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Unfortunately, it sounds like you’ve run into a few

non-certified trainers. There are no laws requiring certification to be

able to work as a personal trainer, so there are a lot of disreputable people

out there who call themselves personal trainers and really know absolutely

nothing about personal training. Gyms often hire people who workout a lot

and look good. That’s a practice that is getting lower and lower

over the years, but it does still happen. I recommend to everyone I meet that

no matter what trainer you hire, ask to see their certifications. If they

are truly certified, they will be proud to show them to you.

Also, just FYI, PT is the legal abbreviation for Physical

Therapist. PT’s require at least a masters or doctorate degree, where

personal trainers just get certified. So, as personal trainers, we can’t

use that abbreviation. Not that it bothers me as I knew what you meant,

but if you use that for personal trainer around a groups of physical therapists,

they will totally get peeved! LOL



[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 10:00 AM

Subject: Re: Hi

Wow, sounds

very intense but awesome! You are exactly who I was looking for a few years ago

when I first wanted to start exercising again after a mastectomy (and I could

afford some personal training here & there). I went to a couple of gyms and

asked for a trainer that was experienced with people recovering from surgery or

more specifically, what I had done, which involved disconnecting and

reconnecting muscles. No one had anyone specifically trained in that area

except a Curves like gym and I don't love those places so I didn't join

(had a bad experience with someone who called herself a PT that owned one like

it and don't trust them now). Others assured me anyone could work with me. I

went to the Family Fitness Factory because it is 1/4 mile from my house and the

person I worked with seemed good even though she said she was still finishing

her first certification. I only had probably 2 sessions with her. She seemed

okay but not great. I think I was looking for Jillian s and got

Sansone! :-) My daughter was also 2 and screaming her guts out in

the nursery so much so that the caregivers came and got me off the floor a

couple of times to take her out and I couldn't or wouldn't workout in the

evenings so I gave up for a while. Anyway, I'm very glad to know there is such

certfication and training. I've talked with some people who call themselves

trainers that don't seem to know their knee from their elbows let alone what is

safe or beneficial. This is super interesting, especially since I'm still

recovering from a similar surgery now (had it Sept. 18, replacing the implant

they put in a few months after my mastectomy) and trying to figure out what I

can do without causing injury. It seems like the muscle (primarily the

pectoralis major) is mostly healed, still have some twinges but nothing

terrible anymore. I'm still rebuilding my strength and endurance. I'm going

slowly and testing things out as I go along. Anyway, this kind of training is

just awesome, I'm really excited to hear more about it. I had no idea PTs had

to learn so much but it certainly makes sense that if you're going to do that

kind of work that you should know so much (really makes me wonder about some of

the knee from elbow people I've met too though). Thanks so much for

sharing about it, I'll look forward to hearing more!


Original Message -----

From: Marla

Sent: Wednesday, December

09, 2009 10:16 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

Great question. I'll answer best I can from my own experience.

The first certification I attained was American Council on

Exercise two years ago. I've worked out most of my adult life, so I figured I

knew a lot and that it wouldn't be too difficult. I was surprised at all

there was to learn. It felt like a major feat to get that certification.

When I attended an ACE workshop the master trainer there mentioned

movement assessments, which is at the core of the National Academy of Sports

Medicine (NASM) certification.

I got my NASM certified personal trainer certification last

January, which did cover movement assessments and how to properly progress a

client to prevent injuries. For example: it's very important to

strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the spine before asking a client to

flex their spine -- in other words, don't start with crunches, start with


NASM is all about movement assessments, safe and proper

progression, muscle imbalances, proper muscle recruitment, structural

alignment, resetting the muscles back to their optimal length, etc., as well as

how to begin and progress a client through a good cardio interval program.

NASM does include this material in the CPT studies, and you need

the NASM CPT certification before you can continue on to

the Corrective Exercise Specialist. The CES takes what I

learned with my CPT and goes much deeper into each of those topics, covering

each joint region of the body with more depth, more specifics, etc.

ACE and NASM are the only two agencies I'm certified through (for

now), so I can only speak of those. Hope that helps.



