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Hi Everyone

First I want to thank for his discription of the pain and blood from

the kidney stone. I can now tell what is happening when mine is kicking up.

For years I didn't know what was happening and no one else seemed to know.

The Dr. that wanted to do massive surgery on me is gone. It would have

killed me. Good Riddents

Now today's outcome. The neuro has ordered another choke test since I'm

having more problems oftener and worse. He says that we have to get

aggressive with the MG. He is saying large doses of Imuran or massive doses

of Prednisone. What can I do? He is really trying to help me, He will

consult with my PC who will consult with her husband who is a immunrologist

and they will come up with something that I won't like. I was also waarned

again that I cannot be sedated or put to sleep without the risk of not waking

up. Also I must not get pneumonia from asperating, I would not live through

it either. Not a promising picture is it? He's concerned about my eyes and

vision. He wants to fix my carparl tunnel with local but I'm not getting cut

on again if I can get by. Well that's about all of it for today. What's

happening with all of you?

This Grandma Hen is really clucking tonight. Love you all

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