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Hi Marilyn,

Very interesting reading! It sounds as if you have some

great doctors who know what they are doing.

How soon after surgery will you be able to go back on your

regular daily meds?? I hurt just reading about the " baby steps, "

I know how that feels because at times I am forced to do the

" Ozzie shuffle " due to the pain in my ankles.

Thank goodness you will be feeling like a new person when

the " new year " arrives.

Wishing you a pain free night.


p.s. If the pain gets too bad, take the extra steroids, they are

only a temporary increase...I did that before my surgeries...then

decreased afterwards.

-- Surgery

Hello everyone and a fond welcome to all of our new members, I know you will

enjoy the friendship and information you find here.

As for me, well I'm still flaring from being off of the Remicade and since

my hip replacement surgery is just around the corner (Nov. 14th), my

Rheumatologist decided to take me off of the Arava to give it time to get

out of my body before surgery. So of course I'm going to be more sore then

I was the day before <<sigh>>. He told me I could increase my prednisone by

15mg - 20mg a day and alternate the dose. I think I might just increase it

slowly, I'm mean let's face it, why take an extra 10 mg of Prednisone when

5mg will do the job...right? I haven't felt this bad in years and there was

one day this week where it became impossible just to turn over in bed and I

was in pure agony, using my husbands arms to lean on just in order to take

baby steps to the bathroom! Good thing I live on one level, don't know what

I would do if my bathroom was on another floor!

Went in on Tuesday for my Pre-op consultation and even though I was there

for 8 hours, yes I said 8 hours, I couldn't beleive how organized they were

and there was hardly any waiting time and the doctors and technicians would

come walking in one right after another. I even brought a magazine to read

and never got the chance to look at it at all! I was thoroughly impressed.

When the internal medicine doc came to see me, she did a physical exam and

notice that my right side was tender and she thought she felt an

obstruction/mass or just plain something that shouldn't be there so she sent

me for an ultrasound. This ultrasound only showed my kidney stones, yes

those darn things are still there! I assumed that perhaps my kidney was

just tender and that was simply the problem but the doctor just called me

today and felt that it was something more in which the ultrasound wasn't

picking up and is setting up an appointment for me to have a catscan done of

my side as my surgeon is adamant that there is no infection in my body

before putting the new hip in! I'm so glad they are being so thorough with

this, even if I am getting sick of hospitals and doctors, lol.

They mentioned that after surgery, I would be in the hospital for about 5-7

days and then I would be transferred to a rehabilitative hospital for

another 1 - 2 weeks! So I should be out in the beginning of December. I

plan on buying all of my christmas gifts through the catalogues and online

as I won't be out and about!

The intern medicine doctor also mentioned it would be a good idea if I

donated my own blood prior to surgery incase I needed it. When I called the

clinic I was told that my hemoglobin was too low and needed to be above 130

to donate (mine was 122) and would require the drug EPREX (EPO) to boost the

hemoglobin. These are injections and cost about $300 per injection. Once I

told her of my other conditions such as diabetes, being on coumadin,

osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., she said I wouldn't be able to

take the EPO as these conditions somehow effect the drug or vise versa. So

since I can't take the EPO, I then do not qualify or meet the qualifications

to donate my own blood. So that is now no longer an option. Hey, at least

it saves me a lot of trouble running back and forth to the hospital for

injections and bloodwork and donating of blood (whew, just thinking about it

is making me tired..LOL).

While I was lying in the hospital room another doctor came in and my huband

said, " hello Dr. Levine, Marilyn this is the doctor from the ICU that saved

your life! " Of course I didn't remember because I was in a coma for 10 days,

so it was an absolute pleasure to meet him and thank him for all that he

did. Apparently, he is also an aneasthetist and there is a 1-30 chance that

he will be there on my surgery date...fingers crossed.

He told me that due to the problems I'm experiencing in my neck with the

tingling and numbness and the fact that I am suffering from Rheumatoid

Arthritis, he feels that it is best that I stay awake while they put the

tube down my throat before being put under. He said that they will spray

the inside of my mouth that will cause me to gag a bit and then while

putting the instruments down my throat along with the tube there were be a

short time where I won't be able to breath and will get anxious but no need

to worry that right after I will be breathing again, I guess through the

machine. So I must say this scares me to death, I have had this done before

and hated it, it is a terrible feeling not to be able to breath but my trust

is in my specialist and he said we want to be as safe as we can and this is

the best way so as much as I would rather just be put under and then let

them deal with it, I know that it is wiser and safer for them to go this

route so that is fine, I will learn to accept it, I do accept it I just

don't like it...LOL The reason for all this is because people with RA have

a tendency of their vetabrae's slipping out of place, etc. especially when

they are manipulating the neck and this in turn can or could cause

paralaysis. So this is why they want me awake when putting the tube down.

Anyway, the bloodwork, ultrasound, xrays, teaching/videos, pharmacist,

aneasthetist, intern doc, EKG test, etc. were all done and taken care of so

now I just need to concentrate on this darn cold I have developed as it

appears to be heading into my chest now and I need to get rid of it..ASAP!!