Sent: Wednesday, December

09, 2009 8:04 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi


certainly makes sense. So much so that it leads me to what is probably a

question that can't be answered here but I'll ask anyway... why is such

education a separate certificate rather than it being included in the basics

for personal trainers? I'd certainly want a trainer teaching me that way. On

the same wavelength, I read an article in the local paper (Livingston County

Press & Argus, if you get it Marla) a couple few months ago about how I

think it was the military was just starting a new way of training people

(physically) that included awareness of activities, exercises, etc. that are

more likely to cause injury and that they were designing their

training now to avoid injury. I thought that was extremely interesting

because my own experience with the military and other forms of training

(non-athletic/physical) is that they were usually ahead of the game in terms of

training techniques and others learned from them. I also thought it would have

been a no brainer to find ways to train (physically) soldiers so they would not

regularly sustain injuries from the training. I guess harder and faster rather

than smarter was the rule until recently. That was my impression anyway.


Original Message -----

From: Marla

Sent: Wednesday, December

09, 2009 1:41 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

The great thing about corrective exercise is that it can actually

help prevent those injuries before they occur. That's the goal.



Sent: Tuesday, December

08, 2009 10:03 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi


interesting! I have thought of these kinds of situations to be within the scope

of a physical therapist but not a personal trainer. This is fantastic though,

I'll look forward to reading more as you continue through your certification

process and your work with clients in these areas!


Original Message -----

From: Marla

Sent: Tuesday, December

08, 2009 7:52 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

Hi ,

Many common injuries are caused by muscle imbalances/movement

impairments, which can be caused by poor structural alignment (bad

posture), overuse, repetitive movements, bad movement techniques, etc.

Corrective exercise utilizes movement assessments to target regions of the body

that have overactive and underactive muscles. Once we find those movement

impairments/imbalances, we design a very specific program to correct those

issues --we reset the muscles to proper resting length, activate the

underactive muscles, re-educate the neuromuscular system to utilize those

muscle groups that are intended to work together, improve coordination,

etc. It's really super interesting!

Common injuries include:

plantar fasciitis

Achilles tendonitis

shin splints

runner's knee

jumper's knee

low back pain (of course)

leg muscle strains

rotator cuff tears/impingement

you get the idea


Sent: Tuesday, December

08, 2009 3:54 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

Hi Marla,

I'm not Darcy

but am wondering what Corrective Exercise Specialist certification is about?

What kind of corrections and for what kinds of conditions?



Original Message -----

From: Marla

Sent: Tuesday, December

08, 2009 9:01 AM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

Hi Darcy!

How are you and all your guys?

I left my gym job and went out on my own. I'm training clients in

their homes now, which I really like. There were a lot of changes at the gym

(not good ones), and I knew it was time to leave -- I was not on board

with the cookie-cutter approach they were adopting. Plus, I was just too

busy, as you know.

I'm currently working on my Corrective Exercise Specialist

certification with NASM, too. I love this stuff.


From: Darcy


Sent: Monday, December

07, 2009 8:48 PM

Subject: Re: [Exercise

Videos] Hi

Hi Marla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo cool to

have you over here with us!!! Yes it is I from the " cathe

group " ;) How are things with you???? Still busy as


So happy to hear from you again. And thrilled you've joined our



On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Marla <gmarla@...> wrote:

I hope it's the Darcy and Tonya I knew previously on the Cathe

group. That would be great.


From: Kassia

Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 2:18 PM

Subject: Re: Hi

LOL i thought that when my dh signed up for the y i would

use the gym more but actually i am not buying as many cardio/strength vids

but now i am buying more bellydancing,pilates, and barre workout vids LOL. i

guess you are right you can always pick up a trick or two from a video

instructor to take with her in your lessons. we have a few other personal

trainers in the group as well. tonya is currently doing more schooling(as if

her credentials she already had weren't enough she needs more LOL) and darcy

does some clients and our own moderator/owner laura teacher turbo kick. our

own nancy(the front page queen) is WW coach and she is great.

we have a few others so if i missed you so sorry about that!

running off to pick my DD for her dr. appointment.she is autistic so 2 twice

a year i have to see the specialist then 4 times a week for home therapy so i

always have something on my plate.


From: gmarlasbcglobal (DOT) net <gmarlasbcglobal (DOT) net>

Subject: Hi

Date: Monday, December 7, 2009, 1:51 PM

Hi -- I'm new to the group.

My name is Marla, I live in Michigan with my husband and two kids, and I'm

47. I'm an exercise video junkie. Seriously. :D

------------ --------- --------- ------

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  • 2 months later...

hi there,

Gosh, I could sit and watch the Mississippi River all day/night. Sounds so

beautiful Chris.

Take care!

Love, Wanda


> This did not go through last night so I am trying once again this

> morning.


