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i can relate. i forgot who my daughters and husband were, and had

no recall of the english language. though we still laugh alot about

the time that i demanded that my dh take the bag for a walk, and he kept

bringing me bags trying to figure out what i was talking about. when

he asked if i meant take the dog for a walk, i declared that that was what

i had been saying all the time, and started to stomp off up the stairs,

only to fall back down them when the cramps hit. mental note to self

- stomp off to somewhere flat when having a hissy fit. lol - mrs.


l harris wrote:

I am the one with cervical dystonia and I was on nine different meds

at one point. I saw a video of myself at that time and I looked like the

living dead. I'm so glad to be off everything but prn meds.


Jan Spafford <mrsclaws@...> wrote:



i think you and i are the new kids on the block i am 43, and i suffer

from generalized dystonia back when i was about 4 years old, though back


they didn't even know there was going to be a disease called dystonia.

it started in my face with facial contortions and eye ticks that were

very embarrassing, but the doctors then chalked it up to nerves. i

know have it throughout my entire body, causing me to inadvertantly twist

into contorted shapes with the impecable timing to anways embarrass myself.

the best way i can explan this disease is to ask

you if you have ever woken up with a bad leg cramp. my entire body

feels like this leg cramp 24/7. have been on doses of brain chemical altering

drugs for the past few years - as many as 18 pills aday at one point. to

date, nothing has helped, or - the ones that do

cause the most dreadful side affects. i also went off all meds to see

if some of my problems were drug interaction related (though i had to get

twist the doctor's are to do so), and was managing o.k. for about 4 weeks

when all heck broke loose. so i'm once again on a

new med, and within 3 days the hallucinations started.

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Hello Michele,

WOW, you are our 5th or is it 6th Michele?

Welcome to the family hon. I'm so sorry to hear of your anguish. No

one should have to go through such things, but seems we hear some

sort of medical night mare almost daily.

How are you coping? Do you get much support? Friends, family?

Please know here you can vent away, no vent too long or too small (or

too bitchy!) Just be yourself! There's always someone around if you

need us.

Hang in there sweetie and Keep the Faith!



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Dear Barb

Oooooh *gentle hugs*

Let us know the results ok?????

Love Aisha

> Hello All! Well I had my endometrial biopsy today.........felt

like I was giving birth all over again. OUCH!!!! Big time hurt!!!

Anyways, I should have results by Thursday! I will keep you all

informed. Take care!


> Love,


> Barb

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Lyn, Im just east of Rochester. I met a soapmaker from Cortland once. I

think her name was , And I think the name of her soapy biz was

Petal's Herbal Soap Works. She wouldnt know who I was cuz I was just

starting out. Do you know her? She had an english accent.



The Soap Shack



since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to remember

everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can you say

what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people when i

can match them to their town.

thank you.

lyn in cortland

misty morning

soaps & sundries

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Hi, Lyn!

I'm , and I live inthe Thousand Islands region,a half hour north

of Watertown.


Northern Scentsations Soaps andToiletries


> since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to remember

> everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can you


> what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people

when i

> can match them to their town.

> thank you.

> lyn in cortland


> misty morning

> soaps & sundries

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Good mornin' Lyn (and all the rest of you too!),

I'm in Spencerport, just to the west side of Roch. So glad you could join us!


Body & Soap


> > since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to remember

> > everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can you

> say

> > what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people

> when i

> > can match them to their town.

> > thank you.

> > lyn in cortland

> >

> > misty morning

> > soaps & sundries



> Our members map

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Hi lyn,

I'm in Baldwinsville/Syracuse/Solvay. LOL

I'm not kidding here.... Baldwinsville schools and phone number

Syracuse mailing addy, but it goes through the Solvay post office, but we can't

put Solvay

ohhhh yeah and we're in the Lakeside fire district! LOL

AND if we order pizza, pizza it goes to another Lupine Drive on the other side

of Baldwinsville.

Terri in Baldwinsville feeling very silly this morning :)

PS at the bottom of all emails is a link to our member map

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Hi ,

Welcome to the list! I'm so glad you've found us. This is a great group of

people, and I really hope that you'll come to feel that we are family...we all

feel that way. :-)


Bleylink@... wrote:

> Hello, my name is Michele and have joined the group to find others

> that can relate to the experiences I have had. I am 28 yrs old and have a

> history of endometriosis, hernia repair, and the worst is the incorrect

> treatment of a basal cell skin cancer on my chest. A 2x2 mm lesion was

> diagnosed on by chest by a Physician's Assistant in the AirForce (my husband

> is a dentist in the AF, and that is where I " had " my health coverage.) This

> PA treated the lesion without my consent incorrectly with a 4x3 cm excision.

