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How are you doing today? Has your pain let up at all?? Thanks for asking. Youall have been so supportive. No, it hasn't let up any. I was up until 8 am this morning and then only got about 2 hours of sleep. I found out that I am a real bitch when I have no sleep and am in pain LOL It just does something to your ability to deal with it.

My brother's girlfriend & her identical twin Bridget both have Endometriosis... that is one wicked surgery.... I never thought that part could swell to that big! Her crotch came all the way down to below her knees for about a week after the surgery... NO Thanks! I'll pass! Yeah, My stomach was so swollen, for a month all I could wear were sweats because nothing fit. Mostly didn't go out of the house and stayed in my housecoat.


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Hi Penny,

"Hi! Just wanted to see how everyone ws doing tonight. I got off work about 2 hours ago and still can't sleep because of the pain--even though I have taken 2 pain pills."

Are you feeling any better?

"I just had to quit my second job because I couldn't handle t anymore. I was taking care of an elderly man in his home and I couldn't handle the lifting."

I'm sorry to hear that :-(

"So here I am again feeling like a failure. I swear I hate the stupid diseases I have. I can't seem to get out of this depressed mood that I am in."

You are not a failue cause you are sick hon. You did not choose to be sick. Oh my how we are conditioned to believe that we should be "doing" and that if we cant we are failures. Hon - if you had a choice you would not be sick - none of us would be. Please dont beat yourself up for being depressed. Its natural to get depressed when you are sick and you basically are forced to kiss your dreams goodbye. Are you on antidepressants? Or had any counselling to help you with this? Do you get much support?

"Well, I am sorry for being so depressing. I hope everyone is doing well."

You never need apologise. LOL we are all misery guts here! Vent all you need hon.

Love Aisha the Madwoman.

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are you doing today? Has your pain let up at all??

Thanks for asking. You all

have been so supportive. No, it hasn't let up any. I was up

until 8 am this morning and then only got about 2 hours of sleep.

I found out that I am a real bitch when I have no sleep and am in pain

LOL It just does something to your ability to deal with it.

Well, I

can tell you all about no sleep... I am REAL familiar with that little

event. My inability to sleep for the last 3 or so years, isn't totally

due to pain, although that does keep me awake often too.... TMJ, knee injuries,

inability to breathe (due to allergies), PMS, there is more but it has

escaped my brain at the moment!

The thing

that has kept me awake most nights since June 7, 1997... is from the events

of that night! I was an Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide

survivor that night, but just barely! I was found dead, at the hands

of a child, who was still actively trying to kill me when she was caught....

30-60 more seconds and she would have succeeded forever, or had the other

child there not come to my rescue when the cord was removed, I would have

stayed dead too... because 911 was not contacted until I walked into the

ER almost 3 hours later. But when they were contacted... the child

was in custody within an hour. And was charged as an adult immediately

with attempted homicide.

You will

never hear me say a bad thing about Law Enforcement.

#1 because

I worked directly with them for a long time... I am / was a paramedic until

my allergies put an end to that.

#2 because

if it wasn't for the police in Eau , Wisconsin the child and the

facility she was in (that I worked at) would have swept the entire incident

under the rug.


of my friends are Law Enforcement... and right now that is really hard

because Thursday August 31, one of our MN State Patrol officers was struck

and killed by a semi truck on I-90.


I'll stop babbling about this!!

I know

most people bitch when they get a ticket... I don't just because even if

I didn't think I deserved one at that time, I did many times prior to it!


brother's girlfriend & her identical twin Bridget both have

Endometriosis... that is one wicked surgery.... I never thought that part

could swell to that big! Her crotch came all the way down to below

her knees for about a week after the surgery... NO Thanks! I'll pass!

Yeah, My stomach was so swollen,

for a month all I could wear were sweats because nothing fit. Mostly

didn't go out of the house and stayed in my housecoat.

All I can

say about this is YUCKY!!!

As for

your pain medication problem... I understand that one too!!!

I was

told (the other day) that I can't not have pain medication for my TMJ &

dental work because there is a history of addiction in my family.

I don't drink, I don't do drugs, yet I am being punished for the sins of

those in my family that came before me!!

Sadly the person I saw that denied me pain

medication is RELATED TO ME! It was my Mom's cousin, who I am currently

seeing about my pretty case of Post Traumatic Stress, he is a psychiatrist.