> Hello to all of you. I have been reading the messages but lot's has been

> going on. I was with my aunt for a few days and will be leaving again

> tomorrow to be with her for a few days at a beautiful little place on the

> Mississippi river. It's called Vision of Peace and it is the site of an

> old Benedictine monastery. All of the original buildings are gone but

> there are individual hermitages built into the bluffs overlooking the

> river. I have been meaning to measure myself but I never think about it

> until it's not a time I can do it so I'll just wait til the end of the

> month. Welcome to the group . I know you will enjoy it as

> everyone here is so friendly and helpful. I'd like to lose about 30 also

> so I'm right with you and . The following " thought " is from the Brat

> Factor and I love it. I really like the idea of thinking of each day as

> a life in miniature. Take care and keep LLing!

> Chris



> Marcus Aurelius said, " Each day provides its own gifts. I love this quote

> and it reminds me of another one by Wilferd author of The Art of

> Living books, " Each day is a lifetime in miniature. " Just think, each day

> holds a parade of adventures in the form of new ideas, unexpected

> encounters, a piece of important information or a spiritual breakthrough.

> ____________________________________________________________

> Small Business Tools

> Compete with the big boys. Click here to find products to benefit your







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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I think youre going to get alot of respons on this one. I am a divorced parent

and my 8 year old son is over weight and lives with his father. So i battel this

eminsly. I beleive that we all find are paths at the right time in our lives.

Its hard as a parent to know that you know what is best for youre child but it

seems everything is fighting you. I give that responsibility to my son. I teach

him the best I can and tell him his body is his. Its his choice what goes in and

how he lives. I beleive that even though he is my son i understand that i do not

control him. Just as the adults that are around.

I hope this provides some peace for you.


On Thu Mar 25th, 2010 10:27 PM EDT choco4yoko wrote:


>Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

>the only problem is with other people.

>its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive in

the same thing that I do.

>well, do you have the same issues?

>how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!


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Hi fellow mother

Nope, not easy at all - sorry I can't give you any solutions that I succeeded with, but can tell you, some of what I've practiced has sunk in to my children, at different times, with different interests - and of course, I keep hoping eventually they will all (including my husband) understand how much healthier it is.

But I must tell you everyone is different!!!!! Most of the advice I was given was just to be a good example - unfortunately, I am human and am far from practicing as well as I'd like, but that's where I try to put most of my efforts, as trying to force it on others is sometimes fruitless as best, and cause of many fights at worst.

As far as parties, maybe you can talk to the parents of the birthday child - but again, hard to change others.

At least make sure your parties are the BEST - find amazing food that's healthy and show others it can be done

also if you start searching hard, maybe you can find a school that has the same philosophy as you do, or at least is open to new ideas - I read in the papers more and more wonderful news of schools going towards healthier options. btw, how old is your child?

Where do you live? Do you know of http://www.christinacooks.com/health_initiative - she's very very dedicated to getting kids to eat healthier - she goes to schools and teaches kids - and when she was here, she told us she's working on a tv program for kids (she now has one for adults on PBS).

The best of luck - don't play guilt trips on others, won't work, believe me!!!! best just to keep offering your food to them with love.


From: choco4yoko <choco4yoko@...> Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 5:27:55 AMSubject: hi

Hi Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.the only problem is with other people.its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive in the same thing that I do.well, do you have the same issues?how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

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That's right. I know my daughter is not ME. she is an individual person who can

and should decide what she wants to eat herself.

I know it in my head.... yes. But watching her father feeding her DORITO right

now? My heart is weeping.....


> >Hi

> >Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

> >the only problem is with other people.

> >its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive

in the same thing that I do.

> >well, do you have the same issues?

> >how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

> >


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Guilt trips?

yeah that's what I know I shouldn't do.

watching her father feeding JUNK to my daughter and I have to try so hard not to

say anything. I just wish he was more educated or at least could accept where

I'm coming from.


> Hi fellow mother


> Nope, not easy at all - sorry I can't give you any solutions that I succeeded

with, but can tell you, some of what I've practiced has sunk in to my children,

at different times, with different interests - and of course, I keep hoping

eventually they will all (including my husband) understand how much healthier it



> But I must tell you everyone is different!!!!! Most of the advice I was given

was just to be a good example - unfortunately, I am human and am far from

practicing as well as I'd like, but that's where I try to put most of my

efforts, as trying to force it on others is sometimes fruitless as best, and

cause of many fights at worst.


