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Tina, knew there was one... these are all the sites about fibro, CFS and the like on this webring. So you might find some guidence here. Wish there were more I could do to help. Hang in there babe!

love A.

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Sites 1 - 20 of 70

All Natural MSM - Information about Methylsulfonylmethane which has proven effective against pain from all types of conditions.

Jan's Garden of Love - This site is about family and my having Lupus and Fibromyalgia. How I cope. Crafting, crocheting I love and some of the things I have done.

Sir Tempest's Queen's Home on the Web - Periodic articles on Fibromyalgia Pain Syndrome, archived indefinitely. Numerous other health-related subjects.

JWBooks - Fibromyalgia Page - Only the Very Best Fibromyalgia Books, Videos, and Links.

FibroFriends Fibromyalgia Homepage - This site is for suffers of fibromyalgia who need a place to go and relax or hit the fibrofriends button and join our forum where you can chat and post to the message board.

Fibromyalgia- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - family site about each memeber and some of what we are into

Virada's Journey - My journey through life with fibromyalgia

Proposed Bill for Chronic Ilness Protection in workplac - This law would be an extension of the Family Medical Leave Act. It would spread out the consecutive 12 weeks over a calender year. This law (bill)would protect those with chronic illness in the workplace. Its a proposed law. Please read all my site and submit the response form. Your fe

Fibromyalgia & Chronic pain - There is always non-restorative sleep. FMS patients do not get much, if any, stage 4 Delta sleep. This is the

Carolyn's World - My site is a full of things that have help me deal with the fibromyalgia. First and foremost I have the Lord in my life to help me get through the everyday living, my family and friends are a big support to this. And i have relaxation techniques, and some relaxing pages to help deal%

Immune Web - Support and Information Forum for people with multiple chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other immune-system problems. Associated mailing list. In-house articles, archives, annotated links to other sites.

My Life With CFIDS and Fibromalgia - A personal look of living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

Living with Fribromyalgia - My Story - It is about the long journey I tool to find out what was wrong with me.

Cheri's Fibromyalgia Humor & Support Page - This page is dedicated to finding humor, support and inspiration for those suffering the chronic pain of fibromyalgia.

Cissy's Place - A site about me, my family, my struggle with FMS, some recipes, household tips, and anything new....I seem to add quite often.

Clybella's Castle - Dedicated to those who suffer chronic pain. Through Angels, Faeries, Poetry and Music achieve spiritual healing. Web Mistress has suffered FMS for over 25 years. Free virtual greeting cards.

From Clowning to Fibromyalgia - A large picture of my Clown Graduation at a popular restaurant in Fresno, CA. I made the evening news. Then...the drop into poor health, pain and despair

Fibromyalgia Syndrome - It is about Fibromyalgia Syndrome, the symptoms of it and the medicaitons that help. It also has a story on how my mother, my twin sister, and I deal with this painful syndrome. It has inspirational poems and a message board.

Web pages by Sheila - My web site includes information about me and my interests, my family, and a photo album featuring family and friends. There are links to organizations I'm involved with, including the large Fibromyalgia (FM) web site I created, and the support groups, both online and%

The Hope Foundation of Alberta - The mission of The Hope Foundation is to increase understanding of the role of hope in relation to health, education, and spirit. Read about research we've done with people living with chronic pain.

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