He says that because my Grandfather was an alcoholic, that it is in the

genes.... He did a lot to try to help my Grandfather before he died

of cardiovascular disease compounded by alcoholism, but also had a history

of an aneurysm on the aortic arch into his heart. I never

even met my Grandfather, he died 8 to 10 years before I was born!

I could go stand in front of a bus, so that

I will have injuries sufficient to warrant the pain medication I am NOT

allergic to!! It is such BS.

I have

49 drug allergies at this point, so my pain medication choices are....


Fentanyl (schedule 2 narcotic)

Percocet (schedule 2 narcotic)

or Muscle


Valium (schedule 4 Controlled Substances)

Ativan (schedule 4 Controlled Substances)




It actually

says this on my medication/allergy list!


enough babbling already! Have to read that message from Aisha about

my "PMS.... Aisha losing her mind!!!! <---- Anne loosing her chocolates"

message that just arrived!


go, storms all over !




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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jodi

are you new to the group?(I am so I dont know who is and whos " been around " .

I'm also looking for some new friends as I have moved and had to leave my job

etc. so please email me any time!



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At 06:36 AM 10/18/2000 +0000, you wrote:

>Hello everyone. Hope all are the best that can be hoped for. I am

>looking to make a few new friends and maybe have someone to talk to

>on long nights like these. Also am willing to lend a sympethetic ear.




Welcome to the list. You'll find a lot of great people here.....lots

of love and support. As for the long nights.....yea, they can be

tough. Luckily, I don't get too many of those. I am an early riser,

though, so perhaps you'll still be up, when I'm getting up at 5am

(eastern). Actually, if you're still up, I hope it's because you want to

be, not because you have to be.

Take care, and I look forward to hearing more from you,

in NJ

E-Mail: mailto:tabco@...

Web Page: http://www.bee.net/tabco/

Net Pager: http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3106983

ICQ # 3106983

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Hi Colleen , my name is (also pretty new to the group) I hope you

don't mind me writing you but I thought I would just say HI!!!

Re: Hello

> Hi Jodi

> are you new to the group?(I am so I dont know who is and whos " been

around " .

> I'm also looking for some new friends as I have moved and had to leave my


> etc. so please email me any time!

> Hugs

> Colleen


> The Being Sick Community


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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer



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Hi Colleen,

I am from NY. Where are you from?


Re: Hello

> Hi

> Welcome to the group. Where are you located?? Feel free to write any time

> Hugs

> Colleen


> The Being Sick Community


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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer



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Hi Colleen,

I hope you get over it soon ,I know what it is like to have to live a

place you reaaly don't want to be. Now I know this is going to prove how

really stupid I am but what are sjogrens?


Re: Hello

> Hi

> Im from Kansas. Was living and loving it in Arizona, but due to sjogrens


> to move back to KS:-( But I am getting over it!

> Colleen


> The Being Sick Community


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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you

must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if

it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer



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NO you are not stupid I sure wish I had never heard of sjogrens and did not

know what it was myself. It is an autoimmune disease similar to lupus in

which the immune system attacks the lacrimal glads and salivary glands

basically all the moisture producing glands of the body. You also have the

fatigue and joint/skin symptoms of lupus. LOVELY> My eyes are really the

only disabling symptom. With no tears being released I CONSTANLY have to put

in artificial tears and ointment. I think a few others on this list have it

and can relate.

Take care


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  • 2 weeks later...


You can contact the University of maryland medical center. The 2 EP Doctors

you woould want to speak to are Dr. Gold and Dr. s. They bothe have

written papers on many subjects.

Sue Bayer

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> __Hello Toru; Please contact Dr. Yee with your inquiries_,

he can be reached at London Health Sciences_c/o University Hospital

London Ontario Canada. He is a very well respected Cardiologist

specializing in ICD work and is a leader in the ICD field in Canada.

I hope that this is of some value to you.

Davey____________________________________________ Reply


> Sub: " What to do??? "

> From: Dougall ( davey@b... )

> Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000



> Hello,


> I'm Toru, Japanese medical student.

> I want to major in Cardiology in the future. I found this mailin


> when I was looking for searching the web site associated with



> I found many patients who was implanted ICD when I was rotating in

> cardiology department.


> Now I'm researching the relation ship between coronary bypass


> and supraventricular tachicardia.

