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Re: what is your favorite...(Amen Virginia...I can't wait)

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Virginia Hutton <sos4mom@...> wrote: What a question...ummm Mom's

German Chocolate Cake

with Vanilla Ice Cream.

I would love to be with the people I love and those

who have been supportive of me throughout my life. I

would definitely have my little grandson there.

I would have a cool climate, for me that is around 70

degrees or so.

Just the thought of being there with those who I know

love me makes my heart brim full to overflowing and

content. What more could I desire?

I suspect we would play some Rummy and just talk and

enjoy one another. Kids would be playing and laughter

would be like tinkling chimes in the air. We would

reminisce of times gone by that would bring more joy

between us.

It would be awesome to be able to have all the people

who have passed from this life that had such impact in

my life there and be able to share with them what they

did and how it affected me, letting them know that

they really made a difference in my life. It would be

nice to be able to apologize to others that I should

have listened to and didn't that ended up causing them

heartache that they would not have to have. I don't

think that you could put it all into one day.

A lot of this will be reality when I pass from this

life to the next. And that one day in eternity is

like a thousand years. There might be enough time to

get it all done.

--- Karma Tucker <karmatucker@...> wrote:

> An off topic question.


> If you were to have your perfect birthday

> celebration what would it be like??? What would

> you do? What would you eat? Would you have cake?

> If so, what kind?

;-) Virginia

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things are honest,

whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be

any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


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