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Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them

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I can't remember, it has been a couple of years since I photographed this little blue rascal!Kajay From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...> bird mites Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 7:10 PM Subject: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them

I wish I had some idea Kajay. Look like more Morgellons fibers to me, but I could be wrong. What part of the body were they found on? From: "Kajay" <morjella@...>"morjella" <morjella@...>Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 2:14:43 PMSubject: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them [50 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Kajay included below]


If you view these as a slideshow, please tell me what you think. These were taken after I had transferred the specimen from my skinThe color is not right, the actual color was a clear but lighter blue than this.Again, I am putting this out there for y'all to tell me what you think this is. As for me, I know that this critter is also a live creature. I am just curious if the Kajay

Attachment(s) from Kajay

10 of 50 Photo(s)

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Hi BillYou're right, no posts for a while Bill and s. Things have been busy here at our house with trying to get the spiders out of the house again. Every year the same old thing. We had a storage shed full of tools and paint on the deck and I think they were breeding in there. We took the shed down yesterday and tore it apart for garbage and will take paint to toxic waste place Tuesday. Soooo, we spent a lot of time the last few days cleaning outside because the spiders are coming in droves again. Thank God for the spider traps that do catch spiders (some of them), but that is where my focus has been. Twice a day we have to go on spider patrol in the house. More plugging up holes where they can get in. STILL have not used my quart of Cedarcide. I didn't want to waste the one quart outdoors and didn't know if it would do that much good anyway. Wonder if there is a relationship to the mite experience and the spiders. Hmmm We just don't know. One spider was on the bed... these ones are hunters, not web spinners.My liver enzymes went up when I started the drug Itraconazole (antifungal). LLMD wanted to give me a choice between trying that antifungal and taking the Fluconazole again, so I have been off Itraconazole a few days and will hopefully get tested next week to see if the liver enzyme issue is resolving. My Lyme Doc was not overly concerned about the high liver enzymes, but I was. I think she got it all wrong - thinks my high liver enzymes are the result of herxing, but change coincided with the introduction of a new antifungal, which can be really hard on an already overtaxed liver. Anyway, the western medicine route is a touchy difficult path as I see it... it can harm and help both. Between all of that we did get out to see a movie and just got out to see Men in Black III. Love that sort of thing. Hope you are all having a wonderful Memorial Day week-end, finding yourselves a little corner to relieve stress and have some hope and even fun. Will do some BBQing tomorrow. Summer is almost here.God bless... all.From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 1:35:44 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of themHi Thanks for all the great posts , have a good memorial day God bless you 110:1 (A Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,` ... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house, We will serve YHWH! ,,`,,`` (Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah. --------------------------- > >>Gloria, >> >>Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering. The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and fungi attacking other organisms move. >> >> >>I don't feel the necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real - not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites as I do, the real deal: Morgellons. >> >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w------------------------------------

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ever tried the electronic pest for spiders? I have many in house, not sure

they work. I was pretty much pest free when I bought mine. Link included, may

find cheaper?


> >

> >>Gloria,

> >>

> >>Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving

fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering.

The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and

fungi attacking other organisms move.

> >>

> >>

> >>I don't feel the necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real -

not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two

reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the

organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let

others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them

knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could

well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites

as I do, the real deal: Morgellons.

> >>

> >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also

reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a

cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet

at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w



> ------------------------------------



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Looks like save your money for the movies lol


> > >

> > >>Gloria,

> > >>

> > >>Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving

fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering.

The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and

fungi attacking other organisms move.

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>I don't feel the necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real

- not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two

reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the

organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let

others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them

knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could

well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites

as I do, the real deal: Morgellons.