> I think after bypass operation, people become liliable to get


> Do you know any information or mailing list about cardiology or



> Regards

> Toru


> ------------------------------------------

> ¡¡

> Toru Inami

> ¡¡¡¡globaltravel/

> ICQ: 48645186


> -----------------------------------------

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________________________________________________ Reply


Sub: " Re: Hello "

From: davey@... ( davey@... )

Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000

Hi Davey

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Who is Dr. ? I don't know his e-mail address.

I want to contact him, so if you know his e-mail address,

please e-mail me directly.

Also, I have question. Are the members of this group patients and

doctors? Is there any doctors? If they are, I want to ask them about

cardiology in a foreign country, outside Japan.




>> __Hello Toru; Please contact Dr. Yee with your inquiries_,

>he can be reached at London Health Sciences_c/o University Hospital

>London Ontario Canada. He is a very well respected Cardiologist

>specializing in ICD work and is a leader in the ICD field in Canada.

>I hope that this is of some value to you.

>Davey____________________________________________ Reply


>> Sub: " What to do??? "

>> From: Dougall ( davey@b... )

>> Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000



>> Hello,


>> I'm Toru, Japanese medical student.

>> I want to major in Cardiology in the future. I found this mailin


>> when I was looking for searching the web site associated with



>> I found many patients who was implanted ICD when I was rotating in

>> cardiology department.


>> Now I'm researching the relation ship between coronary bypass


>> and supraventricular tachicardia.

>> I think after bypass operation, people become liliable to get


>> Do you know any information or mailing list about cardiology or



>> Regards

>> Toru


>> ------------------------------------------

>> ¡¡

>> Toru Inami

>> ¡¡¡¡globaltravel/

>> ICQ: 48645186


>> -----------------------------------------



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________________________________________________ Reply


Sub: " Re: Hello "

From: Msuebayer@... ( Msuebayer@... )

Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000

Hi Sue

Thank you for your quck reply. Do you know their e-mail address?

I want contact them, I want to know the manifestation between the coronary

artery bypass operation and atrical tachycardia.

By the way, Are you a doctor?

Please e-mail me directly.





>You can contact the University of maryland medical center. The 2 EP Doctors

>you woould want to speak to are Dr. Gold and Dr. s. They bothe have

>written papers on many subjects.


>Sue Bayer


>-------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


>eGroups eLerts

>It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!





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> > __Hello Toru; Please contact Dr. Yee with your


> he can be reached at London Health Sciences_c/o University Hospital

> London Ontario Canada. He is a very well respected Cardiologist

> specializing in ICD work and is a leader in the ICD field in


> I hope that this is of some value to you.

> Davey____________________________________________ Reply

> _____Dr. Yee can be reached at London Health Sciences University

Campus_...Try that site


> > Sub: " What to do??? "

> > From: Dougall ( davey@b... )

> > Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000

> >

> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > I'm Toru, Japanese medical student.

> > I want to major in Cardiology in the future. I found this mailin

> list

> > when I was looking for searching the web site associated with

> cardiology.

> >

> > I found many patients who was implanted ICD when I was rotating


> > cardiology department.

> >

> > Now I'm researching the relation ship between coronary bypass

> operation

> > and supraventricular tachicardia.

> > I think after bypass operation, people become liliable to get

> tachicardia.

> > Do you know any information or mailing list about cardiology or

> tachicardia?

> >

> > Regards

> > Toru

> >

> > ------------------------------------------

> > ¡¡

> > Toru Inami

> > ¡¡¡¡globaltravel/

> > ICQ: 48645186

> >

> > -----------------------------------------

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Dear Toru: I have been told that because I have the patches sewn on my

heart, I am not able to have by-pass surgery. I'm so glad you are

researching this subject. Jeannie Rigod



> ________________________________________________ Reply


> Sub: " What to do??? "

> From: Dougall ( davey@... )

> Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000



> Hello,


> I'm Toru, Japanese medical student.

> I want to major in Cardiology in the future. I found this mailin list

> when I was looking for searching the web site associated with cardiology.


> I found many patients who was implanted ICD when I was rotating in

> cardiology department.


> Now I'm researching the relation ship between coronary bypass operation

> and supraventricular tachicardia.

> I think after bypass operation, people become liliable to get tachicardia.

