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Re: @foot relief, for the moment anyway - not a cure, but a huge help

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Thanks kajay

Glad that helps

Not sure can get it in Scotland but will look into it

Yes have tried athletes foot treatment n fungal treatment

Despairing as had realy vicious bites yestrday

Not been so bad fir long time

Crawly a lot

Makes me feel awful

Its the heat

Dreading summer like this!:-(


On Thu, May 31, 2012 09:08 PDT Kajay wrote:

>My herx involved a tremendous amount of shedding of live organisms especially

on back of neck and my legs looked like I had poison ivy all over them. I am

using Naftin, which is helping (ringworm/athlete's foot, by prescription) as

well as this lovely stuff I found at the health food store. This salve brings

things right up to the air where you can scrape 'em up then scrape 'em off onto

a lint roller sheet, where they are going nowhere fast.


>Country Comfort Herbals - Herbal Savvy Golden Seal-Myrrh - 2 oz. - $5.00


>http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=salve+goldenseal+myrrh & oe=utf-8 & rls=or\

g.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=14297081132\

930335494 & sa=X & ei=YZbHT6T9D5OC8ASNi5GUDw & ved=0CIYBEPICMAE





> From: ILIKE TREES <wherearetheangels@...>

>bird mites

>Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:36 PM

>Subject: Re: @whispies




>Did u do caster oil ?

>Cotton best

>Hows ur feet today?

>Mine driving me crazy!

>Cant believe we still have to suffer this!!:-(




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Oh I know,kajay

Its just so distressing

I think the,heat makin worse but dont know

The not being able to be barefoot or walk on own floor at home

I have half a hour feet cleaning rituals morn nite n clove neem oil

Up to recently sprayed shoes dettol every day

Maybe need do again

It is mentaly distressing that it isnt away

Been a year for me

To lose home cat all my stuff n still suffer

Im worried I will get emotionaly sick again

Because I cant keep coping wi feeling infested

With thinkin I will never be able to be close to a human again while feet this


Its a horrid torture realy

For us all

I wud over th moon for it to go

But it getting sooo bad again

Feel like it damaging me so much

Ruining life

But hey we all just get on wi it

Torture n all

Take care

Tis tough x


On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 14:10 PDT Kajay wrote:

>The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was threatening

to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really trying to be

careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home for obvious

reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily since the

organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every time I

touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut down on

spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath I have

Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp).


>My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts

since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these

things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean socks, small ziplocks, this salve,

and the antifungal solution I use on my feet with me wherever I go. Every chance

for privacy, I slip on some gloves, slip off and bag my contaminated socks,

apply the salve and solution to my feet, put the contaminated gloves in the bag

with the socks, put on clean gloves, put on clean socks, ditch the second pair

of gloves, and go back to work. I'm away from my desk about 5 minutes unless

someone comes into the bathroom (multi-stall) in which case I have to be











>On Thu, May 31, 2012 09:08 PDT Kajay wrote:


>>My herx involved a tremendous amount of shedding of live organisms

>especially on back of neck and my legs looked like I had poison ivy all

>over them. I am using Naftin, which is helping (ringworm/athlete's foot,

> by prescription) as well as this lovely stuff I found at the health

>food store. This salve brings things right up to the air where you can

>scrape 'em up then scrape 'em off onto a lint roller sheet, where they

>are going nowhere fast.


>>Country Comfort Herbals - Herbal Savvy Golden Seal-Myrrh - 2 oz. - $5.00


>>http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=salve+goldenseal+myrrh & oe=utf-8 & rls=o\

rg.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=1429708113\

2930335494 & sa=X & ei=YZbHT6T9D5OC8ASNi5GUDw & ved=0CIYBEPICMAE

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Since 1988 for me, but we know so much more now. Then I didn't know what was going on, let alone what to do about it. You will get well way before me - the disease hasn't had time to get the hold on you that they have on me. Kajay From: ILIKE TREES <wherearetheangels@...> bird mites Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 5:37 PM

Subject: Re: @foot relief, for the moment anyway - not a cure, but a huge help

....It is mentaly distressing that it isnt away

Been a year for me

To lose home cat all my stuff n still suffer...

