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I haven't spoken to her yet. I just found out Saturday and she wasn't home

when I called. And today we had company all day so I sort of got side-tracked

and didn't get a chance to call her. But from what my father told me, it was

a store in Utica, but he didn't say which one. I'll have to get all the particulars

this week.


Re: accidents

Gosh , that's awful. Being an avid biker myself, I can only imagine....I hate crashes. Husband did an endo while biking on a trail in Little Falls. Anyway, didn't this salesman do anything. You know like offer to take her to the ER or sometime. Or maybe he did. I know when someone got hurt at our business we encougaged her to go immediately to the ER, at our expense, to make sure everything was ok. Hope that wasn't a local shop that was so careless. Hope she's doing better. chris Joe Murray wrote:

Colleen I bet he's going to be sore for quite a while. My sister had an accidenttwo weeks ago and she's still out of workOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Did you ask her if she knew what junk was in her store

bought soap? I'd have asked her to look at the label next

time. And if there was even a label TELLING her what

was in it, did she know what all those names were? Then

I'd have told her I KNOW what's in my soap.....no chemicals,

no alcohol, just GOOD things for your skin. But you're right,

those kind of people really don't want to be educated anyways.


Re: A funny story/germaben/benzoin

It takes all kinds. Had a women Thrusday says she doesn't know what all the fuss is about. Asked if she has ever used homemade soap before. yes she had and doesn't see any difference between that and the liquid stuff she uses. Didn'twasted my breath with any explanation. Nothing would have pleased her, however she did make sure she sniffed every bar. :-)chris> Hey all!>> I have to tell you a quick story that made me laugh. My husband went to New> Jersey this weekend to visit our friends Matt and Chuck. Well, Chuck asked> Jeff what I was doing this weekend, and Jeff said that I was going to watch> some movies, straighten up our apartment, make some soap, and work on some> other crafts. Chuck responded, "What?!? She makes soap? A bar of soap only> costs 59 cents in the grocery store!"Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Did you ask her if she knew what junk was in her store

bought soap? I'd have asked her to look at the label next

time. And if there was even a label TELLING her what

was in it, did she know what all those names were? Then

I'd have told her I KNOW what's in my soap.....no chemicals,

no alcohol, just GOOD things for your skin. But you're right,

those kind of people really don't want to be educated anyways.


Re: A funny story/germaben/benzoin

It takes all kinds. Had a women Thrusday says she doesn't know what all the fuss is about. Asked if she has ever used homemade soap before. yes she had and doesn't see any difference between that and the liquid stuff she uses. Didn'twasted my breath with any explanation. Nothing would have pleased her, however she did make sure she sniffed every bar. :-)chris> Hey all!>> I have to tell you a quick story that made me laugh. My husband went to New> Jersey this weekend to visit our friends Matt and Chuck. Well, Chuck asked> Jeff what I was doing this weekend, and Jeff said that I was going to watch> some movies, straighten up our apartment, make some soap, and work on some> other crafts. Chuck responded, "What?!? She makes soap? A bar of soap only> costs 59 cents in the grocery store!"Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Chris--Why not do homework on computer? Josh gets same

expectations..8-10 word sentances..but does all writting assignments on

computer. He now has great edit skills on the computer..He is 1 year

behind the twins.......as to OCD , if he is keeping it together at

school...has to let loose some place! Keep smiling... We start school

on Monday here...Joy

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks for your mail. I replied a few days ago, but the message seems to

have gone missing in cyberspace!

I am so sorry to hear of your worries with your teenager. Good for you for

the consequences which sound reasonable and proportionate. Now you just

have to stick to them. Like you, this is one of my biggest problems......

I am sure he won't have damaged his future at all...just learnt a lesson the

hard way. Probably not a moment too soon, and a valuable one about " adult "


This end, things are quieter, with Ami almost bearable most of the time. I

am hassling my ex for details of her med insurance with the plan to get a

referral as soon as I know them - he's delaying - maybe because as the

situation continues her behaviour gives him the excuse to stop paying for

her. Well, we'll see about that! I feel much more able to fight back now,

having allowed him to bully me (and kids) for months during my depression.

Hope to have some news on progress this end SOON!!

