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prayer request

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Hope your dad and Sadie are OK now.

I look forward to an update.


smilegringiggle wrote:

Hi everyone, First will you all please remember my daddy,he had a

heart attack on dec.30.... Thank God he survived but he has a long

recovery ahead .... My Dad is my hero so please say a prayer for him

and please remember my lil Sadie , we had to cancel our appointment to

philly on dec.22 , she was sick ..we were all sick from what seemed to

be the flu..... We have to reschedule her appointment for philly and

get her there soon to pick up her brace.... even if this year has

started off a little rocky , i do pray it's a year that many little

ones will get the treatment for scholiosis that they

deserve......thank you all, Rhonda

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  • 1 month later...
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Carolyn, I'm sending you a prayer. It always seem like you are dealing wirh a lot of things. I hope Marty is ok. My daughter who is 3 just got diagnosed with diabities and she has autism pdd, She is low functioning in communication. So I'm having a hard time with the insulin shots. My husband and I do a lot of praying to get us through this time, God Bless u and your familyCarolyn <charper777@...> wrote: Good

morning everybody. I have yet another prayer request if you don't mind. My son Marty has pneumonia again. It looks like I caught it early this time and we got help for him, so he did not need to be hospitalized this time. I noticed he had a little fever yesterday morning when he woke up, and that alerted me, but after his bath it went away, so then I wondered if he'd gotten too hot in the night is all it was. Well then I got busy going to church, and taking the kids to church. When I got home I checked him, and his fever was gone. But last night when we were putting him to bed I noticed he felt hot so took it again, and sure enough it was rising. So off to ER we went. They took a chest ex-ray at once, because of his history, and sure enough he had pneumonia in the same spot he always gets it, right lower lobe, this is the lung he had surgery on a few years

ago. It had gotten so bad then his lung collapsed and he very nearly died, and he had to have the surgery to clean out around the lung so it could expand again. So last night they gave him an IV of Rosephin, and we are getting a prescription filled for Ceftin as I speak. Today he goes to his PCP to be checked, he will decide if he needs another IV of the strong stuff. I am a limp rag, had suffered from a bad stomach ache for a week, going clear up into my throat, I suspect from the antibiotic I was on for ear infection, same stuff actually Marty is going on. The doc would have rather used something else but Marty has some allergies to certain things. And I am on the new blood pressure

meds, so have my own issues to deal with as well as Marty's. Sometimes I don't know who it is harder on, him or me. He doesn't worry at least, he knows his mom will take care of him. I know the Lord will get us through this once again, it is just so stressful to realize how vigilant one has to be in this situation, but I do praise the Lord for His guidance, when He says move, I move! Talk to you soon, pray the Lord is blessing you! Much love to you all, Carolyn Ally

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Hello Ally,

Thank you for thinking of us, and all the rest of you also, and for all your prayers also. I can actually feel the love and support coming from you all. Well yesterday afternoon I took my son Marty to his personal care physician, and he listened to his chest and all, said it sounded good. But he did go ahead and have the nurse give him an IM of the Rosephin. I learned that IM meant Intra muscle, they gave it to him in his hip.

Funny too that when I called his office to make the appointment, the lady said they did not do IMs or IVs there, they were wrooooong! haha IV means Intra venous.

So I have to give him the oral antibiotic twice a day for two weeks, and take him back there in 8 days for a chest ex-ray, and to see the doc again. He seems to be feeling much better anyway, no fever and is not coughing much at all. I am not sure if he actually had pneumonia, or if it was the scar tissue from past pneumonia that showed on the ex-ray, guess you just have to trust the ER docs know what they are doing. Better safe than sorry anyway with this kind of thing.

And my throat and ears STILL hurt, have hurt now for a good two weeks. I suspect it is from my acid reflux, but I don't know for sure. I took the 10 days of antibiotic for ear and sinus infection, and it did not help with this, but hopefully DID take care of any infection I may have had in my ears. They still feel plugged though, hmmm. I have noticed one thing, all this confounded AIR CONDITIONING in every building I go into is NOT helping, the air is just too cold, and dry. So I am trying to stay out of it as much as I can.