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Oh dear Kajay. I'm sorry the rash is so bad right now as a part of the herx. I had a bad rash at the beginning of this nightmare too. Thought it would never go away. I had it all over my abdomen, back too. Husband had it too at the beginning. What in God's name is this? So sorry you have to be so so so so careful and have to work with this stuff. We all get so tired of the whole thing. Has your husband ever gotten any of this? Mine had symptoms, but got over them... I looked for fibers on him with the use of my new scope and he has no fibers, but I still have them.From: "Kajay" <morjella@...>"morjella" <morjella@...>Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 2:10:21 PMSubject: @foot relief, for the moment anyway - not a cure, but a huge help

The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was threatening to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really trying to be careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home for obvious reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily since the organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every time I touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut down on spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath I have Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp).My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean

socks, small ziplocks, this salve, and the antifungal solution I use on my feet with me wherever I go. Every chance for privacy, I slip on some gloves, slip off and bag my contaminated socks, apply the salve and solution to my feet, put the contaminated gloves in the bag with the socks, put on clean gloves, put on clean socks, ditch the second pair of gloves, and go back to work. I'm away from my desk about 5 minutes unless someone comes into the bathroom (multi-stall) in which case I have to be careful. Kajay ------------------------------

On Thu, May 31, 2012 09:08 PDT Kajay wrote:

>My herx involved a tremendous amount of shedding of live organisms especially on back of neck and my legs looked like I had poison ivy all over them. I am using Naftin, which is helping (ringworm/athlete's foot,

by prescription) as well as this lovely stuff I found at the health food store. This salve brings things right up to the air where you can scrape 'em up then scrape 'em off onto a lint roller sheet, where they are going nowhere fast.


>Country Comfort Herbals - Herbal Savvy Golden Seal-Myrrh - 2 oz. - $5.00


>http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=salve+goldenseal+myrrh & oe=utf-8 & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=14297081132930335494 & sa=X & ei=YZbHT6T9D5OC8ASNi5GUDw & ved=0CIYBEPICMAE

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Hi like trees

The rubber boots with 2 tbls borax & 2-3 cups of water I nthem for 30 mins ,2

times per day soaks them out of the feet, it took 60 days for 1 affliction that

felt like a dollar bill being dragged up the leg, it was unnerving . The soaking

also removed the many bumps I had on my feet. Once off the feet I got better

much faster

Here is my log from those days: it is a response tol a poster on topix forum


( poster asked: )

Hey guys, I was just wondering do you think it's more effective to put down

borax on the carpet for a week, or just vacuum everyday? I'm wondering this

because I think that the borax may not be working so well. I still get a lot of

crawling on my feet and occasionally burrows. Also, I think they are crawling on

to my vinyl mattress from the floor. Do you think over time they will build an

immunity to borax like they do with all the topical treatments?

(Bills answer :)

Borax is poison nothing lives in it. I use it 1 cup to 1 gallon of water

.. I Shampoo my carpet with it in my car. I. Do not use fresh water when I rinse

the carpet , I leave it in. The bug will die. It takes 2 days and they wil

dissapear ( lookup death valley on the net, nothing llive there it is all borax

( sodium borate) it does not allow life . You cannot injest borax it is poison.

If you do a little it causes bad diarrea. 2 teapoons is fatal ( google ''Borax

material data safety sheet''

So when I spray it on the carpet and on the walls & ceiling ,I spray away from

me. It is totally invisible on white surfaces. It works wonders. I spray the

walls once a week with Dawn 1 cup to 4 cups water . This has stopped them in my

house. I spray Epsom salt (also white) daily on the ceiling walls & floor. It

makes it very hard to even find a bug, sooo nice ! .

