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Week in Review-Today on Medscape MedPulse 07-Jul-00 --Save onMedical Books at Medsite Books on Medscape

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______________________________________________________________________ >>> Week in Review-Today on Medscape MedPulse® <<< http://www.medscape.com_______________________________________________________________________ADVERTISEMENTCampaign 2000 CommunityCampaign issues are not just about politicians--they are about you. Ifelected, what a politician decides to do in office can have a lastingimpact on your life, your loved ones, and your community. So share yourstory with other Medscape and CBSHealthwatch members. Can your familyafford adequate healthcare? Would more research into a particular diseasegive you hope? Have you benefited from good legislation? Let our worldwidecommunity of health-conscious people know exactly how the issues affectyou. To tell us your story, go tohttp://www.medscape.com/medscape/promo/public/camp2000mscp.html_______________________________________________________________________MedPulse is a weekly index of key news and features on Medscape'sspecialty sites compiled by Medscape's Editors.__________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW FEATURE ARTICLES THIS WEEK ____________________ HIV/AIDSASK THE EXPERTS - WHEN TO TREAT FOR NEUROSYPHILIS?A 32-year-old HIV-positive asymptomatic gay man presented with classicsecondary syphilis. Should this patient be treated for neurosyphilis?http://hiv.medscape.com/24019.rhtml<a href="http://hiv.medscape.com/24019.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Plus...Ask the Experts - Antitretroviral Benefit From Interferon?http://hiv.medscape.com/24088.rhtml<a href="http://hiv.medscape.com/24088.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Editorial - South Africa On the Eve of the XIII International AIDS Conferencehttp://hiv.medscape.com/24024.rhtml<a'>http://hiv.medscape.com/24024.rhtml<a href="http://hiv.medscape.com/24024.rhtml">Read it Here</a> CardiologyLEADING OPINION - NEW TREATMENT FOR PARESIS IN PATIENTS WHO HAVE HAD A STROKEThe excellent results of the rehabilitation program described below havebeen hailed by the lay press as being miraculous for stroke patients whoare in the chronic stage of their illness.Medscape Cardiology, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24017.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24017.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24017.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Plus...Predictors of Recurrent Ischemic Events and Death in Unstable CoronaryArtery Disease After Treatment With Combination Antithrombotic TherapyAm Heart J 139(6):962-970, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24015.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24015.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24015.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Journal Scan - Cardiology 3(3)http://www.medscape.com/24042.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24042.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Diabetes & EndocrinologyWHERE DO CALCIUM ANTAGONISTS FIT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSION?Although diuretics and beta-blockers are often the therapy of first choice,there are clinical situations in which calcium antagonists play animportant role.Drugs and Ther Perspect 15(10):10-11, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24076.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24076.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24076.rhtml">Read it Here</a> GastroenterologyPERCUTANEOUS ENDOSCOPIC GASTROSTOMY: CLINICAL APPLICATIONS J. Vargo, MD, and L. Ponsky, MD, discuss this alternative tolaparotomy for creating a gastrocutaneous fistula that has revolutionizedthe approach to enteral alimentation.Medscape Gastroenterology, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24038.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24038.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24038.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Infectious DiseasesCEFUROXIME AXETIL IN SHORT-COURSE THERAPY OF TONSILLOPHARYNGITIS: A POOLEDANALYSIS OF 3308 PATIENTS RECEIVING 5- OR 10-DAY TREATMENTS COMPARED WITH10-DAY ORAL PENICILLIN VIncreasing concerns about antibacterial usage make agents with shortertreatment courses important potential alternatives to penicillin.Clin. Drug. Invest. 19(6):421-430, 2000http://id.medscape.com/24080.rhtml<a'>http://id.medscape.com/24080.rhtml<a href="http://id.medscape.com/24080.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Managed CareSEAMLESS CARE AIDED BY SMOOTHER PRESCRIBING AT THE UK PRIMARY/SECONDARYCARE INTERFACEAre joint formularies or contracting viable solutions to the problem posedby budgetary divisions between primary and secondary care?Drugs and Ther Perspect 15(10):12-16, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24035.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24035.