> As far as parties, maybe you can talk to the parents of the birthday child -

but again, hard to change others.


> At least make sure your parties are the BEST - find amazing food that's

healthy and show others it can be done


> also if you start searching hard, maybe you can find a school that has the

same philosophy as you do, or at least is open to new ideas - I read in the

papers more and more wonderful news of schools going towards healthier

options.  btw, how old is your child?


> Where do you live? Do you know of

http://www.christinacooks.com/health_initiative - she's very very dedicated to

getting kids to eat healthier - she goes to schools and teaches kids - and when

she was here, she told us she's working on a tv program for kids (she now has

one for adults on PBS).


> The best of luck - don't play guilt trips on others, won't work, believe

me!!!! best just to keep offering your food to them with love.


> Klara





> ________________________________

> From: choco4yoko <choco4yoko@...>


> Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 5:27:55 AM

> Subject: hi



> Hi

> Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

> the only problem is with other people.

> its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive

in the same thing that I do.

> well, do you have the same issues?

> how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!


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Awww. I understand and my heart goes out to you. I want to share with you a

recent conversation i had with my son. He was so excited to tell me that he has

cutt his sugar intake. He sad he still eats a little but not much. Inch by inch

moment by moment we do make a difference in there lives.

I think it would be very hard to be a male meat eater i dont think they help

there actions on there food choices lol. Just stay at it dont give up hope. And

remember we r all about balence. So remember to balence youre own feelings and

peace will follow.

On Sun Mar 28th, 2010 2:08 AM EDT choco4yoko wrote:

>That's right. I know my daughter is not ME. she is an individual person who can

and should decide what she wants to eat herself.

>I know it in my head.... yes. But watching her father feeding her DORITO right

now? My heart is weeping.....




>> >Hi

>> >Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

>> >the only problem is with other people.

>> >its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive

in the same thing that I do.

>> >well, do you have the same issues?

>> >how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

>> >




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Awww. I understand and my heart goes out to you. I want to share with you a

recent conversation i had with my son. He was so excited to tell me that he has

cutt his sugar intake. He sad he still eats a little but not much. Inch by inch

moment by moment we do make a difference in there lives.

I think it would be very hard to be a male meat eater i dont think they help

there actions on there food choices lol. Just stay at it dont give up hope. And

remember we r all about balence. So remember to balence youre own feelings and

peace will follow.

On Sun Mar 28th, 2010 2:08 AM EDT choco4yoko wrote:

>That's right. I know my daughter is not ME. she is an individual person who can

and should decide what she wants to eat herself.

>I know it in my head.... yes. But watching her father feeding her DORITO right

now? My heart is weeping.....




>> >Hi

>> >Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

>> >the only problem is with other people.

>> >its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t belive

in the same thing that I do.

>> >well, do you have the same issues?

>> >how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

>> >




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I know how you feel. Not only did my son choose to dismissmacrobiotics as a child - but now I watch from a distance ashis 3 children live on soda, sugar, and quite a bit of junk foodand processed food. Perhaps when they are older I will havean opportunity to explain why I eat differently - but that willbe at some point in the future when they are no longer livingwith mom and dad. From my experience all you can do is offerthe very best foods to your child[ren] hoping they will eat it -and then be the very best example you can be yourself.

Blessings, EmLet everything you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14

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I know how you feel. Not only did my son choose to dismissmacrobiotics as a child - but now I watch from a distance ashis 3 children live on soda, sugar, and quite a bit of junk foodand processed food. Perhaps when they are older I will havean opportunity to explain why I eat differently - but that willbe at some point in the future when they are no longer livingwith mom and dad. From my experience all you can do is offerthe very best foods to your child[ren] hoping they will eat it -and then be the very best example you can be yourself.

Blessings, EmLet everything you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14

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I have no intention of changing anyone's mind about how they'd eat. thats their

choice I suppose. but it comes down to my desire for poeple I deeply care

about's well beings. of course I want my daugther to be happy and healthy.

I also have to remember that she will have to make her decisions like I had

done. She will make mistakes and hopefully learn from it....

thanks so much for your feedbacks. how good it is to hear from people who are

going thorough the similer thing.

> >>

> >> >Hi

> >> >Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

> >> >the only problem is with other people.

> >> >its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t

belive in the same thing that I do.

> >> >well, do you have the same issues?