I sleep on an air mattress on a sheet of plastic with Dawn 1/2 cup per gallon

of water & 1 cup of borax in it I spray out the mote fluid under my air mattress

on the plastic. No bug ever bites me when I sleep. . It is bliss. Then in the

am I roll up the plastic around a brick and sink it in a 5 gallon bucket of

water with a little dawn , 1/4 cup per 3 gallons of water to suffacate the

mites. So then each morning I am killing every mite that has come to my bed to

snack. Eventually there is no more mites in the room ... I use 2 pieces of

plastic. One is soaking, the other is drip drying waiting to be used as a mote

in the pm. I buy them for 1 dollar at the Dollar store (9' X12 foot). Before the

mote I was bit each nite, or at least by am . I used the mote for 3 weeks. Now

I don't I spray epsom salts on the hard wood floor. I have not been bit in the

am in 30 days except once. I quickly Dawned the area and it has been good since.

Epsom salts (1 cup per pint of water) works very well when I pour it over my

head and all over, then let it dry for 1 hour. It has stopped all crawling. Then

I use the sulfur 1 hour later as needed. And always top of head to toe for at

least 24 hours or more.

I had a few bad pimples that would not cure for long with the sulfur .I tried

sulfur straight, it helped then I read on the forum about using a hair dryer to

relive itching. So I pointed the hair dryer at the mite pod. Got it warm, then

warmer , then just till it was hot, then pulled it away fast. ....no more itch

....none, 7 days later : no itch ...its a miracle some of those spots were old, 3

months even .. (Vidal Sasson's never burn out: 9.99 at Family Dollar store)

The skin didn't really hurt, no scar, no redness, just no itch .

I read about feet being bit, I went back to tennis shoes for 2 months. What a

mistake: my feet got bit up badly . Cowboy boots from now on I got the bugs off

my feet by soaking my feet in 1/2 cup of Borax per gallon for 30 mins per day

.. This got old fast so, now I put the borax in rubber boots (2 tablespoons) with

2 -3 cups of water and wear them for 30 mins daily, it also cures athletes foot

& toenail fungus. I also use athletes foot creme & epsoms & sulfur . I never

stop pelting them. If I take a break on treatments I use MSM head to toe. I seem

to be ok , no crawling just a couple of deep down itches. under my ribs.

I hope this helps. The mote was the biggest helper of all . To sleep without


God bless you



Bye, I like trees ,

Keep the faith He will help ,

God bless you I like Trees ,



On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 5:37 PM EDT ILIKE TREES wrote:


>Oh I know,kajay

>Its just so distressing

>I think the,heat makin worse but dont know

>The not being able to be barefoot or walk on own floor at home

>I have half a hour feet cleaning rituals morn nite n clove neem oil

>Up to recently sprayed shoes dettol every day

>Maybe need do again

>It is mentaly distressing that it isnt away

>Been a year for me

>To lose home cat all my stuff n still suffer

>Im worried I will get emotionaly sick again

>Because I cant keep coping wi feeling infested

>With thinkin I will never be able to be close to a human again while feet this


>Its a horrid torture realy

>For us all

>I wud over th moon for it to go

>But it getting sooo bad again

>Feel like it damaging me so much

>Ruining life

>But hey we all just get on wi it

>Torture n all

>Take care

>Tis tough x





>On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 14:10 PDT Kajay wrote:


>>The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was

threatening to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really

trying to be careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home

for obvious reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily

since the organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every

time I touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut

down on spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath

I have Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp).


>>My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts

since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these

things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean socks, small ziplocks, this salve,


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Oh thank you bill

God bless you too!:-)

I did try borax before bill ,borax slams,athlete feet cream too,fungal cream

too,benzyl peroxide too,

I wash with sulphur

And yet its getting much worse again

I am too scared to get microscope

But feel it may be mites hatching in the heat

Oh to live like this!:-(

Im being a good mama to the little dog

Giving her loads of love n help all I can

But feel torture re mites

An was hoping it was going away as had improved with doxy

But not now

Wunder what to do!:-(

Tc bill

Very best wishes to you


On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 07:28 PDT Doe wrote:


>Hi like trees


> The rubber boots with 2 tbls borax & 2-3 cups of water I nthem for 30 mins ,2

times per day soaks them out of the feet, it took 60 days for 1 affliction that

felt like a dollar bill being dragged up the leg, it was unnerving . The soaking

also removed the many bumps I had on my feet. Once off the feet I got better

much faster


>Here is my log from those days: it is a response tol a poster on topix forum







>( poster asked: )


>Hey guys, I was just wondering do you think it's more effective to put down

borax on the carpet for a week, or just vacuum everyday? I'm wondering this

because I think that the borax may not be working so well. I still get a lot of

crawling on my feet and occasionally burrows. Also, I think they are crawling on

to my vinyl mattress from the floor. Do you think over time they will build an

immunity to borax like they do with all the topical treatments?

