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Dr. Megehee:

I applaud your hard work on this issue. Your e-mail notes probably the most

significant issue of all behind the initiative/legislative proposal; it will

give us equal access under every form of health care which will both protect

PIP and open new arenas for chiropractors and other natural health care

providers. This is a proposal every chiropractor and supporter of natural

healing should support.

Please fax me your current language at (503) 227-2489


DeShaw, D.C., J.D.




> The new 2002 Initiative is finishing the final details of the new

> language. I am working with the CAO to determine the course of

> action that is best suited to represent our interests, and the

> interests of the people of Oregon. Also, I have been in contact with

> the Legislative Counsel concerning the ERISA challenge that many

> states have lost regarding this type of legislation. I believe we

> have language that will withstand any challenge at the Federal level.

> What's really great, is that PIP coverage and even HMOs (like

> Keizer) will have to

> follow the patient freedom of choice and mandatory chiropractic care

> rules.


> Hang on.... it's gonna be a fun ride!!


> If anyone would like a copy of our language as of right now, please

> call or send an email with your fax number and I will fax it. Also,

> I welcome any comments regarding any initiative issue.


> Mike Megehee, DC Chief Petitioner









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  • 4 months later...


We are finally working toward the end phase of both initiatives #14

and #15.

#14---- The Attorney General has filed his memorandum in opposition

of my Supreme Court petition. Oral arguements were not requested by

either party, so this will not be a requirement unless ordered by the

Court. That is unlikely, and the Supreme Court Administrator will

schedule this case with the court on Thursday. At that time, the

materials will be sent to each member of the court for review.

Although there is not guarantee, a decision is likely within the next

3 weeks.

#15----- yesterday, this slimmer version of the initiative received

a certified ballot title. The Attorney General made no alteration to

the draft title which I opposed. I was the only entity to oppose the

draft title, so I am the only party who can petition the Supreme

Court for remedy. Of course, you never know what you are going to

get from the Supreme Court (think of Florida). So, although I am not

completely happy with the certified title (you can read it on a

previous egroup message posted about 10 days ago, I do not intend to

pursue this issue further. Absent of a change of mind, this

initiative should be approved for signature collection in about 3


When the Supreme Court makes a final ruling on #14, I will seek

input from interested parties regarding which initiative we will

continue, and which initiative will be cancelled.

Regardless of which initiative is continued, my guess is that the

signature collection process will begin before the end of January

2001. We will have until July 2002 to collect the required number of

signatures, however if we can show public support by gathering the

required number of signatures before the end of this legislative

session, we may be able to effect legislative passage for this

initiative through the CAO's effort. That would immediately put the

initiative into effect.

Now is the time to start getting excited!!! Now is the time to start

communicating with your collegues. Please begin spreading the word

to other DCs that the initiative effort will begin soon. This time

lets all be ready to hit the ground with our feet moving!!

My sincerest thanks for your continued support.

Mike Megehee, DC Chief Petitioner

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