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Which study do you want to believe? (was: time to go vegan?)

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These studies are constantly being " revised " . For a while it was sugar that was the big culprit - in fact it wasn't so long ago that Rodney was suggesting starch was the villain. Now it's being suggested that protein and dairy are.

Be moderate in your consumption of any one food. Moderation, moderation, moderation.

I have in front of me an article in " Vitality " (Bluecross/Blueshield magazine) that touts the Mediterranean diet. The claim is that the diet led to a 65% reduction in overall death rates in - recent studies. I find this astounding number hard to believe. But who knows for sure? It all depends on which study you want to believe.

Here's an exerpt from the article: " A Mediterranean diet.....in combination with not smoking, a moderate amt of alcohol, and at least 30 minutes of physical activity.......led to a 65% reduction in overall death rates.

A Med diet is full of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains, and fats such as olive oil. The diet is low in saturated fat, red meat and dairy products. "

Note that at one time or another many of the above were dissed in health circles and here as well - fish, whole grains, fats, and olive oil for example.

on 8/16/2005 11:41 AM, cronzen at truepatriot@... wrote:

Is it time to go vegan? This is something I am constantly

considering. I currently consume yogurt, kefir (and their

cheeses) and egg whites. I enjoy them all, and giving them

up would be difficult. But, then you read about animal

proteins, even those in milk, being so dangerous...

On the other hand, there was the study recently posted

here that proposed lactobacilli make for improved nutrient

absorption in vegetarians.



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