Well guess that is enough of my whining for now. After Marty's doctor appointment yesterday we took him to Supercut and had his hair cut, we don't do it often and when he needs it, he REALLY needs it. Now he looks so nice and tidy and handsome. And I went this morning and had my own cut, do you guys remember the Pixie look? Well that is how mine looks now, rather short but all fringy on the sides. I don't like a lot of hair to deal with, mine is real thick and real gray right now, looks fine this way.

In fact I told the lady it was cute, haven't felt cute in a long time! haha

It has been chilly here today, rained this morning, but feels good, guess they expect it to get hot again by the end of the week. Well hope you all are doing well with your kids. I talked to a nurse at the hospital who was sticking the IV into Marty's arm, and she said she had a son who was autistic, and is being tested for aspersers. Seems like a lot of the nurses there went into nursing because of somebody in their family having problems, the other nurse said she had a brother like Marty.

Talk to you all soon,

Much love,


Re: Prayer request


I'm sending you a prayer. It always seem like you are dealing wirh a lot of things. I hope Marty is ok. My daughter who is 3 just got diagnosed with diabities and she has autism pdd,

She is low functioning in communication. So I'm having a hard time with the insulin shots. My husband and I do a lot of praying to get us through this time, God Bless u and your familyCarolyn <charper777comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Good morning everybody. I have yet another prayer request if you don't mind. My son Marty has pneumonia again. It looks like I caught it early this time and we got help for him, so he did not need to be hospitalized this time. I noticed he had a little fever yesterday morning when he woke up, and that alerted me, but after his bath it went away, so then I wondered if he'd gotten too hot in the night is all it was. Well then I got busy going to church, and taking the kids to church. When I got home I checked him, and his fever was gone.

But last night when we were putting him to bed I noticed he felt hot so took it again, and sure enough it was rising. So off to ER we went. They took a chest ex-ray at once, because of his history, and sure enough he had pneumonia in the same spot he always gets it, right lower lobe, this is the lung he had surgery on a few years ago. It had gotten so bad then his lung collapsed and he very nearly died, and he had to have the surgery to clean out around the lung so it could expand again.

So last night they gave him an IV of Rosephin, and we are getting a prescription filled for Ceftin as I speak. Today he goes to his PCP to be checked, he will decide if he needs another IV of the strong stuff.

I am a limp rag, had suffered from a bad stomach ache for a week, going clear up into my throat, I suspect from the antibiotic I was on for ear infection, same stuff actually Marty is going on. The doc would have rather used something else but Marty has some allergies to certain things.

And I am on the new blood pressure meds, so have my own issues to deal with as well as Marty's. Sometimes I don't know who it is harder on, him or me. He doesn't worry at least, he knows his mom will take care of him.

I know the Lord will get us through this once again, it is just so stressful to realize how vigilant one has to be in this situation, but I do praise the Lord for His guidance, when He says move, I move!

Talk to you soon, pray the Lord is blessing you!

Much love to you all,



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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Angie,

I will pray for her. Her mom must be so frightened. I have a question. Do you have egg allergies in your family? If so, you may want to find out if the vaccine contained even a trace amount of egg. My nephew , almost died after being vaccinated. He was rushed to the ER not breathing. My grandmother, and sister ('s mom), have life threatening reactions to eggs. The injection was given, contained egg. Who would have ever guessed???


Prayer Request

Hello Everyone, I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD. I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning. Thanks for your prayers,AngieSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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I'm so sorry she is going through this --- Vaccines can spike a fever and fever will bring on Seizures...I will pray specifically tonight...

God bless,


From: "angiebenjad@..." <angiebenjad@...>Autism_land ; Autismbehaviorproblems Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:44:09 PMSubject: Prayer Request

Hello Everyone, I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD. I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning. Thanks for your prayers,AngieSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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I will keep you in prayers. If it is any consolation I had seizures when I was

2 yrs. old. I however was not deaf. I wasn't suppose to have kids, walk, talk,

they actually told mom to put me in a home that I was going to be a vegtable.

