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RE: Fw: Kittens!

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Oh aisha!~!!!i love pet pics! They are all so darn cute!!Melinda

Fw: Kittens!

Here are two of Mother Hens babies ...

Kitty one is Miss (a on formal occasions) aka The Chunk ... you can hear her thudding down the hall its so adorable. She was a dumped kitten that was saved from the evil cat killers. Ironically from underneath a hospital where there were about 300 feral cats. One man just could not cope so he saved as many cats as he could. She was scratched and scared to shreds when we first got her, but she healed and with lots of hugs developed into a total hug slut! She is anyone's for a hug! Miss a also turned out to be a purebred Russian Blue.

Kitty two is Madame Seven. Named as she was born in a 7-11 box. She is a wee little kitty but oh so adorable and has such an attitude! Huh! Although she can be a snob, she talks and is very vocal. She used to pull my hair in the morning to wake me up to feed her. Her favourite game is chasing little balls of aluminium foil.

I haven't seen them in two years. I hope they remember me but doubt they will. At least now that we will be moving in the near future they will be able to live with us again.

Anyhow ... here are my babies ... pups are in the next email! LOL

Love a proud mama isha!!

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Kitty two is Madame Seven. Named as she was born

in a 7-11 box. She is a wee little kitty but oh so adorable and has such

an attitude! Huh! Although she can be a snob, she talks and is very vocal.

She used to pull my hair in the morning to wake me up to feed her. Her

favourite game is chasing little balls of aluminium foil.

My Mom adopted

2 cats from a litter at 's house (my brother's girlfriend)... but

a 3rd cat came as a visitor... so she has 3 cats....

#1 Ruffas

#2 Adam

#3 O'Henry

"the visitor"

I baby-sat

for the 3 cats, and 2 dogs a few months ago. The cats sleep with

my Mom, the dogs sleep in their kennel. I knew that the cats slept

with my Mom...

But when

I slept in my Mom's bed...


decided in the middle of the night it would be fun to use me as his "jungle

gym". I was sleeping on my side, and Ruffas thought my fat butt looked

like a slide. He did this repeatedly, until he woke me up.


about 4 am... Henry decided it was time to play, so he nose butted me until

I woke up to play. He doesn't take it quite as kindly as I

did when he did it to me, because I often go pick him up when he was sleeping,

and nose butt him... he hates it!!


are my Mom's cats....


O'Henry, Adam in my jacket, & /or in the pocket of my jacket.


those bright red cheeks? That was the day my cellulitis was diagnosed

(on June 15th, I was 6 days post-op... Dental Work done in the Operating

Room June 9th) in my face, neck, & was headed up into my brain.

I looked like I had blood poisoning from my brain down to my neck, by later

that night.


line was in place, by the time this picture was taken. I was so cold,

I had on a long sleeved shirt under my jacket.. my temperature was 103.5

at the time. But I had 1 dose of IV Vancomycin before leaving the

hospital after the line was placed.


cats are so spoiled it is not even funny!!! But so are the dogs.

Dogs=Girls, Cats=Boys... my Mom refers to us as either her "Fur Kids" or

her "Skin Kids".

I hope

your animals remember you!




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Anne those kittens were adorable!!! Ohhhhhhh I am so excited to be able to see our kitties again!

How are your allergies? You had a bad attack the other day, just checking up on ya.

Love A.

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Hiya Aisha

What a pair of cuties?? Love ya kitties, bet you can't wait to get them home. They are so adorable , must take after their mummy and daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care sexy

Lots of love


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