Guest guest Posted July 2, 2000 Report Share Posted July 2, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________ >>> Week in Review-Today on Medscape MedPulse® <<< http://www.medscape.com__________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW FEATURE ARTICLES THIS WEEK ____________________ AIDS4TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HIV DRUG RESISTANCE AND TREATMENT STRATEGIES Kuritzkes, MD, presents a comprehensive review of important new dataon the mechanisms of drug resistance, use of resistance assays, and noveltherapeutic strategies.Medscape HIV/AIDS 6(3), 2000. © 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a>4TH INTERNATIONAL AIDS MALIGNANCY CONFERENCEA comprehensive summary of new data from the premier annual meeting onHIV-related malignancies, by andra Levine, MD, and Ellen al, MD.Medscape HIV/AIDS 6(3), 2000.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Structured Treatment Interruption<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Evaluation of Simplified Protease Inhibitor Dosing Regimens for theTreatment of HIV Infection<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Clinical Challenge - Understanding HIV Test Results<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Managing Managed Care - HIV, Managed Care, and Outcomes<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>HIV Infection Among Incarcerated Women: Epidemic Behind Bars<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> CardiologyCARDIOLOGY TREATMENT UPDATES - DAWNING OF A NEW ERA IN CARDIOVASCULARMEDICINE: APPLYING EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE TO REAL-LIFEHow does new evidence influence the diagnosis and treatment of acutecoronary syndromes?Cardiology Treatment Updates - © 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Cardiology Treatment Updates - Heparins in the New Millennium: WillUnfractionated Heparin Survive?<a href="">Read it Here</a>Ace Inihibitors, Heat Failure, and Evidence-Based Medicine: Drug Reactionsand Interactions<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Cardiac Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction: A Recipe for the SixMillion Dollar Heart<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> GastroenterologyIMAGES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY - A MOSAIC PATTERN OF THE DESCENDING DUODENUMWhat is your diagnosis?Medscape Gastroenterology 2(3), 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Infectious DiseasesLABORATORY-ACQUIRED HUMAN GLANDERS --- MARYLAND, MAY 2000The Baltimore City Health Department was notified by hospitalinfection-control staff of a serious systemic febrile illness in amicrobiologist whose research at the U.S. Army Medical Research Instituteof Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) involved several pathogenic bacteria,including Burkholderia mallei, the causative agent of glanders.MMWR49(24):532-535, 2000. Centers for Disease Control<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Update: Clostridium novyi and Unexplained Illness Among Injecting-DrugUsers --- Scotland, Ireland, and England, April--June 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Managed CareMANAGING MANAGED CARE - HIV, MANAGED CARE, AND OUTCOMESDevelop strategies for monitoring quality of care, including what tomeasure, how to gather data, and how to use the information to improveperformance.The AIDS Reader 10(5):274-278, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Drug Administration Errors in Infants: Don't Blame Individuals, Fix the System<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Med StudentsMEDICAL STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARD PAIN AND THE USE OF OPIOID ANALGESICS:IMPLICATIONS FOR CHANGING MEDICAL SCHOOL CURRICULUMA preference for pediatrics, family medicine, and radiology was associatedwith opiophobia in this survey of future physicians' approaches to managingpatients with chronic pain.South Med J 93(5):472-478, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Molecular MedicineTRANSPLANTATION OF TNF-MODULATED OLIGODENDROCYTE AND NEURONAL PRECURSORS INAUTOIMMUNE DEMYELINATIONSpeculate on the future advances in treatment for the Pattaroyo variant ofmultiple sclerosis (MS type X).Graft 52(5):121-125, 2050.<a href="">Read it Here</a> Neurology & NeurosurgeryNEUROLOGY TREATMENT UPDATES - THE PROGRESSIVE NATURE OF EPILEPSY AS ACONSIDERATION IN PATIENT MANAGEMENT DECISIONSDo seizures beget seizures?Neurology Treatment Updates - © 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Phenotypic Variation in Hereditary Frontotemporal Dementia<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Natural History of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: Probability and RiskFactors for Aneurysm Rupture<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism During ModerateHypothermia in Patients With Severe Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> NursesNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NURSING RESEARCH (NINR)Stay up to date on the latest nursing research, with article summaries bythe NINR.Medscape Nursing, 2000<ahref='><ahref="">Read it Here.