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prayer request

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It'll be at Shwnee prison, down near Cairo from what I understand. They went

over the basics with me, what to wear, not to bring a purse, just ID, not to go

anywhere without a male member of the troupe with me, etc. I'm just praying

we'll move some hearts to Christ. They have a couple of skits lined up (that

I'm not in) with the people who happen to be clowns, but in street clothes.

They just couldn't see a puppet giving an invitational.

I'm more nervous that I won't be open to be used like God wants me used than I

am for my personal safety.

But thanks for the prayers.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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>> I've got a prayer request.

You definintely can count on me sending you prayers.

>> Oh, by the way, did I tell everyone I'm terrified of speaking in

>public? It is easier though in makeup when even friends don't

>recognize me......and speaking of pictures: MIL took a picture of

>me in makeup with the kids, she just hasn't gotten it developed yet.


I believe you , and glad you will be behind makeup at the prison you

will be devoting your time for them , which by the way is nice to

hear what type of skit you will be performing . This would be nice

for your husband to watch you in action . Glad your family are being

supportive . Stay safe and Good luck on your visits and performance .

>> But holding your hand up inside of a puppet for a 5 minute skit is

>HARD to do.

I shall hold your hand in spirit as you do this , I have faith that

you will just be fine . You took a big step in what you wanted to do

and that was to be a clown . Smiles your way on wishing you well .

Keep us posted on your coming days clowning around . Take care .

Irma, 13,DS/ASD.

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Well, actually at the prison I won't be in makeup, but I'll be behind a curtain

so they'll not see me during all of the performance. I'll be in makeup at the

neighbor church, which I think is actually more scary the more I think about it.

Or maybe it's just because my husband will be there......


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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Loriann ,

Its understandable how you feel , you will touch many hearts , just

say a prayer for them ,that they will be guided towards Christ . Oh!

Back on husband being there to see you , how funny . Yep! How scary ?

What a challenge , you'll be fine . Lots of hugs for support .

Irma , 13,DS/ASD

> It'll be at Shwnee prison, down near Cairo from what I understand.

They went over the basics with me, what to wear, not to bring a

purse, just ID, not to go anywhere without a male member of the

troupe with me, etc. I'm just praying we'll move some hearts to

Christ. They have a couple of skits lined up (that I'm not in) with

the people who happen to be clowns, but in street clothes. They just

couldn't see a puppet giving an invitational.


> I'm more nervous that I won't be open to be used like God wants me

used than I am for my personal safety.


> But thanks for the prayers.


> Loriann

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

> , 2 years and Strong Willed

> Both homeschooled.




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Y'll be in my prayers. I hope it goes okay, after

all the NY stuff. Well think of good thoughts, and

y'll do fine. I know it.


I'm proud to be an American.


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You don't like speaking in front of people. Well I

don't either, but I say to myself if music groups like

'N Sync, etc. can sing in front of thousands of

people, then I can do a 5 min speach in front of my

classmates. Maybe something like that could help, it

helps me- then I don't become as nervous as I usually


But I'll pray for you- and the clown thing, and the

prisin thing also for you and your family.


I'm proud to be an American.


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When you go to the prison the really bad guys should not be where you are.

And there wil be lots of guards around. My Father worked at Mass.

Correctiojnal Int. at Bridgewater when I was a child. The Boston Strangler

was jailed there. We lived a block away. Sounds weird, but we went

trick-or-treating at the prison. These guys are sons, brothers, and fathers


& Garry, parents of (11 ds), (9 ds), JJ (7

ds/autism/celiac), (7 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (4 ds). All adopted.

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At 10:01 PM 9/25/01 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm more nervous that I won't be open to be used like God wants me used

than I am for my personal safety.

You already are, Loriann. Relax and just go with it. :)


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In a message dated 9/25/01 8:09:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

<< I'm more nervous that I won't be open to be used like God wants me used

than I am for my personal safety.

But thanks for the prayers.

Loriann >>


Sounds to me like you ARE open to be used the way God wants to use you!

And....you already did the scary part.....that first step of saying yes to

the clown ministry. :-) You have my prayers, but I know you will do fine

at both events because you're taking God with you.


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In a message dated 9/25/01 11:13:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

> Or maybe it's just because my husband will be there......




Loriann, I remember years ago I was involved in early intervention hearings.