> > >>

> > >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also

reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a

cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet

at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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You can do it girl! Will you be moving right after that or take a rest first before moving? I suppose it will take you a while to get your things together for moving. Good idea on vacuuming under things, even things like bookcases. We found lots of egg sacks from outside when the tool shed was dismantled. I hosed everything down with pressure from hose. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day week-end too. Hugs, let us know how things are going! Yes, the Itraconazole can be hard on the liver. I read about this online.From: " Benton" <sarahbenton48@...>bird mites Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 6:41:17 AMSubject: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them

I understandl, . If school can keep me too busy to write on this site, then spiders can do the same for you. I only have 2 days of work left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I didn't know that about the intraconazole. I'm interested to see if your enzymes balance.Sounds like a good idea, getting rid of the shed. In January/February, take a vacuum and vacuum up egg sacks from under and in anything you can find in the house. They hatch Feb/March here. Don't know your seasonal timeline there though.Enjoy the BBQ!Love and light,s From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...> bird mites Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:55 PM Subject: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them

Hi BillYou're right, no posts for a while Bill and s. Things have been busy here at our house with trying to get the spiders out of the house again. Every year the same old thing. We had a storage shed full of tools and paint on the deck and I think they were breeding in there. We took the shed down yesterday and tore it apart for garbage and will take paint to toxic waste place Tuesday. Soooo, we spent a lot of time the last few days cleaning outside because the spiders are coming in droves again. Thank God for the spider traps that do catch spiders (some of them), but that is where my focus has been. Twice a day we have to go on spider patrol in the house. More plugging up holes where they can get in. STILL have not used my quart of Cedarcide. I didn't want to waste the one quart outdoors and didn't

know if it would do that much good anyway. Wonder if there is a relationship to the mite experience and the spiders. Hmmm We just don't know. One spider was on the bed... these ones are hunters, not web spinners.My liver enzymes went up when I started the drug Itraconazole (antifungal). LLMD wanted to give me a choice between trying that antifungal and taking the Fluconazole again, so I have been off Itraconazole a few days and will hopefully get tested next week to see if the liver enzyme issue is resolving. My Lyme Doc was not overly concerned about the high liver enzymes, but I was. I think she got it all wrong - thinks my high liver enzymes are the result of herxing, but change coincided with the introduction of a new antifungal, which can be really hard on an already overtaxed liver. Anyway, the western medicine route is a touchy difficult path as I see it... it can harm and

help both. Between all of that we did get out to see a movie and just got out to see Men in Black III. Love that sort of thing. Hope you are all having a wonderful Memorial Day week-end, finding yourselves a little corner to relieve stress and have some hope and even fun. Will do some BBQing tomorrow. Summer is almost here.God bless... all.From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 1:35:44 PMSubject: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of themHi Thanks for all the great posts , have a good memorial day God bless you 110:1 (A Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my

Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,` ... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house, We will serve YHWH! ,,`,,`` (Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the

temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah. --------------------------- > >>Gloria, >> >>Thank you for looking and for your

feedback. As far as a video of moving fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering. The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and fungi attacking other organisms move. >> >> >>I don't feel the necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real - not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites as I do, the real deal: Morgellons. >> >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed

also reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w------------------------------------

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Edinburgh has lovely old cobbled streets n terrific architecture!:-)

A mutt?

ThAts funny!

Ah u have a very rich family history!

Cayce recommends cotton

Well having bad bite sensations feet justnow

Heat makes baaad

Hate it!:-(

Wee dog at vet

Urine infection

But blood pressure not bad,better than was

Must b doing something right!!

Hugs back x


On Tue, May 29, 2012 08:49 PDT Goldstein@... wrote:

>Hi C



>My daughter and her husband are going to be in Edinburgh for their

anniversary... they are so excited. Hope you are having a wonderful day! I am

part ish and we've always eaten oats a lot... pretty much I'm a mutt...

part this and part that. Part English, part Welch, part Swiss German and part

ish. My mom was 100% Swiss German.



>I used to have some of the Edgar Cayce books. Must look into some of his

treatments again. I think I'll do the castor oil / heating pad today. I just

need to find a piece of flannel now. Does he recommend cotton flannel or wool







>P.S. Elissa tests show nothing... they almost never pick up anything of any

real value.