Oh yeah and by the way, I managed to finally talk them into admitting me the

day before surgery, due to my coumadin and all the bloodwork testing that

has to be done the day before to make sure it is fine for surgery, I just

felt it could be better controlled in the hospital so it is a big relief to

know that on that side of things, everything will be well taken care of.

Sorry that this is soooo long, hope I didn't bore ya!

Take care,



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Tricia, gee that is a good question about when I will be able to start the

medications again. I have been so busy with the doctors just trying to

figure out how soon to stop the certain drugs before surgery and what ones

to continue that I didn't even think about after surgery...yikes! Let's

hope the nurses and doctors will sort that out in the hospital.

Yes, I'm finally beginning to take the extra Prednisone as needed. Like

today I took an additional 5mg and even though my fingers are still sore and

swollen at least I can still function to a certain degree.

Thanks for caring,


>>Hi Marilyn,

How soon after surgery will you be able to go back on your

regular daily meds?? I hurt just reading about the " baby steps, "

I know how that feels because at times I am forced to do the

" Ozzie shuffle " due to the pain in my ankles.

Thank goodness you will be feeling like a new person when

the " new year " arrives.

Wishing you a pain free night.


p.s. If the pain gets too bad, take the extra steroids, they are

only a temporary increase...I did that before my surgeries...then

decreased afterwards. <<


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  • 2 months later...

Good luck, Jess!


hey guys its me, jessica. i am having surgery jan 7th. to get my

tonsils out and a gtube. at primary childrens hospital in salt lake

city. dr swoboda will be there, not sure u guys have heard of her.

anyways-wish me some luck cuz ill freakin need it! thanks


visit my new website at: www.jessicaonline.tk

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Good luck! i¹ve heard that dr. swoboda is great.

Nice website! I like your artistic photography. Who is Cody? Is he on

this list?

On 1/4/03 1:33 AM, " rhinestonecowgurl00 <heaven20seven@...> "

<heaven20seven@...> wrote:

> hey guys its me, jessica. i am having surgery jan 7th. to get my

> tonsils out and a gtube. at primary childrens hospital in salt lake

> city. dr swoboda will be there, not sure u guys have heard of her.

> anyways-wish me some luck cuz ill freakin need it! thanks


> jessica

> visit my new website at: www.jessicaonline.tk




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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

You so crack me up Carmen. Tell Jerry be nice and no company now!! Love

you both, Melt in CA

Ps wish you were back here so I could be close enough for some real TLC when

you got home. Biggest hugs.

----- Original Message -----

From: <pscarmen@...>

> I think Jerry's relieved that it will be after Memorial Day so I can still

> cook for the thousand and one people he's invited over. He's sooooo

> compassionate....... :o(

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  • 1 month later...
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Take good care of yourself.....no one can take your place in the humorous side of life on here. Now when I eat bacon I will think of you. Maybe that's not so good.....I hardly eat bacon these days. Anyway, I will keep you in my thoughts and hope for the safest surgery and quickest recovery.

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All good thoughts and prayers are heading your way and mine don't have

to go far.... just a couple of hours!

Best to you Bill, I know you will be back soon with more humor -- look

at this and obtaining more good material for us to enjoy your humor!



All: Am

going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. Looks

very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to do a replacement

instead. A pig valve, it's been already decided if such is needed.

My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty when I eat bacon. You

folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes and

worse puns for about a week. I'll be signing off on sunday afternoon

and returning in about a week. Thanks

for all you have given me over the years. I look forward to torturing

you some more when I get back. Best. Bill

Please visit the Zapper homepage at


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Bill, you already know the joke about eating the pig one part at a

time. Good luck in your valve replacement. I'll send good thoughts your

way and prayers to the heavens.


On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 10:40 AM, BILLANDMARTHAMAHAN wrote:

> All:


> Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. 

> Looks very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to

> do a replacement instead.  A pig valve, it's been already decided if

> such is needed.  My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty

> when I eat bacon.


> You folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes

> and worse puns for about a week.  I'll be signing off on sunday

> afternoon and returning in about a week.


> Thanks for all you have given me over the years.  I look forward to

> torturing you some more when I get back.


> Best.


> Bill





> Please visit the Zapper homepage at

> http://www.ZapLife.org



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Hi Bill,

All the best on your repair/replacement. We'll look forward to your return!



Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. Looks very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to do a replacement instead. A pig valve, it's been already decided if such is needed. My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty when I eat bacon.

You folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes and worse puns for about a week. I'll be signing off on sunday afternoon and returning in about a week.

Thanks for all you have given me over the years. I look forward to torturing you some more when I get back.


BillPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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im curious. how many minutes does it take for you to fill your room up

with nurses listening to your wit and stories.

be good, be careful and most of all,, be safe and get back here to make us


bob in ms

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----- Original Message -----

From: " RJS " <

> How many minutes does it take

> for you to fill your room up with

> nurses listening to your wit and

> stories?