It required me giving what they call " testimony " to senators and

representatives, at numerous meetings. This one mom was REAL active and

arranged a meeting at KenCrest (Maddie's EI program) with a represenative

from the mayor's office, other official members of city government, school

district people as well as many of the press. ONE HOUR before the meeting,

she calls me and tells me she's not feeling well (truth was, she chickened

out---she was quite a character). The director of KC called me up begging

me to do it. ME???? I said...I can't run a meeting, speak in public to

these people; I'm just a MOM!!! I told Duff and he was annoyed that I let

myself be manipulated by this other mom yet again. But I had to do it.

All those people were coming. Duff was supposed to stay home with the kids.

Well, when I got there I asked all the parents who came if they would speak

about their child. Every one of them said no, they were too afraid to speak

out. When I got up in front of all those people, I swear, I thought my

insides had fallen on the floor. I felt SO alone. BUT GUESS WHAT???? It

turned out to be the best meeting EVER. I told Maddie's story, then I ended

up getting every single parent in the room to stand up and speak about what

early intervention has done for their child. I can't TELL you how emotional

it was. Then I looked up, and there was Duff standing in the back of the

room; had been there the whole time. He raised his hand to speak. I said

" Yes, that handsome man in the back can speak now " ....(everyone was LOLOLOL)

He spoke to them about Maddie and about me, with tears coming down his face.

I'm telling you, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. When I think back

to the things he said about me that day, I burst with pride!! We've had so

many loving moments in our life together, but that was one of the best--and

we weren't even standing near each other.

My point is that having your hubby there will be a great thing. He'll see

you in a different light. He'll see what you're doing and be touched by it.

I pray that it will be as memorable an event for you as my EI meeting was

for me.


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<These guys are sons, brothers, and fathers


& Garry, parents of (11 ds), (9 ds), JJ (7

ds/autism/celiac), (7 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (4 ds). All adopted>

That's why we go. They need Christ, too. I've been drawn to a prison ministry

for some time, just like nursing homes and children's ministry. That's why the

clowm ministry is so perfect for me. They do all that.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I know this is what God wants

me to do. I think the reason I had a bit of trouble running through our skits

the one time is because I wasn't dressed. It's like I become a different person

in makeup. And since I'm where God wants me, I know I'll be fine. I just need

a bit of reminding sometimes.

We only have something like 3 " shows " for lack of a better word, before my

official introduction to my church. I've worked up a skit called Running Ahead

of God. It's just like my life. I think God is telling me one thing and I go

off half cocked and run with it when in reality, I heard God wrong. Maybe he

allowed that to happen so I could come up with this skit.....


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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this brought tears to my eyes and I wasn't even there! Thank goodness that

there are people who are willing to speak up when it matters!

Re: Re: Prayer Request

In a message dated 9/25/01 11:13:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

> Or maybe it's just because my husband will be there......




Loriann, I remember years ago I was involved in early intervention hearings.

It required me giving what they call " testimony " to senators and

representatives, at numerous meetings. This one mom was REAL active and

arranged a meeting at KenCrest (Maddie's EI program) with a represenative

from the mayor's office, other official members of city government, school

district people as well as many of the press. ONE HOUR before the meeting,

she calls me and tells me she's not feeling well (truth was, she chickened

out---she was quite a character). The director of KC called me up begging

me to do it. ME???? I said...I can't run a meeting, speak in public to

these people; I'm just a MOM!!! I told Duff and he was annoyed that I let

myself be manipulated by this other mom yet again. But I had to do it.

All those people were coming. Duff was supposed to stay home with the kids.

Well, when I got there I asked all the parents who came if they would speak

about their child. Every one of them said no, they were too afraid to speak

out. When I got up in front of all those people, I swear, I thought my

insides had fallen on the floor. I felt SO alone. BUT GUESS WHAT???? It

turned out to be the best meeting EVER. I told Maddie's story, then I ended

up getting every single parent in the room to stand up and speak about what

early intervention has done for their child. I can't TELL you how emotional

it was. Then I looked up, and there was Duff standing in the back of the

room; had been there the whole time. He raised his hand to speak. I said

" Yes, that handsome man in the back can speak now " ....(everyone was LOLOLOL)

He spoke to them about Maddie and about me, with tears coming down his face.

I'm telling you, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. When I think back

to the things he said about me that day, I burst with pride!! We've had so

many loving moments in our life together, but that was one of the best--and

we weren't even standing near each other.