> [ bird mites ] Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them


>>Looks like save your money for the movies lol http :// lancaster . unl . edu

/pest/resources/ ultrasonicdevices . shtml




>> > >

>> > >Gloria,

>> > >

>> > >Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving

fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering.

The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and

fungi attacking other organisms move.

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >I don't feel the necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real

- not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two

reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the

organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let

others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them

knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could

well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites

as I do, the real deal: Morgellons .

>> > >

>> > >I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also

reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a

cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet

at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

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I wish I had the Men in Black-equipment to blast away all the nasty critters that are bothering us !

Hugs to all of you friends !

Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:41 Montag, 28.Mai 2012Betreff: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them


I have not tried the electronic pest devices yet. Maybe I will try them, just not sure yet. We've filled so many holes to the outside and will keep filling holes until there is no place for them to come in. We realize the outside area was a real draw even though we had layed about 1/3 " of DE on the deck. I think it loses its ability after getting somewhat damp.

The sliding glass doors (2) are sealed shut with special sealer. Spiders still find a way to come in.

I have about 15 traps laid downstairs now... wow.

P.S. Men in Black III was good, not great, but husband wanted to see it in 3D. I could have cared less about the 3D part. Pure escapism.

From: "healinghope" <mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:46:11 PMSubject: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them ever tried the electronic pest for spiders? I have many in house, not sure they work. I was pretty much pest free when I bought mine. Link included, may find cheaper? http://spidercontrol1.com/SpiderRepellerInfo.htm--- In bird mites , Goldstein@... wrote:>> Hi Bill > > > You're right, no posts for a while Bill and s.

Things have been busy here at our house with trying to get the spiders out of the house again. Every year the same old thing. We had a storage shed full of tools and paint on the deck and I think they were breeding in there. We took the shed down yesterday and tore it apart for garbage and will take paint to toxic waste place Tuesday. Soooo, we spent a lot of time the last few days cleaning outside because the spiders are coming in droves again. Thank God for the spider traps that do catch spiders (some of them), but that is where my focus has been. Twice a day we have to go on spider patrol in the house. More plugging up holes where they can get in. STILL have not used my quart of Cedarcide. I didn't want to waste the one quart outdoors and didn't know if it would do that much good anyway. Wonder if there is a relationship to the mite experience and the spiders. Hmmm We just don't know. One spider was on the bed... these ones are hunters, not web

spinners. > > > My liver enzymes went up when I started the drug Itraconazole (antifungal). LLMD wanted to give me a choice between trying that antifungal and taking the Fluconazole again, so I have been off Itraconazole a few days and will hopefully get tested next week to see if the liver enzyme issue is resolving. My Lyme Doc was not overly concerned about the high liver enzymes, but I was. I think she got it all wrong - thinks my high liver enzymes are the result of herxing, but change coincided with the introduction of a new antifungal, which can be really hard on an already overtaxed liver. Anyway, the western medicine route is a touchy difficult path as I see it... it can harm and help both. > > > Between all of that we did get out to see a movie and just got out to see Men in Black III. Love that sort of thing. Hope you are all having a wonderful Memorial Day week-end, finding yourselves a little corner

to relieve stress and have some hope and even fun. Will do some BBQing tomorrow. Summer is almost here. > > > God bless... all. > > > > > > > > > > > > Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them > > > > > > > > > >Hi jill seabuck > > > >How are you , all well here , > >I haven't seen a post since thursday evening , have there been any ? > > > >God bless you, > > > >Bill > >------------------------------ > >On Thu, May 24, 2012 3:59 PM EDT Kajay wrote: > > > >>Gloria, > >> > >>Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering. The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and fungi attacking other organisms move. > >> > >> > >>I don't feel the

necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real - not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites as I do, the real deal: Morgellons. > >> > >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w > > > ------------------------------------ >


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Me too Aggi... what a great fantasy!From: "Aggi Assmann" <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:07:49 AMSubject: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them

I wish I had the Men in Black-equipment to blast away all the nasty critters that are bothering us !

Hugs to all of you friends !