To this day and age. I have done all the things that i shouldn't have and more

than that. I am a normal person. I was told when they start young you out grow

them sooner. NO one knows what caused mine back in the 70's but will say I was

haveing over 100 a day of the petimal and 10 grandmal a day. I do have a child

that was born deaf and we thought that she was having seizures and had an eeg

done twice to show nothing. I would reconmmend that when they do this if you or

the mother is strong will to be there holding her that really helps keep them

calm I had to do it but it helped keep her still without sedation. Good luck

and hope this was some helpful.

I will pray go and pray for you right now.


> From: angiebenjad@... <angiebenjad@...>

> Subject: Prayer Request

> Autism_land , Autismbehaviorproblems

> Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 6:44 PM

> Hello Everyone,


> I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie

> I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD.


> I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze.

> She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with

> seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2

> vaccines friday morning. 


> Thanks for your prayers,

> Angie

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry




> ------------------------------------



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Angie, I am praying.


In a message dated 7/27/2009 5:43:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time, angiebenjad@... writes:

Hello Everyone, I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD. I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning. Thanks for your prayers,AngieSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Your niece and your family are in my prayers. Kellie

From: "angiebenjad@..." <angiebenjad@...>Autism_land ; Autismbehaviorproblems Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:44:09 PMSubject: Prayer Request

Hello Everyone, I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD. I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning. Thanks for your prayers,AngieSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers.

Angy Brewer----------

Sent from AT & T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

- Prayer Request

Hello Everyone,

I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have

been diagnosed with ASD.

I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and

right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was

given 2 vaccines friday morning.

Thanks for your prayers,


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Prayers have been said for Breeze. God bless her and her mother. Keep us informed. Love and blessings, Pat K

Prayer Request

Hello Everyone,

I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD.

I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning.

Thanks for your prayers,


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Hi Sara,

I am not really sure if thre are any egg allergys , but I will defantly pass on

the info. That is really strange the put eggs in there when the say children

shouldn't even eat them till age 1.I even hate to think what else is in there:(

Angie. autism , " Sara " <sarapoli@...> wrote:


> Hi Angie,

> I will pray for her. Her mom must be so frightened. I have a question. Do

you have egg allergies in your family? If so, you may want to find out if the

vaccine contained even a trace amount of egg. My nephew , almost

died after being vaccinated. He was rushed to the ER not breathing. My

grandmother, and sister ('s mom), have life threatening reactions to

eggs. The injection was given, contained egg. Who would have ever



> Sara


> Prayer Request



> Hello Everyone,


> I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2

have been diagnosed with ASD.


> I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf

and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she

was given 2 vaccines friday morning.


> Thanks for your prayers,

> Angie

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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Thank you e may God bless you.

Angie autism , Two Blessings <ljdjd1234@...>



> I'm so sorry she is going through this --- Vaccines can spike a fever and

fever will bring on Seizures...I will pray specifically tonight...


> God bless,

> e





> ________________________________

> From: " angiebenjad@... " <angiebenjad@...>

> Autism_land ; Autismbehaviorproblems

> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:44:09 PM

> Subject: Prayer Request



> Hello Everyone,


> I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2

have been diagnosed with ASD.


> I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and

right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was

given 2 vaccines friday morning.


> Thanks for your prayers,

> Angie

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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Thank you so much Twilla.This deffantly makes me feel better I will pass along

your story to her mom.

How old is your daughter?

Thanks again,



> > From: angiebenjad@... <angiebenjad@...>

> > Subject: Prayer Request

> > Autism_land , Autismbehaviorproblems

> > Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 6:44 PM

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie

> > I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD.

> >

> > I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze.

> > She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with

> > seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2

> > vaccines friday morning. 

> >

> > Thanks for your prayers,

> > Angie

> > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Thank you Kellie!!