I really hope the kids give you a break from stress sometime soon. Are you

ever able to get away for a few days? Does their father take any part in

parenting at all?

Thanks for your caring words to me.

Love to you too!


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  • 1 month later...

Pam, Thanks. Guess I'm being too much of a perfectionist and worrying

too much. I agree with you--I think handcrafted should look handcrafted.

I was worried people would just go on looks alone and not even try the

product. You put my mind at ease.


On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 16:50:37 EST Mistressofsoap@... writes:

> I just eyeball mine, I don't want my soap to look perfect I want it

> to look

> HANDcrafted and it seems my customers like the homemade look,

> believe it or

> not I have had people buy my soap just to set around for looks! I

> use plastic

> molds so I dont line them my soap comes out smooth. I've seen other

> soap

> crafters make there bars look assembly line perfect. NAAA! give me

> that

> homespun country roughed look anyday! Pam



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  • 3 weeks later...

My son is in Kindergarten and he is having problems there which is why I took

him to the doctor. I went in for his parent teacher conference and his teacher

told me he was having 3-4 panic attacks a day (he is only there 2 1/2 hours).

She was worried that all his anxiety was physically wearing on him. I guess I

had just gotten used to the way he is and used to accommodating him. Its much

harder when the ratio is 10 to 1 at school. My pediatrician referred him to a

psychologist who within just a couple of hours with me and him hearing about all

of his " things " she was certain that his problems was OCD and wants me to put

him on meds asap. That was Friday. Since I don't really know anything about

the conditions other than that the more I read, the more it sounds like her

diagnosis is right on target, I decided I needed to do more research before I

commit to medication. She kind of thought that the behavioral therapy might

not be as effective by itself since with him being so young he might not get it.

His things upset him, but it doesn't seem to concern him that these things

bother him, you know? He is generally a very happy kid unless he is spinning up

about something, which is often. His psychologist said he might at this age

have problems being motivated to address his issue because he doesn't yet see

his problems as a problem and she is reluctant to make him feel like he has a

problem even though she thinks he does. (sorry about the run-on sentences) So

I'm going to call her after I get through with the book to discuss where we

should go from here. The *funny* part is that I was worried about telling my

family member, but the ones I have talk to recently when I told them that he has

OCD they were consistently saying basically " Yeah, duh - glad you are finally

doing something about it! " In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they have

already decided this amongst themselves and had bets on when I'd figure it out

myself. They all (mom, dad, sister, grandma) referred to him as " intense. " Now

what are the odds they haven't been discussing this?

Well, it's good to know as our family embarks on this adventure that we are not


-Stacey in NM

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here it is it was very easy to use.




> is PC cillin a website? If so, would you please share it.


> Thanks

> Barb J

> Idaho



> In a message dated 11/28/2001 6:37:00 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> christipaul@... writes:



> > I did a Norton scan and it came up clean then I went to the PC cillin


> > did there scan and had two contaminated files. They corrected them so I

> > should be clean for sure now. It will tell you if you have a virus so

if it

> > said nothing I would guess you are clean. You may not have gotten the


> > just a lot of mail from others with it. I broke my own rule and opened


> > attachment and that is how I got it.

> > Chris

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From:






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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Wow Chris! Thank you for a great remedy of water and baking soda. I will

definitely try this until I have my appointment in two weeks. I didn't know

that that worked. It's so nice to hear others remedies. Thank you kindly.

Love, Sue #2

-- Sue/acid reflux


I also have had severe acid reflux since diagnosis. I, personally, blame

the prednisone (why not, it causes every other problem we have! Plus, I'm

not on mtx). I got to the point where (like you), I was eating tums,

rolaids, etc by the bottle. I had to go on prescription meds. I have tried

various meds but found that nexium has worked the best for me. Even WITH

the nexium, there are times that it gets really bad......when that happens,

I go to the " old-fashioned " remedy of water & baking soda. It tastes rather

nasty, but works IMMEDIATELY. Not to mention, it's allot cheaper than

buying tums (((( smile ))))

Hope this helps!


Howells, NY


Hello friends,

> I have been having a lot of problems with acid reflux all of the sudden.


> s been horrible since I started my MTX. Does anyone else have this

> problem?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for alleviating my fears that I wasn't injecting the right way.

