porosities in the impression material

d. latex gloves stick to the polyvinyl siloxane impression material

8. Which of the following statements is true?

a. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) on

the same side in the opposing tooth

b. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in

the same arch on the other side

c. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in

the same arch on the other side in the opposing arch

d. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in

the opposite arch contralateral side

9. Which antibiotic interferes in the action of warfarin resulting in an

increased prothrombine time?

a. Erythromycin

b. Metronidazole

c. Penicillin

d. tetracycline

10. During subgingival scaling, the surface of the instrument is parallel to

a. CEJ

b. Occlusal surface

c. Root surface

d. Long axis

Kind regards

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hi sorry the answer for 7 is a it retards the set of impression From: ghadayer <ghadayersaeed@...> Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 16:12 Subject:

looking for answers

Hi colleagues, can you please help me finding the answers to these questions:

1. After usage with amalgam restorations matrix bands are

a. Disposed

b. Disinfected for reuse

c. Sterilized in a vaccum autoclave for reuse

d. Sterilized in a non-vaccum autoclave reuse

2. The obturation technique which gives the best hermetic seal for gutta-percha in endodontics

a. warm lateral compaction

b. warm vertical compaction

c. thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniques

d. cold lateral compaction

e. chlorpercha

3. The commonly used intracanal medicament in the United Kingdom Metapex, contains the following:

a. steroid plus tetracycline

b. calcium hydroxide

c. calcium hydroxide plus iodoform

d. iodine potassium iodide

e. neomycin

4. Attached gingiva is the thinnest in the mouth in the following region of the mouth?

a. Maxillary anterior buccal region

b. Maxillary molar buccal region

c. Mandibular anterior buccal region

d. Mandibular anterior lingual region

e. Mandibular molar lingual region

5. The following is true for presentation of odontogenic keratocysts?

a. 2nd-3rd decade, 70-80% mandible, 3rd molar ramus area

b. 4th-5th decade, Females > males, mandible>maxilla,

c. 6th-7th decade, Males=females, maxillary molar region

d. 4th-6th decade, maxilla>mandible, soluble protein level>4g/dl

e. 3rd-5th decade, mandible>maxilla, soluble protein level>4g/dl

6. A patient's husband calls your surgery to inform you that his wife would be unable to keep her appointment. He asks you to reschedule her appointment and to tell him what work you would carry out in the next appointment.

a. You tell the husband you cannot volunteer information over the phone.

b. You give the husband the required details

c. You tell the husband you cannot give him information about clinical work

d. You ask the husband to come to the surgery to collect schedule the appointment and obtain information about the proposed treatment.

7. The use of latex gloves does has the following effect when a polyvinyl siloxane impression is taken

a. retards the set of the impression material

b. enhances the set of the impression material

c. results in porosities in the impression material

d. latex gloves stick to the polyvinyl siloxane impression material

8. Which of the following statements is true?

a. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) on the same side in the opposing tooth

b. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side

c. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side in the opposing arch

d. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the opposite arch contralateral side

9. Which antibiotic interferes in the action of warfarin resulting in an increased prothrombine time?

a. Erythromycin

b. Metronidazole

c. Penicillin

d. tetracycline

10. During subgingival scaling, the surface of the instrument is parallel to

a. CEJ

b. Occlusal surface

c. Root surface

d. Long axis

Kind regards

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Thank you for your help.

From: Mausami Chethan <mausamichethan@...>" " < > Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 19:28Subject: Re: looking for answers

hi,the answers for the following 1:not sure,2:a,.warm lateral condensation(as it is combination of cold lateral and warm).

3:c,4:not sure, 5:a,6:?,7:?,8:b,9:?,10:d.

