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CR effects in sheep brains

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Hi All,

What is the %CR is difficult to estimate for sheep for which there foods were

" pasture hay (Normally Fed) or a restricted diet of approximately 500 gm of


hay/day/sheep (Lean). The Lean animals also received straw to add bulk to their

diet " and in which " Normally Fed animals weighed 60.2±0.8kg and Lean animals


39±1 kg (P<0.001). "

It seems from the pdf-available to all free below paper that " These findings


an anatomical evidence of central mechanism/s by which appetite regulating


and dopamine could regulate [growth hormone] secretion. Increased input to

[somatostatin] cells in Lean animals may be inhibitory and permissive of


[growth hormone]. The appearance of [neuropeptide Y] in [Growth Hormone


Hormone] cells of Lean animals may be a mechanism for regulation of increasing

[grpwth hormone] secretion with reduced adiposity. "

Endocrinology. 2005 Aug 4; [Epub ahead of print]

Reduction in Adiposity Affects the Extent of Afferent Projections to Growth


Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and Somatostatin (SRIF) Neurons and the Degree of

Co-localization of Neuropeptides in GHRH and SRIF Cells of the Ovine


Iqbal J, Manley TR, Ciofi P, e IJ.

Various neuropeptides and neurotransmitters affect growth hormone (GH) secretion


acting on growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIF) cells.


secretion is also affected by alteration in adiposity, which could be via


of GHRH and SRIF cells. We quantified co-localization of neuropeptides in GHRH


SRIF cells and afferent projections to these cells in Lean (food restricted) and

Normally Fed sheep (n = 4/group). The number of GHRH-immunoreactive (IR) cells


the arcuate nucleus was higher in Lean animals, but the number of SRIF-IR cells


periventricular nucleus was similar in the two groups. A subpopulation of


cells co-localized neuropeptide Y in Lean animals, but this was not seen in


Fed animals. GHRH/galanin co-localization was higher in Lean animals with no

difference in numbers of GHRH/tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or GHRH/galanin-like


cells. SRIF/enkephalin co-localization was lower in Lean animals. The % of GHRH

neurons receiving SRIF input was similar in Lean and Normally Fed animals, but


GHRH cells received input from enkephalin afferents in Normally Fed animals. The


of SRIF cells receiving GHRH, neuropeptide Y, galanin and orexin afferents was

higher in Lean animals. These findings provide an anatomical evidence of central

mechanism/s by which appetite regulating peptides and dopamine could regulate GH

secretion. Increased input to SRIF cells in Lean animals may be inhibitory and

permissive of increased GH. The appearance of NPY in GHRH cells of Lean animals


be a mechanism for regulation of increasing GH secretion with reduced adiposity.

PMID: 16081637

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\

ct & list_uids=16081637 & query_hl=10



Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@...


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