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24035.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Molecular MedicineTHE EMERGING ROLE OF THE EXTRACELLULAR MATRIXReview the role of fibronectins and laminin in organ transplantation.Graft 3(3s):s32-s36, 2000.http://www.medscape.com/24013.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24013.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Plus...A Critical Look at the Antigen-Presenting Capacity and TolerogenicPotential of Dendritic Cellshttp://www.medscape.com/24014.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24014.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24014.rhtml">Read it Here</a>The Immunological Synapse and Chemokines: How to Get the Attention of the TCellhttp://www.medscape.com/24078.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24078.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24078.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Neurology & NeurosurgeryNEUROIMAGING CASE CHALLENGE - A 28-YEAR-OLD WOMAN WITH SEVERE HEADACHESWhat's your diagnosis?Medscape Neurology, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24037.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24037.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24037.rhtml">Read it Here</a> NursesWHAT SHOULD I EXPECT WHEN I RENEGOTIATE MY CONTRACT?I am currently renegotiating my contract with my collaborating physicianwho is the Chairman of the Board of the medical corporation that employsme. I am very uncomfortable with these statements. Is this a commoncontractual restriction?http://nurses.medscape.com/24023.rhtml<a href="http://nurses.medscape.com/24023.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Plus...Avoiding Prescription Errorshttp://nurses.medscape.com/23067.rhtml<a'>http://nurses.medscape.com/23067.rhtml<a href="http://nurses.medscape.com/23067.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Hematology-OncologyDOES CLODRONATE REDUCE METASTASES IN PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER?Clinical benefits may include a decrease in the incidence of skeletalevents, but more comparative studies with other bisphosphonates are needed.Drugs & Ther Perspect 15(10):1-4, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24009.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24009.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24009.rhtml">Read it Here</a> OrthopaedicsMENISCAL ALLOGRAFT TRANSPLANTATION: CURRENT INDICATIONS FOR TREATMENTMore than 60% of patients have long-term clinical sequelae associated witha meniscectomy.Medscape Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, 2000http://www.medscape.com/24090.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24090.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24090.rhtml">Read it Here</a> PharmacistsMEDLINE ABSTRACTS - TREATMENT ADHERENCE TO ASTHMA INHALATION THERAPYFind out more about treatment adherence in the easy-to-navigate collectionof MEDLINE Abstracts.http://www.medscape.com/24040.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24040.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Psychiatry & Mental HealthMEDLINE ABSTRACTS - ANTIDEPRESSANT-INDUCED SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONFind out more about antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction in thiseasy-to-navigate collection of recent MEDLINE abstracts compiled by theeditors at Medscape.Medscape Mental Health 5(4), 2000http://www.medscape.com/24039.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24039.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24039.rhtml">Read it Here</a> SurgeryJOURNAL SCAN - SURGERY 2(6)Journal Scan is the clinician's guide to the latest clinical researchfindings in the ls of Surgery, Archives of Surgery, Journal of Trauma,Carcinogenesis, JAMA, The Lancet, and The New England Journal of Medicine.Medscape Surgery 2000.http://www.medscape.com/24041.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24041.rhtml">Read it Here</a> TransplantationTHE EARLY MANAGEMENT OF THE PANCREAS TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTImprovement in immunosuppressive strategies has resulted in a markedreduction in the incidence of rejection following pancreas transplantation.Graft 3(3s):s45-s51, 2000.http://www.medscape.com/24079.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24079.rhtml">Read it Here</a>Plus...Chemokines and the Recruitment of Inflammatory Infiltrates into Allograftshttp://www.medscape.com/24036.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24036.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24036.rhtml">Read it Here</a> Women's HealthLIFE SATISFACTION, SYMPTOMS, AND THE MENOPAUSAL TRANSITIONA 6-year prospective study finds that life satisfaction is unrelated tomenopause status, hormone levels, or hormone replacement therapy.Medscape Women's Health 5(4), 2000http://www.medscape.com/24012.rhtml<a'>http://www.medscape.com/24012.rhtml<a href="http://www.medscape.com/24012.rhtml">Read it Here</a>

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