</a>Plus...Can Women Who Have Had Breast Cancer Use Urogenital Estrogen Replacement?<a href="">Read it Here</a> Hematology-OncologyPREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF CANCER IN THE ELDERLYCancer rates are expected to increase as the US population becomesincreasingly older.Oncology Issues 15(2):26, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Epirubicin: Better Option for Patients at Low Risk of Tumor RecurrenceAfter TUR<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Oral Chemotherapy, Cytostatic, and Supportive Care Agents: NewOpportunities and Challenges<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> OrthopaedicsJOURNAL SCAN - ORTHOPAEDICS 3(6)Journal Scan is the clinician's guide to the latest clinical researchfindings in Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.<a href="">Read it Here</a> PediatricsADVANCING CHILDREN'S HEALTH 2000: PEDIATRIC ACADEMIC SOCIETIES (PAS) ANDTHE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS (AAP) YEAR 2000 JOINT MEETINGThe PAS/AAP Year 2000 Joint Meeting focused on recent developments ingenetics, pediatric infectious disease, pediatric neurology, and publichealth.Medscape, 2000. & copy; 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a> PharmacistsJOURNAL SCAN - PHARMACISTS 1(5)Journal Scan is the pharmacist's guide to the latest clinical researchfindings in American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Journal of theAmerican Pharmaceutical Association, Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy,Pharmacotherapy, and other pharmacy journals.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...>From Approval to Withdrawal: Case Studies of Troglitazone and Cisapride<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Primary CarePRIMARY CARE TREATMENT UPDATES - CLINICAL CHALLENGES IN ERECTILEDYSFUNCTION - AN INTERACTIVE CASE HISTORY APPROACHErectile dysfunction can be a harbinger of more serious conditions, as wellas a strong motivator for healthy lifestyle change. Review steps inscreening and the latest on choices of treatment.Primary Care Treatment Updates - © 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a> PsychiatryPSYCHIATRY TREATMENT UPDATES - RECURRENT DEPRESSION: CURRENT PERSPECTIVESRecurring depression can be a serious clinical problem.Psychiatry Treatment Updates - © 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a> RheumatologyRHEUMATIC FEVER: A PREVENTABLE AND TREATABLE PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMPrevention of this illness and its complication of chronic rheumatic heartdisease depends on correct diagnosis of group A streptococcal infection.Drugs and Ther Perspect 15(9):5-8, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Leflunomide Is a Structure-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> TransplantationMEDSCAPE TRANSPLANTATION CONFERENCE REPORT - 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON TRANSPLANT INFECTIOUS DISEASEDefensive strategies such as assays for early detection and monitoring,prophylaxis, and preemptive therapy are needed to combat infectiouscomplications, a major cause of morbidity and mortality aftertransplantation.Medscape Transplantation 1(3), 2000.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Transplantation of TNF-Modulated Oligodendrocyte and Neuronal Precursors inAutoimmune Demyelination<a href="">Read it Here</a>Liver Transplantation in an Era of Organ Shortage<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> UrologyDO FLUOROQUINOLONES HAVE A ROLE IN PEDIATRIC URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS?The use of these agents in children has been limited by studies showingcartilage damage in young animals, but further research has had encouragingresults.Infect Med 17(5):334-344, 2000<a'><a href="">Read it Here</a> Women's HealthTHE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OBSTRETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS 48TH ANNUALCLINICAL MEETINGHighlights of key presentations from the 48th Annual Meeting.Medscape, 2000. & copy; 2000 Medscape, Inc.<a href="">Read it Here</a>Plus...Addressing Obesity in Medical Practice: Is Weight Loss Medically Beneficial?<a href="">Read it Here</a> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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