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Re: Drugs and such...

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Becca, Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to lower blood preassure, reduce severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of 2nd heart attack. I use it for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.

Amiodarone is in a totally different drug family...its an anti-arrhythmic. I take both..along with lanoxin, monopril, spironolactone, and nitro....i take six other meds for unrelated heart health problems....so i am a pharmacists dream come true!!

Hope that answered your question..

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Becca, different drugs can do different things...maybe Toprol has other properties that i am unaware of, i guess you should check with your Doc. or pharmicist...i hope i haven't concerned you, remember i am a writer, not a Doc....let me know what you find out, ok?

You asked a little about me..well i am 37. Going through a divorce, and have two children...Skyler, my son will be 13 and Shelby, my daughter will be 11.

This isn't my first marriage and THATS a whole 'nother story...But, i am a writer, and just started working for a local talent agency doing on camera work..( commercials, training videos ect...)and have been disabled with this heart of mine since 1991.I went in to cardiac arrest about 10 minutes afte Shelby was born...and thats when the fun began!!!

Open heart in 1992..5 oblations (sp?) 3 ICD's and 4 pacemakers later...i am alive and kickin!!!!!

My life has been....interesting, to say the least.....but i count my blessings and put up with the rest. Thanx for askin about me, and if there is anything else you were curious about..just let me know.....this life is an open book!

Becca, maybe you could explain to me what Marfans Syndrome is? I have not ever heard of it...i could look it up, but thought maybe you could explain it in terms i can understand!


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Bob, you have your own bin?? I am so jealous!! However the pharmacy does break out in applause when i walk in, so i guess that is something!

I have Medicare and because of my disability, i receive state aid....my medical spenddown that i have to meet each month is obscene!!!!! It really burdens the kids and I...does anyone know of a better program for help with presriptions???

Take care....

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What is amiodarone? What is it supposed to do or

keep you from doing? I take Toprol. Is that

similar stuff or a different species altogether?


--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:

> Bob, in your e-mail the other day, you asked if

> anyone had a reaction to the

> amiodarone...wanted to let you know i take it,

> and react severely to the

> sun..i can get quite a burn on my arms just

> from driving. When i am out in

> the sun, it feels like little pin-pricks when i

> start to fry..i totally

> sympathize with bacon now!!!

> Anyway, i use 45 spf and stay out of the

> sun..seems to alleviate the problem!

> So, i am a lovely shade of pale ivory..but it

> makes me look delicate..(half

> albino is more like it!!) I did try that spray

> on tan that you can get at

> salons...that was an experience!! Stripped me

> naked..covered my hair, put me

> in a booth, and sprayed self tanner all over me

> with these steel-like hoses

> (like the ones in a car wash)...and wha-lah!!!

> I looked like i had rolled

> around in mustard, of course the advertisement

> said i would look like i spent

> a week in Aruba, but i looked more like Miss

> Plochmans (a brand of mustard

> for those of you who are anti-mustard)

> Another interesting experience!!! Bob you had

> no idea such a little question

> would lead to this...i keep telling myself

> there is such a thing as TOO MUCH

> INFORMATION......ohh some day i will learn to

> figure itout!!

> Glad to hear you are a bronzed god...bet you

> look smashin on your boat, flyin

> down the lake/river/pond/puddle...

> have fun and be careful!




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Thanx for the imput ita... i don't pretend to know everything about the meds i am on..should probably get a book or something....

Anyway thanx again for the info....

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Becca, i thank you so much for the information..and apologize if it caused you any pain discussing it....

Sounds like you are no stranger to tragedy, and iam truly sorry for your losses..

Please know that if you ever want to talk about things, to let me know..i am always quick with a joke but i am a good listener and can be serious too!

I hope things go well tomorrow with your ultra sound..at least that test isn't painful..just be careful of those curious janitors...with the big eyes!!

