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Re: why, yes, i *have* danced with the devil FOR MATT

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Hi , I also smooshed my bugs....doggone it. Never did a good sample of a

mite. So of course I had to deal with the disbelievers. The fungus now, got

lots of samples of that. Whenever I have had to deal with infested clothing, I

always got a bloody nose. When I blew my nose, I always had red specks. Under

a microscope, it was always blood, not mites, so I knew I was dealing with

spores. I have bags of clothes outside which I have not washed. Everytime I was

a bag I am infested. So now, I suit up with mask, gloves and vicks all over my

face and nose, dump a bag outside, scatter it around with a stick and then after

letting it air, I bring bits and pieces inside to wash. Then I never have to

worry about it again. I don't have to wash on hot water or anything. I do use

Borax or Ammonia though and that kills the fungus. Then my clothes are as good

as new.


> >

> > This is my first post to the group. I joined a couple weeks back, and have

intended to write something all the while. I'm a beaten man, though, and I've

lacked the motivation to actually sit down and coagulate my thoughts. I've been

living with bird mites on and off for almost two years now, having moved to a

new house right in the middle. I've done all sorts of crazy things, as many of

you have, with varying degrees of never-complete effectiveness. I've vacuumed

for up to 10 hours a day (not lately). I've used a steam vaporizer that long,

too... both on every square inch of floor, wall, and ceiling. Remembering, of

course, to empty the bag immediately, Ziploc bag it, freeze it until trash day,

then dispose of it promptly. I mean, that's what everyone does, right??

> >

> >

> > I've used every 'thrin known to man. Hired three PCOs. Spread thin layers of

DE throughout my house, more than once. I've used Bifen, melted menthol crystals

(which left red circles around my eyes, especially when combined with all the

Selsun Blue I used until recently - WAAAY too much menthol), Xtreme Kleen,

spread bleach, Borax, amonia, and lots of other chemicals I don't recall at the


> >

> > I've hired a plumber to connect a new water line directly from my water

heater to the washing machine, allowing me to wash clothes in hotter water than

the rest of the house gets. I've bathed my dog way more than a dog should be

bathed. I shower up to three times a day, scrubbing my skin raw with a loofah

sponge I used to enjoy. I've scratched. I've anticipated needing to scratch just

as much. I've brushed my teeth every day for the past four months while

constantly moving my feet so I can handle being in the bathroom; I've brushed my

teeth less than I ever have as a result (yummy!). I've slept on the couch every

day for the past three months while my wife sleeps in our bed because I don't

want my attractiveness among mites to impact her sleep.

> >

> > I've contemplated suicide many, many times. Never thinking that I'll

actually do it, mind you. I have two kids, after all, and I'd never act that

selfishly. But I fantasize about it, as it seems like such a peaceful solution

to what life has thrown at me. I watch commercials or tv shows profiling people

relaxing in their fictitious houses - presumably mite-free - and I become

jealous. Ditto toward my friends and family. I worry constantly that I'll give

the problem to someone else, though I never have (I'm diligent about putting on

clean clothes, showering, even steam-cleaning bags and such before daring to

spend appreciable amounts of time in anyone's house or car).

> >

> > In all my reading, the posts I see from people who've successfully rid

themselves of this plague fall into three categories:

> >

> > 1) People who've gotten rid of all possessions and moved to a new home.

> > 2) People who've gotten rid of all possessions and

clorox'ed/bleached/amonia'ed their empty home until the cows came home.

> > 3) People who've managed to have their homes Vikane gassed.

> >

> > We moved in February, and brought the problem with us. I could go on and on

about how pissed I am at myself for not doing a better job of ensuring we didn't

bring it with us, but I don't even like to think about it. The point is that

we're not going to move again any time soon, so option 1 is off the table. I was

ready to go with #2, but my wife didn't like the idea of having to buy all new

stuff without any guarantee that it'd fix the problem. (side, but important,

note: Of all the family members, I feel the little fuckers the most, by far. My

wife feels them occasionally, and neither of my kids feels them at all. I'm very

thankful that no one else feels them like I do, while simultaneously feeling

sorry for myself that I had to draw a short straw.)

> >

> > So, my new focus is on getting a PCO to tent and Vikane the house. It'll be

expensive, especially since I'll want it done twice, a week or so apart to

account for the eggs, which should be studied by the U.S. military since they

seem impervious to everything. But I'd literally pay any amount of money to fix

the problem at this point, a sentiment many of you can relate to. If Vikane

works, I'll consider it the best investment I will ever make.

> >

> > If it doesn't work, I will become an even more desperate man, and will

convince my wife that throwing out all our stuff is necessary. We've already

spent upwards of $20,000 treating this problem, including chemicals, cleaners,

PCOs, hotel stays, pet hotel stays, etc. If we have to throw out our stuff, I'd

estimate it'll cost an additional $75K.

> >

> > I've been divorced, and it was awful. I remember thinking at one point that

I hoped it'd wind up being the worst thing I ever had to deal with. But, looking

back, that was a cake-walk. Each day sucked for a while. But at the end of each

day, I got to plop on a couch, drink too much alcohol, and relax. This problem

robs me of that ability. I can never fully relax, unless I'm in the shower or a

pool or other source of moving water. Also when I exercise, though I'm often too

tired or scatter-brained to do that. I've been an exercise addict for about 20

years, typically lifting weights and/or running about six days a week. Now I'm

lucky if I get three days; usually one or two. In short summary, I'm a beaten

man, once full of life and now struggling to maintain my ability to pretend to

be normal around others.

> >

> > Wow. I really am all over the map here, and I've certainly bitched enough

for one email. So I'll end it at that. Many of you are in the same boat, which I

suppose is why I'm writing. Misery does draw comfort from company, and so this

forum is a godsend. Knowing you're all out there helps remind me that I'm not

crazy; I'm not imagining this problem as many people think I am. Increasingly, I

appreciate that help, as I've been questioning my sanity a lot lately. So,

thanks, everyone, for sharing your stories and remedies. It's nice to know

you're out there.

> >

> > - Matt

> >




> =


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