I just can't fathom how the Enbrel can work its way to the right places

through all my " padding " ... :o) Someone here mentioned to aim at a

forty-five degree angle so I try to do that now. I am getting better at

" poking " myself. My hand no longer shakes like an earthquake but I still

have to prep my mind to jab that old needle into my belly. YUK. Nine out of

ten times I wind up poking twice. My belly looks like a pin cushion.


Ca. Carmen

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Nope Chris....you sounded just fine. I understood everything you said.

Why are you running on just an hour and a half sleep? You had better take a

nap. I didn't have a good night either but I did have more than an hour and

a half. .........is there a full moon? I can't tell with all these

rain clouds now.


Ca. Carmen

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Yes, you're ok in going into the fatty area. The Enbrel will work just

fine. The whole point of it is to inject it without going into a muscle.

It doesn't matter that you may have more padding (MY personal preferred

word) there--it will work its way into the system and do its thing. Please,

don't feel that you're doing it wrong--as long as you poke yourself and push

the syrum in, you're fine. Did I explain this correctly? Hard for me to

tell--I'm running on about an hour and a half of sleep! :-(




> Hi

> Yes, I think the tummy is the easiest to " poke " although I've never tried

> anywhere else. But........I don't know how deep my roll of fat goes so is


> okay to inject in fat? I don't know much about my body and haven't the

> slightest what is beyond the fat. Is the Enbrel working just as well in


> tummy fat than it would going deeper?

> Ohhhhhhhhh for a pill............. :o)

> xxoo

> Ca. Carmen








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I just re-read my last comment & realized that last comment " Did I explain

this correctly? " could be taken as a snippy attitude. NOT my

intention....I'm just not sure if I'm making sense.....

I apologize if I came across as a barracuda! (((( smile ))))






> > Hi

> > Yes, I think the tummy is the easiest to " poke " although I've never


> > anywhere else. But........I don't know how deep my roll of fat goes so


> it

> > okay to inject in fat? I don't know much about my body and haven't the

> > slightest what is beyond the fat. Is the Enbrel working just as well in

> my

> > tummy fat than it would going deeper?

> > Ohhhhhhhhh for a pill............. :o)

> > xxoo

> > Ca. Carmen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Not tonight, but I never " need " one to dance! I will try and send some

color your way to chase the clouds...{my boys have inherited a love of all

things colorful from me...much to their fathers dismay..and therefore, my

glee!!!]Happpiness truly can be the best revenge!!!

Doin the Sunshine Hoola...






> Nope Chris....you sounded just fine. & nbsp; I understood everything you

> said. & nbsp; Why are you running on just an hour and a half

> sleep? & nbsp; You had better take a nap. & nbsp; I didn't have a good

> night either but I did have more than an hour and a half. & nbsp;

> .........is there a full moon? & nbsp; I can't tell with all these

> rain clouds now.

> xxoo

> Ca. Carmen








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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

This struggle with the free day, you will overcome it. It is a

mental thing. Not a needs thing. Learning a few tricks is helpful.

Also gorging or eating way too much or too many of your favorite

things make them less intreauging. One free day I wanted velveta and

salsa with chips. Yeah after eating it I was like ok, that was not

as good as I remember!

I mean I am in the grocery store, standing next to 5 peppermint

patties for a buck. I love peppermint patties. They are low in fat,

sugar,carbs! The perfect candy and your mouth is clean after you eat

them! WOW, perfect. Exciept one thing they are not perfect. They are

junk. They have no nutritonal value. They have fiber?> Nah think

not. But all of this did not go threw my mind. It was like " no I

don't long for it " . I didn't feel sad or deprived I felt strong.(a

smile creeps over my lips) I want a new life not controlled by what

I can or can not eat. I want self control. I want to be in good


I don't want to be looking back and saying: I should have, I could

have, I would be in a better place if I didn't just eat....

Feel the power of the control you have, and you do! Really!

Keep trying, you can make it.

> Oh!!! Kathi, please send me some of that willpower!!! Make lasagna

and not have any!!! Don't think I'm ready for that. lol Which is

why i always make sure pizza night coincides with free day. ;)


> I love the idea of writing down your cravings. I'm still have

major struggles with free day, I think this is just what i need.