> I am now suffering from the anguish of having a large scar across my chest

> (located on the left side of my chest under my clavicle). The director of

> this same clinic also injested cortisone , so the area has thinned resulting

> in further spreading and pain in the scar. I am unable to do the things I

> formally enjoyed due to pain, nor can I wear a lot of clothing that does not

> adaquetly cover the area. I feel so violated, and a real sense of loss. I

> have not spoken to many people about this, for fear of being judged and being

> disappointed. I am speaking to a psychologist, and she has diagnosed Post

> Traumatic Stress, along with depresson and anxiety. I am tormented that if

> properly treated, with what I consented to (electrodessication ie: scraping &

> burning it off), I would not need to go through all of this. It is so

> important to check credentials for yourself when considering treatment, and

> not to just assume that a practioner is competent. I am really struggling

> with this, and hope others are out there that can relate to this type of loss

> and pain. I hope we can be of support to one another in regards to the loss

> that disfigurement creates, the anger that results from medical malpractice

> or the lonliness that health concerns create at a young age.

> Best Regards,

> Michele (please feel free to e-mail me privately as well, Bleylink@...)


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> The Being Sick Community


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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do

even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to

let go. " - Pueblo Prayer



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OUCHIES, hon. *hugs* I'm so sorry that it was painful for you.

:-( Let us know if you get the results today, won't you? My fingers

are crossed that you hear good news.


Barbara wrote:


All! Well I had my endometrial biopsy today.........felt like

I was giving birth all over again. OUCH!!!! Big time

hurt!!! Anyways, I should have results by Thursday! I will

keep you all informed. Take care! Love, Barb

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Being Sick Community

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~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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> Lyn, Im just east of Rochester. I met a soapmaker from Cortland

once. I

> think her name was , And I think the name of her soapy biz was

> Petal's Herbal Soap Works. She wouldnt know who I was cuz I was just

> starting out. Do you know her? She had an english accent.


> TTYL Lyn!

> Shaye

> The Soap Shack

> www.mysoapshack.com

nope, i never met a soaper named melanie.

i wonder if she is still soaping....hhmmmm.


misty morning

soaps & sundries

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Hmm I donno, this was like 3 years ago I met her.

Re: hello

> Lyn, Im just east of Rochester. I met a soapmaker from Cortland

once. I

> think her name was , And I think the name of her soapy biz was

> Petal's Herbal Soap Works. She wouldnt know who I was cuz I was just

> starting out. Do you know her? She had an english accent.


> TTYL Lyn!

> Shaye

> The Soap Shack

> www.mysoapshack.com

nope, i never met a soaper named melanie.

i wonder if she is still soaping....hhmmmm.


misty morning

soaps & sundries

Our members map


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> Hi lyn,

> I'm in Baldwinsville/Syracuse/Solvay. LOL

> I'm not kidding here.... Baldwinsville schools and phone number

> Syracuse mailing addy, but it goes through the Solvay post office,

but we can't put Solvay

> ohhhh yeah and we're in the Lakeside fire district! LOL

> AND if we order pizza, pizza it goes to another Lupine Drive on the

other side of Baldwinsville.

> Terri in Baldwinsville feeling very silly this morning :)

> PS at the bottom of all emails is a link to our member map

a members map!!!

geesh, do i feel stupid now or what!

sorry everyone...i will go check out the map.


misty morning

soaps & sundries

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Dear Barb,

Please don't over do it ok? Stupid thing to say really but please do

look after yourself.

Thats good on the the results but it still doesnt answer what the

problem is huh? Sometimes you just wish the result would be negative

so they can fix the damn thing.

We will miss you also.

Much love,


> Dear Friends,


> I'm sorry I haven't been back to post on my results, had a headache

from hell the last 3 days. My biopsy came back within normal limits,

so that kinda rules out anything the pap said. The doc still wants

to do an ultrasound & bloodwork, but I told him I want to quit for

now. As far as my chart is concerned, it says that everything is

normal. If we proceed with all the other tests, then I will probably

have a pre-existing condition for my next insurance co. which means

whatever the problem would be, won't be covered. (whenever my

husband gets a job with insurance) The doc wants me to come back in

3 months for another pap though. Oh well, I hope to have insurance

by then. I really miss everyone! Really enjoy reading all the

posts! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I start tomorrow for

my 1st full-time work. (40 hours) I'm covering for someone on

vacation. Then that someone is due to get a knee replacement, so

that means another 3 months at full-time at least....don't know if I

will be able to handle all those hours. This week is going to be

busy for me though, as my only day off, I have to take my mom to

Pittsburgh, (which is 1 hour away) for her asthma doctor

appointment. So if I'm a little quiet this week, you'll know that

I'm very busy & probably exhausted. I will be thinking of you all.

Take care & hang in there!


> Love ya,


> Barb :o)

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Hi, I'm pretty new to soapmaking and have been lurking on

the list for a bit. As of yet I have only made M & P soap-my kids

and friends love it, though. I am still collecting equipment and

supplies for CP soap. I live in Rochester and vacation in the

Thousand Islands ( Harbor.) Nice to see there are people

around me.


At 08:05 AM 03/15/2001, you wrote:



I'm , and I live inthe Thousand Islands region,a half hour north

of Watertown.


Northern Scentsations Soaps andToiletries


> since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to


> everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can you


> what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people

when i

> can match them to their town.

> thank you.