My point is that having your hubby there will be a great thing. He'll see

you in a different light. He'll see what you're doing and be touched by it.

I pray that it will be as memorable an event for you as my EI meeting was

for me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

Happy Belated Birthday, Joan. Welcome to the 40's & thanks again for all

you do for us.


Many prayers to you & your family. I'm very happy that everything is

O.K. with 's hips. We have been through leukemia with our ,

14 (non-verbal,etc.). We also had to stay at R.McD.House when we had lots

of family in the area, but it was far better for me to have a real bed to

sleep in rather than someone's couch. Also, at R. McD. House we met others

who were going through the same things we were, so that helped. Our R.McD.

House was set up with a big kitchen where you could cook your own food, so

hopefully that will work out with 's diet,etc. Good luck & keep us

posted. Say hi & tell that we're all praying for her. It's good

that you can talk with her about it all (something Steph & I couldn't do.)


Congratulations to Elie on being a star! What an uplifting,

heartwarming story!

Well, now for my personal news. I'm 48 today. It's Canadian Thanksgiving

week-end, so we had planned to have our turkey today. Last night I got a

call from my brother to say that my Dad ( turning 85 this week) had broken

his hip! So, right now he's either in surgery (or waiting for surgery) & I

will be leaving soon to go to Toronto (1 1/2 hr drive away) to be with him.

I have 2 brothers & 1 sister who will be there. So much for our turkey

dinner. We'll do it tomorrow! (my 7 yr. old) insists on coming with

me as she says Mom should not be alone on her birthday! I'm concerned that

hanging out at a hospital is no place for a 7 yr. old, but we'll cope

somehow. So, please say a few prayers for my Dad. He suffers from manic

depression (bi-polar) & is currently in high spirits but that could change

any time. He had planned himself a big 85th birthday party (rented a

restaurant, etc.) for this Wed. night. He's disappointed that he won't be

able to dance at it!!!! Doesn't want to cancel it yet! What a guy! Has

anyone had experience with hip surgery with seniors? Thanks for listening

everyone. This list is my birthday present to myself. Oh, BTW, my DH

cooked a great breakfast - bacon & eggs - a nice treat & he'll take care of

Steph while Em & I are away today. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!


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Happy Birthday !!! ,

Have a Blessed one and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving !!!

Many prayers for your dad , his 85th B-day party sounds so soon for

him to attend , that is cutting it pretty close . Some celebrations

hit all at once . What timing with your dads health issues , may all

go well with his surgery . We are with you in spirit and HUGS .

Wishing you a safe trip to and from . Take care.

Irma, 13,DS/ASD.

>> Well, now for my personal news. I'm 48 today. It's Canadian

Thanksgiving week-end, so we had planned to have our turkey today.

Last night I got a call from my brother to say that my Dad ( turning

85 this week) had broken his hip! So, right now he's either in

surgery (or waiting for surgery) & I will be leaving soon to go to

Toronto (1 1/2 hr drive away) to be with him. I have 2 brothers & 1

sister who will be there. So much for our turkey dinner. We'll do it

tomorrow! (my 7 yr. old) insists on coming with me as she

says Mom should not be alone on her birthday! I'm concerned that

hanging out at a hospital is no place for a 7 yr. old, but we'll cope

> somehow. So, please say a few prayers for my Dad. He suffers from

manic depression (bi-polar) & is currently in high spirits but that

could change any time. He had planned himself a big 85th birthday

party (rented a restaurant, etc.) for this Wed. night. He's

disappointed that he won't be able to dance at it!!!! Doesn't want

to cancel it yet! What a guy! Has anyone had experience with hip

surgery with seniors? Thanks for listening everyone. This list is

my birthday present to myself. Oh, BTW, my DH cooked a great

breakfast - bacon & eggs - a nice treat & he'll take care of Steph

while Em & I are away today. I have a lot to be thankful for.

> Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!


> Love,

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In a message dated 10/7/01 8:01:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

burnett@... writes:

<< Thanks for listening

everyone. This list is my birthday present to myself. Oh, BTW, my DH

cooked a great breakfast - bacon & eggs - a nice treat & he'll take care of

Steph while Em & I are away today. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians!