> Do you know any information or mailing list about cardiology or



> Regards

> Toru


> ------------------------------------------

> ¡¡

> Toru Inami

> ¡¡¡¡globaltravel/

> ICQ: 48645186


> -----------------------------------------


> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

> http://www.ZapLife.org



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I want to thank those who understand that losing my cat Toadie, is hard

on me. Nothing compared to 's loss, which greatly grieves me. I

wish I could help you in this difficult time .

Not many know but, I lost my only child also. I know how deeply it hurts

me, and I lost my baby before I even knew I was pregnant. I can only

imagine the depth of the loss when you have gotten to love and hold your


, , all who have had this terrible loss, my heart goes out to

you. I am so sorry. May your God bless you and keep you. Know that your

child is an angel who will never have to suffer again.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pam,

I so know what you mean about the sinus, stuffiness, and constant nose

problems. Sara has been plagued with the same thing so much of her life;

however, we have had an incredible long streak from last March until two

weeks ago without her having the sinus stuff. I have said before that what I

think may be helping is that the minute I see her getting a runny nose, I put

saline nose drops in (a lot), use a humidifier, give her a nose spray

(Nasanex) from the dr., and give her echinacea. I have also been taking her

to a cranial osteopath, a doctor specially trained to do manipulations,

which can help keep sinuses draining, etc. She is currently on antibiotics,

because we lost the battle with this last bout, but I'm praying that this

winter won't be like last where she sounded very rattly due to her sinus

problems from Sept. until March. Tomorrow, I will send her to Kindergarten

sounding this way--because she is not contagious and feels fine--her

preschool got very use to her sounding rattly, but this will be new for her

Kindergarten teacher, since she has been clear until now...

I hope your girls are better soon.


Mom to Sara (DS) and 6 and Lucas 10

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Have you tried using a mild (over-the-counter) Saline nasal spray?? This

usually does the trick if you spray her nose once or twice before bed.


--On Sunday, November 26, 2000, 7:05 PM -0800 Pam Houser

<p_houser37@...> wrote:

> Is there anything else we can do for that?

> Allergy testing?

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As I have mentioned in the past, Rudy's " miracle " cure for all of his runny

nose & pneumonia bouts (too many to count) came when he was six and I had his

adnoids removed. Since that time (eight years!!) he literally has not had a

cold, much less pneumonia. He will occasionally get a bit of a runny nose

but it only lasts a day, maybe two but nothing requiring any medications. I

am a HUGE advocate for having the adnoids removed. As was told to me by the

specialist at Driscoll Childrens Hospital, the germs lay dormant on the

adnoids while the child is on antibiotics then after the 10-day round is done

it only takes 2-7 days for them to reawaken. If there are no adnoids they

get flushed out more efficiently. Since our kids tend to have the much

smaller nasal passages the adnoids literally fill up that narrow space. Ok,

I'll jump off the box now. Happy Holidays to you all.

mom to Rudy (ds) & 13 (14 in 5 days!) & TJ 17

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Thanks, I will try some saline drops. I have tried

them once before, but it is such a job trying to put

them in. I am giving them both echinacea, for the

first time and it seems to work well. I will

definately get the humidifier out again. I thought

maybe I could leave it in the closet a while. Guess

not. :)

Have a good day,


--- Rrietmann@... wrote:

> Hi Pam,


> I so know what you mean about the sinus, stuffiness,

> and constant nose

> problems. Sara has been plagued with the same thing

> so much of her life;

> however, we have had an incredible long streak from

> last March until two

> weeks ago without her having the sinus stuff. I

> have said before that what I

> think may be helping is that the minute I see her

> getting a runny nose, I put

> saline nose drops in (a lot), use a humidifier,

> give her a nose spray

> (Nasanex) from the dr., and give her echinacea. I

> have also been taking her

> to a cranial osteopath, a doctor specially trained

> to do manipulations,

> which can help keep sinuses draining, etc. She is

> currently on antibiotics,

> because we lost the battle with this last bout, but

> I'm praying that this

> winter won't be like last where she sounded very

> rattly due to her sinus

> problems from Sept. until March. Tomorrow, I will

> send her to Kindergarten

> sounding this way--because she is not contagious and

> feels fine--her

> preschool got very use to her sounding rattly, but

> this will be new for her

> Kindergarten teacher, since she has been clear until

> now...


> I hope your girls are better soon.


> Marcia

> Mom to Sara (DS) and 6 and Lucas 10


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



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