"my bounty is as boundless as the Sea

My love as deep; the more I give to thee

My Love as deep; the more I give to thee

The more I have; for both are infinite."

Thought that was appropriate, and beautiful....


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You did answer my question, and now I am

thoroughly confused. I thought it was an

anti-arrthythmic which was the problem in the

first place. Didn't have a heart attack, no chest

pain, and the only time I am aware of my blood

pressure going up is when I am in a doctor's

office. Hummmm. I know that I am way behind most

of you because I was hit with my situation as an

emergency and after getting home, it took me

forever to care about anything other than waking

up in the morning and having a pee. Brain was

very foggy. So alot of the terminology is news to

me. Guess I need to do some homework. Want to

know more about you too, by the way. You married,

kids? Becca

--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:

> Becca, Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to

> lower blood preassure, reduce

> severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of

> 2nd heart attack. I use it

> for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.

> Amiodarone is in a totally different drug

> family...its an anti-arrhythmic. I

> take both..along with lanoxin, monopril,

> spironolactone, and nitro....i take

> six other meds for unrelated heart health

> problems....so i am a pharmacists

> dream come true!!

> Hope that answered your question..




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it seems most of us in the zapper family are a pharmacists

dream. when i walk into cvs ive noticed they have a bin just

for me......

like you shawn, i take a ton of meds....thank god for insurance.

bob in pa

At 01:08 PM 7/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:


Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to lower blood preassure, reduce

severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of 2nd heart attack. I

use it for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.

Amiodarone is in a totally different drug family...its an

anti-arrhythmic. I take both..along with lanoxin, monopril,

spironolactone, and nitro....i take six other meds for unrelated heart

health problems....so i am a pharmacists dream come true!!

Hope that answered your question..

Please visit the Zapper homepage at


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i wish i could help you with the meds thing...... im one of the luckiest

in our elite group...when i retired from the police department,,,, i ended

up with blue cross blue shield and a 1 buck copay on prescriptions......

they have approached me offering me a substantial raise in my pension if i

would allow them to switch me to an HMO. i think hmo's are responsible for

a good percentage of early deaths in our country....you can guess what i

told them to do with the raise...

bob in pa

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Becca -

re: your question about Toprol -- I was also on that for awhile (don't take it now, though) and I'm told that although it is often used to lower blood pressure, it is also often used for people who have v-tach and other rhythm problems to slow and strengthen the heart muscles. (I asked the same question when they put me on it since I've never had high blood pressure etc.) If the Toprol is working for you, that is great, because it does not typically have as many negative side effects as some other meds. In any case, hope you don't mind me jumping in the middle of your conversation with . :) Just thought I'd toss in my 2 cents worth in case it might be helpful.

Regards -


Re: Drugs and such...

,You did answer my question, and now I amthoroughly confused. I thought it was ananti-arrthythmic which was the problem in thefirst place. Didn't have a heart attack, no chestpain, and the only time I am aware of my bloodpressure going up is when I am in a doctor'soffice. Hummmm. I know that I am way behind mostof you because I was hit with my situation as anemergency and after getting home, it took meforever to care about anything other than wakingup in the morning and having a pee. Brain wasvery foggy. So alot of the terminology is news tome. Guess I need to do some homework. Want toknow more about you too, by the way. You married,kids? Becca--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:> Becca, Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to> lower blood preassure, reduce > severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of> 2nd heart attack. I use it > for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.> Amiodarone is in a totally different drug> family...its an anti-arrhythmic. I > take both..along with lanoxin, monopril,> spironolactone, and nitro....i take > six other meds for unrelated heart health> problems....so i am a pharmacists > dream come true!!> Hope that answered your question..> > __________________________________________________

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Lord, you have been through it! I admire your

spirit. Looked up toprol and evidently it is used

to treat arrythmias too, which is my problem,

things speeding up too much. So it is appropriate

I guess, and it couldn't hurt with the rest of

the stuff it is supposed to help. No side effects

that I can tell which is a good thing too.