It doesn't matter. it only takes a nano second for Martha to empty that

room and scare the wits out of me as I try to think up some good stories as

why they were there in the first place.

Thanks for the well wishes.

From California where filling up a room with women is easy. Just put a sign

on the door that says, " SALE. "


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Bill, I will be thinking of you and remembering you in prayers...

don't do anything we wouldn't do and come back to entertain us w/your

wonderful sense of humor ASAP... Be well, Bill!!!

JES in 'Jersey

> All:


> Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto.

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----- Original Message -----

From: " JES "

> . . . don't do anything we wouldn't do . . .


Boy, you sure give me a lot to look forward to. Between the defibs we all

have, our average age, the wives and hausbands most of us have looking over

our shoulders, the effects of gravity, medications and common sense, there's

not a whol lot left, is there? used to be I'd have to lie and say I didn't

do it, now I lie and say I can do it. Will you at least let me fantasize?

Thanks for the well wishes.

From california where I used to fantasize abount a girl's panty size, but

now it's I can't sighs.


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Dear Bill, I hope you get t his before you sign off for the hospital. Please know that you will be in my heart and on my mind. Although we have never met I feel like I know you so well. I know that you are strong and that you will handle this like a pro.

Please know that my prayers and good vibes will be sent your way daily not only to you and but to Martha and the rest of your family.

I will keep a light burning bright until you are home and back at the Internet again making your wonderful jokes.

Would live to have an adr to send you some jokes if you would mind please send it to my e-mail adr

Keep and upbeat and positive attitude and God Speed in your recovery/

Love and Prayers

Sharon in Ohio

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Bill best of Luck bud. Best health to you. My prayers and though( as you know) Waiting for a speedy recovery. TURK

PS: Martha please keep us updated.



Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. Looks very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to do a replacement instead. A pig valve, it's been already decided if such is needed. My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty when I eat bacon.

You folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes and worse puns for about a week. I'll be signing off on sunday afternoon and returning in about a week.

Thanks for all you have given me over the years. I look forward to torturing you some more when I get back.


BillPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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You are giving us women in California a bad image......

From California where filling up a room with women is easy. Just put a sign

on the door that says, "SALE."

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thanks for the well wishes. Have enjoyed your correspondence and look forward to more. Humor really has been the most important medication in my life, and I wish I could convince others to constantly make jokes when things are tough. makes the brain think a lot clearer. Or in my case it keeps the brain from embasrrassing itself.

Thanks afian for the good thoughts and prayers. Will write in about a week.



Re: surgery

Dear Bill, I hope you get t his before you sign off for the hospital. Please know that you will be in my heart and on my mind. Although we have never met I feel like I know you so well. I know that you are strong and that you will handle this like a pro.Please know that my prayers and good vibes will be sent your way daily not only to you and but to Martha and the rest of your family. I will keep a light burning bright until you are home and back at the Internet again making your wonderful jokes. Would live to have an adr to send you some jokes if you would mind please send it to my e-mail adr Keep and upbeat and positive attitude and God Speed in your recovery/Love and PrayersSharon in Ohio Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Thanks again, Turk. Will talk later. Hope your Mom's doing better.





Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. Looks very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to do a replacement instead. A pig valve, it's been already decided if such is needed. My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty when I eat bacon.

You folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes and worse puns for about a week. I'll be signing off on sunday afternoon and returning in about a week.

Thanks for all you have given me over the years. I look forward to torturing you some more when I get back.


BillPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Bridget " <

> Good luck Bill, I'll miss your punniness

> while you're gone so hurry back.



thanks for the good luck wishes, but howcum you said punniness and not

funniness. you must have been reading what i wrote.


From California where a punny saved is better than a punny told.



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> From California where a punny saved is better than a punny told.


> Bill

No no NO, Live life to the fullest! Spend all those punnies as often

as you can!!!!!!!


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Hope all goes well with your surgery. We will be thinking and praying about and for you.

Keep the humor going. Sometimes humor can heal a lot more than the Dr.





Am going in Monday morning for a mitral valve repair in Modesto. Looks very good now, but there is possibility that they will have to do a replacement instead. A pig valve, it's been already decided if such is needed. My only concern is that I might start feeling guilty when I eat bacon.

You folks are gonna have to find someone else to provide the bad jokes and worse puns for about a week. I'll be signing off on sunday afternoon and returning in about a week.

Thanks for all you have given me over the years. I look forward to torturing you some more when I get back.


BillPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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  • 2 months later...


I too had ganglion cycts removed from the left hand 20 or so years

ago. Almost forgot about that. I think hairdressing for 28 years has

contributed to my hand/wrist woes. Although things are starting to

heal. Good thing you have help...should make it easier for you. Did

you know years, and I mean years ago, they took a very heavy book and

slammed the ganglion cysts with it, breaking it and no need for

surgery???? OH my...Best of luck to you and wishing a speedy

recovery. Kim C

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