Love, >>

Happy Birthday ! Prayers for you and your Dad. Hope everything works

out okay with him and with taking with you. Hope you enjoy when you

have your turkey dinner.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Sending lots of hugs and prayers .

Irma , 13,DS/ASD.

> Well, last Thursday went in to see if he had celiac disease,

like his brother. The exam was actually useless, and they couldn't

even draw blood, because they don't ship out on Thursday or Friday,

and it would have sat until Monday. So they want us to come back

tomorrow and do the blood draw. I don't even know which way I want

it to go, I guess just a definite answer one way or the other. I

don't want to go back and forth like I did with . It's funny,

the nurse practitioner said, " well, if you know he does better on the

diet, why don't you just put him on it? " I had to explain to her

what we went through with , and the feelings that I was

poisoning my child to get a diagnosis. I don't have much hopes for

AFB, but at least they would refer him out to the same doctor

that went to.


> So, I guess prayers for a definite result, either negative or

positive. Positive would mean 2 trips to the Ped GI, one to set the

appointment for the biopsy and the biopsy.


> Loriann

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

> , 2 years and Strong Willed

> Both homeschooled.




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Y'll be in my prayers. Hope all goes fine.


> > Well, last Thursday went in to see if he had

> celiac disease,

> like his brother. The exam was actually useless,

> and they couldn't

> even draw blood, because they don't ship out on

> Thursday or Friday,

> and it would have sat until Monday. So they want us

> to come back

> tomorrow and do the blood draw. I don't even know

> which way I want

> it to go, I guess just a definite answer one way or

> the other. I

> don't want to go back and forth like I did with

> . It's funny,

> the nurse practitioner said, " well, if you know he

> does better on the

> diet, why don't you just put him on it? " I had to

> explain to her

> what we went through with , and the feelings

> that I was

> poisoning my child to get a diagnosis. I don't have

> much hopes for

> AFB, but at least they would refer him out to

> the same doctor

> that went to.

> >

> > So, I guess prayers for a definite result, either

> negative or

> positive. Positive would mean 2 trips to the Ped

> GI, one to set the

> appointment for the biopsy and the biopsy.

> >

> > Loriann

> > Wife to Dewight

> > Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and

> Celiac Disease.

> > , 2 years and Strong Willed

> > Both homeschooled.

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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In a message dated 11/4/01 8:26:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

> Well, last Thursday went in to see if he had celiac disease, like his

> brother. The exam was actually useless, and they couldn't even draw blood,

> because they don't ship out on Thursday or Friday, and it would have sat


That is so frustrating. It must be very stressful. This is why I hate blood

tests in general. It is never easy even to draw blood. I don't even like

getting the yearly thyroid tests. Hope everything turns out ok and you get

some answers. Good luck and God bless. You will be in our prayers.

Diane (mom to Rochelle ds-5 and Danny 7)

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Thanks for everyone's prayers. We're back, but obviously don't have the results

yet. was, shall we say, difficult? He acted like he got into something

with wheat in it. It makes him almost like he's high or drunk. He did get into

the peanut butter (was scooping it out with his fingers when I caught him coming

up to get a spoon - guess he got tired of his fingers being sticky) and it's not

a dedicated jar, so there was probably cross contamination. He doesn't have a

dedicated peanut butter because he doesn't eat it often enough. Guess I'll get


It only took 15 minutes to get on the base this time, no line. But when we get

to the lab, they were confused by the form I had, saying it was just a form for

my benefit and not an official request for a test. I'm menopausal and having

hot flashes anyway.......I kind of laid into her about how we tried on Thursday

but at least we had the pharmacy to go to so it wasn't a wasted trip, and this

time I didn't have anything else to do and just drove 30 minutes to get there

and went through the hassle of getting on the base......she typed it in and said

she'd get to us as soon as possible. had NO idea what was coming. He was

a perfect little angel until he saw the needle. He didn't scream like

always does, he cried a little and asked (just a bit forcefully) for the tech to

" take it out, it hurts! " but he was a trooper. I promised him a Happy Meal

(with his brother's bun, just in case), and that's where daddy is now.

So, we're crossing our fingers and hoping for a positive I think, because I see

the signs and I'd just as soon get it over with quickly. I always see things in

my kids before the doctor does.....even though it will be harder when gets

older to be on the diet and go out with his friends. has me to monitor

his diet, will be on his own when he grows up.

I guess he'll learn to deal with it just like any diabetic would.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

, 2 years and Strong Willed

Both homeschooled.