Von: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>An: bird mites Gesendet: 7:41 Montag, 28.Mai 2012Betreff: Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them


I have not tried the electronic pest devices yet. Maybe I will try them, just not sure yet. We've filled so many holes to the outside and will keep filling holes until there is no place for them to come in. We realize the outside area was a real draw even though we had layed about 1/3 " of DE on the deck. I think it loses its ability after getting somewhat damp.

The sliding glass doors (2) are sealed shut with special sealer. Spiders still find a way to come in.

I have about 15 traps laid downstairs now... wow.

P.S. Men in Black III was good, not great, but husband wanted to see it in 3D. I could have cared less about the 3D part. Pure escapism.

From: "healinghope" <mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:46:11 PMSubject: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them ever tried the electronic pest for spiders? I have many in house, not sure they work. I was pretty much pest free when I bought mine. Link included, may find cheaper? http://spidercontrol1.com/SpiderRepellerInfo.htm--- In bird mites , Goldstein@... wrote:>> Hi Bill > > > You're right, no posts for a while Bill and s.

Things have been busy here at our house with trying to get the spiders out of the house again. Every year the same old thing. We had a storage shed full of tools and paint on the deck and I think they were breeding in there. We took the shed down yesterday and tore it apart for garbage and will take paint to toxic waste place Tuesday. Soooo, we spent a lot of time the last few days cleaning outside because the spiders are coming in droves again. Thank God for the spider traps that do catch spiders (some of them), but that is where my focus has been. Twice a day we have to go on spider patrol in the house. More plugging up holes where they can get in. STILL have not used my quart of Cedarcide. I didn't want to waste the one quart outdoors and didn't know if it would do that much good anyway. Wonder if there is a relationship to the mite experience and the spiders. Hmmm We just don't know. One spider was on the bed... these ones are hunters, not web

spinners. > > > My liver enzymes went up when I started the drug Itraconazole (antifungal). LLMD wanted to give me a choice between trying that antifungal and taking the Fluconazole again, so I have been off Itraconazole a few days and will hopefully get tested next week to see if the liver enzyme issue is resolving. My Lyme Doc was not overly concerned about the high liver enzymes, but I was. I think she got it all wrong - thinks my high liver enzymes are the result of herxing, but change coincided with the introduction of a new antifungal, which can be really hard on an already overtaxed liver. Anyway, the western medicine route is a touchy difficult path as I see it... it can harm and help both. > > > Between all of that we did get out to see a movie and just got out to see Men in Black III. Love that sort of thing. Hope you are all having a wonderful Memorial Day week-end, finding yourselves a little corner

to relieve stress and have some hope and even fun. Will do some BBQing tomorrow. Summer is almost here. > > > God bless... all. > > > > > > > > > > > > Re: Re: OT - Blue Boy shots - see what you make of them > > > > > > > > > >Hi jill seabuck > > > >How are you , all well here , > >I haven't seen a post since thursday evening , have there been any ? > > > >God bless you, > > > >Bill > >------------------------------ > >On Thu, May 24, 2012 3:59 PM EDT Kajay wrote: > > > >>Gloria, > >> > >>Thank you for looking and for your feedback. As far as a video of moving fibers, the fibers DON'T move. They are not the organism. They are the covering. The fibers serve two purposes: camouflage and protection. The legs move, and fungi attacking other organisms move. > >> > >> > >>I don't feel the

necessity to defend my knowledge that Morgellons is real - not any more. The main reason I distribute my images is, well, there are two reasons: to hopefully reach someone who can positively identify some of the organisms so that I can seek the correct route to address them; and to let others know that there is a whole world out there, and somebody besides them knows that what they showed their doc in good faith, and got trashed for, could well have been, and probably was if they obtained their samples from bite sites as I do, the real deal: Morgellons. > >> > >>I might be able to find another series of stills that when viewed also reveals motion like the Blue Boy images do. The ones I am thinking of are of a cigar-shaped fibrous organism who happened to be stuck to the lint roller sheet at one end. What it was doing to try and get off the sticky sheet w > > > ------------------------------------ >


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