> Your niece and your family are in my prayers.  Kellie





> ________________________________

> From: " angiebenjad@... " <angiebenjad@...>

> Autism_land ; Autismbehaviorproblems

> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:44:09 PM

> Subject: Prayer Request



> Hello Everyone,


> I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2

have been diagnosed with ASD.


> I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and

right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was

given 2 vaccines friday morning.


> Thanks for your prayers,

> Angie

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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Thank you Angy!!


> You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers.


> Angy Brewer----------

> Sent from AT & T's Wireless network using Mobile Email


> - Prayer Request


> Hello Everyone,


> I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2

have been diagnosed with ASD.


> I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and

right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was

given 2 vaccines friday morning.


> Thanks for your prayers,

> Angie

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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Thank you so much Twilla.This deffantly makes me feel better I will pass along

your story to her mom.

How old is your daughter?

Thanks again,



> > From: angiebenjad@... <angiebenjad@...>

> > Subject: Prayer Request

> > Autism_land , Autismbehaviorproblems

> > Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 6:44 PM

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > I don't post much so let me give a intro. My name is Angie

> > I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD.

> >

> > I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze.

> > She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with

> > seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2

> > vaccines friday morning. 

> >

> > Thanks for your prayers,

> > Angie

> > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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You are welcome...I prayed yesterday as soon as I hit send and then again last night when I checked into the group....Please let us know how she is doing...


From: angiebenjad <angiebenjad@...>autism Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:12:43 AMSubject: Re: Prayer Request

Thank you e may God bless you.Angie AutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) com, Two Blessings <ljdjd1234@. ..> wrote:>> I'm so sorry she is going through this --- Vaccines can spike a fever and fever will bring on Seizures...I will pray specifically tonight...> > God bless,> e> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> From: "angiebenjad@ ..." <angiebenjad@ ...>> Autism_land; Autismbehaviorprobl

emsgroups (DOT) com> Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 5:44:09 PM> Subject: Prayer Request> > > Hello Everyone, > > I don't post much so let me give a intro.. My name is Angie I have 4 boys 2 have been diagnosed with ASD. > > I am asking for prayers for my 5 month old niece Breeze. She was born deaf and right now is hospitalized with seizers. They started last Friday evening she was given 2 vaccines friday morning. > > Thanks for your prayers,> Angie> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry>

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  • 5 months later...

Both girls are in my prayers!  Poor babies!  Poor Mom!!!  Kiersten

From: Karyn <thebombtexas@...>

Subject: Prayer Request

Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 7:16 PM


I don't have much time to participate in the group much and pretty much

lurk and read the messages that I can.

I do have a prayer request for everyone. We took Adena and her 13 months old

sister to the hospital yesterday afternoon and both girls have RSV and Adena has

pneumonia and was admitted so please pray for quick healing for both girls. We

have all been sick since Christmas break started on the 18th and I am supposed

to go back to work on Monday but Adena will be in the hospital until at least

then so probably will work part days.

Thanks so much!


Mom to Adena, 4, DS and , 13 months

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Praying for your daughters and for you.  Hope you get well very soon!

Bonnie (in Belgium)

--- El dom 3-ene-10, Kiersten <kiersten5560@...> escribió:

De:: Kiersten <kiersten5560@...>

Asunto: Re: Prayer Request

A: , " Karyn " <thebombtexas@...>

Fecha: domingo 3 de enero de 2010, 6:23


Both girls are in my prayers!  Poor babies!  Poor Mom!!!  Kiersten

From: Karyn <thebombtexas>

Subject: Prayer Request

@grou ps.com

Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 7:16 PM


I don't have much time to participate in the group much and pretty much lurk and

read the messages that I can.

I do have a prayer request for everyone. We took Adena and her 13 months old

sister to the hospital yesterday afternoon and both girls have RSV and Adena has

pneumonia and was admitted so please pray for quick healing for both girls. We

have all been sick since Christmas break started on the 18th and I am supposed

to go back to work on Monday but Adena will be in the hospital until at least

then so probably will work part days.

Thanks so much!


Mom to Adena, 4, DS and , 13 months

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  • 2 weeks later...