>(Bills answer :)


> Borax is poison nothing lives in it. I use it 1 cup to 1 gallon of water

.. I Shampoo my carpet with it in my car. I. Do not use fresh water when I rinse

the carpet , I leave it in. The bug will die. It takes 2 days and they wil

dissapear ( lookup death valley on the net, nothing llive there it is all borax

( sodium borate) it does not allow life . You cannot injest borax it is poison.

If you do a little it causes bad diarrea. 2 teapoons is fatal ( google ''Borax

material data safety sheet''

> So when I spray it on the carpet and on the walls & ceiling ,I spray away from

me. It is totally invisible on white surfaces. It works wonders. I spray the

walls once a week with Dawn 1 cup to 4 cups water . This has stopped them in my

house. I spray Epsom salt (also white) daily on the ceiling walls & floor. It

makes it very hard to even find a bug, sooo nice ! .

> I sleep on an air mattress on a sheet of plastic with Dawn 1/2 cup per gallon

of water & 1 cup of borax in it I spray out the mote fluid under my air mattress

on the plastic. No bug ever bites me when I sleep. . It is bliss. Then in the

am I roll up the plastic around a brick and sink it in a 5 gallon bucket of

water with a little dawn , 1/4 cup per 3 gallons of water to suffacate the

mites. So then each morning I am killing every mite that has come to my bed to

snack. Eventually there is no more mites in the room ... I use 2 pieces of

plastic. One is soaking, the other is drip drying waiting to be used as a mote

in the pm. I buy them for 1 dollar at the Dollar store (9' X12 foot). Before the

mote I was bit each nite, or at least by am . I used the mote for 3 weeks. Now

I don't I spray epsom salts on the hard wood floor. I have not been bit in the

am in 30 days except once. I quickly Dawned the area and it has been good since.

> Epsom salts (1 cup per pint of water) works very well when I pour it over my

head and all over, then let it dry for 1 hour. It has stopped all crawling. Then

I use the sulfur 1 hour later as needed. And always top of head to toe for at

least 24 hours or more.

> I had a few bad pimples that would not cure for long with the sulfur .I tried

sulfur straight, it helped then I read on the forum about using a hair dryer to

relive itching. So I pointed the hair dryer at the mite pod. Got it warm, then

warmer , then just till it was hot, then pulled it away fast. ....no more itch

....none, 7 days later : no itch ...its a miracle some of those spots were old, 3

months even .. (Vidal Sasson's never burn out: 9.99 at Family Dollar store)

>The skin didn't really hurt, no scar, no redness, just no itch .

> I read about feet being bit, I went back to tennis shoes for 2 months. What a

mistake: my feet got bit up badly . Cowboy boots from now on I got the bugs off

my feet by soaking my feet in 1/2 cup of Borax per gallon for 30 mins per day

.. This got old fast so, now I put the borax in rubber boots (2 tablespoons) with

2 -3 cups of water and wear them for 30 mins daily, it also cures athletes foot

& toenail fungus. I also use athletes foot creme & epsoms & sulfur . I never

stop pelting them. If I take a break on treatments I use MSM head to toe. I seem

to be ok , no crawling just a couple of deep down itches. under my ribs.