Marfans is an inheritable condition that effects

the connective tissues and any number of organs.

Classic Marfans have a certain look about them,

or at least that is my experience. My brother,

Mark, was classic. He was over 6'5 " in height,

very long arms and legs, exceptionally thin with

oversized joints. His eyes roamed around because

the muscles could not keep them in place, but he

could control them. High palates, extemely long

fingers. Mark was a savant in music on the oboe

and one of his advantages was the long reach of

the fingers. I have heard that Paganini(sic) the

violinest, was a Marfan, as is rumored that

Abraham Lincoln was too. I am considered a trace

with the curvature of spine, eye problems, and

the ever charming heart valve joy. Mark died at

15 from an aortic blow-out like my father who

died at 29 from same. There's a website:

http://www.Marfans.org you can check. I wonder

sometimes when I see these very tall guys on the

basketball court if they are Marfan. Hope that

helps. I had to look it up since I know what it

is, but afraid I had forgotten the geist of it.


--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:

> Becca, different drugs can do different

> things...maybe Toprol has other

> properties that i am unaware of, i guess you

> should check with your Doc. or

> pharmicist...i hope i haven't concerned you,

> remember i am a writer, not a

> Doc....let me know what you find out, ok?

> You asked a little about me..well i am 37.

> Going through a divorce, and have

> two children...Skyler, my son will be 13 and

> Shelby, my daughter will be 11.


> This isn't my first marriage and THATS a whole

> 'nother story...But, i am a

> writer, and just started working for a local

> talent agency doing on camera

> work..( commercials, training videos ect...)and

> have been disabled with this

> heart of mine since 1991.I went in to cardiac

> arrest about 10 minutes afte

> Shelby was born...and thats when the fun

> began!!!

> Open heart in 1992..5 oblations (sp?) 3 ICD's

> and 4 pacemakers later...i am

> alive and kickin!!!!!

> My life has been....interesting, to say the

> least.....but i count my

> blessings and put up with the rest. Thanx for

> askin about me, and if there

> is anything else you were curious about..just

> let me know.....this life is an

> open book!

> Becca, maybe you could explain to me what

> Marfans Syndrome is? I have not

> ever heard of it...i could look it up, but

> thought maybe you could explain it

> in terms i can understand!

> Friends...




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Sue, your health care concerns sound familiar...i have different circumstances but same difficulties..been in disability for almost 11 years... i do meet the requirements for state aid...and they still bleed me dry.

I don't understand why we get punished twice...its bad enough to be sick but to be poor on top of it seems to add insult to injury!!!

Oh well, my Father says i have to be alive to complain..which pretty much puts it all in perspective...

The important thing is that i look good...and yellow is apparently a good color for me..lol....by the way, i decided to put a little grey poupon behind my ears..to complete the look. Great results so far...my downstairs neighbor who is about 70 and smokes dope gave me a once over today when i left my apartment!!!! Whoooohooo...things are lookin up for me now!!! I think he had the munchies cuz when i looked back at him he had a hot dog in his hand and a pathetic look on his face..scary!!!

See ya later Sue,

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Sue..thank you for sharing the story about your friend Kathy...it must have been very painful to tell. I know it was difficult to hear...yet, there is definitely a lesson to be learned...to never take our precious lives for granted.

You mentioned that you never got to say goodbye to your friend...may i may a suggestion? Since she is refusing phone call, write a letter to her...you don't even have to send it, but my friend, closure is so important when we loose someone we love.

My best friend, Danny, died in a tragic drunk driving accident just after we graduated from highschool....we had been neighbors and best friends all our lives. He died immediately..so of course i never got to tell him how much i loved him, how sorry i was that our children wouldn't grow up together..to be best friends too..

Anyway i wrote him a lengthy letter explaining how i felt...how much i missed him, how angry i was for him drinking and driving and stealing away the dearest friend i could ever hope to have.