From: ghadayer <ghadayersaeed@...> Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 16:12Subject: looking for answers

Hi colleagues, can you please help me finding the answers to these questions:1. After usage with amalgam restorations matrix bands area. Disposedb. Disinfected for reusec. Sterilized in a vaccum autoclave for reused. Sterilized in a non-vaccum autoclave reuse2. The obturation technique which gives the best hermetic seal for gutta-percha in endodonticsa. warm lateral compaction b. warm vertical compactionc. thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniquesd. cold lateral compaction e. chlorpercha3. The commonly used intracanal medicament in the United Kingdom Metapex, contains the following:a. steroid plus tetracycline b. calcium hydroxidec. calcium hydroxide plus iodoform d. iodine potassium iodidee. neomycin4. Attached gingiva is the thinnest in the mouth in the following region of the mouth?a. Maxillary anterior buccal regionb. Maxillary molar buccal regionc.

Mandibular anterior buccal regiond. Mandibular anterior lingual regione. Mandibular molar lingual region5. The following is true for presentation of odontogenic keratocysts?a. 2nd-3rd decade, 70-80% mandible, 3rd molar ramus areab. 4th-5th decade, Females > males, mandible>maxilla,c. 6th-7th decade, Males=females, maxillary molar regiond. 4th-6th decade, maxilla>mandible, soluble protein level>4g/dle. 3rd-5th decade, mandible>maxilla, soluble protein level>4g/dl6. A patient's husband calls your surgery to inform you that his wife would be unable to keep her appointment. He asks you to reschedule her appointment and to tell him what work you would carry out in the next appointment.a. You tell the husband you cannot volunteer information over the phone.b. You give the husband the required details c. You tell the husband you cannot give him information about clinical workd. You

ask the husband to come to the surgery to collect schedule the appointment and obtain information about the proposed treatment.7. The use of latex gloves does has the following effect when a polyvinyl siloxane impression is takena. retards the set of the impression materialb. enhances the set of the impression materialc. results in porosities in the impression materiald. latex gloves stick to the polyvinyl siloxane impression material8. Which of the following statements is true?a. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) on the same side in the opposing toothb. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side c. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side in the opposing archd. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in

the opposite arch contralateral side 9. Which antibiotic interferes in the action of warfarin resulting in an increased prothrombine time?a. Erythromycinb. Metronidazolec. Penicillind. tetracycline 10. During subgingival scaling, the surface of the instrument is parallel to a. CEJb. Occlusal surfacec. Root surfaced. Long axisKind regards

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Hi Answer to 1 is a. Disposed


ghadayer al-idari <ghadayersaeed@...>;


< >;


Re: looking for answers


Wed, May 9, 2012 6:43:33 PM

Thank you for your help.

From: Mausami Chethan <mausamichethan@...> " " < > Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 19:28Subject: Re: looking for answers

hi,the answers for the following 1:not sure,2:a,.warm lateral condensation(as it is combination of cold lateral and warm).

3:c,4:not sure, 5:a,6:?,7:?,8:b,9:?,10:d.

From: ghadayer <ghadayersaeed@...> Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 16:12Subject: looking for answers

Hi colleagues, can you please help me finding the answers to these questions:1. After usage with amalgam restorations matrix bands area. Disposedb. Disinfected for reusec. Sterilized in a vaccum autoclave for reused. Sterilized in a non-vaccum autoclave reuse2. The obturation technique which gives the best hermetic seal for gutta-percha in endodonticsa. warm lateral compaction b. warm vertical compactionc. thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniquesd. cold lateral compaction e. chlorpercha3. The commonly used intracanal medicament in the United Kingdom Metapex, contains the following:a. steroid plus tetracycline b. calcium hydroxidec. calcium hydroxide plus iodoform d. iodine potassium iodidee. neomycin4. Attached gingiva is the thinnest in the mouth in the following region of the mouth?a. Maxillary anterior buccal regionb. Maxillary molar buccal regionc.