> >> >how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >


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I have no intention of changing anyone's mind about how they'd eat. thats their

choice I suppose. but it comes down to my desire for poeple I deeply care

about's well beings. of course I want my daugther to be happy and healthy.

I also have to remember that she will have to make her decisions like I had

done. She will make mistakes and hopefully learn from it....

thanks so much for your feedbacks. how good it is to hear from people who are

going thorough the similer thing.

> >>

> >> >Hi

> >> >Ihave been doing macro for about 3 years and love it.

> >> >the only problem is with other people.

> >> >its hard applying it when you have a child and her father who doesn;t

belive in the same thing that I do.

> >> >well, do you have the same issues?

> >> >how do you cope with your childrens social side of things., like a crazy

sugerfilled, sausage and chip birthday parties!!!!!

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >


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well, I could only imagine how hard it would be to see your son choosing the way

he feeds his children. and i admire your positive attitutetowards it. you are so

right about setting the best example as you can and hopefully they will see in

their own time that they can be healthy and be in peace. because macrobitic is

not just about the food.

thanks for sharing your experience.


> I know how you feel. Not only did my son choose to dismiss

> macrobiotics as a child - but now I watch from a distance as

> his 3 children live on soda, sugar, and quite a bit of junk food

> and processed food. Perhaps when they are older I will have

> an opportunity to explain why I eat differently - but that will

> be at some point in the future when they are no longer living

> with mom and dad. From my experience all you can do is offer

> the very best foods to your child[ren] hoping they will eat it -

> and then be the very best example you can be yourself.

>                                                 Blessings,  Em


> Let everything you do be done in love.


> 1 Corinthians 16:14


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well, I could only imagine how hard it would be to see your son choosing the way

he feeds his children. and i admire your positive attitutetowards it. you are so

right about setting the best example as you can and hopefully they will see in

their own time that they can be healthy and be in peace. because macrobitic is

not just about the food.

thanks for sharing your experience.


> I know how you feel. Not only did my son choose to dismiss

> macrobiotics as a child - but now I watch from a distance as

> his 3 children live on soda, sugar, and quite a bit of junk food

> and processed food. Perhaps when they are older I will have

> an opportunity to explain why I eat differently - but that will

> be at some point in the future when they are no longer living

> with mom and dad. From my experience all you can do is offer

> the very best foods to your child[ren] hoping they will eat it -

> and then be the very best example you can be yourself.

>                                                 Blessings,  Em


> Let everything you do be done in love.


> 1 Corinthians 16:14


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Hi Jen- I know you!

So glad to hear you are still working with goats.

We live in VT where raw milk is luckily legal and we can get fresh raw goat and

cow milk, and raw butter.

We just bought 50 acres and an ancient farmstead that we are going to rehab over

the next couple of years, and we would love to keep goats and some sheep (I want

to learn to spin and love to knit) I am sure you are a master goatherd by now!

Hope you and your family are well, have fun in Wisconsin. I love Wisconsin, we

almost moved there, but looked at the fact that they picked up NAIS and dont

allow raw milk...and decided against it!

Be well



The Vermont Green Lifestyle Store


online womens circle

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Hi Jen- I know you!

So glad to hear you are still working with goats.

We live in VT where raw milk is luckily legal and we can get fresh raw goat and

cow milk, and raw butter.

We just bought 50 acres and an ancient farmstead that we are going to rehab over

the next couple of years, and we would love to keep goats and some sheep (I want

to learn to spin and love to knit) I am sure you are a master goatherd by now!

Hope you and your family are well, have fun in Wisconsin. I love Wisconsin, we

almost moved there, but looked at the fact that they picked up NAIS and dont

allow raw milk...and decided against it!

Be well



The Vermont Green Lifestyle Store


online womens circle

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi !

Where do you live? What do you do for fun, work, school, etc.? I've lived in

Berkeley, CA since I was 16 and got out of a nursing home with the help of some

friends. I studied graphic art and Chinese a bit and then English in college.

I've done many different types of jobs over the years...most recent is as an

advocate assisting people with disabilities with their cash and health care

benefits. I read a lot and host a monthly potluck/book club and enjoy

gardening, cooking, drawing, doing bead work, playing Scrabble, and volunteer

for the student housing cooperative I lived in when I was in college. I used to

write a lot, hoping I'll get back to it soon. I live with my partner of 10

years - See pictures in the photos section our our group's page - along with our

two noisy cats. Life is good and very busy...running a household; hiring,

training, managing attendants; taking care of my health; keeping up with


Tell us more about you!