I am sorry for your loss Sue, and i think you are very brave for quitting smoking and recognizing that you need to do that for your family...and for yourself...and for those of us who are recognizing how special you truly are!

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

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> Bob, you have your own bin?? I am so jealous!! However the pharmacy

> does break out in applause when i walk in, so i guess that is

> something!

Isn't that sad tho? I'm usually the one who goes to the pharmacy for

Rich's dope.... uh, i mean..... drugs.

I know it's a small town and all, and i should be pleased that they

greet me with 'Oh hi, Mrs. Owens, how

ya doin' today?' but still...... i think the pharmacist could at least

wait till i leave to phone his travel agent,

don't you? ;)



" She was not quite what you would call refined.

She was not quite what you would call unrefined.

She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot. "

-- Mark Twain

Rich and Sue Owens



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> they have approached me offering me a substantial raise in my pension

> if i

> would allow them to switch me to an HMO. i think hmo's are

> responsible for

> a good percentage of early deaths in our country....you can guess what

> i

> told them to do with the raise...

Did it have something to do with placing it in a place where one could

grow mushrooms? I.e., dark, musty,

and full of manure? ;)

You are quite fortunate. Rich has a Medicare supplement 'plan' (i

think the plan is to starve us to death).

At first, 7 yrs. ago, they were satisfied with the premiums they got

from the deduction from his disability check

for 'Medicare B'. His med. copay was typically $10-$20/each. Now we pay

an extra $60/month just to keep

the alleged plan, including the $40 they get from Medicare B. His med.

copays are $40/each. He's on 7 meds.

You do the math, it makes me too tired (and hungry).

Oh, and we don't qualify for any of those 'low income' helping

programs. Even tho i only make $9.50/hr.,

and have two kids to support (with no help from their deadbeat dad, but

do not get me started on THAT!) :)



" She was not quite what you would call refined.

She was not quite what you would call unrefined.

She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot. "

-- Mark Twain

Rich and Sue Owens



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> oday when i left my apartment!!!! Whoooohooo...things are lookin up

> for me now!!! I think he had the munchies cuz when i looked back at

> him he had a hot dog in his hand and a pathetic look on his

> face..scary!!!

So... how big was the hot dog? ;)

Yeppers..... you gotta laugh, or you will surely die.

Case in point.... A friend (nurse by profession) at work got

injured by a pt. a couple wks. ago.

She's my age, btw. (late 40s). 5 kids like i have. Her 2 youngest are

the same ages as my 2 youngest.

They thot the patient broke her ribs, since he head-butted her.

I found out today how wrong they were.

She had an x-ray. She has terminal lung cancer. It has invaded her

brain and her bones, as well as

taken over both lungs. She is now in hospice care. She wants no visitors

or fone calls. I just talked to

her this past Monday. :(

We spent our breaks at work today telling Kathy jokes. And making fun

of ourselves for continuing

to smoke. Black humor, at its lowest.

Kathy, my friend, i never got to say good-bye to you. I pray that you

are wrapped in the arms of

God, and that you have an easy journey Home.

I cannot fix you, although i wish i had that Power.

All i can do is quit smoking, so that my girls won't suffer as yours

are doing.

Sue (i'm gonna be real crabby the next few wks., so bear with me,


and thanks for listening)


" She was not quite what you would call refined.

She was not quite what you would call unrefined.

