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prayer request

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In a message dated 1/13/01 11:08:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jk-harding@... writes:

<< Please pray! Two local boys (both families are good friends of ours)

have been missing since yesterday afternoon. The search has gone on

all night with no luck. These boys are only 10 and 11 years old.

They said they were going for a walk after school and haven't been

seen or heard from since. We live in a small farming town with

several small lakes around. They have been searched and it doesn't

seem that anyone has fallen through the ice, but who knows. We don't

have drive by shootings, or kidnappings around here...... Where could

they be?????????? Please pray!

('s mom)



Prayers going up. On our way to Polish lessons, so I will ask the class to

pray too. Let us know when they have been found? Gail

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Your family, and your neighborhood including those boy's families will be in

my prayers. I don't know what to say, I hope that God knows where their at

and someone finds them really soon.



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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 3/14/01 9:15:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

<< So please pray for these 8 highschool students, and that it wasn't serious

and they'll be released soon.

Thanks. >>

Gosh, that's awful. Prayers being said.


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prayers coming toall the kids in your area and their families.....leah

>From: hsmyangels@...


>jim-joni@..., autie-friends ,


>Subject: Prayer Request

>Date: 14 Mar 2001 17:53:26 -0800


>Please forgive the group posting, but I wanted to get this out as quick as

>possible. I'm on our church's prayer chain, and it just came down that 8 of

>the local highschool students are up at the Army hospital. There was

>apparently some kind of gas leak that caused the school to be shut down.

>We don't know if it was a harmless pepper gas, or nerve gas. So please

>pray for these 8 highschool students, and that it wasn't serious and

>they'll be released soon.







>Wife to Dewight

>Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and celiac disease

>And , 20 months and strong-willed

>Both homeschooled


>See my poems on Themestream:




>Any earnings will go to charity - I have more than are listed when you call

>up this





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  • 4 weeks later...
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BIG BIG prayers Terry. Let us know how things go?


<< Hi all,

My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the local ER early

this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting. I just got word

that they are transferring her to the County Hospital by ambulance

because they think she has eclampsia and both she and the baby are at

risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her blood pressure

and that she and the baby survive.

Terry >>

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In a message dated 4/9/01 3:59:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Imaddenmom@... writes:

<< Hi all,

My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the local ER early

this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting. I just got word

that they are transferring her to the County Hospital by ambulance

because they think she has eclampsia and both she and the baby are at

risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her blood pressure

and that she and the baby survive.

Terry >>

Oh Terry!!! I'm sorry. I'll pray that all goes well for her and the

baby!!! Please do keep us posted if you can!!



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Prays are with all the family

& Garry, parents of (10 ds), (9 ds), JJ (7

ds/autism/celiac), (6 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (4 ds). All adopted.


>From: Imaddenmom@...


>Subject: Prayer Request

>Date: Mon, Apr 9, 2001, 11:48 AM


>Hi all,

>My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the local ER early

>this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting. I just got word

>that they are transferring her to the County Hospital by ambulance

>because they think she has eclampsia and both she and the baby are at

>risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her blood pressure

>and that she and the baby survive.





>Checkout our homepage for information, bookmarks, and photos of

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prayers coming your way, shawna.

>From: Imaddenmom@...



>Subject: Prayer Request

>Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 19:48:55 -0000


>Hi all,

>My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the local ER early

>this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting. I just got word

>that they are transferring her to the County Hospital by ambulance

>because they think she has eclampsia and both she and the baby are at

>risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her blood pressure

>and that she and the baby survive.




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In a message dated 4/9/01 5:30:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time,


> My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the local ER early

> this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting. I just got word

> that they are transferring her to the County Hospital by ambulance

> because they think she has eclampsia and both she and the baby are at

> risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her blood pressure

> and that she and the baby survive.

> Terry




> Prayers being sent right now, as tired as I am!

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Oh Terry!

I don't know whether to think that is good or bad. I'm so glad your DIL is

doing okay so far and so happy the baby is alive. I will keep praying for

all of you. Keep us informed when you get a chance? Love and prayers Terry.



<< Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my family. The doctors

decided to take the baby c-section this afternoon to save my daughter-

in-laws life. It is a boy, no name yet, and he weighs 1 lb 11 oz. I

really don't have any other info yet except that the prognosis is, at

best, guarded. My daughter-in-law is stable and they expect that

she will be ok within 24-48 hours. The baby is in the NICU for the

long haul. Please pray for him, that he makes it and that he is ok.

Thanks so much,

Terry >>

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> Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my family. The doctors

decided to take the baby c-section this afternoon to save my daughter-

in-laws life. It is a boy, no name yet, and he weighs 1 lb 11 oz. I

really don't have any other info yet except that the prognosis is, at

best, guarded. My daughter-in-law is stable and they expect that

she will be ok within 24-48 hours. The baby is in the NICU for the

long haul. Please pray for him, that he makes it and that he is ok.

Thanks so much,


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In a message dated 4/9/01 11:09:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Imaddenmom@... writes:

<< > Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my family. The doctors

decided to take the baby c-section this afternoon to save my daughter-

in-laws life. It is a boy, no name yet, and he weighs 1 lb 11 oz. I

really don't have any other info yet except that the prognosis is, at

best, guarded. My daughter-in-law is stable and they expect that

she will be ok within 24-48 hours. The baby is in the NICU for the

long haul. Please pray for him, that he makes it and that he is ok.