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  • 3 months later...

y'll be in my prayers


--- Loriann <hsmyangels@...> wrote:

> I know, it seems like a silly prayer request, but

> it's important to me. They guy who took my clown

> bags to Houston said NONE of them sold. I only sent

> 5, but he said several people looked at them, and

> commented on how unusual they were, but said they

> looked too heavy. They're quilted with quilted

> pockets and dividers inside. I have one more

> chance. We go to a clown school on Thursday and

> he'll have the five I already gave him and 8 more

> that I've done since. The difference is that I'll

> be there with mine already loaded up. Maybe they'll

> see it with everything in it, how much it holds and

> how it's not that heavy, and they'll sell. Plus, I

> think this is a bigger convention that the one in

> Houston. I think about 500 clowns are expected to

> attend. This wouldn't be so critical, except that

> it's the only way I'll be able to support this

> ministry. I have about $5 a week that I can spare

> to put into this, and that's not enough even for

> makeup and costume needs, let alone additional magic

> tricks or props. I also have a book with 5 clown

> skits that I'm going to try to sell, but they

> typically only sell for $5-6 a piece. I need to get

> more comb bindings, and then I can make up more to

> take with me.


> Just pray it goes better at this next convention.


> Also, I have to take to the base tomorrow for

> a TB test. I know he's going to love that.


> Loriann AKA Flitter the Christian clown

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and

> Celiac Disease.

> , 2.5 years and Strong Willed and Celiac

> Disease



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> --------------------------------------------------

> Checkout our homepage for information,

> bookmarks, and photos of our kids. Share favorite

> bookmarks, ideas, and other information by including

> them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record

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> --------------------------------------------



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In a message dated 2/10/2002 10:59:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

> This wouldn't be so critical, except that it's the only way I'll be able

> to support this ministry.

Hi Loriann,

I feel this way everytime I setup for a fair! Don't get discouraged, selling

your product yourself is your best advertisement and other people are not

going to push as hard as you will yourself. You will guided by a higher power

to fullfill this ministry. Failure always gives us the needed humility. I

have no doubt that you will be successful. I hope the tb test is fast and

quick without problems.


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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HI Loriann,

This is not a silly prayer request. I'm always rooting for you as I

understand this comes from your heart. No telling why your clown bags

did not sell. But, I'm pretty sure with your TLC you'll have the

opportunity to sell some at the next convention. Don't give up yet,

maybe it was not meant to be at this time and you'll succeed on the

next trial. Prayers that they will sell, just Bless your bags and say

a prayer that all will go well. HUGS! Prayers also with 's TB

test, may all go well, too.

Irma, 13,DS/ASD

> I know, it seems like a silly prayer request, but it's important to

me. They guy who took my clown bags to Houston said NONE of them

sold. I only sent 5, but he said several people looked at them, and

commented on how unusual they were, but said they looked too heavy.

They're quilted with quilted pockets and dividers inside. I have one

more chance. We go to a clown school on Thursday and he'll have the

five I already gave him and 8 more that I've done since. The

difference is that I'll be there with mine already loaded up. Maybe

they'll see it with everything in it, how much it holds and how it's

not that heavy, and they'll sell. Plus, I think this is a bigger

convention that the one in Houston. I think about 500 clowns are

expected to attend. This wouldn't be so critical, except that it's

the only way I'll be able to support this ministry. I have about $5

a week that I can spare to put into this, and that's not enough even

for makeup and costume needs, let alone additional magic tricks or

props. I also have a book with 5 clown skits that I'm going to try

to sell, but they typically only sell for $5-6 a piece. I need to

get more comb bindings, and then I can make up more to take with me.


> Just pray it goes better at this next convention.


> Also, I have to take to the base tomorrow for a TB test. I

know he's going to love that.


> Loriann AKA Flitter the Christian clown

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 11 years, Down Syndrome, PDD-NOS and Celiac Disease.

> , 2.5 years and Strong Willed and Celiac Disease




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In a message dated 2/11/2002 9:17:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

hsmyangels@... writes:

> As for 's TB, it was he**, but I made it through.

Hi Loriann,

Be happy this day is behind you. I hope you feel better and you can get some

needed rest. A prayer for better days and a (((((((((hug)))))))))))).


Mom to Zeb 9 DS/OCD ?

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