> I hope this helps. The mote was the biggest helper of all . To sleep without



> God bless you









>Bye, I like trees ,

>Keep the faith He will help ,


>God bless you I like Trees ,




> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 5:37 PM EDT ILIKE TREES wrote:


> >

> >Oh I know,kajay

> >Its just so distressing

> >I think the,heat makin worse but dont know

> >The not being able to be barefoot or walk on own floor at home

> >I have half a hour feet cleaning rituals morn nite n clove neem oil

> >Up to recently sprayed shoes dettol every day

> >Maybe need do again

> >It is mentaly distressing that it isnt away

> >Been a year for me

> >To lose home cat all my stuff n still suffer

> >Im worried I will get emotionaly sick again

> >Because I cant keep coping wi feeling infested

> >With thinkin I will never be able to be close to a human again while feet

this way

> >Its a horrid torture realy

> >For us all

> >I wud over th moon for it to go

> >But it getting sooo bad again

> >Feel like it damaging me so much

> >Ruining life

> >But hey we all just get on wi it

> >Torture n all

> >Take care

> >Tis tough x

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------------

> >On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 14:10 PDT Kajay wrote:

> >

> >The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was

threatening to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really

trying to be careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home

for obvious reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily

since the organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every

time I touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut

down on spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath

I have Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp).

> >

> >My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts

since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these

things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean socks, small ziplocks, this salve,


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Hang in there CAandraya Oh thank you bill God bless you too!:-) I did try borax before bill ,borax slams,athlete feet cream too,fungal cream too,benzyl peroxide too, I wash with sulphur And yet its getting much worse again I am too scared to get microscope But feel it may be mites hatching in the heat Oh to live like this!:-( Im being a good mama to the little dog Giving her loads of love n help all I can But feel torture re mites An was hoping it was going away as had improved with doxy But not now Wunder what to do!:-( Tc bill Very best wishes to you --------------------------- > > > >The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was threatening to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really trying to be careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home for obvious reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily since the organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every time I touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut down on spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath I have Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp). > > > >My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean socks, small ziplocks, this salve, and

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Thanks aa,

Nice to hear from you!:-)

How are u now?

Hope sensations gone


On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 12:23 PDT Aandraya Da Silva wrote:

>Hang in there C






>Oh thank you bill

>God bless you too!:-)

>I did try borax before bill ,borax slams,athlete feet cream too,fungal cream

too,benzyl peroxide too,

>I wash with sulphur

>And yet its getting much worse again

>I am too scared to get microscope

>But feel it may be mites hatching in the heat

>Oh to live like this!:-(

>Im being a good mama to the little dog

>Giving her loads of love n help all I can

>But feel torture re mites

>An was hoping it was going away as had improved with doxy

>But not now

>Wunder what to do!:-(

>Tc bill

>Very best wishes to you



>On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 07:28 PDT Doe wrote:



>>Hi like trees


>> The rubber boots with 2 tbls borax & 2-3 cups of water I nthem for 30 mins ,2

times per day soaks them out of the feet, it took 60 days for 1 affliction that

felt like a dollar bill being dragged up the leg, it was unnerving . The soaking

also removed the many bumps I had on my feet. Once off the feet I got better

much faster


>>Here is my log from those days: it is a response tol a poster on topix forum







>>( poster asked: )


>>Hey guys, I was just wondering do you think it's more effective to put down

borax on the carpet for a week, or just vacuum everyday? I'm wondering this

because I think that the borax may not be working so well. I still get a lot of

crawling on my feet and occasionally burrows. Also, I think they are crawling on

to my vinyl mattress from the floor. Do you think over time they will build an

immunity to borax like they do with all the topical treatments?

>>(Bills answer :)


>> Borax is poison nothing lives in it. I use it 1 cup to 1 gallon of

water . I Shampoo my carpet with it in my car. I. Do not use fresh water when I

rinse the carpet , I leave it in. The bug will die. It takes 2 days and they wil

dissapear ( lookup death valley on the net, nothing llive there it is all borax

( sodium borate) it does not allow life . You cannot injest borax it is poison.

If you do a little it causes bad diarrea. 2 teapoons is fatal ( google ''Borax

material data safety sheet''

>> So when I spray it on the carpet and on the walls & ceiling ,I spray away

from me. It is totally invisible on white surfaces. It works wonders. I spray

the walls once a week with Dawn 1 cup to 4 cups water . This has stopped them in

my house. I spray Epsom salt (also white) daily on the ceiling walls & floor. It

makes it very hard to even find a bug, sooo nice ! .