Thanks so much,

Terry >>


Prayers still headed your way!!! If it's any consolation, my nephew was

born at under 2 lbs also and no one thought he'd live--spent 3 months in the

hospital. He's now a strapping (VERY TALL) 24 year old man!!



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Terry , My prayers and thoughts are with you and your

family.I hope they are both stable and well now.My

lovely d-i-l-had two high risk pregnancies so i know

your fears. Carole

--- Imaddenmom@... wrote:

> Hi all,

> My daughter-in-law, who is due July 1, went to the

> local ER early

> this morning with pain in her abdomen and vomiting.

> I just got word

> that they are transferring her to the County

> Hospital by ambulance

> because they think she has eclampsia and both she

> and the baby are at

> risk. Please pray that the doctors can control her

> blood pressure

> and that she and the baby survive.

> Terry




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Dont worry Terry we'll keep up the prayers for that little bundle of

goodness!! A little hope for you, my dad was born in the 40's at 2lbs and

the incubators then were a box with a heat lamp, and he survived and is a

hardworking,normal person still today. shawna.

>From: Imaddenmom@...



>Subject: Re: Prayer Request

>Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:04:50 -0000


> > Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my family. The doctors

>decided to take the baby c-section this afternoon to save my daughter-

>in-laws life. It is a boy, no name yet, and he weighs 1 lb 11 oz. I

>really don't have any other info yet except that the prognosis is, at

>best, guarded. My daughter-in-law is stable and they expect that

>she will be ok within 24-48 hours. The baby is in the NICU for the

>long haul. Please pray for him, that he makes it and that he is ok.

>Thanks so much,




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I'm so sorry the baby had to be taken this early. I really hope the baby

does well, they can really do a lot more these days with medical

intervention. I'll be thinking about you.


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Terry ,Prayers still going on for all of you and the

tiny little one. My friend just brought her little guy

home,after5 months but her 2lb 4oz son is now home and

growing like a weed and all looks good .HANG IN THERE

.. Carole

--- mashawna g <mashawnag@...> wrote:

> Dont worry Terry we'll keep up the prayers for that

> little bundle of

> goodness!! A little hope for you, my dad was born in

> the 40's at 2lbs and

> the incubators then were a box with a heat lamp, and

> he survived and is a

> hardworking,normal person still today. shawna.



> >From: Imaddenmom@...

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: Re: Prayer Request

> >Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:04:50 -0000

> >

> > > Thank you to all who have sent prayers for my

> family. The doctors

> >decided to take the baby c-section this afternoon

> to save my daughter-

> >in-laws life. It is a boy, no name yet, and he

> weighs 1 lb 11 oz. I

> >really don't have any other info yet except that

> the prognosis is, at

> >best, guarded. My daughter-in-law is stable and

> they expect that

> >she will be ok within 24-48 hours. The baby is in

> the NICU for the

> >long haul. Please pray for him, that he makes it

> and that he is ok.

> >Thanks so much,

> >Terry

> >




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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

Of course I will say a prayer for your friend. How you feeling hon?


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im feeling ok. still in a lot of pain. my biggest problem is dealing with crap at home. so tired of the BS my family puts me through. makes me wish I was dead sometimes


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**hugs** When I was sucidial, my doctor told me that if I committed

suicide I would be giving all of my nieces and nephews permission to

do the same. And, I would be giving everyone else that heard about

my sucide permission as well. Believe me, those words haunt me each

and everyday. Wanting to be dead is very real hon, and a lot of

people have been there. It is extremely difficult to see the bright

side of life, but , there is. I never thought I would ever see

the beauty of plain green grass again. But I have and I know the

beauty is there, sometimes I just need to be strong and keep looking

until I find the beauty again. Try to keep you chin up hon. I love

you very much and wish I could do more for you. But you are the only

one that hon. Stay strong!

Lots and lots of love,


p.s saying it and doing it are the same thing in my opinion. If you

say it, you are killing your spirit, if you do it, you are killing

everyone elses spirit

> im feeling ok. still in a lot of pain. my biggest problem is

dealing with

> crap at home. so tired of the BS my family puts me through. makes

me wish I

> was dead sometimes

> sandra

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Loriann:

Of course you have our support and prayers.

I just had a tidbit I wanted to share.

My husband works as a sherriff's deputy in a large county jail out here.

Right now he has an office position so he doesn't have any direct contact

with inmates, which is nice for all of us. He is even on a regular work

schedule (M-F 7-3).

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I am *most* certain you will be safe

during your performance. For thre most part, inmates aren't too bad once

they are detoxed and settled. Yes, many lead a lifestyle that is stunning

when you're exposed to it, and some have " questionalbe morals, " and all

that. But they will be polite to you, you will be in a secure area, and

anyone who is a risk in *any* way won't be at the performance. Inmates are

classified for this sort of thing (and many others--such as harmful to

themselves) and if there's any question, they will NOT risk *you* or those

who are with you. It's a big deal.

So try to enjoy it. Be thankful it's not YOUR home, and know that for the

most part, they will be really thankful you came. (you're gong to make them

miss their families)

thinking of you,


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