> lyn in cortland


> misty morning

> soaps & sundries


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Hey Dee, Nice to meet you! There are a few of us that live near Rochester too. I am out in Ontario, just east of Webster. is in Spencerport, Kim is in Leicster (I know I killed that name) and Kae is in Bristol.

WElcome to the group!

ShayeThe Soap Shackwww.mysoapshack.com

-----Original Message-----From: Dee Derbini [mailto:dderbini@...]Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:08 PM Subject: Re: Re: helloHi, I'm pretty new to soapmaking and have been lurking on the list for a bit. As of yet I have only made M & P soap-my kids and friends love it, though. I am still collecting equipment and supplies for CP soap. I live in Rochester and vacation in the Thousand Islands ( Harbor.) Nice to see there are people around me. DeeAt 08:05 AM 03/15/2001, you wrote:

Hi, Lyn!I'm , and I live inthe Thousand Islands region,a half hour north of Watertown.GNorthern Scentsations Soaps andToiletrieshttp://northernscentsations.tripod.com/home/> since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to remember> everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can you say> what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people when i> can match them to their town.> thank you.> lyn in cortland> > misty morning> soaps & sundries

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I'm in Gates...small world...


At 08:55 AM 03/15/2001, you wrote:


mornin' Lyn (and all the rest of you too!),

I'm in Spencerport, just to the west side of Roch. So glad you

could join us!


Body & Soap


> > since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to


> > everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can


> say

> > what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember


> when i

> > can match them to their town.

> > thank you.

> > lyn in cortland

> >

> > misty morning

> > soaps & sundries



> Our members map




> All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT

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Guest guest

Hi, Dee!!

I'm just 40 minutes north of Harbor (which I refer to as

Land of the Cormorant Murderers) in Theresa (hey, we have a Rte 81

exit sign!). I spent a lot of time in Rochester during my college

years. LOVE it!


> > > since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to


> > > everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you all....can


> >say

> > > what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember people

> >when i

> > > can match them to their town.

> > > thank you.

> > > lyn in cortland

> > >

> > > misty morning

> > > soaps & sundries

> >

> >

> >

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, We usually go up Rt 104 when we go up there as I have

two kids and a dog and we can usually make it to Oswego before they're

hungry and driving us crazy (and one of them is 16!) Sometimes we

do go the Thruway, usually on a holiday weekend. I am just a

summer person (and don't own any property!) so have nothing to do with

the mess about the Comorants-LOL! How, about Association

Island? That's such a mess...


At 06:39 AM 03/21/2001, you wrote:



I'm just 40 minutes north of Harbor (which I refer to as

Land of the Cormorant Murderers) in Theresa (hey, we have a Rte 81

exit sign!). I spent a lot of time in Rochester during my college

years. LOVE it!


> > > since i a fairly new to this list....it is hard for me to


> > > everybody. so bear with me. if it is okay with you



> >say

> > > what area you are in? its alot easier for me to remember


> >when i

> > > can match them to their town.

> > > thank you.

> > > lyn in cortland

> > >

> > > misty morning

> > > soaps & sundries

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Deb,

You had mentioned that you live in Clockville, which road? As about twice a month I go thru Clockville, and I really would like to re-meet you.


Mint Meadows Goat Milk Soapswww.herbalsoap.org

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I will leave this on list in case anyone else comes by my ! :D

you are probably going through Clockville coming down the Oxbow right?(rt. 13) which means you come down and around the huge hill just before getting into town? Well, right off the bottom of the hill my road() turns off to the left if you are coming down it. I live way out on the other end where it T-s onto Rd. which I am sure you are also familiar with. My house is the big Gray/white one with the Red horse Barn right next to it and a porch across the front. there is also a black Monte Carlo sitting next to the drive. My aunts house is right next door which is green . I am usually here in the office during the day but have spent a lot of time with bob on the road for our spring business & shows of late. just give me a holler the night before you are coming through and I would love to see you! I have been talking to about getting another horse for my old barn but I must get my 19 year olds unused Bikes, car parts and junk out of my stalls first and drop another load of crushed stone & string 13 acres of fence before i do!


RE: Re: hello

Hi Deb,

You had mentioned that you live in Clockville, which road? As about twice a month I go thru Clockville, and I really would like to re-meet you.

Terry Mint Meadows Goat Milk Soapswww.herbalsoap.org

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Jenn, Sorry you are ill :-( We have some on here with Hodgkins.

Please keep us informed as to how you are doing.

{{{ Gentle Hugs }}}


In a message dated 4/4/2001 12:55:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, missng1976@... writes:

hey everyone,

I'm a newbie here. But I'm no newbie to being sick.. I have hodgkins disease. i was diagnosed the day after thanksgiving, 2000. i have been undergoing chemo for the past 4 months and have 2 more months of chemo to go.

all things considered, i guess things are going ok.

no one in my family has cancer, or any sort of disease for that matter. hodgkins has no known cause, as you probably have learned.

heather introduced (forced!) me to join this group. just kidding heather. :o)

just a quick note for now. i will write more when i can.

jenn in minnesota.

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