Mandibular anterior buccal regiond. Mandibular anterior lingual regione. Mandibular molar lingual region5. The following is true for presentation of odontogenic keratocysts?a. 2nd-3rd decade, 70-80% mandible, 3rd molar ramus areab. 4th-5th decade, Females > males, mandible>maxilla,c. 6th-7th decade, Males=females, maxillary molar regiond. 4th-6th decade, maxilla>mandible, soluble protein level>4g/dle. 3rd-5th decade, mandible>maxilla, soluble protein level>4g/dl6. A patient's husband calls your surgery to inform you that his wife would be unable to keep her appointment. He asks you to reschedule her appointment and to tell him what work you would carry out in the next appointment.a. You tell the husband you cannot volunteer information over the phone.b. You give the husband the required details c. You tell the husband you cannot give him information about clinical workd.


ask the husband to come to the surgery to collect schedule the appointment and obtain information about the proposed treatment.7. The use of latex gloves does has the following effect when a polyvinyl siloxane impression is takena. retards the set of the impression materialb. enhances the set of the impression materialc. results in porosities in the impression materiald. latex gloves stick to the polyvinyl siloxane impression material8. Which of the following statements is true?a. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) on the same side in the opposing toothb. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side c. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side in the opposing archd. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in

the opposite arch contralateral side 9. Which antibiotic interferes in the action of warfarin resulting in an increased prothrombine time?a. Erythromycinb. Metronidazolec. Penicillind. tetracycline 10. During subgingival scaling, the surface of the instrument is parallel to a. CEJb. Occlusal surfacec. Root surfaced. Long axisKind regards

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For me,1a2b3.c4.d not sureOn 9 May 2012, at 16:12, "ghadayer" <ghadayersaeed@...> wrote:

Hi colleagues, can you please help me finding the answers to these questions:

1. After usage with amalgam restorations matrix bands are

a. Disposed

b. Disinfected for reuse

c. Sterilized in a vaccum autoclave for reuse

d. Sterilized in a non-vaccum autoclave reuse

2. The obturation technique which gives the best hermetic seal for gutta-percha in endodontics

a. warm lateral compaction

b. warm vertical compaction

c. thermoplasticised gutta-percha techniques

d. cold lateral compaction

e. chlorpercha

3. The commonly used intracanal medicament in the United Kingdom Metapex, contains the following:

a. steroid plus tetracycline

b. calcium hydroxide

c. calcium hydroxide plus iodoform

d. iodine potassium iodide

e. neomycin

4. Attached gingiva is the thinnest in the mouth in the following region of the mouth?

a. Maxillary anterior buccal region

b. Maxillary molar buccal region

c. Mandibular anterior buccal region

d. Mandibular anterior lingual region

e. Mandibular molar lingual region

5. The following is true for presentation of odontogenic keratocysts?

a. 2nd-3rd decade, 70-80% mandible, 3rd molar ramus area

b. 4th-5th decade, Females > males, mandible>maxilla,

c. 6th-7th decade, Males=females, maxillary molar region

d. 4th-6th decade, maxilla>mandible, soluble protein level>4g/dl

e. 3rd-5th decade, mandible>maxilla, soluble protein level>4g/dl

6. A patient's husband calls your surgery to inform you that his wife would be unable to keep her appointment. He asks you to reschedule her appointment and to tell him what work you would carry out in the next appointment.

a. You tell the husband you cannot volunteer information over the phone.

b. You give the husband the required details

c. You tell the husband you cannot give him information about clinical work

d. You ask the husband to come to the surgery to collect schedule the appointment and obtain information about the proposed treatment.

7. The use of latex gloves does has the following effect when a polyvinyl siloxane impression is taken

a. retards the set of the impression material

b. enhances the set of the impression material

c. results in porosities in the impression material

d. latex gloves stick to the polyvinyl siloxane impression material

8. Which of the following statements is true?

a. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) on the same side in the opposing tooth

b. balancing extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side

c. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the same arch on the other side in the opposing arch

d. compensating extractions are removal of the same tooth (or adjacent tooth) in the opposite arch contralateral side

9. Which antibiotic interferes in the action of warfarin resulting in an increased prothrombine time?

a. Erythromycin

b. Metronidazole

c. Penicillin

d. tetracycline

10. During subgingival scaling, the surface of the instrument is parallel to

a. CEJ

b. Occlusal surface

c. Root surface

d. Long axis

Kind regards

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