I prayed!




I know requests come in like this so I feel comfortable posting. A friend is

missing in the Haiti quake and if you would kindly add Hartwick, his

colleague Bruno and four of their students to your thoughts and prayers

it would be greatly appreciated.

Sincere thanks,

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Yes absolutely . I'm sorry to hear about your friends. Prayers are

being said for them and for you.



> Hi All,


> I know requests come in like this so I feel comfortable posting. A friend is

missing in the Haiti quake and if you would kindly add Hartwick, his

colleague Bruno and four of their students to your thoughts and prayers

it would be greatly appreciated.


> Sincere thanks,



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  • 1 year later...
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I am asking for prayers for Amber's dog, Maggie.  Maggie is very ill with a

uterine infection and will have emergency surgery this afternoon.


Thank you for keeping this special member of our family in your thoughts.



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Thank you so much for the prayers, she made it through the surgery. The next 6-8

hours will be critical for possible internal bleeding.

She is a very special part of our family.

You have all been in my thoughts too .

Blessings to all.

Gay Lynn Hobgood Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Rettig <drettig@...> wrote:


> I so understand! Love my furry babies.

> Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android phone


> Gay Lynn Hobgood <gaylynn530@...> wrote:


> >Friends,

> >

> >I am asking for prayers for Amber's dog, Maggie. Maggie is very ill with a

uterine infection and will have emergency surgery this afternoon.

> >

> >Thank you for keeping this special member of our family in your thoughts.

> >

> >GayLynn

> >

> >

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Please keep me posted,

God's Blessings

Rettig (army mom of 2) Chaplin/Webmaster for BSM SEW Chapter 2


The opinions reflected above are strictly my own and in no way reflect the views

of Bue Star Mothers or Proud Military Moms.

From: Gay Lynn Hobgood

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:41 PM


Subject: Re: prayer request

Thank you so much for the prayers, she made it through the surgery. The next 6-8

hours will be critical for possible internal bleeding.

She is a very special part of our family.

You have all been in my thoughts too .

Blessings to all.

Gay Lynn Hobgood Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Rettig <mailto:drettig%40wi.rr.com> wrote:


> I so understand! Love my furry babies.

> Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android phone


> Gay Lynn Hobgood <mailto:gaylynn530%40> wrote:


> >Friends,

> >

> >I am asking for prayers for Amber's dog, Maggie. Maggie is very ill with a

uterine infection and will have emergency surgery this afternoon.

> >

> >Thank you for keeping this special member of our family in your thoughts.

> >

> >GayLynn

> >

> >

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She is still in the hospital but is holding her own and fighting to live. 

Amber and I got her to eat a few bites of chicken a little while ago so that was

very encouraging.  She is not making as much progress as we would like to see

but she is holding steady.  She was so ill that steady is good news at this



She is a very sweet and gentle soul and we love her so much.  Thank you for

praying for her.


Gay Lynn

From: Rettig <drettig@...>


Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:06 PM

Subject: Re: prayer request


Please keep me posted,

God's Blessings

Rettig (army mom of 2) Chaplin/Webmaster for BSM SEW Chapter 2


The opinions reflected above are strictly my own and in no way reflect the views

of Bue Star Mothers or Proud Military Moms.

From: Gay Lynn Hobgood

Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:41 PM


Subject: Re: prayer request

Thank you so much for the prayers, she made it through the surgery. The next 6-8

hours will be critical for possible internal bleeding.

She is a very special part of our family.

You have all been in my thoughts too .

Blessings to all.

Gay Lynn Hobgood Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 23, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Rettig <mailto:drettig%40wi.rr.com> wrote:


> I so understand! Love my furry babies.

> Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android phone


> Gay Lynn Hobgood <mailto:gaylynn530%40> wrote:


> >Friends,

> >

> >I am asking for prayers for Amber's dog, Maggie. Maggie is very ill with a

uterine infection and will have emergency surgery this afternoon.

> >

> >Thank you for keeping this special member of our family in your thoughts.

> >

> >GayLynn

> >

> >

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