Guest guest Posted August 23, 2005 Report Share Posted August 23, 2005 Hi All, From the NY Times today comes the fairly informative below message. Mediterranean diets are presented as not being best. A fair description of his contribution to medical science regards a 2004 JAMA article, which is pdf available, is in: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 23, 2005 There's More Work to Do for Longer Lives and Better Health By JANE E. BRODY Dr. Stamler's name is synonymous with preventive cardiology. Since the late 1940's, Dr. Stamler, professor emeritus and founding chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Northwestern University's medical school in Chicago, has been at the forefront of efforts to identify the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and establish the concept that heart disease, strokes and sudden cardiac deaths can be prevented through measures people can control - better diets, regular exercise and not smoking. Last year alone, Dr. Stamler, who is 85, published 10 journal articles and monographs, adding to the nearly 1,100 publications bearing his name as author or co-author in his long and influential career. Showing no signs of quitting, Dr. Stamler said in an interview in his Manhattan apartment that there was more work to be done if Americans were going to live long lives in good health. Q. Since the 1960's, coronary mortality rates have declined sharply so that now cancer, not heart disease, is the leading killer of Americans under age 85. How did this happen? A. A research base was created - through animal, clinical, population and then intervention studies that showed cardiovascular diseases could be prevented in human beings. Physicians with vision influenced public policy on improving lifestyles. Americans heard the message, even though special interests - the egg, meat, dairy and salt industries - slowed things down and created problems. Q. What remains to be done in preventing heart disease? A. There are still questions about key aspects of diet that influence blood pressure. We know that potassium has a favorable effect, and salt, weight gain and excess alcohol have an adverse effect. But now we're asking whether vegetable protein is beneficial and animal protein harmful and what role magnesium, calcium and other minerals and vitamins might play. We also need resources to implement sound public health policy. Q. Will the increase in the number of overweight and obese people reverse the positive trends of 50 years? A. Weight gain and obesity adversely affect serum lipids, blood pressure and diabetes. Still, cholesterol levels have come down from a high of 240 milligrams to 200 due to compositional changes in the American diet. Q. You've said we failed to anticipate the obesity epidemic. Why? A. When we first talked about prevention in the 1960's, we emphasized cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking, saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet, but not enough attention was paid to calories. No one anticipated that if you reduce total fat from 40 percent to 32 percent of calories, people could still get obese in a culture of automobiles, TV and concentrated calories. Companies responded by producing reduced-fat but high-calorie carbohydrate products that didn't help at all with weight. Q. Medicine still focuses on treating people who have cardiovascular disease. Is this is the wrong emphasis? A. For people who need high-tech medicine, I fully support their getting it. But the interventions are ameliorative, not curative, because cardiovascular disease is not curable. Interventions lower the death rate in the next few years, but that rate is still much higher than among people with favorable lifestyles who are at low risk. Presently, only about 5 or 6 percent of people 35 and over are low risk. Q. Doesn't a preventive strategy require changing our medical reimbursement system? A. It's been a farce for decades that insurance will pay for bypass surgery but not for measuring risk factors, routine physicals, dietary and exercise counseling and stop-smoking programs. This guaranteed we'd have the highest per capita medical care costs in the world Q. In the last four decades, there have been several reductions in what is called a " normal " level of cholesterol and blood pressure. Why? A. As data accumulated, it became clear that the definition of normal was way off. What you need is favorable or optimal. The relationship of serum cholesterol to risk is continuous from very low levels of 140 on up, that under 180 is optimal, under 200 is favorable, 200 to 239 is borderline and 240 and up is high. The same thing happened with blood pressure. Q. Do you expect still further reductions in what is considered desirable cholesterol or blood pressure levels? A. Having achieved a national average cholesterol level of 200, it wouldn't surprise me if there will be a further reduction to 180. The goal for fat needs to go from 30 to 25 or 20 percent of calories, and for saturated from less than 10 to 7 percent of calories. Q. Most Americans start life with pretty good risk factors, low cholesterol, low blood pressure, and little or no excess body fat. Is it normal for these factors to increase with age? A. No. The rise with age is lifestyle-induced. We're accommodated to a nomadic way of life that had little salt, little fat, lots of exercise, little or no obesity. Most of us are not genetically adapted to current lifestyles. So our cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and uric acid levels go up. Q. Who needs to do more for good health? A. Everyone. No mass disease problem was ever solved without public health endeavors, beginning with national policies and extending down to grass roots. We have to create a situation where it's an advantage to industry to do it right and a disadvantage not to. Supermarkets need to help people better recognize the products they should buy - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low salt - by putting up signs and displaying things attractively. Q. You've spent a lot of living time in Italy. Is the Mediterranean diet really such a good one? A. People talk about the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet, but they gloss over the high salt and high alcohol that contribute to high blood pressure and a death rate from stroke in Italy that is twice as high as in the United States. Q. What is your message to people who eat out or take out most of their meals? A. Friendly persuasion needs to be steadily maintained on the fast food industry to make its products more varied, more healthful. When people order in or eat in restaurants, they should ask for sauces and condiments on the side and foods cooked in olive oil, not butter. And when portion sizes are grotesque, at least half should be taken home for another meal. Q. To what do you attribute your longevity and ability to still fight for a healthier America? A. My parents were relatively long-lived. My father died at 84, my mother at 90. When I was a kid, a doctor convinced my father to change his diet - he was a meat and potatoes man - to lots of fruits and vegetables. I started smoking in college and quit in medical school when I became short of breath walking up two flights of stairs. I always exercised, and I still do, a minimum of an hour every day. I love to eat and I believe in the pleasure of eating. The idea is not to go on a diet, but to improve your eating style by emphasizing and de-emphasizing, gradually creating a modified pattern that is an enjoyable part of your life. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... ____________________________________________________ Start your day with - make it your home page http://www./r/hs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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