> Chris

> ----- Original Message -----

>been removed]

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Ohhh! I'm the same way! I love to see my husband go back for seconds, or

sometimes he hides the leftovers so the kiddies don't steal it. lol He works

out of town and is gone alot, which gives me more time to perfect recipes 'fore

putting them on the table. ;) Course, I don't think the kiddos see that as an

advantage. lol

Gosh, freeday just messes with my head. lol First, freeday was turning into a

free weekend, not good. Then I realized that half the stuff I was eating wasn't

the stuff I was craving. Of course being surrounded by oodles of easter candy

didn't help.

Its the word FREE that does it to me. lol I am a nutcase when it comes to food.

:) Sooo, I changed freeday to Sunday, not Saturday. My husband is always home

on Sunday, I feel silly needing a babysitter when it comes to food, but.... it

helps to have him here, he follows my eating and training pretty closely, so he

knows i should be eating eggs, not donuts. lol I'm gonna start making a list,

hopefully that will help, so I'll be eating stuff I want not just pigging out on

whatever is handy. lol Yea, I know, freeday is not supposed to be this

difficult. :) I really just want to keep my eating down to a dull roar

between a big breakfast and pizza for dinner.

I say this knowing I have family coming in this weekend, my son is being

confirmed on Sunday followed by a big dinner. Ohhhh!!! But on the plus side, I

am wearing a size 18 dress not the size 22 I wore last year. :) Yayyyyyy!!

Jeez, sorry about the novel. Be the last time you ask me a simple question. lol




> --- ..I totally do what your friend does! See..I make my


> different meals than what I eat every night..and I will freeze


> for me if there is any left and I can have it on Sunday. I have


> doing that for four months now. I alo write down what I crave


> for me is almost like havin it. Cause I am writin it down so it


> like..yay yayness..I can have that on sunday! Once I mastered


> mentality..it is not hard to wait till sunday for my free day. It


> taken some work to get to that spot though. Like last night I


> alfredo for my family and the night before they had ice cream..I


> sat with them and talked to them while they ate ice cream and I


> my water. Sometimes i will drink some diet soda while they eat..I

> just like to sit with them when they eat. My meals don't always

> coincide with when I have dinner made. It is not hard on me that


> anymore. Some nights I make things that look soo good..but I like

> cooking for my family and my vision of the new me is more


> than that bite of lasagna!

> Kathi

> WHELLOOOOO from the world below!


> In , " M. "

> <mmmegan38@y...> wrote:

> > -Kathi,

> > I think I agree with you. I just wanted to mention tho, that

if it

> > is a free day it is just that. There is no cheating. Just free.


> had

> > a friend, very successful on bfl who would want to eat stuff


> > family was having all week so she would steal a peice of the

> cookie,

> > lasagne, what ever and freeze it for her free day. Then on the


> > day take out all this stuff she would have eaten during the


> She

> > never managed to eat it all, but she did satisfy her cravings.


> > also made a list of what she wanted on her free days, so she

> wouldn't

> > forget. And then sometimes ate the things, again sometimes the

> > craving passed.

> > I like you am going to eat clean during the 6 days and my


> day

> > come what may. I was in the grocery store last night- candy

bars 5

> > for a dollar? What is this a conspiricy to get me to eat junk?

No I

> > just passed it by. No need to think of it now, my free day is

> > Saturday and if I want them they will still be there.

> > My first challenge I couldn't make it one day of eating clean,


> > would get thru the whole day and then eat something bad. I

would be

> > up set and then try again the next day. Again falure. But guess

> what?

> > It was my problem, so I decided I am going to eat clean one


> just

> > one day. Then I did it! So now, I can make it the 6 days,


> it

> > is just one day times six...

> >

> > Ok enough of my babbling...

> > MEgan

> > -- In , " Kathi Felix "

> > <LILSTEPPER@Y...> wrote:

> > > --- How come I can eat like a hogness on free days and still


> > > great results? hmmmmm..I mean I eat probably 3000 cals or

more on

> > > free day? I would guess it is because I eat pretty perfect


> > whole

> > > week and then just have my free day. But i also have a


> > amount

> > > of muscle I think since I always lift so heavy. Free days


> > always

> > > worked wonders for me. am I right in my theory why it works


> me?

