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eye for an eye

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I whole heartily agree with you Aisha. The penalty just don't fit

the crime here in the states anymore. They are treated better in prison

than our homeless people on the street. They have their rights!!! I don't

think so. You do the CRIME, you do the TIME. They get TV's, play time,

leisure time. What happened to the chain gangs? No wonder crime is up so

bad. Sorry just makes me angry. My brother was a policeman for 20 +

years, he quit this year, couldn't handle it anymore. He risked his life

to catch these perverts and they get a slap on the wrist and set free with

probation to go out and do a crime again and threaten him and his

family..... Makes no sinse!


> Think its the old eye for an eye thing when it comes to child abusers.

If they've abused with it - they should loose it! (mind you, that's

trickier for women but I am sure there could be a way?!?)


> <falling off the soap box>

> Aisha

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Helen wrote:

I whole heartily agree

with you Aisha. The penalty just don't fit

the crime here in the states anymore. They are treated better

in prison

than our homeless people on the street. They have their rights!!!

I don't

think so. You do the CRIME, you do the TIME. They get TV's,

play time,

leisure time. What happened to the chain gangs? No wonder

crime is up so

bad. Sorry just makes me angry. My brother was a policeman

for 20 +

years, he quit this year, couldn't handle it anymore. He risked

his life

to catch these perverts and they get a slap on the wrist and set free


probation to go out and do a crime again and threaten him and his

family..... Makes no sinse!


> Think its the old eye for an eye thing when it comes to child


If they've abused with it - they should loose it! (mind you, that's

trickier for women but I am sure there could be a way?!?)


> <falling off the soap box>

> Aisha

Although I wasn't

an abuse survivor when I went to court, I do agree with this whole an eye

for an eye. When agreed to waiving the child back to the juvenile

system for my Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide, it was only

after I was PROMISED that she would be held for the entire 5 years (with

additional 3 years for inappropriate behavior...which was likely!) she

was sentenced to.

She was originally

charged as an adult, and faced 40 years in prison. But this way I

was guaranteed that she would plead guilty.

I was lied to

by the courts, and the Dept. of Corrections. This child was released

from prison the first time BEFORE she had even served 2 1/2 years.

When she was released for good... she had NOT served even 3 full years.

What happened

to the rights of the victims / survivors? No one looked out

for me, after she was arrested. It was ONLY this girl that had rights

after that!!! I was told that my rights were nothing, by the

Dept. of Corrections - Juvenile Division!

Yes, it still

makes me so mad I can't even tell you!!!!


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I have to agree with you there. There is something really wrong with the

system. Look how our society is, look how we treat the elderly. I get so mad

sometimes thinking that we are called humans when we are the most inhumane

race on this planet. ( cept most of us dont eat our young)


Re: eye for an eye

I have to comment on this. My oldest son's wife is in prison for 3 yrs for

slapping a child. She is a good mom to their 4 kids, never been in trouble,

just lost her temper. On the other side, they finally caught the 28 yr old

that raped my girl when she was 11- he got 1 yr probation!! Something is

wrong with the whole system.



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