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Women & HIV/AIDS: The Changing Face of the Epidemic in India

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To mark World AIDS Day 2004 and its focus on Women and Girls, the India

HIV/AIDS Alliance and its Lead Partners in India (Vasavya Mahila

Mandali, Palmyrah Workers Development Society, MAMTA Health Institute

for Mother and Child and LEPRA India) in collaboration with the

International Center for Research on Women, have developed a paper

outlining their analysis and views of the key issues affecting women in

in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The paper 'Women & HIV/AIDS: The Changing Face of the Epidemic in India'

culls some of the key findings and lessons about the gendered impact of

HIV from programmes and research. The findings and views stem from the

Alliance's programmatic experience with its partners and ICRW's research

expertise on the gendered impact of HIV/AIDS. Several of ICRW's

research findings on the underlying causes of women's vulnerability to

HIV/AIDS resonate with the programmatic lessons from the Alliance's work

on issues of women and HIV/AIDS. ICRW and the Alliance believe that

listening carefully to women's voices and engaging closely with them is

central to slowing down the epidemic.

To received a copy of the paper in pdf format, please send an email to

pmohanty@... or contact her at Tel: 011-5163 3081 ext.


Balwant Singh Anuradha Rajan

Director & Country Director

India HIV/AIDS Alliance International Center for

Research on Women


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