SMA II - Age 43



> Hey, my name is Cortney i am 19 and I have type 2 sma. I wanted to join this

group because i have never met anyone else with this disability and would like

to meet someone who does.






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Welcome Cortney!!

Hope you like it here! Looking forward to getting to know you. :)




From: Cortney Mc <diary_of_the_insane123@...>

Subject: Hi

Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 2:46 PM

Hey, my name is Cortney i am 19 and I have type 2 sma. I wanted to join this

group because i have never met anyone else with this disability and would like

to meet someone who does.

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Hi, well of course again I am 19. I've been going through allot my whole life. I

never got to finish high school but I am trying to finish. I've moved around

allot and my hope is to one day get my license in tattooing lol. I am a musician

and I play piano and I sing. I haven't done much with that since all the drama

has been going on. But I enjoy reading, I have millions of books. I draw allot,

its my escape from life as well as books. I have an obsession with Ireland and

hope to move their eventually. I've recently started a blog to maybe get

feedback from people with my condition because I am going through allot and

could really use some support and maybe information. Other than that I have a

boyfriend who I recently just met but, it seems to be going great.

From: althegrrl <alanarutht@...>

Subject: Re: Hi

Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 7:51 PM


Hi !

Where do you live? What do you do for fun, work, school, etc.? I've lived in

Berkeley, CA since I was 16 and got out of a nursing home with the help of some

friends. I studied graphic art and Chinese a bit and then English in college.

I've done many different types of jobs over the years...most recent is as an

advocate assisting people with disabilities with their cash and health care

benefits. I read a lot and host a monthly potluck/book club and enjoy

gardening, cooking, drawing, doing bead work, playing Scrabble, and volunteer

for the student housing cooperative I lived in when I was in college. I used to

write a lot, hoping I'll get back to it soon. I live with my partner of 10

years - See pictures in the photos section our our group's page - along with our

two noisy cats. Life is good and very busy...running a household; hiring,

training, managing attendants; taking care of my health; keeping up with


Tell us more about you!


SMA II - Age 43



> Hey, my name is Cortney i am 19 and I have type 2 sma. I wanted to join this

group because i have never met anyone else with this disability and would like

to meet someone who does.






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:) Thanks, I love it already. It's putting a smile on my face!

From: Cortney Mc <diary_of_the_insane123@...>

Subject: Hi

Date: Friday, May 14, 2010, 2:46 PM

Hey, my name is Cortney i am 19 and I have type 2 sma. I wanted to join this

group because i have never met anyone else with this disability and would like

to meet someone who does.

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Oh and yeah I am from Georgia haha

From: sonnengelb12 <sonnengelb12@...>

Subject: Re: Hi

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:47 AM


Hi and welcome!

Where are you from?

I only know 2 persons with SMA 2 and it is funny to see the same moves. :-)

Best wishes


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Hey Cortney!!!!!! and welcome to the group!!!!

My names Tammia i'm 25 and i'm from Alabama =] & I have SMA 2. I also have a

boyfriend that I've been with for a year, he's sucha sweetheart.

I would love to read your blogs and maybe give you some advice on somethings.

»-(¯`v´¯)-»†åMmÌå ÄlÈxÄñÃêR»-(¯`v´¯)-»


From: Cortney Mc <diary_of_the_insane123@...>

Sent: Sat, May 15, 2010 12:52:05 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Hi

Oh and yeah I am from Georgia haha

From: sonnengelb12 <sonnengelb12@...>

Subject: Re: Hi

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:47 AM

Hi and welcome!

Where are you from?

I only know 2 persons with SMA 2 and it is funny to see the same moves. :-)

Best wishes


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Hey Tammia, my blogs link is http://lilahk.blog.com/  I haven't done much to it

I am just starting. Just to explain a bit of my situation and all. I am gonna

have that one posting ever so often on it and another topic posting about

everyday life. So yeah. Thanks :)


From: sonnengelb12 <sonnengelb12@...>

Subject: Re: Hi

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:47 AM

Hi and welcome!

Where are you from?

I only know 2 persons with SMA 2 and it is funny to see the same moves. :-)

Best wishes


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When I click the link it said nothing found. :/

From: sonnengelb12 <sonnengelb12@...>

Subject: Re: Hi

Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:47 AM

Hi and welcome!

Where are you from?

I only know 2 persons with SMA 2 and it is funny to see the same moves. :-)

Best wishes


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