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would appreciate suggestions prior to planned trip to LLMD

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Hi all,I'd like to run a few things by everyone, as I must admit I'm left quite confused (and still desperate) after reading everyone's helpful advice.On one hand, I hold my belief that bird mites are what has plagued me for two years now. What I

feel seems consistent with many of the accounts I've read from others, to a T (or is it tee?).On the other hand, my eyes have been opened to the possibility of a fungus that apparently can either cause mite-bite/crawl-like symptoms, or can make one's body more attractive to mites.I'll be calling two LLMDs in my area tomorrow, and I plan to leave no stone unturned when I meet with him/her (I have two names). But since it seems that those of us unfortunate enough to live through

this hell know more about it than most/all of the "experts," I want to come armed with the right questions and suggestions. So, I want to run by each of you some of what I believe may be key clues, in hopes that I can steer the LLMD in the right direction.The clues:I've felt the crawls and bites for two years now.My dog scratches all the time, especially at night.My kids don't seem to feel it at all.My wife does, but not very often.Showering helps temporarily.I feel it more in certain areas, like my car.That said, I vacuumed the hell out of my car yesterday, and it's somewhat better.I often feel crawlies on my lower legs, usually many of them at the same time (I understand both mites and fungi can communicate chemically.)The bite sensations often come on my legs, balls (sorry), or scalp.I tested negative for Lyme, but the test was requested by my GP, so I don't have much confidence that the right test was done. In her defense, neither did she.I guess I'm mostly wondering how a fungus would attack in certain areas more often than others, and why it'd be more at night than in the day. And why would showering help if it's internal? Short of magical answers to those questions, I'd like to get people's input for what I should ask/suggest when meeting with the LLMD. I plan to ask to be tested for Lyme, Bartonella, and the presence of fungi in abnormal levels (is there a test for that?). But I'd

welcome any other suggestions. I want to make sure my next visit is as productive as possible, as I'm sure you can all understand.Thanks,Matt

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