Guest guest Posted April 8, 2000 Report Share Posted April 8, 2000 Week in Review-Today on Medscape MedPulse® AIDSHIV AND PSYCHIATRY: PART IUp to 60% of HIV-infected people have psychiatric disorders that stem from both organic and iatrogenic causes.The AIDS Reader 10(1):11-13,15, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Book Review - Blood Feuds: AIDS, Blood and the Politics of Medical Disaster<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Rapid Onset of Stupor<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>CardiologyINFLUENCE OF VESSEL SIZE ON EARLY AND LATE OUTCOMES AFTER PRIMARY ANGIOPLASTY FOR ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONAre heart attack victims with small vessels at greater risk of death following primary angioplasty?J Invas Cardiol 12(1):13-19, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Anorexigens and Pulmonary Hypertension in the United States<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Diabetes & EndocrinologyOBESITY AND ITS COMORBID CONDITIONSMore than 60% of men and 50% of women in the United States are considered obese, putting a large portion of the population at increased risk for numerous health problems.Clinical Cornerstone 2(3):17-31, 1999<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>GastroenterologyPATHOLOGY CASE CHALLENGE - A 25-YEAR-OLD FEMALE WITH MALABSORPTIONWhat is your diagnosis based on this duodenal biopsy from a 25-year-old female with malabsorption?Medscape, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Infectious DiseasesTRAVEL MEDICINELearn how to prepare your patients for safe international travel.Clinician Reviews 10(1):55-58, 63, 67-68, 71-72, 74-75, 77-78, 2000.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Coccidioidomycosis in New York State<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Malaria in England in the Little Ice Age<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>First Cases of Candida dubliniensis Fungemia in North America<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Internal MedicineMEDSCAPE'S ACUTE CARE TODAY - APRILHighlights include associations between initial antimicrobial therapy and outcomes for hospitalized elderly patients with pneumonia.Medscape, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Managed CareJOURNAL SCAN - MANAGED CARE 1(2)Medscape Managed Care Journal Scan will scan 5 to 7 journal articles from the leading medical and health policy publications each month.Medscape, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Money and MedicineTHE MEDICARE PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT: HOW WILL THE GAME BE PLAYED?A proposal tackles the question of how Medicare coverage of outpatient prescription drugs should be administered.Health Affairs 19(2):8-23, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>NeurologyRAPID ONSET OF STUPORReview the unusual case of this HIV-infected man with passive neck flexion pain and deteriorating mentation.South Med J 93(1): 70-71, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Toward a Rational Treatment of Chiari I Malformation and Syringomyelia<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Effect of Gender on Outcomes Following Traumatic Brain Injury<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>The Resolution of Syringohydromyelia Without Hindbrain Herniation After Posterior Fossa Decompression<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Primary Spinal Syringomyelia: A Personal Perspective<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>NursesASK THE EXPERTS - ARE HEPATITIS B LABORATORY FINDINGS ALTERED IN HIV-POSITIVE PATIENTS?Are these patients immune to hepatitis B without any surface antibody?Medscape, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Osteopororsis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Correlates of High HDL Cholesterol Among Women With Coronary Heart Disease<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>OncologyARE YOU PREPARED FOR APCS? IF NOT, HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO.Find out what hospitals should do to get their outpatient cancer programs ready for the implementation of ambulatory payment classification.Oncology Issues 15(1):21-23, 2000.<a href="">Read it Here</a>PediatricsFULFILLMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA IN KAWASAKI DISEASEShould intravenous immune globulin be administered in patients who don't clearly meet the clinical criteria for this disease?South Med J 93(1): 44-47, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>PharmacotherapyARE STEROIDS REALLY INEFFECTIVE FOR SEVERELY HEAD INJURED PATIENTS?Although efficacious in treating spinal cord trauma, glucocorticoids are not recommended for the management of severe head injuries.Neurosurg Focus 8(1), 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Primary CareMULTIPLE MARKER SCREENING FOR DOWN SYNDROMEWith the false-positive rate reaching 7%, concerns have been raised about who should receive this genetic test.J Am Board Fam Pract 12(5):367-374, 1999<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Radiology Review - February 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>A Comparison of Flat and Shallow Conical Tips for Cervical Cryotherapy<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer Disease<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>PsychiatryHIV AND PSYCHIATRY: PART IUp to 60% of HIV-infected people have psychiatric disorders that stem from both organic and iatrogenic causes.The AIDS Reader 10(1):11-13,15, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Respiratory CareANOREXIGENS AND PULMONARY HYPERTENSION IN THE UNITED STATESReview the adverse effects of fenfluramine appetite suppressants.CHEST 117(3):870-874, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>SurgeryAPPENDICIAL DIVERTICULITISReview the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this rare disease.South Med J 93(1): 76-79, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>TransplantationPROGRESS IN CLINICAL ORGAN TRANSPLANTATIONThe history of organ transplantation is marked by accounts of seemingly impossible dreams, unanswerable questions, and heroic experiments in the face of what at the time appeared to be overwhelming odds. Yet, the pioneers, humble as they were, persevered and the field is what it is today, thus far benefiting more than a million people worldwide.Medscape, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Women's HealthCONFERENCE REPORT - WOMEN AND PSYCHOSISConsideration of sex differences is critical for accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and even prevention of schizophrenia.Medscape Women's Health 5(2), 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Journal Scan - Women's Health 3(4)<a href="">Read it Here</a> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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