She was the kind of person that keeps a parrot. "

-- Mark Twain

Rich and Sue Owens



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same for me i walk in and get meds and have three big bags full thank god for insurnce but it looks like i take the phamracy home alot of meds they give me they only stock because of me


-----Original Message-----From: RJS [mailto:bobbyj85@...]Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 11:19 AM Subject: Re: Drugs and such...it seems most of us in the zapper family are a pharmacists dream. when i walk into cvs ive noticed they have a bin just for me......like you shawn, i take a ton of meds....thank god for insurance. bob in paAt 01:08 PM 7/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:

Becca, Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to lower blood preassure, reduce severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of 2nd heart attack. I use it for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.Amiodarone is in a totally different drug family...its an anti-arrhythmic. I take both..along with lanoxin, monopril, spironolactone, and nitro....i take six other meds for unrelated heart health problems....so i am a pharmacists dream come true!!Hope that answered your question.. Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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HI Becca;

Here is a link for amiodrone and once you're there you can hit the tabs on

top to find out more. Love TURK


>From: Becca <beccageo1980@...>



>Subject: Re: Drugs and such...

>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:29:25 -0700 (PDT)


>What is amiodarone? What is it supposed to do or

>keep you from doing? I take Toprol. Is that

>similar stuff or a different species altogether?


>--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:

> > Bob, in your e-mail the other day, you asked if

> > anyone had a reaction to the

> > amiodarone...wanted to let you know i take it,

> > and react severely to the

> > sun..i can get quite a burn on my arms just

> > from driving. When i am out in

> > the sun, it feels like little pin-pricks when i

> > start to fry..i totally

> > sympathize with bacon now!!!

> > Anyway, i use 45 spf and stay out of the

> > sun..seems to alleviate the problem!

> > So, i am a lovely shade of pale ivory..but it

> > makes me look delicate..(half

> > albino is more like it!!) I did try that spray

> > on tan that you can get at

> > salons...that was an experience!! Stripped me

> > naked..covered my hair, put me

> > in a booth, and sprayed self tanner all over me

> > with these steel-like hoses

> > (like the ones in a car wash)...and wha-lah!!!

> > I looked like i had rolled

> > around in mustard, of course the advertisement

> > said i would look like i spent

> > a week in Aruba, but i looked more like Miss

> > Plochmans (a brand of mustard

> > for those of you who are anti-mustard)

> > Another interesting experience!!! Bob you had

> > no idea such a little question

> > would lead to this...i keep telling myself

> > there is such a thing as TOO MUCH

> > INFORMATION......ohh some day i will learn to

> > figure itout!!

> > Glad to hear you are a bronzed god...bet you

> > look smashin on your boat, flyin

> > down the lake/river/pond/puddle...

> > have fun and be careful!

> >

> >





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hey babe!!! Now you told me not to fall for you..so don't be offering me your exclusive health care plan!!!!

By the way...you are a darling and you make me smile..thanks to everyone for cheering me up today, I really appreciate it!!


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Thanks Turk, for the information on the

amiodrone. Just because I don't take the stuff

doesn't mean I should stay in the dark about what

everybody else is taking, and enduring. Love,


--- " Gurhan G. Ozdemir " <goturk1@...>


> HI Becca;

> Here is a link for amiodrone and once you're

> there you can hit the tabs on

> top to find out more. Love TURK





> >From: Becca <beccageo1980@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: Re: Drugs and such...

> >Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 07:29:25 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >What is amiodarone? What is it supposed to do

> or

> >keep you from doing? I take Toprol. Is that

> >similar stuff or a different species

> altogether?

> >Bec

> >--- hartofgold1a@... wrote:

> > > Bob, in your e-mail the other day, you

> asked if

> > > anyone had a reaction to the

> > > amiodarone...wanted to let you know i take

> it,

> > > and react severely to the

> > > sun..i can get quite a burn on my arms just

> > > from driving. When i am out in

> > > the sun, it feels like little pin-pricks

> when i

> > > start to fry..i totally

> > > sympathize with bacon now!!!

> > > Anyway, i use 45 spf and stay out of the

> > > sun..seems to alleviate the problem!