> > > But I have to... have to..and I stress have to... eat clean


> > whole

> > > week..nothing extra...no extra bites of this and that..I used


> > make

> > > that mistake alot..my first challenge in 2000 I only cheated


> > Free

> > > day ..and did awesomeness. I am doing it the same way


> feel

> > > in just 3 weeks I am making great strides..but my free days


> > > massive! sooooo....yeah..that is how it works for me..I luv

it! I

> > > guess we are all different in the free day respect. But like


> > > said..I can only have that one day..any other days and it


> kill

> > > me!

> > > Kathi

> > > WHELLOOOOOO from the world below!

> > >

> > > In , " Skwigg "


> > >




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  • 5 months later...

<<<<Otherwise, a good wiping down with alcohol is

sufficient for new containers--that's about the best we can do in a

" home " environment.Just thought you might like to know! ;-)


Thanks so much for the info and dh :) It was very helpful.

Jenn A

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is so encouraging to hear from " you veteran " Stilligans (Melt said the

same) that your children are well adjusted adults. That is so AWESOME! I

bet they are wonderful people! I sure do look forward to meeting everyone

in person on this site one day...Until then...Chris

>From: " TLC " <2r1@...>

>> Hi


>Yes, I agree with you 100%! That is the reason Stills can be so

>frustrating...we feel sort of " normal " for awhile, and then, as you

>said BAM! I *still* after so many years get angry and a little

>depressed some days. I think that is normal considering the

>circumstances...don't you?


>For myself..I don't rest as much as I know I should..but, am

>working on it. The same with the diet, and exercise. Working

>on a lot of things.


>One more thing, I have three grown children. Two sons and

>a daughter. I had a daughter 10 & a son 9 when my present

>husband & I were married. A few months after we were married,

>I had my first bout with the " dragon. " Almost five years later

>we had a son. What I am getting at is this...all three are very

>well adjusted, happy adults. , the 28 year old son went

>with my husband & myself to the second annual Stills convention.

>I am sure that all who met him would agree that he didn't seem

>to be harmed in any way by my being ill for so many years.


>from sunny Wisconsin



> & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

>-- Re: " a dragon and a " chamelion " maybe? "



>Excellent post Tricia! I think that is how Still's can make us so

>frustrated. Maybe a few days, months, years are going fine, and then BAM

>you're in pain and dealing with it again. I always try to enjoy my " good

>days " , and haven't fined tuned dealing with the bad, but I know I am at

>least growing in a positive direction. I still have my days that I rant



>rave, cry, etc. etc., but on my good days I'm dancing for the most part!

>Now I have to grow to the point that I don't get angry when I have to rest



>I do it because I sometimes basically collapse, but it still makes me angry

>most of the time. Even though there is a lot of good that comes out of



>rest as I posted this AM - like quiet, no distraction time with my

>girls...Hoping you have many more jogs to your dogs Tricia...in Sweet

>Home Alabama







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  • 3 months later...

Sorry to read that you are flaring. I hope you can make it until your see your Rheumatologist next week especially with little ones that need attention all the time. I find it hard with a husband and two dogs !

I think "Dutchess of Dixie" might fit you.

Ca. Carmen

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I think you're onto something because my mother used to kid me that I was

the Dutchess of Puget Sound while we were in Seattle. Yes, I believe I'm

more of a Dutchess - Dutchess of Dixie - that'll be who I am until my

husband's work moves us again - LOL!!! Feeling better today - Love, -

the Dutchess of Dixie

>From: pscarmen@...


>Sorry to read that you are flaring. I hope you can make it until your see

>your Rheumatologist next week especially with little ones that need


>all the time. I find it hard with a husband and two dogs !

>I think " Dutchess of Dixie " might fit you.

>Ca. Carmen


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Make the nurses help you with your PC Marilyn! We'll just look forward to

when you are healed enough to connect to the site. I think as long as

you're not fevering or have an infection they will operate on you. I so

hope you can kick this cold quick - the hurry up and wait game gets so

old...Thinking of you....Love, The Dutchess, Chris

>From: " Marilyn Hogg " <mhogg69@...>




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thank you so much for well wishes when I go in for surgery next week. I'm praying that I will be able to have surgery as I have come down with a cold, nothing serious, just sneezing and stuffy nose, does anyone know if that is enough to cancel surgery. I'm hoping that it has to be some kind of infection before they will cancel. Fingers crossed as I have waited too long for this.