>> I sleep on an air mattress on a sheet of plastic with Dawn 1/2 cup per gallon

of water & 1 cup of borax in it I spray out the mote fluid under my air mattress

on the plastic. No bug ever bites me when I sleep. . It is bliss. Then in the am

I roll up the plastic around a brick and sink it in a 5 gallon bucket of water

with a little dawn , 1/4 cup per 3 gallons of water to suffacate the mites. So

then each morning I am killing every mite that has come to my bed to snack.

Eventually there is no more mites in the room ... I use 2 pieces of plastic. One

is soaking, the other is drip drying waiting to be used as a mote in the pm. I

buy them for 1 dollar at the Dollar store (9' X12 foot). Before the mote I was

bit each nite, or at least by am . I used the mote for 3 weeks. Now I don't I

spray epsom salts on the hard wood floor. I have not been bit in the am in 30

days except once. I quickly Dawned the area and it has been good since.

>> Epsom salts (1 cup per pint of water) works very well when I pour it over my

head and all over, then let it dry for 1 hour. It has stopped all crawling. Then

I use the sulfur 1 hour later as needed. And always top of head to toe for at

least 24 hours or more.

>> I had a few bad pimples that would not cure for long with the sulfur .I tried

sulfur straight, it helped then I read on the forum about using a hair dryer to

relive itching. So I pointed the hair dryer at the mite pod. Got it warm, then

warmer , then just till it was hot, then pulled it away fast. ....no more itch

....none, 7 days later : no itch ...its a miracle some of those spots were old, 3

months even .. (Vidal Sasson's never burn out: 9.99 at Family Dollar store)

>>The skin didn't really hurt, no scar, no redness, just no itch .

>> I read about feet being bit, I went back to tennis shoes for 2 months. What a

mistake: my feet got bit up badly . Cowboy boots from now on I got the bugs off

my feet by soaking my feet in 1/2 cup of Borax per gallon for 30 mins per day .

This got old fast so, now I put the borax in rubber boots (2 tablespoons) with 2

-3 cups of water and wear them for 30 mins daily, it also cures athletes foot &

toenail fungus. I also use athletes foot creme & epsoms & sulfur . I never stop

pelting them. If I take a break on treatments I use MSM head to toe. I seem to

be ok , no crawling just a couple of deep down itches. under my ribs.


>> I hope this helps. The mote was the biggest helper of all . To sleep without



>> God bless you









>>Bye, I like trees ,

>>Keep the faith He will help ,


>>God bless you I like Trees ,




>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 5:37 PM EDT ILIKE TREES wrote:


>> >

>> >Oh I know,kajay

>> >Its just so distressing

>> >I think the,heat makin worse but dont know

>> >The not being able to be barefoot or walk on own floor at home

>> >I have half a hour feet cleaning rituals morn nite n clove neem oil

>> >Up to recently sprayed shoes dettol every day

>> >Maybe need do again

>> >It is mentaly distressing that it isnt away

>> >Been a year for me

>> >To lose home cat all my stuff n still suffer

>> >Im worried I will get emotionaly sick again

>> >Because I cant keep coping wi feeling infested

>> >With thinkin I will never be able to be close to a human again while feet

this way

>> >Its a horrid torture realy

>> >For us all

>> >I wud over th moon for it to go

>> >But it getting sooo bad again

>> >Feel like it damaging me so much

>> >Ruining life

>> >But hey we all just get on wi it

>> >Torture n all

>> >Take care

>> >Tis tough x

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >------------------------------

>> >On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 14:10 PDT Kajay wrote:

>> >

>> >The goldenseal/myrrh salve is really helping me. The herx rash was

threatening to (is still threatening to) take over my whole body. I am really

trying to be careful to change my vinyl gloves (which I wear full-time at home

for obvious reasons, especially now, with this rash, which spreads so easily

since the organisms are coming up still alive and intact to the surface) every

time I touch my skin anywhere - and I keep myself covered at home too, to cut

down on spreading, including wearing a head scarf over paper towels (underneath

I have Gordon's F-Zymes on my scalp).

>> >

>> >My herx increased a lot when I went on the Minocycline. It is off the charts

since I increased the F-Zyme capsules to two a night. Man oh man, I want these

things out of me. I take vinyl gloves, clean socks, small ziplocks, this salve,



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