> > > So, i am a lovely shade of pale ivory..but

> it

> > > makes me look delicate..(half

> > > albino is more like it!!) I did try that

> spray

> > > on tan that you can get at

> > > salons...that was an experience!! Stripped

> me

> > > naked..covered my hair, put me

> > > in a booth, and sprayed self tanner all

> over me

> > > with these steel-like hoses

> > > (like the ones in a car wash)...and

> wha-lah!!!

> > > I looked like i had rolled

> > > around in mustard, of course the

> advertisement

> > > said i would look like i spent

> > > a week in Aruba, but i looked more like

> Miss

> > > Plochmans (a brand of mustard

> > > for those of you who are anti-mustard)

> > > Another interesting experience!!! Bob you

> had

> > > no idea such a little question

> > > would lead to this...i keep telling myself

> > > there is such a thing as TOO MUCH

> > > INFORMATION......ohh some day i will learn

> to

> > > figure itout!!

> > > Glad to hear you are a bronzed god...bet

> you

> > > look smashin on your boat, flyin

> > > down the lake/river/pond/puddle...

> > > have fun and be careful!

> > >

> > >

> >

> >



> >

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Yes ;

I know one. i think its called Turks Health care but one prerequisite is you

have to be married to a TURK. LOL Love TURK

PS:im sorry all joking aside i wish i knew one as well because mine is very

heavy as well.

>From: hartofgold1a@...



>Subject: Re: Drugs and such...

>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:24:04 EDT


>Bob, you have your own bin?? I am so jealous!! However the pharmacy does

>break out in applause when i walk in, so i guess that is something!

>I have Medicare and because of my disability, i receive state aid....my

>medical spenddown that i have to meet each month is obscene!!!!! It really

>burdens the kids and I...does anyone know of a better program for help with


>Take care....


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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Our Pleasure Madam. It is our pleasure and job. If for any reason we; all of

us, touch any of our lives i think it is the most beautiful thing. To touch

someones life basicly making your self immortal in someway. We leave one of

the proof's of our meager existence i think it is; besides love of a child

and loveone, the single most important thing i see. Love TURK

>From: hartofgold1a@...



>Subject: Re: Drugs and such...

>Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 22:09:32 EDT


>hey babe!!! Now you told me not to fall for you..so don't be offering me

>your exclusive health care plan!!!!

>By the way...you are a darling and you make me smile..thanks to everyone


>cheering me up today, I really appreciate it!!



Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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Amen to that Bobby otherwise i woulve been dead, taking 8 different kinds of

med. Do you have any idea how much my copay is. It is killing me man. Love


>From: RJS <bobbyj85@...>



>Subject: Re: Drugs and such...

>Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:18:31 -0400




>it seems most of us in the zapper family are a pharmacists dream. when i

>walk into cvs ive noticed they have a bin just for me......


>like you shawn, i take a ton of meds....thank god for insurance.


> bob in pa






>At 01:08 PM 7/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>>Becca, Toprol is a blocker...it can be used to lower blood preassure,

>>reduce severity of angina symptoms, and reduce risk of 2nd heart

>>attack. I use it for my cardiomyopathy..which it also helps.

>>Amiodarone is in a totally different drug family...its an

>>anti-arrhythmic. I take both..along with lanoxin, monopril,

>>spironolactone, and nitro....i take six other meds for unrelated heart

>>health problems....so i am a pharmacists dream come true!!

>>Hope that answered your question..


>>Please visit the Zapper homepage at




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But Turk...... have you figured out how much your meds would be with out

co-pay... i have scared the you know what out of me thank god for insurance

even if they are a pain

Suzanne in Okla.

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Hello Suzanne;

Yes i figured out my meds without the copay i think they come out to (i may be low on this im guessing) $400 a month. Thank god for the insurance but since the people on meds are getting to be more and more i would think they should try to eaze the pain or take off some of the weight from people. Love TURK

Re: Drugs and such...

But Turk...... have you figured out how much your meds would be with out co-pay... i have scared the you know what out of me thank god for insurance even if they are a painSuzanne in Okla.Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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