I am left handed and that is the hand being operated on so I will only have my right hand to do everything, now that will be a challenge since my left knee will be out of commission as well! Just trying to open the laptop and run the telephone cable from the phone to the laptop to get an internet connection and then to put it back in the phone so I can make phone calls will be a challenge with just one hand but we shall see as I know I will be lost without my connection to you all.

I noticed that when I scrolled the whole way down your email that my email you were responding to was there but further down the page. Not sure why it showed up there and not beneath your email, not sure but I also find that with some of my friends when I respond to them, sometimes their emaisl won't show on my reply to them...bummer! Could be the way your settings are set.

Take care,


----Original Message Follows---- From: " Todd"

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 07:51:38 -0600

Will be thinking of you on the 24th Marilyn - sure will miss your posts. Maybe you could plunk your words into your laptop with your left hand? Just a thought. Anyways, know we will be missing you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted when you are able...Love, The Dutchess, P.S. - I'm not sure why your original messages always disappear when I respond to your e-mails. Do you know why???

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The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

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Make the nurses help you with your PC Marilyn! We'll just look forward to

when you are healed enough to connect to the site. I think as long as

you're not fevering or have an infection they will operate on you. I so

hope you can kick this cold quick - the hurry up and wait game gets so

old...Thinking of you....Love, The Dutchess, Chris

>From: " Marilyn Hogg " <mhogg69@...>




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thank you so much for well wishes when I go in for surgery next week. I'm praying that I will be able to have surgery as I have come down with a cold, nothing serious, just sneezing and stuffy nose, does anyone know if that is enough to cancel surgery. I'm hoping that it has to be some kind of infection before they will cancel. Fingers crossed as I have waited too long for this.

I am left handed and that is the hand being operated on so I will only have my right hand to do everything, now that will be a challenge since my left knee will be out of commission as well! Just trying to open the laptop and run the telephone cable from the phone to the laptop to get an internet connection and then to put it back in the phone so I can make phone calls will be a challenge with just one hand but we shall see as I know I will be lost without my connection to you all.

I noticed that when I scrolled the whole way down your email that my email you were responding to was there but further down the page. Not sure why it showed up there and not beneath your email, not sure but I also find that with some of my friends when I respond to them, sometimes their emaisl won't show on my reply to them...bummer! Could be the way your settings are set.

Take care,


----Original Message Follows---- From: " Todd"

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 07:51:38 -0600

Will be thinking of you on the 24th Marilyn - sure will miss your posts. Maybe you could plunk your words into your laptop with your left hand? Just a thought. Anyways, know we will be missing you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted when you are able...Love, The Dutchess, P.S. - I'm not sure why your original messages always disappear when I respond to your e-mails. Do you know why???

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The materials and information contained in this message are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application, medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

ion by any person following the information offered or provided within this support form.

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  • 10 months later...

Congratulations, Chris. That is exciting news! God is good all the time.... He will continue to show you good things as long as you lean on Him. I am calmer about everything these days -- because of the hep & tx.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: ccwyland [mailto:ccwyland@...] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:13 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Mornin'/Gail

Hey All,

Just wanted to let everyone that I am now in the best mood that I been in for the past 10 yrs or so. The news about my viral load going from 92.6M to .6M in only 10 weeks of treatment. I still have my pressing legal problems to deal with. I am very thankful that I am being allowed to finish my treatments before I go to prison.

I have turned my life around......and I am very proud to say that I have finally accepted God in my life. What a difference his power and stregnth can make on ones life.

In very good spirits now..........and now alcohol or drugs were used to get me that way.

Your friend,


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Thank you so much for responding! I think I just need some reassurance from

someone who has been there. Seeing he is only 4, he is having such a hard time

stopping this. when I ask him to try to boss it back, he says he can't. It's as

though it's something new every minute. I keep wondering if he's losing his

mind. He keeps running over to me and saying these horrible thoughts in his

mind, and it's constant.

His appt is tomorrow am at 10;30. They have to do something. I'm just so

afraid they will hospitalize him because he's so bad.

thanks so much!



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